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Movie Click

Movie Click Escape is another point and click room escape game from Yada Yada. You’re closed inside a movie production studio and must find your way out by collecting things and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Vinicius]

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  1. Screwdriver from the box behind the toolbox.

  2. Hi Small-tool

    thought scene takes is 874 29 but no luck

  3. hammer from cb with line code

  4. Hi SwissMiss

    Got hammer too (use directions from the right camera).

    Thought the shapes code square triangle circle, but doesn't work!?

  5. Well, somehow it's triangle, square, circle, but that's not the order from the lamps?

  6. light bulb after switching off light above jeep

  7. order for lamp is


  8. Yep Chipsi,
    I bruteforced it, but why?
    It's not the lamps from left to right?

    Thanks for the light bulb Fifa.

  9. battery from lamp with triangle hint

  10. mmh smashed my light bulb with the hammer

  11. Got a battery from using the srewdriver on the lightswitch to the left of the left camera.

  12. Battery goes in robot, need a second battery?

  13. clue for numbers in the trash can - tried to combine for the scene-take code - but no success

  14. We have to put something in the jeep's machine room.

  15. use smashed bulb on backtire of jeep for another batterie

  16. Second battery in:


  17. Ah, thanks for that second battery.

  18. Gas (can?) from the stage room and a fan (called vent?) from the cupboard.

  19. got vent after solving code on cabinet in stardoor room

  20. dont know where to use gas and wire
    and another 2 x 3 triangle,square,circle puzzle

  21. computer now works - on it clue for camera code - got a pipe like thing that goes in jeep

  22. @s-t: hint for cp please. Also the laptop is now working with colored numbers in the display.

  23. any help with the cb-code pls

  24. The hints for the cupboard are in the same view.
    The coatrack and the things on the shelf.

  25. s-t can i have a spoiler? i see the shapes i just can't "translate" them... :)

  26. Got a white key from the front of the jeep now.
    Use all the stuff there and then use the numbers from the magic squares in the order from the paper on the table.

  27. cupboard hint is in the same few, coatrack for left side and shelf for the right

  28. Circle-Circle

  29. s-t
    c/s/t and s/c/t not working

  30. Finally out.
    Was looking for a place for the white key. And duh, it was just the other door.

  31. thanks for hint

    got fan,wire and gas but cannot put into car
    do I miss something?

  32. Still don't understand why the first shapes code on the lamp (that gave us the wire) was in that order?

  33. s-t ????
    I am having a slow monday - or perhaps its the full moon :)

  34. @swissmiss - from the camera

  35. The metal rod was in the camera you opened with the code from combining colors and numbers from the laptop(s).

  36. have a good day everybody. we have a holiday here today and i have to get ready!

  37. fifa ty
    do you mean from the scene take?

  38. and ty s-t
    forgot about that :(

  39. @small-tool you get first shape code order from turning right from the first screen. First screen triangle, second circle and last one screen with robot

  40. what do you do with these numbers showing up on pc?

  41. Hi, sorry to be stupid but I cant see the clue for the cupboard with lines on it. I think someone mentioned a camera?

  42. Can see the numbers in computer but don´t know where are the colors. Are they inside jeep engine?
    If so, I don´t understand, cause I have white color in jeep, but haven´t any white number.

  43. Hm, squares from bin give me numbers: 829341765. What order to put them in the machine? I tought from left to right, up to down.

  44. @roberto: colors are lower left in the view with jeep.

  45. Forget it. I had my game zoomed and could not see the colors in jeep scene.

  46. Yep Chipsi,
    I see that's the order, but it's still a bit far-fetched. Why not starting in the screen where you need the code and from there turning right.
    Are you sure there was no hint somewhere why we had to start there. I didn't see a hint. Like I said I bruteforced it (used the order from the lamps, but didn't know where to start).

  47. see it now, my first POP!

  48. got the rod now - but I cannot put anything into the jeep!

  49. whats the numbers for scene takes on the camera?

  50. Urban,
    The order is on the table.

  51. SwissMiss,
    Above the frontwheel you can zoom in. There start with the rod under the red arrow.

  52. Big J.
    The numbers are on the laptop and the (color) order is in the jeep scene (bottom left).

  53. no small-tool never saw a hint for that, finding the order was an accident :) didn`t see the square for a while

  54. The colors in my newspaper doesn´t match with colors in dustbin?!

  55. Oops there are two tables I see. So Urban, it's on the newspaper on the table behind the camera's.

  56. ty again s-t
    and Finally Out

  57. Roberto,
    The first one is orange and the last one is black.
    The others are clear.

  58. ahhh i see...thanks for that small tool.

  59. @roberto, colors do match, but I had problems with brown color, so dark brown colored number is the last one

  60. Hm, on my notes I called the first one orange, but maybe it's more light brown.

  61. Have black in trashbin but not in paper.
    Don´t have orange in both.

  62. Lol chipsi,
    The one you called dark brown I called black. But anyway, it doesn't look like the last color on the newspaper at all.
    It was simply the last number/color I had left when I put the numbers in.

  63. Thanks ST.
    @roberto: black is brown

  64. Roberto,
    The one I called orange (or light brown) is the one bottom left in the trash can paper.

  65. okay we have got a color problem :)
    @roberto your black number in dustbin is your last number of the code

  66. Spoiler for the order of numbers under the jeep hood? Got that far on my own, but now am stuck!

  67. It doesn´t work.
    I used this order
    from top to bottom

  68. Order is;
    Bottom left - Middle left - Bottom right - Top left - Middle right - Bottom middle - Top right - Middle middle - Top middle.

  69. out! But don’t know exactly what i did

  70. hooray..out...those jeep numbers did me head in..

  71. So black turns lime? How?!

  72. Thanks! Somehow switched the 1 and the 2......

  73. OK! Have the key now, but not enjoying the game anymore.
    Where do I use the key?

  74. Hmmm! Out too.
    Had to click a lot on that door to go out.

  75. Thanks all for the help!

  76. I looked everywhere for gas can...did someone say how to get it?

  77. Wow, you folks are generous with the rating. The shape clues on the lights don't match the puzzle, the laptop suddenly just turns on, and the color code sheet doesn't match the suduko colors.

  78. While you are here, @tiquer....can you please tell me where is gas can?

  79. POP...on right side of lighted mirrior table...missed it many times scrolling...

  80. Thanks for all the great clues...I liked the game!

  81. Click the paper on the desk to see a color hint
    Note the right camera's side needs a code
    Also note the left light stand has a screwed on panel
    Turn right
    Note the scene/takes board in the bottom left corner
    Zoom on the engine of the jeep to see it needs parts
    Click the switch on the left light stand
    Click the turned off left light for the LIGHT BULB
    Turn right
    Turn the lines on the vending machine-type thing for the HAMMER
    Click the backpack in the bottom left corner of the game screen to see your inventory
    In your inventory, select the hammer and then the light bulb to break it
    In the box in the bottom of the screen, get the red-handled SCREWDRIVER
    Go left
    Use the broken light bulb on the back jeep tire for the BATTERY 1/2
    Go left
    Use the screwdriver on the left light stand for the BATTERY 2/2
    Go left
    Place the batteries in the robot's arms
    Get the BROWN KEY
    Zoom on the computer monitor at the bottom of the screen (it is on after you place the batteries)
    Note the numbers
    Go left
    Note the paper in the trashcan
    Go left
    Enter the shapes into the stand on the right for the WIRE that appears at the top.
    Use the key on the star door to enter the dressing room
    Get the greenish FUEL BOTTLE from the right side of the counter
    Go left
    Enter the shapes into the cabinet (the six middle squares)
    Get the FAN
    Go right and down
    Go left 2 times to the desk scene
    Zoom on the right camera's side
    Enter the scene/take numbers
    Get the top VACUUM TUBE
    Go right
    Zoom on the jeep's engine
    The colors in the top left corner tell you the order to place the parts
    Starting at the red arrow, place the tube. Then at the green arrow, add the wire. At the blue, add the fan. And at the yellow, add the fuel.
    A number panel appears
    Put in the correct numbers for the KEY
    Turn right 2 times to the doors scene
    Use the key on the right doors to escape!

  82. Solutions


    Vending Machine Line Puzzle
    The right camera in the first scene has the line pattern in the upper left corner when you are zoomed on the scene/takes panel on the side SPOILER/,_,|,\SPOILER

    Stand Shapes Puzzle
    The light stands in three scenes have shapes on them. In the desk scene, there is a triangle on the left lamp, a circle in the jeep scene, and a square in the robot scene. From the start screen and going left, the solution is SPOILERtriangle,circle,squareSPOILER

    Cabinet Shapes Puzzle
    The coat rack has circle,square,triangle. The shelf has circle,triangle,triangle (include the triangle on the statue's head). The coat rack is left of the shelf. So the pattern is

    Scene/Take Camera Puzzle
    The computer screen is on after you place the batteries in the robot. It shows that blue is 2, green 5, red 3, yellow 3, and purple 1. The scene/takes board in the jeep scene shows that the scene is green blue and the takes are red, purple, yellow. So the code is SPOILER52,313SPOILER

    Jeep Numbers Code
    The paper in the trashcan by the bathroom has a series of colored numbers. Each color should have numbers 1-9, but one is missing for each. The missing numbers are: Red 8, Black 2, Blue 9, Purple 3, Green 4, Yellow 1, Brown 7, Cyan 6, and Pink 5.

    The paper on the desk in the first scene, had the order Brown Purple Pink Red Yellow Cyan Blue Green Gold.

    Obviously, there is no black in the desk paper or gold in the trashcan paper, so the gamemaker seems to have messed up. Use the black number for the gold color.

    So the code is SPOILER735816942SPOILER


    end of spoilers

  83. out on my own. Not a bad game, but the colors mix-up is pretty messy.


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