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Ubaitore Cash Escape

Ubaitore Cash Escape is another point and click type room escape game by Tsunematus. In this game, you try to escape the place by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. I've actually happened upon a live one???
    key under rock; card behind shelves

  2. Well... got a key (used), solid star on bottle = 3, star outline behind plant = 2.

    And that's about it.

  3. hi @trubbleBubble... I'm stuck trying to figure out the circle-triangle-circle-square thing and what goes in the red book that was already in inventory

  4. ooh, didn't see the card! Card in machine... Now I'm stuck again.

    any idea what those five spaces in the book in the inventory are for?

  5. hi @zoz... guess we're stuck in the same place!

  6. i have a feeling this is going to be like those Dasyutu games where it's so simple yet I can never quite get it

  7. ooooh big clue; look at back side of door over keypad!

  8. Bah! Stoopid game... Where's my flippin' Minoto?

  9. apparently, the red book is for number cards. I just put a yellow 3 in it

  10. yup, I got that. trawling through the lockers now

  11. use glass breaker on glass in second scene for blue key

  12. I've picked somethign up and I don't know what it is. bluey-white thing in the top left of inventory. Do you have it? Any ideas?

  13. ah... dunno what it was, but it got me the yellow 2 from the lockers

  14. if the bluey-white thing looks like a cup and saucer, use it as a weight to get the yellow 2 card from the scale in the locker.
    also, there is a 3 digit number at the top left of the grey door that you can view with the magnifier and use in one of the lockers
    did you make any sense of the stuff on the right of the lockers???

  15. got last number for book (7) by making the card with the up-down arrow go up and down, lol.

  16. lol! Good call! I guess the compass on the pic means that the red number for computer code is a 4, but not sure about the other points

  17. I'm stuck with the 3 digit locker code...

  18. yep, on the side of the lockers is the left - right code for the locker on bottom row

  19. I don't have a magnifier... Gimme!

  20. for 3 digit code, look at top left of grey door using magnifier
    What are all these keys for? I have r, g, and b, are we missing a yellow?

  21. hmm, magnifier may have been under the blue book under the desk?

  22. that was my second guess! the brown box under fish tank, but you beat me to it. Now, what to do with the 5,12, 2,3,7 in the red book? And the directions on the wall picture? And the keys?
    We need Edgar or small-tool!

  23. definitely! I notice the magnifier's still active, though? maybe have to hunt some more...

  24. Bah! I noticed one of the keys had 'A's all around the rim. Thought it was a clue till I saw the others were exactly the same.

  25. have a book and a key (used)
    really stuck

  26. welcome @jen_jen_carey. Good luck - my head's hurting from this one!

  27. welcome @jen_jen! help us!
    trying to BruFo the computer code but getting nowhere. Trying number of letters in North, East, etc and colored numbers found on cards. Nope

  28. yep, tried that... I still think the magnifier is needed somewhere first, but I've checked everywhere I can think of

  29. ok, we used the lower left house from the picture for one of the locker codes. What about the upper right house and the little houses with just one window? and the stars?

  30. @TB I agree with you on the magnifier, but i can't find a place for it either. Maybe the next room?

  31. I know, I was thinking maybe the compass points referred to the amount of lights in that section of the picture, but it seems a bit vague...

  32. hey guys not sure if i can stay too long but the light blue and pink on the computer maybe pink/7 and blue 5 from the cards in 1st room???

  33. catching up ... but it seems that if we decode the North/South, etc. then we should be able to get the computer code

  34. got it! use the directions for the computer code! (e.g., N for red), etc and the numbers for the purple and cyan circles!

  35. I think you might be right there, @Kara...

  36. oooh noooz, maths in next room!

  37. Is this one live??
    I'll check out.

  38. hmm. can't seem to enter anything in the 3rd room keypad

  39. Edgarrrrrrr! @TB we need not worry now!

  40. Use the magnifier on the door next to the fish tank...upper left corner

  41. Wow I feel stupid, I tried using that for the computer code before but I used capital letters and it didn't work...

  42. @TrubbleBubble, aw shucks, it weren't nothin'

  43. great find - math code now

  44. ok, got it, click on red book and then click on key board for math problem

  45. Upper right house shows lockers with items... Stuck where you are.

  46. Thaks for the help zoz! who needs s-t and Edgar? ;o)

  47. just played around with symbols until they worked

  48. oh, but I'll always need Edgar! Fun game every1!

  49. scene 2 and have blue key, bluey white paperweight (used),magnifier, red book with all the cards in, card (used) hammer (used) and key in scene 1 (used)

  50. sorry guys i was too busy clicking like mad

    games with diff language is so hard!! xD

  51. can't figure out the final math symbols anyone help please???

  52. Ehm, I'm playing the fastest I can (which I hate, btw)... I cant get the red key from the fish tank, how did you?

  53. Use each math symbol once only so probably only one possible solution!! Got the calculator out and reckon second symbol must be divide!!

  54. you need some fish food but don't remember where i got it but it wasn't under the fish tank got it somewhere else sorry

  55. maybe from one of the cupboards

  56. Ive got a blue can of something, maybe it's the fish food, but I can't get to use it... trying again.

  57. OK, now it worked... missed the upper view. Thanks!

  58. @Edgar playing again to find fish food

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. @Edgar, click above tank and u get a view from above

  61. Being stuck in the simplest and hidden views is my specialty, zoz! :P

  62. anybody...please just tell me the order of symbols in last door.....puhleeeeeezzzz

  63. Finally, out and just seconds before my little pea brain exploded.
    That was fun.

  64. Oh well, the last math took me a couple of tries. I'm out! Not as fun as to have caught it live, but at least I got to play something "along" :)

  65. Order of symbols:

    + / x - =

  66. My pea brain has already exploded...why can I not get this??

  67. Thanks for helping me out @zoz and @knotaklu!
    My problem was that I couldn't find the way to feed the fish.. those views!! Argh!!

  68. Finally...thank you I can go to bed with a splitting headache....but at least I can go to bed knowing I'm not trapped...

  69. Add,divide,multiply,subtracy, then click equals.

  70. See, thats why I dont give hints...I'm so damn slow! LOL

  71. Sorry I couldn't help more @Edgar, but I knew you'd find a way through! Now bring on Minoto!

  72. Yep, you've heard the lady!

  73. Click =? My brain did explode I think? Cant remember... Who am I ?

  74. Ubaitore WT

    move center rock and take key
    look behind right side of plant pot for empty star = 2 clue
    look at bottle for filled star = 3 clue
    look behind shelf left of bottle for blue card key
    use key on safe to left of door and then use card
    click on safe door for solutions for circle-triangle-circle-square
    Go through grey door

    look at cards next to brown garage door: 7= purple, 5 = cyan
    for the card with up and down arrow, click so the card goes up and down a few times and take yellow 7 card from floor. Click on it and it will go in the red book in inventory.
    Go left

    Look behind desk and move the blue book to get glass cutter.
    Use glass cutter to break window on the wall and take blue key
    Take blue-green weight from atop papers on desk
    Look at in/out box on desk and take yellow 3 card and add it to red book
    Back up and go left

    Note there is a red key in the fish tank
    Look below the fish tank and take the magnifier from the brown box.
    Back up and click on the top left of grey door.
    Use magnifier to see 3 digit number.
    Back up and look at picture on the wall.
    Note the colors for N,S, E, W and also the pattern of yellow lights in the house on the lower left.
    Go left

    Look at the right side of the lockers and note the position of the flowers
    Open the 2nd locker, 1st column and put the weight on the scale so you can take the yellow 2 card and add it to red book
    Open 1st locker, 2nd row and take the yellow 5 card and add it to the red book
    Open 4th locker, 2nd row and enter the code from the right side of lockers and take the fish food
    Open 3rd locker, 3rd row and use code from windows in picture to open box and take green key
    Look at top locker, 4th row and enter 3 digit key to open it and take yellow 12 card and add it to the red book
    Go right

    Click on fish tank, then above the tank and give fish some fish food.
    Take the red key.
    Go right.

    Click behind desk and then on the computer.
    Enter the code by using letters (CAPS) for the directions corresponding to each color and the number corresponding to two of the colors.
    Click "OK" and the garage door opens.
    Go through the garage door and use the blue, red, and green keys to open the math puzzle.
    Highlight the red book in inventory and then click on the puzzle.
    Solve the equation by clicking on the appropriate symbols between the numbers*.
    You're OUT!

    *the math equation doesn't really compute, imho, but it works so i'll take it!

    Code for 4th locker, 2nd row: RLLRLR
    Code for 3rd locker, 3rd row:
    Y Y B
    Y B Y
    B Y B
    Computer code: SW7EN5
    Final math code: add, divide, multiply, subtract, equals
    (Even though this actually equals 18.5 and not 16! Some things shall remain a mystery!)

  75. DOH - Through

    I forgot my basic math: 5 plus [(12 divided by 2) X 3] = 5 plus 18 = 23
    and 23 minus 7 = 16

  76. @zoz: first code is SPO4649ILER.

  77. Opened the garage door without the green key... Just clicked on the lock

  78. A very nice game with some good codes. I got stuck for a while at the last code since I first tried to solve it one step at a time and didn't put it together as a "whole" equation, using math rules. Great WT @zoz!

  79. caught this one from the random section

    thx for creating this game, Tsune ☺
    & thx zoz for the WT


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