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Mystic Asylum Walkthrough

Mystic Asylum


Mystic Asylum is a new point and click adventure / escape game from Self Defiant for Melting-Mindz.com. You have been chosen to rid this mystic asylum of negative energy. Once you enter inside the asylum you will need to collect positive energy orbs to help get rid of the negative energy. Be warned that once you enter, the negative energy will try to consume you, it will also prevent you from leaving. Good luck and have fun!

Note: Please note that this game is very large over 6 Mb, there are 35 awesome rooms to explore. It might take a while for the game to load on slower connections, sorry but I think will be worth it!

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is it the room with the bottles or the rooms with the medicine bottles?

I cant click on the drawer, I can only see a sliver of if it brings me to the next room

still stuck, where is in that room? I moved the bottle that moves but still nothing... maybe I got that one already and forgot? Where is the first one? I got the one from the puzzle box and one from the floor time

Thanks for the great game SelfDefiant!! Love your games! This was the first one of yours that I played that had a bug and you fixed it right away. Thank you!

never mind wrong room! found it!

Wow - that was quite a game.

I did get the disappearing purple room bug, (went back to ell shy). But reloading fixed it for me.

I may do a map like stu is doing - this is definitely going to be a re-playable game.

drawer is on the right.

Danielle - it's the room with lots and lots of bottles - not the one with the shelf with the empty bottles. The drawer is on the right side.

lol - too late - oh well, it may help someone else - I did the same as you at first. Wrong room...

By the way - this was a SSSG - did anyone find a coin?

       Anonymous  12/3/10, 1:20 PM  

In the room with all the bottles (where you got the book) the drawer is on the right, sort of behind the shelves that the bottles are on.

I have got right to the end but the purple room bug has unfortunately spoilt the game for me :( I didn't see the note with the hint for the shapes box and now cannot open the box. I have tried the order someone gave earlier, but this doesn't work. Shame as I really enjoyed this challenging game even tho its a bit spooky for me (im a real chicken).Thanks anyway !

anyone tell me where the yellow gem is thanks

thanks to lesley for your map it helped me to find the yellow gem

danielle - if I remember correctly, the drawer is to the far right


For room names I use the map from the inventory. The bottom row is row 1 (R1) and for the columns I count from left to right on that row. So even if there are more rooms to the left on another row I still name the most left room on a certain row column 1 (C1).

You need to take at least 25 purple orbs to finish (all around the rooms), but I won't describe the orbs, just take them when you see them


R2, C1
- Drag the paper on the left wall away and take the YELLOW GEM.
- GO RIGHT, UP (2x), LEFT, UP.

R5, C2
- Take the SCREWDRIVER (on the floor to the left of the big wheel).

R2, C3
- Zoom in on the panel on the wall and see 539.
- Use the screwdriver on the bottom panel of the brown box below the window and take the GREEN KEY.
- GO LEFT, UP (2x), LEFT (2x) (use green key), DOWN.

R3, C2
- See ELL SHY on the bed.
- Take the KNIFE from the bottom of the left window.
- GO UP, LEFT (2x).

R1, C1
- Zoom in on the code box in the left window and put in the number you saw in R2 C3 (539) and take PART 1 of the CIRCLE.

R3, C1
- Use the screwdriver on the panel on the left and take the GREEN GEM.
- Take the RUBBER GLOVE (on the floor under the left side of the bathtub).

R3, C3
- Zoom in on the barrel and use the glove to take the GREY KEY.
- GO LEFT, UP, RIGHT (3x), UP, RIGHT, UP (2x).

R7, C6
- Use the knife to take the RED KEY from the ceiling.
- GO DOWN (2x), LEFT, UP (2x).


For room names I use the map from the inventory. The bottom row is row 1 (R1) and for the columns I count from left to right on that row. So even if there are more rooms to the left on another row I still name the most left room on a certain row column 1 (C1).

R7, C5
- Take the BOOK (bottom left of the screen).
- Open the drawer on the right side of the screen and take PART 2 of the CIRCLE.
- GO DOWN (2x), LEFT (use red key), RIGHT.

R6, C5
- Use the knife on the darker tile on the right and take PART 3 of the CIRCLE.

R7, C4
- Zoom in on the cupboard in the back on the left. Remember the hint ELL SHY on the bed and in the book (in your inventory) you see an anagram of that SHELLY and that number is 2317. Use that and take the HAMMER.

R7, C3
- Use the hammer on the window to take the BLUE GEM.
- See the shapes hint on the frame of the window (star-circle-diamond-star-diamond).
- GO RIGHT, DOWN (4x), UP (use grey key),

R5, C3
- Take the CROWBAR (on the stairs, to the right of the bucket).

R6, C2
- Zoom in on the seat of the chair and use the knife on the crack and take the PURPLE KEY.


For room names I use the map from the inventory. The bottom row is row 1 (R1) and for the columns I count from left to right on that row. So even if there are more rooms to the left on another row I still name the most left room on a certain row column 1 (C1).

R6, C3
- Zoom in the codebox (on the floor) and use the shapes you saw in R7 C3 (star-circle-diamond-star-diamond) and take PART 4 of the circle.
- GO LEFT (2x), DOWN (2x), RIGHT (2x).

R4, C4
- Zoom in on the grey circle in the back and put all 4 circle parts in and take the RED GEM.
- GO LEFT, DOWN, LEFT (3x), UP (use purple key).

R5, C1
- Use the crowbar on the hatch under the left table and take the GOLDEN KEY.
- GO DOWN, RIGHT (3x), UP (3x) (use golden key), RIGHT.

R7, C2
- Take the COAT HANGER from the right wall.

R4, C6
- Zoom in on the box on the floor (to the right of the wheelchair) and use the coathanger to open it. Take the PURPLE GEM.

R6, C7
- Use the hammer on the big ball on the stairs post and take the ORANGE GEM.
- GO DOWN (4x), UP (4x).

R8, C1
- Put all 6 gems in the star and click the middle of the star and you're out (you can only put the gems in if you collected at least 25 orbs).

@Selfdefiant: Great game, and fun to play your first one again to compare them! But why is the bug with the axe still in it?

@small-tool: Great walkthrough! You care to write a walkthrough for the orbs too?

Just kidding s-m :-)

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@Alexander: I have no idea? Axe bug? Also what "first one" are you speaking of? Glad you liked it!!

       Anonymous  12/3/10, 10:21 PM  

Wow!! Loved this game! Self-Defiant, you do great work! And it is very much appreciated. Sorry I missed this live...but I'm happy to say I made it out all by myself-didn't even need a hint! How many orbs were there in total? I found 50, what did everyone else come up with?

@small-tool: that was absolutely one of the best and most elaborate walkthroughs ever! Thanx for being my guide through the asylum, and helping me from going insane lol.

See ya!

This game did NOT autosave.

@selfdefiant -- still a bug with the purple-key room. I went in fine (several times) before I found the key, then went back after finding it and there was a door to be unlocked first!

@Selfdefiant - You really do great work. Love to play your games, allthough they usually leave me dizzy, frustrated and wandering the halls of your asylum looking for a doctor to put my head right.Lol. Looking forward to your next one!

@Small-tool - thank you for the walkthrough, great job. Dont know how you do it so that i makes sense to the rest of us:)

I don't know if anyone has pointed this out yet, but the places that you use, selfdefiant, are exceedingly beautiful homes, or horrible, freaky asylums? Are you manic/depressive??? (of course I'm kidding) I think your games are brilliant. Absolutely the ULTIMATE escape games. I really appreciate all the effort you go to for our enjoyment! Thanks so much!

       Anonymous  12/4/10, 7:58 AM  

I am out with 49 orbs after playing all aftenoon ( doing other things in the house and returning now and then ). I made it on my own untill the glove under the tub.
I love these games because they are intelligent but I wonder where you find these empty dirty places for the photos :-)
I used the map a lot - without it I would have been lost!
Thankyou for a brilliant game and please go on with your great work, Selfdefiant!

I'm not very good at writing walkthroughs of this nature but perhaps my notes will help?

Room 1 (orb) go up to room 2 where you see the twins find (two orbs), go left and find (two orbs and an yellow stone) behind the paper on the wall, go right and up find (or)b and go up find (two orbs), go left and find an orb go up and find an (orb) and a (SD) on the floor. Go down right down down right find (two orbs) and use the SD on the panel near the floor for the (green key), also note (3 digit clue) on the wall. Go left up up left left use the green key. Find (two orbs) go left find (orb), go down find (glove) and use SD on grate for (green stone). go up left find (orb) and (plate) using 3 digit code. Go right right down find (orb, knife) and read clue (ELL SHY). Go right find (two orbs) and use glove for (gray key). Go left up right right right find (two orbs), Go up find (two orbs), Go right find (two orbs), go up find (one orb) and notice railing ball.... Go up again and use knife for (red key), don't forget the (orb). Now go down down left up find (orb), go up and find (book), move bottle for (orb), and open drawer for (plate).Go down down left use red key find (orb). Go right find orb and use knife for another piece of the (plate). Go left and up find (two orbs) and use for digit code for the (hammer) = clue is combining ELL SHY with book. Go left get (two orbs), notice (shape clue) at window and use hammer to breake glass and get (blue stone). Go right down down right and up and use the hammer on the ball to get (orange stone and another orb). Go down left down down up use gray key. Find (two orbs and a crowbar). Go up find (two orbs), go right find two orbs and use knife on chair for purple key. Go right find orb and use shape clue for piece of (plate). Go left left down down left left up use purple key. Find (orb) and use crowbar on floor for (gold key). Go down righ right right up up up use gold key. Find (two orbs) go right find (orb and coat hanger). Go left down down right left find (orb) and use coat hanger to open the box for the (purple stone). Go right right put all the plate pieces on the silver tray and get the (red stone). Go left down up up up up and put all the stone on the alter and you have finished! = 411 clicks and 48 orbs.

Whew, with a break for food, I'm out (46 orbs)after nearly 3 hours. Thanks @small-tool - I had to go to your WT several times.

@Selfdefiant - great game as always. Keep them coming.

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Where is the reflective piece missing on the bike?

       Anonymous  12/5/10, 6:13 AM  

Am feeling dumb - where is SD?

There are two walkthroughs on this page.

Sooooo....how many orbs were there?
I got 49 and thought I had missed maybe one...
Loved the game! Thanks for the WT @small-tool!!!!!
I got stuck about half way through and needed it!
Great game for me, @selfdefiant!!! No bugs for me either! Thanks!

Wow, @Selfdefiant, you are truly the best!!
You are Gamemaker #1 in my book!!!
Out with 48 orbs, what was the maximum amount you could find?
Great job @small-tool and @StuningGirl, for writing the Walkthroughs, well done!

       Anonymous  12/7/10, 9:40 AM  

cant find YELLOW gem... need help

       Anonymous  12/8/10, 5:23 AM  

found 2nd green piece of something in the chemical room oh and also book and if u move the bottom jar there's a hidden orb

Does anyone know where the yellow gem is? Thanks.

to miller at buckey i have three problems i have the gold key but i can not go through the door for some reason. but also in the room that has the box with the purple gem in it i can not open it so what do i need to do? james@dinsdale

       Anonymous  1/7/11, 2:56 PM  
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Shape box code is ☆○◇☆◇.
the hint is on the hammer room's window.

Leslie you rock! Selfdefiant may you live forever and continue your excellent work.

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Wow, walkthrough already posted here and I can't even get the game to load. It just came up on my computer about 5 min. ago.

       Random Game  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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