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Doraemon Mystery Walkthrough

Doraemon Mystery


Doraemon Mystery is another point and click room escape game developed by Game2p. In this escape game, you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by pointing and clicking your way out. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

Play Doraemon Mystery



I hope this is as intuitive and rewarding as Doktor X...

joining in. Hi, Trubble!

collecting lots of stuff - but nothing doing yet

Got a green pencil and I'm collecting orbs, lol!
I feel like in a self-defiant's!

Oh, and can't find the mute button :S

@Edgar, Mute button is on top right of the screen ;)
Smart pencil writes on paper in lower drawer.

Hi Edgar
mute button top right
got a mini hoop, SD, yellow and green cable, safebox,spray bottle and pencil - nothing used yet

Got the muting Charlie :)
and thanks for where to use pencil.

HI KKF!!!!!!!!!! :D

I have my computer muted, Edgar

I have quite the collection of ghost bells for some reason.

Hoping I don't have to use my brain today and do math.

use parfume on calendar for colored numbers

I guess I'll try this one, not getting anywhere on the "simple" escape

@SwissMiss use pencil on math paper in desk

just use the numbers on the safe. No math.

toy can be turned around for panel

Used the numbers from using smart pencil on box inside closet to get a memory chip.

Hi kkf - I did already

dont know how to convert numbers on calendar into safe-code

just starting, used "smart" pencil, got magic perfume and a green cable (from closet) and 1400 points - don't know what to enter in calculator (maybe Canon in D?)

Edgar - please help
my algebra is a bit dated

what to do with clock?

Installed green wire, yellow wire and memory chip into the sad little fella... left with Magic Perfume Bottle, a safe box I can't open, screwdriver and a 'mini passing hoop'... kinda stuck now

thank you overthinking again!! lol

Thanks fudge!
Replaced chip and put cables. Still need the red one.

I swear... these orbs just keep popping up...lol

you don't need algebra, SwissMiss, just use the numbers in the last line of the equation after using pencil

it seems we need a red cable as well

how to open the box in inventory?

code please... try many times but no luck.

No math SwissMiss, just the 4 numbers from left to right

use perfume on calendar.

got Trubble - ty

What to do with the Mini Passing Hoop?

lol Edgar - used parfume sooo long ago - but got no help in figuring out the figures

got chip

Ehm, it was new to me SM! :P

@trubble - I have NOT got trubbles - I meant I got it trubble lol

Use the passing hoop on upper drawer to get a watch

...and now you're in troubles ;-)

Nice find Charlie!!

My upper drawer is locked Charlie?

Use time from wall clock to open wrist watch for a key

lol - Edgar

thnx @Charlie - used clock on watch..got key..

Glad to hear it, SwissMiss - You can have some bubbles instead.

Got a key from watch. Set the time.

red cable from box..

Ah thanks, It was the key, sort of.

Aha! Red cable!!

now have confusing blinking toy!

math??? ugh..

@troubles - bubbly would be just fine!

wow, the Passing Hoop and the Magic Tool Book are way cool!

use calendar numbers I guess... help!! no math, not now.. doing end of year at work... ick ick

I guess I spoke too soon about not needing algebra...

So does yellow equal 26 or 2036?

add them??? r,g & y ...help!!

Yellow should be 2036 right?
But my math gives me the wrong code?

Tried some math and got 53690... it didn't work :(

it says red = a but also red = b
9- green is that 28+1= 29-9 = 20???

Edgar help pretty please

I got 53014 which doesnt work

It looks like it should be 2036*26 to me, but that's not working... anyone got it yet?

53014 for me too, but no go.

g=11 or 128 ?????

I don't care if I don't get out, I'm loving the completely incongruous soundtrack

or g=29 michjean

Yellow = 2036
green = 29
red = 3


stuck with you all.

Thanks by the way for the help getting this far.

Yep SwissMiss and then you get 53014, but it doesn't work.

Thats what I thought SM, but it doesn't work.

Exactly my numbers SM. I got 53690 out of those but...

What are we doing wrong??

maybe you need to collect all the glowing orb things before you can get out? I've got a score of 4500.... have I missed some?

ugh... yes Edgar... too much

yellow also 3 possible

+ and - sign are the other way around. So yellow - red and green + red.

OH, I was doing the wrong math! Why they don't make coffee as they used to? Argh!

lol edgar! Yvon - how did you figure that out?

Wow @Yvon -- how??

because the correct answer didn't work i thought i might be a bug. So i tried it the other way.

Thank you very much Yvon :)
I'm out now!

I thought surely @trubble-bubble was going to say it should be double :P

Thanks Yvon, that did it.
Was it a bug or was there a hint to change them?

wow. Boy did I need help with that!

Thanks all, especially Yvon for the backwards math!

With that, I got 65056, but when i click on the latch, it sends me to the unzoomed view

From the cables we should know red is a negative number, so apply it to the math.

That was so not nice! Stupid bug!!

that worked and out - but why???

@miles, now just click on the door!

nvmd - I must be drinking the same coffee as edgar! I'm out too

Thank you Yvon! I was starting to go slightly mad...

Oh, the music just gets better once you're out!

Yes...and ouT!! Good music, but if I'd listen to it for 5 more minutes - I'd be moonwalking at work (not good for my image) ;)

now that you mentioned it ST, there was a + with the green and yellow cable and a - with the red. So maybe it was'nt a bug and we had to use a negative number for red.

And Thanks Edgar, now it makes sense. So no bug at all.

No bug whatsoever. Just a sign thing. Good game and great company here :)

and at the simple escape game - noone is out yet

thanks for the teamwork - it was nice playing

       Anonymous  3/18/11, 9:07 AM  

what was the 4 digit closet password?

2312 from the equation after using the magic pencil on it.

Okay, stupid me for not seeing the signs...;)

       Anonymous  3/18/11, 9:13 AM  

ty s-t, it disappeared on me

       Anonymous  3/18/11, 9:22 AM  

miles, i also had 4500 points. re-collected the wires and THEN it let me out

You need to click all the faint gold ball (bells)
Get bell from left of the desk leg on the floor
Get bell from the face of the clock
Get bell from the chair seat
Get bell from behind the blue robot toy
Get bell from the top of the calendar
Zoom on the desk
Get bell from the lamp
Get bell from the left book
Get bell from the point where the chair back meets the seat
Open the top left drawer of the desk
Get the bell from the book
Move the 2 white papers and get the bell
Get the green Smart Pencil
Note the top right drawer is locked
Open the second drawer from the top
Get bell from the pencil sharpener
Open the second drawer from the bottom
Drag the case from the colored pencil – get bell
Open the bottom drawer
Get bell from the calculator
Use the smart pencil on the ungraded math paper
Zoom on the trashcan
Drag away the trash to find the bell in the upper right corner
Drag away the trash to find the perfume bottle in the upper left corner
Zoom on the clock face above the window – get the bell from by the 9
Zoom on the broken robot toy
Get the bell in this view from where the chair back meets the seat
Get the bell from the robot's bell
Move your mouse to the right of the robot and you can turn it
Note the screws
Zoom on the calendar – get the bell from the symbol at the top of the calenar
Also get the bell from the bottom right corner
Use the perfume bottle on the calendar for colored numbers
Click the closet doors
Click the left one to open it – get the bell from the top corner
Drag the towel on the top shelf – get the green cable
Click the right door
Get the bell from the right of the towel on the top shelf
Click the calculator on the bottom shelf
Enter the code and hit enter
Solution below
Get the computer chip

Go right
Note the door needs a code
Get the bells from the top of the hanger the coat is on, from the shoulder of the gray coat, and from the bottom of the green coat
Get the bell from the door handle
Click the tote bag
Get the bell and the tool book
Click the book in your inventory click to flip through pages
At the page with the screwdriver, take it (I want this book!!!)
Close the book and back up
Get the bells from the top white book on the bookcase and the bottom green book
Click the bookcase
Get the bells from the bottom right corner of the bookcase (I got 2 here, and found another when I came back)
Get the ring from the bottom red book
Get the bell from next to the books on the second shelf from the bottom
Go right
Get the bells at the top left corner of the window, the top right corner of the window, and the right window curtain
Also get the bell from the top shelf of this bookcase
Zoom on the bookcase
Get the bell from the green book on the second shelf from the bottom
Get the bell from the white book on the second shelf from the top
Get the bell from over the right white book on the bottom shelf
Click the brown box on the top shelf
Click the box to open it
Get the toolbox (click the boy to go back)
Open the bottom left doors
Drag the left stacks of books to get the yellow cable
Drag the cup and find the bell
Open the top drawer – get the bell from the brown pants
Open the middle drawer and get bell from the shoulder of the yellow shirt
Open the bottom drawer and get the 3 bells from the bottles
Go right
Zoom in once on the desk and use the hoop on the locked top drawer
Click the hole you made and grab the watch
Move your mouse to the right to back out of the view
Click the watch and enter the time using the + or minus buttons for each hand
Click the watch face and get the silver key
SPOILERminute hand3,hour5SPOILER
Click the toolbox in the inventory and use the silver key
Get the red cable
Zoom on the robot and use the arrow by it to look behind it
Zoom on the screwed on panels and remove the screws
Click the chip to remove it
Put in the new chip and 3 cables
Back out and the robot will show you math equations
You fixed it!
Turn around to the door
Zoom on the door code box and enter the code
Click the switch to the left
Solution below
If you have it correct, it will back you up (if wrong, it will go back to zeros)
Click the door and not the handle to leave!

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       Anonymous  3/18/11, 10:18 AM  

This game does not work in Chrome.

       Anonymous  3/18/11, 10:54 AM  

Wonderful game! Played in FF. It may have loaded in Chrome. It took a long time in FF. FF shows an image of the percentage of load time. Chrome just goes blank and I thought Chrome was messed up.

got a bug!!!...mis-clicked when I finally got the red cable...and it removed the green one ...never to be found again....LOL
this is it for me....okay game, not my fave...
thanks for WT KKF...it is great

shoot! Sorry about the walkthrough math error. I shouldn't try to read my sloppy math notes while watching TV.

Here's the correction:


WARNING! Here be spoilers!

Solution to the calculator code
Enter the numbers from the bottom of the math sheet you filled out into the calculator

Solution to the door code
The robot shows you that green-red=b, yellow+red=a, and a*b=?
The calendar says yellow is 2010 and 26 (so yellow is 2036). Green is 1 and 28 (so green is 29). Red is 3. HOWEVER! The cables in the back of the robot shows you red is negative. So red is -3.


I had Nokra's bug when replaying -- I put one of the cables in the wrong spot when I misclicked and it disappeared, so I couldn't check the code out.

(blushes) thanks for the correction, Small-Tool!

What a horrible toy robot, that makes you do hard sums! lol

@Kitkatfox thanks for the walkthrough.:)

very hard game i completed it

       Anonymous  12/4/11, 2:32 AM  

KKF thx for the WT. And also thx for the math solutions. The rest was not too hard.

Loved the music. How were we to know to add the calendar numbers, rather than concatenate them (or subtract, or cube, or use them on drawer algebra, or ...)? Just know to add? p.s. Like the negative for red, tricky but fair...

the ending was just the zoomed out view of the door?

i clicked the door randomly and now hearing the cute music.. oh yeah.. nyahahaha

Just type 2312 on the password protected chip at the lower shelf of closet

Come on... this is cheating...
You need to click all the faint gold ball (bells)
Get bell from left of the desk leg on the floor
Get bell from the face of the clock
Get bell from the chair seat
Get bell from behind the blue robot toy
Get bell from the top of the calendar
Zoom on the desk
Get bell from the lamp
Get bell from the left book
Get bell from the point where the chair back meets the seat
Open the top left drawer of the desk
Get the bell from the book
Move the 2 white papers and get the bell
Get the green Smart Pencil
Open the second drawer from the top
Get bell from the pencil sharpener
Open the second drawer from the bottom
Drag the case from the colored pencil - get bell
Open the bottom drawer
Get bell from the calculator
Use the smart pencil on the ungraded math paper
Zoom on the trashcan
Drag away the trash to find the bell in the upper right corner
Drag away the trash to find the perfume bottle in the upper left corner
Zoom on the clock face above the window - get the bell from by the 9
Zoom on the broken robot toy
Get the bell in this view from where the chair back meets the seat
Get the bell from the robot's bell
Move your mouse to the right of the robot and you can turn it
Note the screws
Zoom on the calendar - get the bell from the symbol at the top of the calenar
Also get the bell from the bottom right corner
Use the perfume bottle on the calendar for colored numbers
Click the closet doors
Click the left one to open it - get the bell from the top corner
Drag the towel on the top shelf - get the green cable
Click the right door
Get the bell from the right of the towel on the top shelf
Click the calculator on the bottom shelf
Enter the code and hit enter
Get the computer chip
Go right
Note the door needs a code
Get the bells from the top of the hanger the coat is on,
From the shoulder of the gray coat, and from the bottom of the green coat
Get the bell from the door handle
Click the tote bag
Get the bell and the tool book
Click the book in your inventory click to flip through pages
At the page with the screwdriver, take it,
Close the book and back up
Get the bells from the top white book on the bookcase and the bottom green book
Click the bookcase
Get the bells from the bottom right corner of the bookcase (I got 2 here, and found another when I came back)
Get the ring from the bottom red book
Get the bell from next to the books on the second shelf from the bottom
Go right
Get the bells at the top left corner of the window, the top right corner of the window, and the right window curtain
Also get the bell from the top shelf of this bookcase
Zoom on the bookcase
Get the bell from the green book on the second shelf from the bottom
Get the bell from the white book on the second shelf from the top
Get the bell from over the right white book on the bottom shelf
Click the brown box on the top shelf
Click the box to open it
Get the toolbox (click the boy to go back)
Open the bottom left doors
Drag the left stacks of books to get the yellow cable
Drag the cup and find the bell
Open the top drawer - get the bell from the brown pants
Open the middle drawer and get bell from the shoulder of the yellow shirt
Open the bottom drawer and get the 3 bells from the bottles
Go right
Zoom in once on the desk and use the hoop on the locked top drawer
Click the hole you made and grab the watch
Move your mouse to the right to back out of the view
Click the watch and enter the time using the + or minus buttons for each hand
Click the watch face and get the silver key
minute hand point to 3,hour hand point to 5
Click the toolbox in the inventory and use the silver key
Get the red cable
Zoom on the robot and use the arrow by it to look behind it
Zoom on the screwed on panels and remove the screws
Click the chip to remove it
Put in the new chip and 3 cables
Back out and the robot will show you math equations
You fixed it
Turn around to the door
Zoom on the door code box and enter the code
(2010+26 + - 3) * (29 - (- 3)) = 65056
Click the switch to the left
Click the door
You have Escaped!

Fun game. Managed to escape. Thanks Yvon Edgar for the help. By the way the blue toy is Doraemon,a cat robot that came from the 22nd century to help Nobita

Enter the watches time to the clocks time then tap the watch to get a key

ive figured it out the code in the calculator is 2312

Took me freaking 10 yrs to win...Ultimate Satisfaction!

       Random Game  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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