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Silent Sanatorium

Silent Sanatorium is a new escape game created by Selfdefiant for You awoke to find yourself in the silent sanatorium. You have no idea how you ended up here. You are surrounded by a dark energy, collect orbs and explore this place in search for a way to escape!! Good luck and have fun!

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  1. A new game! Thx Selfdefiant

  2. wow! A new SD live. Happy Friday

  3. Hi Fudge.
    Small map this time! Yay! lol

  4. game :)) always..when I dont have much time...there is a new game showing up :P

  5. wonderful - thanks Selfdefiant

  6. I tried to keep it smaller with more puzzles. Thanks and hope you all enjoy! Don't forget to write on your map!

  7. Bolt cutters, lighter green gem.

  8. Great game..already..thanks @ selfdefiant =)

  9. Trying to do the lines puzzle.. But don't have any hint to help me there.

  10. Loading !!
    THX Self !!!!

  11. I haven't left the first screen yet, but I'm super excited about being able to write clues and save colors on the map! Selfdefiant, you are the best!

  12. got pliers (used) for green key

  13. ha! got the lins puzzle! hint on bags scene.;

  14. Looking for place to use pliers;

  15. POP! used green key. Code on wall.

  16. got blue gem from line puzzle..( clue was found at the room with suitcases

  17. Blue gem by making the lines right.

  18. Filled lighter w/ fluid , can light the candles now.

  19. @alkmar hello again. You get the other game out (saw your comment) Gave up myself!!!

  20. Bruteforced rubix cube for purple gem

  21. lol .. 4 dig code gave the order for cube.

  22. placed gems in star at the beginning

    and got to pitty :(

    Good luck, escapers!!

  23. No idea what's the order for candles.

  24. Hi Michael!! Hope this game will bring you more luck =)

  25. Good Morning! Loading...

  26. Stuck w/ 3 gems placed, SD (used once), and lighter.

  27. Grey key from lightening the candles.

  28. Order of candles :

  29. Need hammer for orange gem.

  30. got 4 digit code for color clue

  31. Sorry! Red KEY! From piano

  32. Purple key now.
    (hint for piano: note on scene of lines puzzle)

  33. Zazie candles scene on floor.

  34. Missing Orange and Yellow gems.

  35. i like this. thank you for making it easier for me to retract my steps. i mark every room i need to go back to. thats one of the reasons why i never finish games like this because i get tired of trying to remember what was only if you can make it to when a persons clicks on an item it automatically goes into inventory then , it would be perfect . call me lazy if you want.

  36. Only yellow gem left! Need hint for star/moon puzzle.

  37. im stuck on the candles too nini

  38. msnywoman23 for candles: edges to center.

  39. hi veryone...stuck with SD (used), lines hint (used), lighter (used);used grey key and also found a note wich says "my life has faded ever since I've been locked in this rusty cage"...hint for piano?

  40. Simona yep!
    Any ideas for moon puzzle?

  41. I don´t get the piano hint.

  42. How ironic. first live game for ages (and its an SD), the phone rings when loading and now i clicked on a .... ad............ trying to catch up from the start

  43. No - I'm too late - again, lol

    Thanx Selfdefiant!!!!

  44. I'm still trying to catch up... thought the piano would be cage, but not working

  45. Zazie ruse the words that highlight. (faded cage)

  46. oooh, game saves. forgot about that

  47. got it! Use faded with cage

  48. ARGHH!! Can't get moon phases box! Help!

  49. Thx again Nini and miles!!

  50. HAHA!! Hint for moons is on gold room lol! No way u can get there w/out solving the box 1st. SD.. logic fail... lol

  51. Purple key in fireplace

  52. @Selfdefiant, I've only just opened the game and love the new things that have been added! Well, maybe not the click counter.... mine will be high. lol

    Also love the interactive map!

    K, going in to search...

  53. need yellow diamond

    where is the hint for the moon-puzzle

  54. Red gem in chair in purple room, use knife.

  55. Guys gtg. For moons : Full Decrescent, Half decrescent, Full moon, Half crescent, full crescent.

  56. SM... There's a problem on the game. After u solve moon box u get gold key and moon hint is there lol!

  57. SM i guessed it and got golden key...start with smalles moon open to the left, a bit bigger, full and then the other side.

  58. missing yellow gem. Love the new map SD, thanks - so far another awesome game!!!

  59. thanks nini - how did you find out then? brute force?

  60. Moon hint is in the leftmost room, third row on the door.

  61. Yellow gem is in the same room

  62. But Zazie u can only get there after u solve the moon box lol!!
    So for all other players : bruteforce :)

  63. Any hints for the 4 digit code ? I only am missing purple gem.

  64. and out

    very rarely does Selfdefiant make a mistake like the last clue

    still very nice

  65. Nini, i bruteforced the box (think logical) and then i found the hint lol.

  66. Zazie
    4 digit code is on wall going up twice from the opening scene


  67. Zazie 4 dig code on wall after u use green key. Unjam drawer in beds scene w/ SD and use hint from the code to help u :)

  68. lol Zazie did the same lol! xD

  69. Out... it's always sad when I finish and realize I have to wait several days for another Self Defiant game.

  70. Stuck on 4 digit code....

  71. and I found 50 orbs - hope that energy last through the weekend -lol-

  72. Zazie - I gave you the spoiler

  73. Zazie look SM spoiler or my post after hers :P

  74. Miles1 -lol- I almost prefer them to play later on my own - then I have all the time to enjoy the game

  75. I don't get the colored cube - any help please?? How are you supposed to use the number code?

  76. Graham look on wall , numbers are there: 4396;
    use them on painting for cube hint.

  77. So I think the only thing I am missing is the SD to open the stuck drawer. Any help?

  78. Oh thx SM i did not see it, i had 4896 grrr.

    But still no purple gem :(

  79. Graham - you have to use the 4 digit code which gives you the clue for the cube

  80. I moved the moon clue, I didn't realize that I had done that. I am just glad it wasn't worse!

  81. Kenneth SD on floor candles scene. Open stuck drawer and cube's there. :D

  82. Back to the cube now...

    SD is in the room with line puzzle if i remember right.

  83. Kenneth
    SD is up twice from opening scene and one right

  84. Thx nini! I never saw the painting!

  85. Thx for fixing SD! Still great game. Btw: thanks god the code was deductable.

  86. lol Selfdefiant - we got there anyway

  87. And out!
    Thx Self, this was another great game, i loved the interactive map !

  88. Thanks Nini xD. Just missed it every time I was in there!

  89. and thanks SD, LOVE the interactive map!

  90. Uggh! What am I doing wrong with this cube?? I press the buttons in the order of the colors from the clue and nothing happens!

  91. missing red and yellow gems but will have to finish later

    Awesome game SD!! Thank you

  92. Graham
    go back and in again if you start with the blue the button shoud turn green, then follow the orders and they should all turn green

  93. @SwissMiss - Thanks! I had to clear the previously pressed button after I went back in then go out and back in again...weird!

  94. help!! cannot open the cube, even if I follow the hint on pic after 4 digit code. I tried L to R and R to L, nothing. What am I doing wrong?

  95. The cube cost a lot of time, had same problem like you Graham, but now it's done and I'm out!

    Great game Selfedefiant!!!!

  96. Nicoletta - it is blue,red,green,purple,lilac,yellow

    start with pressing the button on blue - it must turn green, then the button on red (turn the cube for that) etc. until all buttons are green

  97. Where is the gold key?

  98. Nicoletta - if the button on blue doesnt turn green - read comment from Graham a bit further up

  99. wow! look at the fancy SelfDefiant Game! Very nice!

    Out with help on the moon code since I played with it hidden. I did get all 50 orbs.

  100. mel - gold key after solving moon-puzzle

  101. refreshing helps, thanks SwissMiss

  102. I see the hint for the moon puzzle but not the puzzle...

  103. mel - go up 3 times from opening scene (the one with jammed drawer) turn right twice (where you found the purple gem in chair) the puzzle is on very bottom right corner

  104. Sorry I joined late, so way behind, but where is the moon puzzle?

  105. sorry not the purple gem, the red gem but opened the door with purple key

  106. LNS just explained - see comments

  107. Ohhhhh....sigh!!!
    I know I am always missing the obvious....but , please, where is the interactive map?

  108. Hi Nokra
    on very first scene on left wall

  109. Nokra - I have to leave now - but I am sure you will be OK - its all in the comments

  110. Thnxs swiss Miss - must have been posting the question when you posted the answer!

  111. wheres the grey door??????ive got the key..cant find the door.

  112. I am wonderful, now that I have the map!!!!TY SM!

  113. great @ selfdefiant... thanks for the interactive map... that helps a lot...
    @BigJ: grey key is for silver door

  114. My grey key opened the silver door...

  115. great game! almost got it by myself..that screwdriver was invisible to me lol :D

  116. I love Selfdefiant's games! Thank you!

  117. Oooh a new Self defiant game!! I LOVE IT!!

  118. Please, where is the yellow gem?

  119. Does anyone remember where to use the knife, please?

  120. Geez...LOL...I can't find the yellow Gem??? Any hints please???? I have looked every where and thats the last one I need...Thanks....

  121. where is the actual puzzle for the moon shapes?..ive got the hint but cant find where to use it????

  122. Same here...can't find the yellow gem! Anyone?

  123. where is the moon puzzle? I have the hint but cant find the puzzle?

  124. Danielle, read SwissMiss' post at 9.04

  125. I have read SM's post but still can't find it...
    where to use knife, please?

  126. @nokra: the chair you're looking for is on the top floor, in the rightmost room

  127. Here's a walkthrough. I numbered the rooms starting from the bottom going left to right on each level. So you start in room 2.

    I put in all the orbs but 1. Sorry, I missed one on replaying for the walkthrough

    Room 2
    Get the map from the left wall
    Collect orb 1/50
    Note the pentacle on the floor
    Go back to turn around
    Room 4
    Get orbs 2, 3, 4, and 5/50
    Go right
    Room 5
    Note the picture on the wall needs a number code
    Get the bolt cutters
    Note the moon hint on the wall
    Get orbs 6, 7, 8/50
    Go right
    Room 6
    Get the pattern sticker from the side of the suitcase
    Get orbs 9 and 10/50
    Note the pedestal is blocked – you need more orbs
    Go left 3 times
    Room 3
    Get orbs 11 and 12/50
    Go down
    Room 1
    Get orbs 13, 14, and 15/50
    Use the bolt cutters on the panel on the right leg of the platform
    Get the green key
    Go up 2 times
    Room 8
    Get orbs 16 and 17/50
    Get the lighter from the left open doorway
    Left needs a gold key
    Go up
    Room 12
    Get orbs 18 and 19/50
    Note the paper hint on the floor by the chair
    Click the green picture on the back wall
    Use the pattern sticker you found to solve the puzzle
    Get the blue gem
    Go down 2 times and right
    Room 4 again
    Go up
    Room 9
    Get orbs 20, 21, and 22/50 (one is in the spokes of the wheelchair)
    Right needs a silver key
    Go up
    Use the green key to enter...

  128. Room 13
    Get orbs 23, 24, and 25/50
    Note the numbers on the wall
    Go right
    Room 14
    Get the screwdriver from the floor
    Get orbs 26 and 27/50 (one in the upper right window corner)
    Click over the desk and note the candles
    Go left and up
    Room 17
    Get orbs 28, 29, 30, and 31/50
    Use the screwdriver on the drawer between the beds
    Left needs a red key
    Go right
    Get orbs 32, 33, and 34/50
    Get the lighter fluid and put it in the lighter
    Right needs a purple key
    Go left, down, and right
    Room 14
    Light the candles
    Get the silver key
    Go left, down 2 times, and right
    Room 5
    Zoom on the picture and enter the number code you saw
    (they are hard to read, so it takes a but of trial and error)
    Get the color code
    Go left, up and right
    Use the silver key to enter...
    Room 10
    Note the orange gem is trapped
    Get orbs 35 and 36/50 from the windows
    Go right
    Room 11
    Get orbs 37 and 38/50
    Click the piano and then play the notes
    Get the red key
    Go left 2 times and up 2 times
    Room 17
    Solve the color cube (nightstand drawer)
    Get the purple gem
    Go left and use the red key to enter

  129. POP!!!
    Lit fire, got purple key, went all the way right,used purple key, used KNIFE on chair...there is where the moon box is!

  130. Lalala...where's the yellow gem sos yellow gem help yellow gem desperately looking for yellow gem over...

  131. Room 16
    Get orbs 39, 40, and 41/50
    Get the knife
    Go left
    Room 15
    Get orbs 42, 43, and 44/50
    Get the hammer
    Use the lighter in the fireplace
    Get the purple key
    Go right 4 times and use the purple key to enter...
    Room 19
    Get orbs 45, 46, and 47/50
    Use the knife on the chair for the red gem
    Click the table in the bottom right corner
    Solve the moon puzzle for the gold key
    Go left 2 times, down 3, left, up and left
    Use the gold key to enter...
    Room 7
    Get orbs 48 and 49/50
    Use the screwdriver on the odd tile on the floor for the yellow gem
    Go right, down, and right 3 times
    Room 6
    You can now get the green gem
    Go left 2 times, up, and left
    Room 10
    Use the hammer for the orange gem
    Go left and all the way down
    Use the gems in the pentacle to escape!

  132. yellow gem is in the gold key room. Check out the floor tiles.

  133. @kitkatfox...great walkthrough, but I got everything...except the yellow gem...patiently waiting for you to walk me to it lol

  134. well, I can't believe I made it through this one on my own, woohoo! I only found 49 orbs, though.

    And @Selfdefiant, I love love love the interactive map!!!

  135. I'm keeping score of the orbs, if anyone's interested. Found bolt cutters, and green key.

  136. wow @kkf, great WT as always! Had I consulted it I most likely would've gotten all 50 orbs. I think I missed one in the gold key/ yellow gem room because I was so excited (it was my last gem before getting out)

  137. Ha! Thanx @kitkatfox...found the darn yellow gem...and out!

  138. came back to finish the game, and out.

    Awesome game Selfdefiant! I think the best new feature is the interactive map. I was able to write a letter to remind me where certain color keys went and where certain things were. VERY helpful!

    I did need to peak to find the SD (how blind was I?) and with the piano clue, I never ran my mouse over the words!

    Can't wait for the next one!

  139. OOh, nice one, KKF made a WT!! Now I can come back when I get stuck :D

  140. Ah! I think the orb I missed was in room 14. The one with the screwdriver and candles.

    there are 3 orbs in that room.

  141. hahaha I never saw the note words lit up when you moused over them. I just chose those words because they were the only ones made of the piano keys.

  142. TY KKF...great WT!
    Strange...I found the SD right away without help but had to be told where the map was...LOL

  143. Okay, REALLY REALLY stupid question of the day How does the map work?

    I can change the pen color, and I get a blue circle when I move over the map, but nothing when I type.

    (blushes since everyone else figured it out)

  144. I could not get the piano without mousing over them ...I had read the note, and the piano would not work until I went back and saw the highlighted words!

  145. I had the same problem...KKF... I was mortified to say anything because I always have some stupid problem....LOLOL

  146. Out with piano hint ! (Nini xD ;) )

    Thx again Selfdefiant ! Innovation with interactive map makes your games even better. Great game...again !

  147. thank you for making me feel much better, Nokra! I was feeling so silly.

  148. ......same problem with the map.......

  149. @kitKatFox : don't type, just click'n'write with your cursor ;-)

    Very useful for me to draw colors of doors !

  150. If you find out, KKF...let me know, Okay?? TY!

  151. I tried that ...I think...but nothing worked for me
    Where did you draw?

  152. thanks, Yannoche! I had tried that, and it didn't work for me. So I opened it in Explorer and tried again.

    Drag and draw works in IE, but not in FF.

  153. You just can draw on the map, not in the black.

  154. @Nokra It doesn't work for me in FF. Just in IE. I don't know about others since I don't have things like Chrome.

  155. I know!
    thanks, I use FF...I'll just have to get along with the regular maps...if I can find them...LOL

  156. I printscreen and paste my maps into PowerPoint (or Open Office version of it) and make my own notes.

    That might help you, Nokra. No idea on how to help you find clearly visible maps, though. :P

  157. I use FF, and no problem for me... If drawing fails, try to refrsh the page (F5). Then click play, your game is saved, you'll start from where you left

  158. @Yannoche yep. That worked!

    Strange since I actually played the game 3 times. Once to play, once to do the walkthrough, and once to find my missing orb in the walkthrough. The map didn't work any of those times. But it did work on refresh.

  159. Glad to have been useful, for once :-D
    Usually, YOu help me... Thank you for all of your W/T. Sure this one will be the same :)

  160. Yea!!!!I did reopen the game and it worked this time for me, too!!!
    That is truly the coolest !!!!TY Selfdefiant!!!

  161. @KKF I do the same, except I paste it into Paint and print it in draft so I can write all over it. I managed to get all 50 orbs, but there's still nothing I can do with that pedestal. Was there anything special about it?

  162. I've really battled before with the other sanatorium games, but I gotta say I REALLY REALLY enjoyed this one and found my way around pretty easy. Could be because I actually printed a map this time ;). Just needed help with the piano. Didn't figure that one out at all!

  163. Really stuck on the pattern sticker puzzle. I just do not see how the sticker relates to the puzzle.

    I love the map. Since you can't actually type and I can't draw letters, I just change the color of the pen to draw where the colored doors are. Or a new moon in blue where I found the moon hint. Very nice!

    Is there a screen shot of what the sticker pattern puzzle is supposed to look like??

  164. @4red3s I tried to count how many times to click each piece. I hope I counted correctly!


  165. OH my stars!! Thank you KitKatFox!!! That worked. :D

  166. @Kitkat!!! magnificent WT!! as useally ;-)

    So..I had to say that..huggsss :))

  167. I made it. Thanks to help from here. What an exquisite game. Self Defiant, you have a beautiful mind. :)

  168. Thanks Selfdefiant! Made it out by myself, though the piano had me going till I finally realized there were 2 words in the clue.
    Great game!

  169. Oh darn, couldn't play this live, but excellent as usual!

    @Selfdefiant: THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!! Love the interactive map - helped lower the frustration of what is where. It's just GREAT that you listen to us!!!!!!!!

  170. Did everyone read at the end of the game.
    "Sharpen your skills,next time will be more of a challenge"

    Thanks SD great game.

  171. @SD -- the ability to draw on the map was nice, but when I clumsily hit the "clear" key when trying to change pen colors, EVERYTHING disappeared. An "undo" might be nice. Fortunately, I had made a paper map with most of my notes on it because I didn't see the map right away!

    Nice game! I managed to find all 50 orbs (to my amazement as I usually miss a few!)

    @KKF -- Thanks for the WT.

  172. Great map with ability to draw. As usual, finding the hot spots was the most difficult (missed screwdriver and small cabinet with color cube, even after frustratingly moving mouse over all screens). Out with 47 orbs, thank you for not requiring us to find them all.

  173. HELP, I must be doing something wrong...I'm clicking the buttons on the cube in the right order but still nothing happens!

  174. AHH! Use the HAMMER!! POP indeed!!

  175. Great game as usual, SelfDefiant! Nice touch being able to add notes to the map!

  176. suebeedoo,
    The order is blue-red-green-purple-pink-yellow.
    I had some problems with starting too (had to click a wrong button in and out again before it worked).
    But anyway all buttons should be out and then click the blue one and it should become green (the button) and then you can go to red and click. Same there; it has to become green.

  177. @suebeedoo Did you get it?

  178. I was going to say the same thing. I had forgotten that I messed with it before and didn't notice one already pressed so I made sure they were all out and it worked.

  179. just wanted to say thanks for the hint for sd. can't believe i missed it. otherwise i didn't need any help. i'm proud of myself. first time for everything.

  180. Yes! Finally, after playing every Self-Defiant game I could find, I made it out (almost:) ) without help! Thanks Self-Defiant for making weekends more fun!!!

  181. Thank you Self-Defiant for one of the best games you have posted...I just have one question....I accidentally clicked on one of those pesky advertisements and all the progress I made was lost :( I love your games and this one, in particular, was absolutely fantastic :D Please tell me why I cannot retart where I left off after I goofed and clicked away from this amazing game :( I had not peaked at any cheats or asked questios and was solving your amazing puzzles/solutions without help... I refreshed...hoping that would fix everythig, but alas, it would seem I am at the beginning....again!!!!!I LOVE your games and your challenging, but logical puzzles that offer simple solutions if one studies the obvious clues :D Am I relegated to playing the game over again? I just couldn't believe I lost all that progress!!!! I had reached the moon puzzle....Self-Defiant...your games have always saved a player's I correct? I can always begin again but ... I think I just want to sit down and cry :) Let me know if this is a bug in the game or perhaps I am missing a specail!!!! I love your games and I have been in 7th heaven lately!!!!!! many games to play and I can never get enough!!!!

    Thank you for providing hours of exciting, wonderful fun!!!!! I don't suppose you could help me with this ;)

    Self-Defiant rocks the Casbah!!!!!!!

  182. It didn't take me very long to catch up ... lolol!!!! Visions of days trying to catch up were buzzing through my head...I made it out without any I think I am going to fall down and go to sleep for 10 hours...rofl!!!!

    Thank ou Self Defiant....I am officially spoiled rotten ;) Great game!!!! Entertaining as always and I can't wait to play your next adventure ;)

  183. well oops...eyes at half mast...rofl!!!!! psycho typo fairy working overtime!!!!! *you* ....I just can't seenm to shake this pesky fairy...gah!!!!! ;) good night :D

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