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Oceanside Escape 4

Oceanside Escape Episode 4 is a new point and click escape game created by Selfdefiant for EscapeGames24. You have been chosen to escape this oceanside villa. The only way to leave is by exiting through the gate with the golden lock. Your journey will be timed. There have been items and puzzles placed all around for you to collect and solve. Once you find the gold key, use it to unlock the gold lock. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. got rose,a note clue,and black key so far

  2. my goodness, @Self-Defiant, you've been busy!!!

  3. used black,have wrench and screw driver

  4. YAY - forget the holiday shopping! GOT to play this!!!!

  5. Use the wrench to take the knob from the lower drawer to be able to open the upper one. This is inside the room that opened with the white key.

  6. use SD to open jammed drawer for hammer

  7. Can't find that black key?

  8. Got four roses. Opened door with code (see marbles)

  9. Got a knife going up from scene where the roses are placed.

  10. another rose in this room (open safe with code you saw with telescope)

  11. note clue is for door with five color buttons

  12. Got hammer from using the SD on the jammed drawer... both scenes are next to the other.

  13. Silver key from breaking the bottle with the hammer.

  14. black key is behind a painting in one of the rooms,dont remember wich one

  15. Now inside the same room than you @zoz, after using colors from note.

  16. Inside the "color coded" room, got a memory card from a broken camera and another rose from another jammed drawer.

  17. Maybe I missed the order for marbles to open the rightmost room. Had to try a couple of combos before it worked.

  18. What's the color code order for the marbles?

  19. trying to catch up, don't know where to use telescope or how to get knife?

  20. light bulb in room where 4-digit safe is (bedroom - four poster bed) from right lamp

  21. knife in upper level kitchen; use to cut rose
    silver key room has candle you can light for a rose, also a telescope

  22. Just found the black key:
    Go up to the room it opens with the silver key (where you light a candle for another rose).
    Then go to the right and open a basket to the left of the bathtub; click on the lid to turn it and black key is hidden just there.

  23. I can see the knife, but it's stuck! Also searching for a lightbulb for room below roses room - think the key came from a drawer ina living room which had to be unjammed with SD.

  24. I thought the memorycard would go in the laptop in the room where you used the bulb, but it won't go?

  25. A bit stuck trying to find a place to use my telescope... maybe I should try the black key first.

  26. where to use matches (from table in dining room)

  27. LNS,
    One of the knifes is not stuck.

  28. I just kept clicking, and then had the knife in inventory.

  29. Ah after a lot of trying the memorycard did go in the laptop.

  30. s-t goes in front of laptop

  31. @zoe, use matches in silver key room
    anyone have a clue as to the four digit code?

  32. thanks S-T - found it! Where was the light bulb?

  33. AHA! Use the telescope oustide the house, in the pool view.

  34. Light bulb see Zoe at 9.00 AM

  35. puzzle box under dresser under laptop, :D

  36. Hello all, trying to catch up.

    Like Zoz already mentioned, it looks lately you´re making at least 2 games a day @Self-Defiant, wow...

  37. Hi, memory card goes into PC (in the front slot), bulb is in a table lamp in one of the living rooms.
    Telescope is used outside on the house wall.

  38. Take the light bulb from the table lamp in the rightmost room.

  39. Where do we use the code from the laptop and where the code from the telescope?

  40. Knife is in the kitchen with bar/table in the center, at the back in a wooden knife block.

  41. hmmmf have to restart, my sd disapeared on lightbulb, can't open the 2nd drawer.

  42. code from laptop goes on box under dresser, telescope outside by pool top left, blurry spot.
    and i'm out!!
    thanx self defiant, your games are the best!!

  43. @s-t, for laptop code, look under dresser in that same room for a grey box

  44. Code from telescope is to open the safe in the rightmost room. Got my 6th rose and 1 to go.
    Still have hammer and SD in inventory and the laptop clue.

  45. Do we have to combine the laptop code and the 5 numbers from the telescope to get the 4 numbers safe?

  46. Can't find the screw driver, or the black key...

  47. THANK YOU for the gray box @zoz!!! Hugs!!

    I'm out!! :D

  48. Edgar, I have 5 numbers from the telescope and the safe is only 4 numbers!?

  49. up to six roses now...

  50. @seawall, enter the house and go once to the right. The screwdriver is laying on the floor (left side) for you to take.

  51. @s-t, use the even digits.

  52. well, there you had lots of answers!

  53. And finally out.
    Thanks all.
    Your walkthrough Edgar?

  54. no probs s-t! have fun, i gotta go!

  55. Thanks, @Edgar, I am blind this am.

  56. @zoz, stupid question: did you get the rose from behind the pot by the starting gate?

  57. I can't write right now s-t. Be my guest if you want to.

  58. Actually it was more a kind of wishful/hopeful asking.
    Not feeling like writing
    zoz maybe?
    But if nobody does I will.

  59. I did get that one @Edgar; still trying to find the last one. I usually spend half my time in these games trying to find my way back to a previous location, lol/

  60. ...besides, I still don't know a few things.

    @selfdefiant, first of all thanks again for a great game... you just don't know how to do mediocre ones.
    Now, was there a hint somewhere for the order of the marbles?
    And a glitch: the light bulb says something like "the raft needs to be inflated"

  61. @ Self-defiant... thanks for all the wonderful games this weekend.. I got absolutely nothing accomplished that I wanted to do! :)

  62. Great game - again - thank you Selfdefiant

    Out now

  63. I am still late, missing one rose !! But where ?? lol

  64. Another tricky rose to get was inside the jammed drawer in the camera room.

  65. I don't understand the color combination :(

  66. And did you get the rose from the drawer in the room to the left of the room where the roses go.
    You need the wrench there to switch the knobs.
    And of course you had the rose you had to cut with the knife.

  67. @Edgar, that's the one I was missing. Totally did not notice second jammed drawer!

  68. @ Candibar.. use the note from the beginning of the game. Red, Blue, Red...

  69. Candibar,
    Colors are from left to right, use them from top to bottom.

  70. zoz, did you find the one that is in a vase in plain sight that you cut with the knife?. That had me foxed, can't believ I missed it. One of the first rooms, to the left.

  71. POP got it!!!

  72. 7 roses:
    -outside behind the pot
    -from using scissors
    -from using SD in camera room
    -from 4-dig safe
    -from lit candle
    -from drawer with no knob
    -from gray box

  73. Thanks small-tool :)

  74. @small-tool, did you start on a wt yet?

  75. I'll give it a go (i'm a bit rusty after a vacation)

  76. ty also Enjoy...I really do appreciate when others help...I usually hide in the corner for years because I could never figure out how to post on here till

  77. can I get a lil hint for the grey box code behind the picture in the right most room??

  78. Candibar, you need to use the telescope outside the house, where the pool is. Look at the wall, somewhere top left (and then use the missing numbers).

  79. kriege den einen schlüssel nicht aus Glas,und der 4 stellige code ,den kriege ich auch nicht raus und hin.habe bisher 3 rosen bitte Helft mal

  80. aha!! I was confused because there were more numbers than the code...ty Small-tool!

  81. The hint for grey box is in the PC, use memory card from camera on PC.

    Thx s-t and Edgar for the hints, i was away from keyboard, now trying to find the last rose!

    Obviously i am missing the rose i have to cut (i only have a knife but no scissors)
    Where is it ??

  82. marita,
    In the first room after the pool, there's a drawer you can open with the screwdriver. There's a hammer you can use to get the key from the bottle.

  83. marita, use hammer to get the key in glas !!

  84. The rose to cut (with the knife) is next to the marbles.

  85. OMG, did I say scissors? ROFL! So sorry about that! Make that KNIFE :P

  86. By the way I looked everywhere but didnt see a clue for the order of the three numbers. So I guess that one was a little bit trial and error.

  87. Danke
    mir fehlt noch der code,habe 5 zahlen vom teleskop,aber brauche nur 4 zahlen,das auf pc hilft mir nicht

  88. LOL Edgar :))))))
    Got it thx s-t !!!

    marita, use the numbers between the 5 digits!
    (gerade Zahlen)

  89. Marita,
    You have to use the numbers that are not there (like 2 etc.)
    And the pc code is for the box in the room with the pc.

  90. danke,guter tip,mir fehlt noch eine rose,finde nichts mehr,habe alles räume durch

  91. danke,hatte box unter schrank übersehen
    danke bin durch freu

  92. For the order of the marble code look at the first letters of the colors...alphabetical.
    B G Y

  93. marita, look at small-tool's comment at 9:29 for roses.

  94. lol Zazie, but the credits go to Edgar for that comment.

    Thanks george, now the game is really solved.
    And it even works with B G O.

  95. Oy, I meant O...don't know why I wrote Y.

  96. Thx Selfdefiant for this game !!!!
    Can't await the next one, you are the best !!

  97. Got the chance to play this now. A bit late, but still so very nice. Thanks again @Selfdefiant!!
    It felt like I was in there forever, but got out in less than 16 min, and then I spent the last 5 min looking for a place to use my wrench. Thanks @Edgar for the knob!

  98. Self-Defiant Defies Himself to Make a Mediocre Game - Through
    PART 1

    Move pot to the left of the gate to take the first ROSE
    Go right, then up (btw, @Self-Defiant, I like the new navigation!)
    Notice the left table drawer is jammed.
    View note clue on right table.
    Go right and look under the couch near the bottom of the screen for screwdriver.
    Return to jammed drawer and use the SD on it to get a hammer.
    Go left and notice the marbles on the table in the foreground. There are 4 blue, 5 orange, and 7 green.
    There is a ROSE in the bouquet on the table, but you'll need something to cut it with.
    Go left and take the matches from the plate on the dining room table
    Go down to the Blue and White room and move the painting on the wall and take the White Key
    Go back up to the Dining Room and then go left to the Bar Room
    Use the hammer to smash the glass jar on the left side of the table and take the Silver Key
    Note that this is also the room where the roses will be placed once you have all seven.

  99. PART 2

    Go left and use the White Key to unlock the door to the "drawer knob" bedroom.
    Go left again and take the Wrench beside the sink
    Return to the bedroom and click on the second drawer of the chest on the right and use the Wrench to remove the knob.
    Place the knob on the top drawer and take your second ROSE.
    Go right 5X and then up once. Use the Silver Key to enter the "telescope" bedroom.
    Remove the Telescope from the wall above the bed.
    Use the Matches to light the candle at the foot of the bed and get the third ROSE
    Go right and click on the basket to the left of the bathtub. The Black Key is under the lid.
    Go left and then down, and then left and down again to the pool.
    Use the Telescope on the left side of the building just beneath the roof for a Numbers Clue.
    Go up, then right 2X.
    Enter the Marbles Code to unlock the door.
    Remove the shade from the right lamp and take the Lightbulb.
    Move the painting on the wall and enter the four-digit code derived from the numbers you saw with the telescope (hint: what numbers are missing from that sequence?).
    Open the safe and take ROSE number four.
    Go left and then down.
    Use the Color Code Note to unlock the door.
    Take the Camera from the nightstand and remove the Memory Card.
    Use the SD on the top drawer of the nightstand and take the fifth ROSE.

    Go up, then left 4X and then down.
    Use the lightbulb to light the room.
    Place the Memory Card in the front of the laptop, turn it on, and click on the file for a clue.
    Back up and look under the dresser for a Grey Box and enter the clue.
    Take ROSE number six.
    Go up twice and take the Knife from the back counter (second row, fourth from left).
    Go down, then right 2X.
    Use knife to take the final ROSE.
    Go left 2X and place the ROSES on the wall plaque.
    Take the Golden Key and use it on the gate in the opening scene.
    You're out!


    Code from Color Note Clue: RBRGB

    Three digit code: comes from the number of marbles with the colors in alphabetical order; 4 Blue, 5 Green, 7 Orange so 457

    Four digit code: view set of five numbers with telescope, then use the numbers that are missing from that sequence; 2468

    Laptop code for grey box: move the squares around until you have the pattern that matches what you saw on the laptop.

  101. Not rusty at all, another great one, zoz.

  102. well as usual...I have missed the live! just starting so without looking at the WT...I would still like to say thank you @small :) you are the best!

    Self-Defiant...thank you thank you thank you for giving us so many fantastic games :) They have been coming fast and furious and I am in game!!!! Your games are the bomb :D Keep them coming :)

  103. Fun fun game...found everything except last rose...sometimes I forget how simply logical the hints are :) Thank you @small...much to my dismay I peaked for the 4-digit code which I should have figured!!!!!

    I just wonder why I would want to escape such a beautiful house!!!! Next time I think I will just move in :) Thank you again Self-Defiant!!!!!!

  104. arrggghh, i can't even follow my own WT! Puttachat is absolutely right, marble code is 475!
    Sorry if that caused any grief (and thanks @Puttachat)

  105. Hi all,
    Thanks for all the thanks, but they shouldn't be adressed to me.
    I didn't write the comment about the whereabouts of all the roses, I didn't write the walkthrough and I didn't solve the four digit code.
    Big thanks should go to Edgar who always writes in every comment where he finds things instead of 'I have this, this and that' and a few comments later 'I'm out'. And later he wrote that comment about the locations of all the roses.
    And big thanks should go to zoz who wrote the walkthrough.
    And of course big thanks should go to all the other people who wrote very helpful comments here.

  106. @small-tool, maybe everyone was just thanking you for being you! ;oD

  107. btw, I saw a Picasso exhibit on Wednesday and the gift shop was selling "cubist emoticon" Tshirts. For example, happy was '. D
    and smile was <":/ etc.
    art snob emoticons every one

  108. Lol Zoz, i just Googled "cubist emoticon" because i was interested and of the 248.000 results your last comment was at the 3rd. place, how funny.

    Btw, perfect walkthrough, i really needed it :-)

  109. out with the help for the annoying knob :P

    This was my punishment for saying I find the roses ones easier that Self's other games.

    Thanks to Edgar for the comment on where it was, to Self-Defiant for wonderful games, for zoz for doing a walkthrough, and for small-tool for just you being you. heehee

  110. Wonderful game. The perfect way to spend a lunch break. 5 stars from me. And 5 stars to the helpful hints and kind people here. I had already finished the game before I realized there was a Walk Through. I always need help on most games. However, SelfDefiant games seem to encourage me to figure it out on my own and that is a good game. :)

  111. Excellent game as usual. Found one glitch that I did not see mentioned, if mentioned and missed, please forgive the repetition.

    The black and silver keys, in my game anyway, opened each others doors.

    Anyway, great game, Thanks!


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