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Escape Day 3 - Give Take Walkthrough

Escape Day 3 - Give Take


Escap Day 3 - Give Take is the third episode of Escap Day 1 Japanese point and click type room escape game by FLC. In this escape game you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. To start the game click SKIP OPENING. Good luck and have fun!

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Got a pile of rocks and a can of silicon rubber. Going to try to Escap!

now a sock (hope it's clean) a note I can't reach, and a multi-tool in the oven.
Anybody else here???

I'm in. Love the entrance music!

Good evening - trying to join in late

hi guys! took the picture off the wall and found a mirror

hey! i have a yellow/blue rectangle which can be flipped, some stones, tool and a sock. there's a SD behind the pic with fruit (can't remember the name of that) and lots of clues...

with the lights off, there's an SD in the picture above boxes

Sweet! the computer password can be found on the fallen picture!

I don't understand the shapes on picture for pc-pass

something can be placed on kitchen counter...

blue 15, red 21
2-color card
view with panel that needs SD
colors of pass in pc match the colors of the picture up left
we can light fire at the kitchen
rubber can box
sd in picture with closed lights

can put rocks in sock

can light the gas ring but not sure why

and a mousehole left of stove

and there is a paper behind the right boxes, but it can not be taken

MUST learn japanese!

thanks Michelle, use the filled sock on mirror for a chest

@Miller, look at the colors of the word "pass" on the computer, then look at the row on the picture that matches that order of colors (after the pic is on the ground on its side). See any letters?

Opened PC (thx ZOZ !!!) but can't understand a thing

@zoz: nope ;-)

I'm visually challenged - I don't see letters (and, for the record, I rarely see the numbers in the Sakura games either)

breake mirror with sock full of stone(i was hope i could get the sd), don't get the pc code

@Miller - thank you! I'm not alone :)

Thx Miller! git the box

:zoz - letters? More wine needed maybe....

use mirror piece to take a paper from behind box

got it now! thanks! I was looking at the symbols and not the space between them

Fridge code must be relevant with the calendar. Look for colored numbers.

can't take tape on calendar off with knife or use the tool to open the can of rubber.

SPOILER for pw;

ELF (all caps)

@Miller - less subtle hint please. Still not seeing the letters

You can move the bottles up and down! Another place that needs a code?

How the heck do you get ELF???? Even knowing the answer, I can't see it. God, I hate being stupid

placed two bottles on kitchen counter and opened them with corkscrew. probably need a glass...

thanks @zoz - everything looked like an E or T to me

I'm not getting the blue 15 and red 21 in relation to the calendar. Anybody?

LOL @Fudge - I'm with you!

I think I will simply watch your progress and keep filling my glass up - obviously my brain cells are not in tune tonight......

@Miller, how did you get the bottles? Mine only seem to go up and down.

@zoz: me neither, but I think those numbers are for the equation with the wagons.

Fudge look here

It's 10.30 - I have 7 teenagers in the house playing rock music ....... can I be forgiven?

THANKS @ZOZ. wasn't looking in the space between shapes (stupid me)

@Fudge and @annaby, that's not stupidity; it probably just has something to do with all the substances I imbibed in my hippy days

@zoz: I just played with them and suddenly they were down. I think you have to click the 6th & 8th bottles (all others down)

to see ELF lool the gaps at the middle row of symbols :)

How in the world did you get the bottles?

I thought 15, 21 were related to calendar, but maybe not...

@ MegiPoland - thank you, but tonight is just not a happening thing....

@Fudge, 7 teenagers !?!?!?!? Hell forget the glass, just drink the whole bottle!

Thanks @Miller, that did the trick!

@zoz - I doubt you ingested any more than I did, lol! But it seems to have a beneficial effect on you.

@Zoz - if you find anything from the olden days hidden behind the sofa, I do think I am in need

o! and something that i've forgotten: the first time i clicked on fridge there was 6 and 8 (red) on it. now it#s just 15(BLUE) and 21 (red) don't know if it means something or just bug...

Thx Miller! We got lucky :)
The code must be relevant with all these japanese.

second bottle open.. nothing to do with the game

lol... found them again (left side of fridge)

@Fudge - take zoz's advice.
Meanwhile, I'll go get a glass of wine and maybe when I come back, my bottles will have moved to the counter.

Use yellow/blue tile in green triangle.

Hey, got piece of broken mirror glass

thanks @roberto, but where's the green triangle?

@Megi, a belated Thanks for the tip on how to get the note. Now, where to find Blue, Yellow, Purple, and Red numbers...

used broken glass at non-catchable paper

Well, the wine did it - my bottles are on the counter.

that's a wine POP?

hot 2 corks from 2nd bottle

got it now. thanks to mayatrippin's hint

left side of fridge

I'm with you in spirit chaps.... hic - god it's loud in here....

tried to entern the code from doing the math, but "105" wont work.

cheers @Fudge!

@roberto, thx for the tip about the blue/yellow thing. Hang one way and the yellow covers the 8, hang the other way and the blue covers the 6. But what the heck does this mean?

Maybe the fact it's reflected on a mirror changes the numbers somehow? I'm gonna think on it

Wait, could the 6 and the 8 somehow be referring to the bottles we picked up?

that gives the yellow and purple letters for the equation, but as @Miller said, 105 doesn't work

and what's with the statue's paw?!

I thought (according to hint) 15x8+6-21 (=105), but that isn't working...

Opened the fridge!!!
flip the train horizontally!

OK, so we have a locked chest and a locked cabinet with no keys, a SD nobody can get, a code on the refrigerator, a mouse hole with paw prints (mighty big for a mouse), two corks... and stuck.

thanks @Virginia Sketchers!

@VS, brilliant!

I can put the glass with wine next to the mouse hole and take it back

Brilliant @Virginia!

Thx too, guys!
Now we all got BACON!!!

drunk mouse. cute

hint on paper was in mirror

can't open preserving jar with key inside

What you mean flip the train?
Doon´t understand!

Got key from mousehole! (I think you need to close the lights after putting the wine near)

@ roberto: the train u sow it in the mirror so look at it flip over. stupid jar won't! breake it

roberto-when you use the mirror at the paper you can't get from the boxes, you get the pic of a train. But it's mirrored, so you need to flip it horizontally to see the hint right.

Got the key from jar, and clay!

turn the stove on, put jar on burner, get the key from the jar

@Virginia Sketchers: how did you open the jar?

o! when i said breake it didn't meant that was the solution (that's only what i would do)lol

Hint: use a trick from school physics to break the jar ;)

Opened the clay, now trying to see what to do with it.

OK, so I have:
red - purple + orange x blue.
But where the numbers comes from?

how to open the clay?

Made a copy of the statues hand! (clay->pour jar contents->use 2-colored card)

@roberto: from fridge (red & blue from front and purple and orange from leftside of fridge with the traingle)

used clay on statue paw yeee!

@Roberto - from the fridge

there is drunk mouse near mousehole :D

Can't find where to use the hand copy...
We need the SD right now...

still can't open clay with knife...

For anyone who is too bored to calculate the fridge code: 135

Virginia what card?

Miller: no knife, click on the V at the left of the opening (where you would rip it open in real life)

when you use yeloow-blue thing on the left side of the fridge you have yellow 8 and violet 6
from fridge door we have blue 15 and red 21

train = 21-6+(8x15)= 135

Thanks miller.
Could not see the numbers as purple and orange.

thanks @Virginia Sketchers! I like to make things complicated...

mommy: there's a blue-and-yellow card you can use at the side of the fridge. Not sure where I found it.

nnnooooooo! my game just went blank :(((((

Thanks Megi, thanks all!!!

Miller: Nope, it's just that these games don't always work like RL. I used the knife first too ;)

thank goodness i used the "Save" button!

thanks Virginia!

clay opens: at bottom left of the pack there's the classical area where u open packs

good idea @zoz! didn't safe before

Could you take the copy paw from the mold?

does anybody know what to do with the paw?

where can I use a hand-stamp?

@Roberto, eventually I could take the paw from the mold

@roberto: yes, I just clicked it

the copy paw is probably scanned by the exit door... now how to get the sd?

I used a white thihg (mold?) on statue hand

I am totally stuck. mold appears to have a space that can either come out or stick the corks into but no such luck.

I think we need the paw for the panel at the door, only we need to activate it first...and the activating panel must be under the screwed panel (sorry for the choice of words :p) which limits our options in finding a chest key or a way to take the SD out.

Got it at last. Guess I had to use the piece of mirror to take it off.

Anyone used the bacon yet?

i can't get the paw out of the mold. even tried baking it, using knife, etc

Use the mirror zoz.

mirror didn't work for me. Maybe POP will!

I used the 2-color card to take it out.

the bacon i think was on the delivery list... in intro

ah, finally! clicking finger tired now!

found a key! where the clay was!

i took the paw out hard to. u just have to insist and insist with the blue-yellow card

Miller - in the cabinet?

opened chest, SD must be in there, but it seems it hurts tuching that.

@annaby: yes, right door!

Where was the clay? Can´t remember. lol

sorry for all my misspelling. seem to have something with the keyboard and i hurry like crazy

I can't find a key in either cabinet

i tried to put one of the corks in the mouse's nose to make that bubble stop, but it didn't work, lol

how did you get the key off the chain?

Guess we have to use the corcks to get what´s inside the chest.

left doors of cabinet (in fridge room). click the right door when it's opened. you don't have to take the key, just click it and chest is open

Thx miller!
Now, it seems we neeed something to open that thing...the knife seems to be able to use there, yet no effect...I'll just keep using it for some time.

You can´t get the key. Use the chest on it.

got it

Thanks @Miller

bacon package can be placed in fridge. I think it changed it's color now...

thanks...I more than likely would have sat here for an hour trying to figure out how to get it off of there LOL

I know, I meant the knife seems to work on the spiky thing. The fox says something diffrent when it's used, and the yellow around the knife disappears. But couldn't figure out what to add to make it actually work.

Hope the game is not buggy. When I select the knife and click the chest content my knife turns unselected, but nothing happens.

how to open the chest?

has anyone used the calendar yet?

@mayatrippin - use the chest on the key

Argh...I even tried to use the chest on the picture...I sure hope it's not buggy either...

maybe we need a spoon from sleeping mouse? :LOL

@zoz: nope. probably for final code on door. but 1st we need some power...

I tried that too and even tried turning off the lights...no luck.

speaking of mice, I've got to go thaw one out for my Screech Owl's dinner. brb

thanks annaby, but i don't know of what key are u talking about... so... stuck

@mayatrippin when you go to cb that had the clay in it, click the door on the right it will show you view of the key. use the chest on the key and chest will open.

maya: go at the cupboard where you found the clay, open it, and click on the right part of the door to zoom in.

Have to go to bakery. brb.

Put the corks in the animal's nostrils

@zoz - a real screech owl? How cool.

thanks a lot. missed that view.
now got a hedgehog

@mhtchr2: thanks! but how did you came up with that???

he looked like he couldn't stand the smell of the fruit in the chest

Why can't we just use our awesome ninja powers to kick the door open???

now I could open the fruit and got the SD. opened panel and a hint on back of cover

I have a sd from the chest - use corks on speaking animal nose - near the text area

Omg, mhtchr2 you're a genius!!!

great find @mhtchr2!

wait, what animal??? Jeez, i leave for two minutes....

Paper with numbers at the back of the panel door, off to read the calendar

that was my very first post and my only genius idea...usually following everyone else! Thx!

pop! the cartoon guy below the game! I never would've thought of that!

Door opened but cant go out!

and out!

october(10), october (10), october or december, october

Checked the numbers, and it looks like pointing towards october. 12 is repeating at the third row, which is suspicious.

oops...sorry...got excited...not out. got door open and can't leave either

mhtch2 you picked an excellent time for your first post! Welcome!

I thought it would be 1969 or 1769, but know. I'm pretty sure about 1x69, but it seems I'm wrong

Hey, what's the door code and how did you get it guys?

go to the calendar page marked "Octaober" and trace the numbers from the card to outline the numbers for the keypad.
Tried giving the cartoon guy the bacon, you should see his face!

forgot about my last comment. solved it now and something green appeared (can't take it nor leave). for code: just follow the lines on calender and think of digital numbers

Use October calendar...follow numbers on note

and use paw on green scanner, still can't get out though

door code SPOILER


Nm, I got the door code

Hmmmm put bacon back in refrigerator, still can't leave

Ooh, you are fast...Thanks anyways guys!
To get out use bacon on door pad

I opened the package of bacon and went out the door that way --- OUT!!!

thanks Deni! strange I opened the package several times, but it seemed I had to do that when facing the door. out too

thanks for the spoiler @zoz - I was making a real mess here on my note pad

i can#t get out the door. used hint with bacon. no use...

I think you have toput the bacon at least twice in the fridge. make sure it's brown

Thanks everyone. That was a pretty strange game

funny, when you try to give the bacon to the cartoon guy, he looks like you hit him in the head, and even has a sore spot there for a few seconds. I have absolutely no idea what this has to do with anything!

Anyway, thanks for a great game @everyone! That was a real team effort!

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