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Police Investigation Escape

StoneAgeGames - Police Investigation Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Stone Age Games. You are a policeman, you must let the clues escape in the game, so you can find the crimes that the villan has done so you can have them arrested. Mouse around to find the clues to the crimes in the game. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. I've got 15 min... going in

  2. have dog from police car, brush, camera and batteries from store, tape from police station and crowbar from storage

  3. I'm guessing I need to get finger prints but am missing some printing dust

  4. Hey! I'm short on time too... let's do this.

  5. dog sniffed out some drugs in a car and found a flashlight

  6. got finger print off gun, put it with drugs

    opened camera and got memory card

  7. got photo from camera and combined it as evidence file, looking on computer but not sure what to do now?

  8. can see the four people in the line up but not sure what to do

  9. after you get the flashlight, go to the storage area, go in the dark, use the light gun is in trash can

  10. What am I missing? not sure how to say who the bad guy is

  11. The hooded guy is definitely the bad guy

  12. beside their pictures on the computer you can change their crime: drug diller, murder, grabbing, not guilty. You have to put the right crime to the right criminal, then go back to the line up and you're done.

  13. @Alice, thanks missed that on the computer... too bad I can't look at my evidence again

  14. I'm still stuck looking for the gun. My flashlight won't work in storage :(

  15. gotta watch out for those drug dillers!

  16. @Cassie, you need to 'steal' batteries from the store first lol

    I will have to replay later and pay attention to the evidence to escape this one

  17. Cassie has batteries in the shop on the stage where you caught the camera

    You imprisoned it in the pc, I am a Brazilian and my ingles is bad...

  18. @Panzer your English is great!

  19. to get the order for the offences look at the number at the top of the heads in the line up then match pics with numbers

  20. the hooded guy is not guilty

  21. Then just click the line up and your out

  22. After collecting all the evidence, you need to change status of each suspect on the computer. Then go to click the innocent one and release him.

  23. @cassie of course, I agree that the hooded guy is creepy.

  24. out with the hint to change their criminal status

    And I'm sorry. I don't believe that guy was not guilty. He was just better at covering his crimes. We should arrest him just in case!

  25. You need to solve 3 crimes to escape

    Get the police dog
    Click the car door to enter the car
    On the GPS, select a location

    At the robbery scene, get the red handled brush from the crate on the bottom left
    Turn right
    Take the surveillance camera from the back wall
    Take batteries
    Go left and back up to the car
    Go into the car and select another location

    At the murder scene, click ambulance
    Get the crowbar
    If you go inside the storage area, it will be too dark to see
    So back up to the police car
    Click the door and select another location

    At the drug dealing scene, use the police dog on the white car's trunk
    Zoom in and use the crowbar to open it
    Get the drugs as evidence
    Also take the flashlight (back left corner)
    In your inventory, add the batteries to the flashlight
    Before you leave, note the license plate on the car so you can identify the drug dealer
    Back up to the police car
    Click the door and select

    Go inside the storage unit and use the flashlight
    Click the trashcan in the opening in the left wall
    Find the gun
    Get the screwdriver (yellow handle) from the back wall
    In your inventory, use your screwdriver on the camera to get the memory chip
    Back up to the police car and go to the...

    Get the tape from the opening in the left side of the desk
    Combine brush with the gun and use the tape on the combination for the fingerprint
    Note the distinctive fingerprint pattern! This is the pattern of the murder
    Put the fingerprint in the computer scanner
    Use the camera chip on printer for the picture of the robber
    In your inventory, combine the drugs with the fingerprint and add the photo for the evidence file
    Use the file on the computer screen
    You can change the status of the people
    Going from top left – set number 2 from grabbing (robbery) to murder since he has the distinctive fingerprints
    Leave number 3 as grabbing since he is the robber
    Set number 4 as drug diller (lol) since she has the same license plate
    That means put creepy number 1 as not guilty
    Back up from the computer and turn left
    Click the creepy guy since he is free to go


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