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Room Escape - Personal Office

Room Escape-Personal Office is another new point and click room escape game from You are trapped inside in a personal office room. The door of the room is locked. You want to escape from there by finding useful object, and hints. Find the right way to escape from the personal office room. Have a fun game play!

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  1. Hi Players,

    Finish the game first and post your clear walkthrough. The first person's walkthrough will be published in our website's walkthrough page with their name.Good Luck and Have Fun!

    Games2rule Team

  2. Got scissors, marker & box atop desk... saw number 2 in trash can.

  3. Hi@michjean. Not my favorite gamemaker but going in.

  4. I tought the numbers will be for the clock, but can't move red hand

  5. Have all three number, use scissors.

  6. Hi annaby - hope this one is super easy.

    got hints from orange book... glue stick from 2nd drawer on right & blue book with clues from 1st drawer on left side... seems like computer finishes the clues from blue book

  7. For the clock, look the time on the computer. Now the red hand is turning (it jumps between 7 and 8), but now I'm stuck.

  8. Cropped picture 4 times and glued the numbers to the book.

  9. What all needs fixed in room.... so far I stuck the paper tray in bottom drawer of left side.. can't find a clue yet as to where stuff should be.

  10. Stuck with marker, scissors tray, box and blue book

  11. Put box in upper drawer right side

  12. thanks michjean, filled all the left drawer which can be opened.

  13. The blue box goes also into a drawer. A paper from the board goes into the dustbin.

  14. Hm, mine got in the second from top left side

  15. I used the marker on the calendar (date on the computer, 21th).

  16. Every couple of times alarm lights are blinking

  17. I still have the scissors and 2 books.

  18. Out. Little weird game.

  19. Put the things in drawers, mark the date, set the hour, put two papers from wall in bin and get out.

  20. Strange little game... no rhyme or reason.. just put things where they can go and ouT!

  21. No logic at all to this game. Thanks for the comments - never would have gotten out myself

  22. Out,

    the only thing you have to keep left in inventory =
    orange book and siccors

    Don't forget to take some empty notes from board into the trash

  23. Sorry took a while to post here, forgot to sign in :)

  24. You should also put the NSE book in the drawers to be able to escape

  25. Done! Get everything out of the drawers. Do exacly as the To Do List. 1st, Crop image 4 times. 2nd, Use scissors to cut the numbers and stick it to the NSE book by glue (from right hand side drawer). 3rd, u neet to correct all the wrongs in the room. E.g: time of clock as time of computer, using marker to mark day 21 on the calendar. Put every left thing of the inventory into the drawers (tray, NSE book, box. If u see ur inventory just remains orange book and scissor, game is finished. Just open the door.

  26. why won't my numbers glue to the page in the book? use glue stick.. have number 2 5 8.. puzzled

  27. ahh had to click on the NSE button on the computer

  28. I can't find the 8, any help?

  29. The 8 is in the pink book.
    You have to take it from the shelf first.

  30. Walkthrough:

    1.Take scissors & marker from cup on desk.
    2.Take box from desk.
    3.Grab paper tray from other side of desk.
    4.Open top left drawer, grab NSE Booklet.
    5.Open second top right drawer, grab Gluestick.
    6.On shelves, grab orange and pink book.
    7.Turn on laptop,Click Image.
    8. Open 8A, crop picture w/every size.
    9.Leave Laptop, click Notice board.
    10.Take bottom left paper pinned with yellow tack.
    11.Take big paper place in middle of left side pinned with pink tack.
    12.Zoom in on 5, take scissors, cut off 5 and put in inventory.
    13.Go to garbage can, cut off 2, and put the crumpled papers found in your inventory, into garbage.
    14.Open pink book, open to secondth page, cut 8 and put in inventory.
    15.Open NSE booklet, turn to third page that contains, 29.0 and three empty spaces.
    16.Take glue and spread on paper, take the 2, and place in first space.
    17. Take 8 and place in middle space, then take 5 and place in last space.
    18.Go to calendar, take marker, and click on 21.
    19.Open top left drawer, put NSE booklet in drawer.
    20.Open top right drawer, put Paper tray in drawer.
    21.Open Second top right drawer, put box inside.
    22.Go to clock, and take small hand, put on 6, then the big hand, and put on 12, so that it shows, 6:00.
    23. Red hand should start turning.
    24.Open door and escape.
    hope i helped!

  31. aaaaaah....completed it all but in end just dont ask!!!!


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