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Monkey and Secret Army 6

Minoto - Monkey and Secret Army6 is another very cute and funny point and click type adventure game created by Minoto. In this game, you search around for finding items and solving puzzles. Enjoy the lovely graphics. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Out, so sweet again, Love these games :)

  2. Hmm..not sure what to do with 'splinter of beehive'

  3. @Clueless, open the angel in inventory and put it on the pot

  4. Thanks Carola! Now i'm out too :)

  5. Don't get it? Was the turtle the great evil mastermind?
    By the way; a fat sun, isn't it great.

  6. Oh, there were more text pages to read after the first. So probably yes, the turtle was the one who manipulated the crab. Makes you wonder how he did it.

  7. a beautiful game.. graet :)

  8. i personally am suspicious of the smoking moai!

  9. The truth is revealed!!!

  10. At first, it looked like the moai was flipping everyone off lol.

  11. Wow! Is it Friday already. LOL

    Hi all.

  12. I guess you need Holy Water to clean things in Minoto's world these days.

  13. I thought it was going to be Tony Robbins.

  14. Stuck with angel with repaired jar...clicking like mad...heeeeeelp lol

  15. POP...forgot to do something else the pirate's barrel with the crowbar...after that quickly out ;-)

  16. Monkey and Secret Army 6
    Minoto Meets Dr. Seuss

    “I am not criminal” said she
    “I’m just a juice-head, don’t you see?”
    Boy Monkey answered “Is it true?”
    “Then oh, such fun things we will do!”

    “But ‘ere we set out on a lark
    Let’s find the crook, he’s in the park!”
    (Apparently, they did not see
    The Crab of such enormity

    Who just behind them clapped his claw,
    While Monkey Girl just sipped her straw).
    I took a key. A key I took.
    And it is key, it is! I looked!

    I used that key upon a lock,
    A lock that locked a big grey box.
    I opened it and took a look.
    What did I see? I saw a hook!

    A Safety Hook with one big crook.
    Construction Pup will use this Hook
    To sort through old junk, big and small,
    And extract an enormous Ball.

    “Air Cleaner” that will clean the air
    Of particle and smell, but where
    Could this Air Cleaner clean the air?
    Why near the Sun, right there! That’s where!

    The Sun is plump. The Sun is fat.
    The Sun is so plump and fat that
    It needs a rest, so down it sat.
    And so it sits, and that is that.

    It sits upon the Weighing Thing.
    The Weighing Thing then pops a spring!
    And then this Weighing Thing does fling
    A Bar with metal glistening

    In rays of Sun so plump, so fat.
    (But that’s enough, we’re done with that.
    We really shouldn’t make such fun
    Of Anti-anorexic Sun).

    But this Air Cleaner is not done
    Oh no, it must go save the one
    Who dresses like a Pirate, he
    Who once was caught, but now he’s free!

    From stogie puffing Moai-Head
    That Head that fills us all with dread
    Who solemnly just sits and waits
    For what, you ask? Why, for his fate.

    I use the Bar to move the Rock
    The Rock that the big Cave did block
    The Rock I moved out of the way
    So Mr. Bear could come and lay

    In his snug Rock, his big Bear Lair.
    He left the tree just standing there
    And Bee who hovered in the air
    Dropped a splinter right down where

    It sat with durability,
    This splinter that came from the Bee,
    And had six sides, six sides we’re told
    To fill a six side slotted hole.

    Meanwhile, I found an Angel who
    Said Turtle helped her, yes it’s true.
    This Angel had a broken jar
    And she’d been searching near and far

    To find a plug that has six sides
    A hexagon that smoothly slides
    Into the six-side slotted hole
    That mars her jar, and make it whole.

    To be continued

  17. Part two (of two) now continues

    Now Pirate Boy hops on the Ship,
    The Ship that floats in its Ship Slip,
    And brings a Barrel out so we
    Can use the Bar to set it free

    Within the barrel lies a Box
    A Box that tightly tied string locks
    Oh ho, but this string will not stay
    For Crab with Claws cuts it away!

    Inside the box, that had the string
    Is Medicine for eyes that sting
    I wonder who’d need such a thing
    As drops to end eye-suffering?

    Not Mr. Bear, no he’s OK
    Not plump fat Sun, oh no, no way
    Not stogie smoking Large Stone Head
    And Angel has blue eyes, not red.

    Let’s give those drops to someone who
    Can really use them, and will do
    Most anything we ask them to
    If we make his poor red eyes blue

    The Mountain sheds such tears of joy
    They fill the Angel’s jar, oh boy!
    They make it Holy (not with holes!)
    So she can cleanse the Turtle’s Soul,

    Because the Turtle helped her when
    She needed help, he was her friend.
    And then the Monkey Boy appeared,
    Speaking words that were so weird.

    Even in Minoto Land
    We usually can understand
    The gist of what is written here
    But not today, not me, I fear!

    “When you expect the answer from”
    The Monkey says, while Turtle hums
    “the meaning to which you have the
    signboard of the park” and then he

    Asks Turtle if he is a crook.
    And then implies Police will book
    The Turtle in the jail if he
    Does not speak Truth, and truthfully.

    The Turtle said the reason then.
    And what that reason was, my friends,
    Was that he could not easily
    Play in the park, and that’s why he

    Renamed the park with his own name.
    He called it “Turtle Park” and claimed
    That his acts came from innocence.
    He did not mean to give offense.

    And so another episode
    Comes to a close in Minoto
    Until next week, it seems, my friends
    This story’s done, this is THE END!

  18. I love escape games
    In the winter,
    I love escape games
    In the fall,
    And Minoto are the games,
    That I love most of all!

    Comments are as wonderful as the game.

  19. Zoz!
    I bow to your amazing creativity, wit, humor, and originality!!!! So much fun to read your walkthrough! Thanks for your effort!
    It makes the wonderful Minoto games even more enjoyable knowing you'll post something to make me smile :)

  20. ZOZ - magnificent .. what more can I say! An awesome Minoto-song. This was a very sweet one :o)

  21. @zoz - Hilarious and clever, as usual!!! What a treat your WT's, ST's and OT's (Other Throughs)are! So much fun to read, as are the Minoto games themselves.


  22. FINALLY A NEW MINOTTO! I was having serious withdrawels for a bit lol

  23. Thanks, ZOZ, for the wonderful Seuss-through!

    Now, can anyone explain why it is that when I plug the hole in the jar, it becomes broken?

  24. @zoz, really love this Minoto/Seuss rhyme. Thanks a lot.

  25. @zoz Great poem, thank you very much for making it so enjoyable. ♥


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