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Grayscale Escape Series - Living Room

Grayscale Escape Series 12 - The Living Room is another episode of Grayscale Escape Series point and click room escape game from Rooms2Escape. You are trapped in a grayscale world! You are in a living room and you must find a way to escape! Look around,find items and solve puzzles that will help you find a way out. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. 2 new ones at once - always those difficult decisions to make

  2. Good morning...let's see what this has for us...

  3. hey! my first live one this year!

  4. seems like someone pleasured himself on the sofa ;-)

  5. Tennisball and styrocup and A=5 clue

  6. Thank you Selfdefiant! Your my favorite :)

  7. Hi miller
    what do you mean with the sofa??

  8. finished the trophy with tennisball for first white ball

  9. stuck with baseball and empty cup

  10. @SM: under left cushion is something which looks like a hankerchief with "sperms"

  11. oophs Miller - got it - thats cheeky

  12. miller - your sperm-paper gives 2nd ball
    (this gets naughtier by the minute)

  13. got 2nd marble on panel right of tv (use sofa hint)

  14. I think it was supposed to be a kids drawing, but it can be whatever you like! ;)

  15. if A=5 then the EBCAD shoud be 5 numbers - the code only takes 4

    and I dont understand that arrow hint under

  16. the safe is in the footstool you need the box in the bookcase for white key, and some combined codes. 3 marbles now, lookint for more

  17. There is a spec of blue on right sofa leg.

  18. think we need some water for the plant. but cup doesn't work on fish tank...

  19. got a key from solving 8 round thing box

  20. @miller cup works near the top. no idea what to do with the ebcad books and I WANT TO GET INTO THE LIQUER CB. Sorry for shouting, but I do need a drink ;-)

  21. the paper next to fireplace is just a filler text, probably we need only the clue on top of that sheet

  22. key opens drawer gives clue for 4 -digit - code

    which gives the safe - but I have only 2 marbles
    christina where did you get the 3rd from?

  23. swiss miss how ?? Pull down pendulums on clock to get white marble.

  24. got marble from clock with clue on wall

  25. late starting. You are probably all out by now.

  26. how to open box at bottom of book case please.

  27. have 4 marbles, opened chest to place them, but missing the fifth

  28. pop - christina - from watering the plant

  29. put fire out with water from cup but nothing happened.

  30. I'm up to 3 Rudi, so please some hints? The a=5 is for the text in the locked drawer btw to open the footstool.

  31. the text next to fireplace has A=5, B=6 on top
    when you open the drawer with the key you get a 4-letter-word which translated gives you a 4-digit code

  32. extinguished fire, don't know why though

  33. @decva1948: that was the ticket :-) and out. will stick around for a couple of minutes.

  34. I think I have some candlewax in my cup now. No more water out of the aquarium.

  35. miller: do you have the flashlight yet? then it's time for a little santa claus climb :-)

  36. Rudi - also missing the 5th and have no more clues to go on
    there is still the locked liquor cabinet

  37. no flashlight. are we supposed the box in cupboard with the arrow hint?

  38. cbh - any hint please with the 5th ball

  39. u need the flashlight ... it is under the left ...

  40. I havent got a flashlight

  41. can't find 5th marble. can anyone help??

  42. swiss miss: same thing: climb up the chimney, there's three bricks to be pushed, gives you key for cabinet

  43. @swissmiss -- under left cupboard

  44. flashlight under little dresser left of couch

  45. lol, seems I'm the only one missing two marbles. stuck on clock code

  46. miller, fitting to the games theme: it's hanging in the middle :-)

  47. out...thanks for the help.

  48. pull center pendulum lower than outside 2 and it gives marble

  49. thanks for the flashlight, can look into chimney now, but it's empty

  50. I am a bit dense here
    got the key and matches - trying to light candles but order from books doesnt work

  51. Miller there are three blocks which you can push open

  52. miller - there's three bricks (lft, right, center toward the opening). don't remember the order though.

  53. @swissmiss -- order from books work fine, you must have make a mistake

  54. wow, I'm really slow today. where are the matches? inside of liquor cabinet?

  55. pop - got it
    must have done something wrong first time round
    and out

  56. @swissmiss Mine lit in this order:


  57. @miller yes you are right

  58. swiss miss - 4 2 3 5 1 worked for me

  59. thanks for the help - I am enjoying those games

    Selfdefiant - you are the best!

  60. daf-schon - correct - and now count backwards

  61. think I'm missing a key for liquor cabinet, but I think I opened everything and can't find a place where to input the clue from books

  62. Hi i am stuck with the box in bookshelf, any help ?

  63. miller - to use the clue from the books you need the matches from the liquor cabinet.

  64. just went through the comments again. thanks SwissMiss, got liquor key now

  65. Miller - did you crawl into the fireplace
    there you have to click 3 bricks (a bit darker than the rest) when all are open you get a key for the liquor cabinet

    move the bottles for matches
    light the candles acc. the books (A- first)
    then you get last ball

  66. and out. thanks everyone

  67. POP got the box open.(reversed the sequence)

  68. @Zazie: use the hint from arrow in bookshelf (remember the direction of arrow)

  69. thanks Selfdefiant, another great one!

  70. Zazie - look at the clue above and see the way the arrow goes
    they are different sizes, something like 3,2,3,1 etc.
    so follow the order but start at the end
    number one is 5, so totally white
    number two is 1, so only the middle white
    its a bit complicated to explain

  71. Thx a lot SM, managed it already, but now stuck at the 4 digit code, what does DAZY mean ?

  72. I can't get the bookshelf box open. Help!

  73. yay! Out on my own. took a while since I had to answer the phone and let dog back in.

    Excellent game, SelfDefiant!

  74. @Zazie: think of clue on paper next to armcair. a=5 and b= 6, so z = ? and y = ?

  75. That's what I tried - both ways. Maybe I wrote them down wrong ...

  76. Oh whoops I think I started one way and doubled back on myself. Right.. onward...

  77. I don't think I want to ask what they were doing on the couch to leave tissues with that on it under the cushions. -__-

  78. Thank you, @SwissMiss. Finally getting there!

  79. anyone here? i don´t understand the sofa hint...

  80. for the rings: rotate the arrow 180 degrees (clockwiese ;) ) and look at the size of rectangles. so for the 1st ring click it twice, 2nd once, 3rd twice, etc...

  81. @Horst: sofa hint for right of TV

  82. Thx Miller and SM, i am out !

    COOL game Selfdefiant !! As always :)
    Thank you for all the great games.

  83. Ah made it out in the end with help - thanks to all! I did a lot of random prodding at the TV and staring at the long picture LOL. I like these ones.

  84. Lol, Happy new year, clockwiese Miller.

  85. @ miller sure, but have the x'es in common with the three key loooking pictures?

  86. @Horst K.: no. just look at the the direction they are pointing to.

  87. and rotate the hint slightly about 45 degrees and don't forget to click the center picture under them!

  88. Note all the book hints
    The box on the bottom shelf has circles that you can size
    Solve the box for the white key
    Solution below
    Go right
    Lift the left couch cushion and click the paper for a clue
    Click under the left side table and find the flashlight
    Note the top drawer is locked, and so is the right side table (liquor cabinet)
    Use the white key on the top drawer of the left table
    See the hint
    Get the cup from the right side table
    Turn right
    Turn right
    Click the paper by the chair for a hint
    Turn right
    Get the baseball from the middle shelf
    Turn the pictures to the right of the TV and click the middle picture under them
    Get the first marble
    HINTcouch drawingHINT
    Zoom on the front of the coffee table
    Enter the code and find the safe where you can place 5 marbles
    Solution Below
    Go right
    Place the baseball on top of the broken trophy on the bookcase – get marble 2
    Use the cup in the top of the fish tank for a cup of water
    Go left
    water the plant for marble 3
    Go right
    Refill the cup
    Turn around to the fireplace
    Use the cup to put out the fire
    Click the top of the chimney and see it is dark
    Use the flashlight there
    Click the right dark brick at the bottom of the inside of the chimney
    Click a second brick on the bottom wall of the inside of the chimney (4th row from bottom)
    Click the left dark brick – get the gray key
    Back out of the chimney
    Click the 3 weights at the bottom of the grandfather clock
    Set the heights and click the pendulum – get the marble #4
    HINTpicture by TVHINT
    SPOILERclick1, click2,click1SPOILER
    Go left
    Use the gray key on the liquor cabinet
    Zoom on the bottles and move the 3rd from the left – get the matches
    Go right and light the candles in the right order
    Solution below
    Get the 5th marble
    Go right
    Put the marbles in the safe inside the coffee table
    Click the handle and get the black key
    Go right
    Use the key on the door to escape!

  89. SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!

    Solution to the box on the bookshelf
    The books on the middle shelf have an arrow going from right to left. If you count from the rightmost dark rectangle on the books to the tallest one on the left, you will see there are 8 rectangles (count the tiny ones that look like part of the arrow). They come in 4 sizes. Start from the right – it is 3rd largest, going left, it is then second smallest, third largest, smallest, second smallest, third largest, smallest, and largest. So make 1 cover all but the outer ring, 2 showing 2 outer rings, 3 covering all but the outer ring, 4 smallest (showing 3 rings), 5 showing 2 rings, 6 showing 1 ring, 7 smallest, and 8 showing no rings

    Solution to the 4-digit code
    The hint in the left side drawer said DAZY. The hint by the chair said A is 5 and B is 6. So C would be 7, D 8 etc. Backwards from A, Z would be 4, Y 3, etc. Following this through the alphabet, you find that DAZY is SPOILER8543SPOILER

    Solution to the candles
    The books say EBCAD. The order matches the candles. Light them in order of ABCDE so light the 4th candle, second, third, 5th, and then 1st.

  90. verstehe das mit den ringen nicht von 1-8,kann da einer bitte sagen wie oft klicken,also1 a mal oder 2 mal? wäre hilfreich der tip und die übersetzung dafür bringen mich nur in verwirrung,nichts davon geht und kiste geht nicht auf,ich kreige es nicht hin

  91. does this understand with him do not struggle from 1-8, can say there a please how often click, also1 a sometimes or 2 times? would be helpfully tip and übersetzung for it bring me only in verwirrung, nothing walks away and kiste does not go up, I kreige not

  92. marita,
    1) 2x
    2) 1x
    3) 2x
    4) 0x
    5) 1x
    6) 2x
    7) 0x
    8) 3x

  93. danke,habe nun auch insgesamt 4 bälle ,wo ist der 5 ball? und wie komme ich ans feuer für kerzen und in schornstein,das kann ich nirgens ein ziegel entdecken,leider

  94. marita,
    Im Schornstein kann man drei Steinen klicken und dann bekomst man ein Schlussel.
    Mit den Schlussel geht dem Schrank auf und da sind die Streichhölzer.

  95. DAZY threw me for a loop. Thanks for the walk through. I would not have figured that out within my lunch break. :) Now I might have time to play one more!

    Thank you Self Defiant! I look for your name every time I stop by here.

    Happy New Year to all!

  96. OMG that was a tough one! I just did NOT get DAZY at all!!! But it's the tough ones that keep bringing me back :)

    Thanx Self defiant!

  97. I got Dazy - finally - after about the 4th time I looked at it.

    Thanks for all the new games, SD - I, too, look for your games when I come on here.

    Btw, do you ever sleep?

  98. Who Hoo.... first one solved without help in a long time. :-)

  99. help me cannot do the clock bit help me nowwww!!!!!!!

  100. working link:


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