P - Diver Escape is another Japanese/English point and click type escape the room game from
Hilgreed. In this game, you are locked in a room and you must escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!
Note: Click the yellow button in upper left corner of the text window to switch between Japanese and English.
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thx leroy, i missed that!
ReplyDeleteoh, and im out, what?!? didn't use dogs! forgot to check other view in hallway! ah well, good game, though frustratingly mad!!
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ReplyDeleteA Complete WT
ReplyDeletePart 1
TV scene
Click yellow pot and take white dog toy
Back and click right white lamp
Click lamp again and click red button
Back and click right table
Click under table and take cube\box
Back and click sofa
Click left cushion and take backscratcher
Back twice
Click white bar at top of screen
then click centre of bar and click there again
Take red key and then back twice.
Note you can zoom pink box and TV but nothing to do yet.
Turn left, go forward and turn right
Cabinet scene
Click right top shelf with yellow & white things
Take yellow dog toy then back out
Click books lower left and click right book
Take remote control and back out
Note you can zoom all cupboards and blue box but nothing to do yet.
Turn left twice to
Bed scene
Click table then click bed
Take stick and back out twice
Click top of screen
Highlight stick and take blue dog toy
Back out and go to TV scene
Zoom TV and open remote in inventory
Click screen then click on.
Now click 9 and then 9 again
Note symbols and numbers then close the remote.
Now TV button is blue so press it.
Note the numbers and arrows.
Back out and turn right
Zoom clock
Rotate dial and note arrow directions for the TV numbers you noted
Back out and go to Cabinet scene.
Zoom blue box.
Enter TV code by clicking the eyes (L&R)
Solution below
Open fridge and click on all three cans
Note the colours and numbers.
Back out and zoom top left cupboard
Enter code from fridge
Solution below
Open cupboard and take spanner
Then click second drawer from left and second row up and take paper.
Note you can look at the paper but it means nothing at the moment.
Then click end of rail at lower right.
Zoom out and zoom top right cupboard.
Open cupboard and zoom bracket lower left
Use spanner and go back twice.
End Part 1
I got out without ever using the tape, backscratcher, hint from the cellphone, the locked black box or the toy dogs. ? interesting game...
ReplyDelete@Kyle plenty more in the game and I have nearly finished WT part 2.
ReplyDeleteDamn. I even opened the emergencydoors with ring, but cannot use the red key ????? Were do I use red key ?
ReplyDeleteOk I found it.
ReplyDeleteI did not see that that color device was a box
Out! The most difficult was to find a blue dog. Great game!
ReplyDeleteOut! The most difficult was to find a blue dog. Great game!
ReplyDeleteOut! The most difficult was to find a blue dog. Great game!
ReplyDeleteA Complete Walkthru
ReplyDeletePart 2
Note at this point we begin to consider which of 2 ends we want!
So Still looking at books (unzoomed) click above centre book.
Take item and go back.
Note R\L on books but dont know why.
Back out and zoom lower right cupboard
Open and take red dog toy.
Click cupboard door in this scene and take handle
Back out and click lower left cupboard door.
Use handle on door and open.
Take black box and yellow book.
Zoom out.
Now lets play with inventory for a bit!
Open each dog toy and click on its leg
Note colour and shape of paw. Remember clue from remote? Hmmm...
Now open the Rubikslike cube
Click top of cube and use red key.
Click lid and take gold key from upper lid.
Open the yellow book
Go to last photo and click it
Note code.
Nothing we can do so if you want optional second end go to bed scene.
Click table on the left and take tape.
open item taken from behind books in inventory
Click centre switch and then click left red button.
Hmm Right side wont stay put.
So put some tape on it!!!
click centre button and take lower right item
Zoom silver light and attached that item you just got.
Zoom out and click silver lamp. Hmmm a laser!!
So zoom table twice and take blue key (square on table base)
Zoom out and return to TV scene.
Zoom pink box and use gold key
Take blue cube.
Now zoom out and turn right twice
Zoom codebox next to red door.
Click the codebox door.
Remember the clue paper with squares and arrows?
Enter code using keypad
Solution and explanation below
Back out and click door.
Go forward once.
At this point you can pick which end you want.
End 1
Open the rubikslike cube in inventory
Click top of cube and click lid.
Insert the blue cube and click front of cube.
Note the colours and numbers.
Go to circular puzzle and enter the colours.
Solution below
End 2
At beginning of hallway click right.
You will see 2 elephants.
Open the black box in inventory
Use blue key on the black box then click the box.
Close inventory and use the 2 blocks on the elephants.
Ahhh secret door so click forward left.
Ahhh the cat from the yellow book.
Zoom cat and click on nose.
Note which way the eyes look.
Highlight back scratcher and scratch cats armpits in that order.
Solution below
Ahh more secrets.
Now go back twice and go down and up steps to new room.
Click on blue bin
click on bin lid and take the gift
Back once and go right.
Zoom all the way into the desk computer.
For code remember shapes and numbers from the remote and the shape of the dog toy paws?
Work it out and enter the result
Solution below.
Not sure if you have to open the items on that screen but cant read it anyway.
Back out and zoom the playing cards on the right
Note suits and value and zoom out.
Back up twice and note suits and colours on steps
Go forward and note closed door.
Now at this point perhaps someone else can help me as I am unclear about what happens if you do one or both of the following
1\ open gift in inventory to get ring
use ring to punch closed door open and then exit as per end 1
Go back twice and then right.
Zoom on trapdoor in front of chair.
click it and zoom codebox.
enter code from working out cards and steps clue
Solution below
Not sure what this does but could open closed door and you keep the ring?
End Part 2
solutions will be part 3.
Out! Great game!
ReplyDeleteA Complete walkthru
ReplyDeletePart 3
Fridge (Blue Box)
Top left cupboard
Red Door
5372 (from yellow book)
The four digits at top relate to the rows on the paper clue.
The columns have value as follows
1 is 4
2 is 2
3 is 1
so do the math and press the right buttons.
Door with numbered circle puzzle
5 black
8 green
2 red
3 blue
Leave the rest white
Scratch the cat
Weird computer
Hope that is all the solutions but I have been at this for a while.
More complex than I thought writing this and some things unclear like r\l code on books and the cards code versus ring punch.
Also not sure if the game was designed with end 1 and an easter egg being end 2? Hell Easter is coming LOL.
Has also been mentioned you can play with the cat and other things after exiting.
Anything wrong with it I can pull my post and fix it but be nice!!! or you can.....
Im confused as usual. Got all done except for the tape and boxes. Tape wont go in, dont know what box. Can some one do a picture of the boxes, that is confusing Thanks
ReplyDelete@Sherry12 the tape is for the red button on the box that has blue on one side! But first you have to press the middle switch.
ReplyDeleteHope that helps?
And maybe press the red button first? I know you cant do some actions til you do some others in this game.
ReplyDeleteLOL Keeps you honest you know.
ReplyDeleteafter trying a couple dozen times it finally goes to 100% .....then gives a load error,try again message......drat! I love there games....maybe tomorrow...
@Nokra sorry to hear that. Been keeping an eye cos I wrote a WT and want to make sure it is correct. Will check again tomorrow.
ReplyDelete@Leroy, GREAT WT!!! I really appreciate how much time and effort must have gone into that!
ReplyDeleteI had gotten the first ending (never saw the elephants), but it wasn't very satisfying since I hadn't used several items. Then I found your WT and it was like a whole new game opened up! Even though I entered the passcode in the last box (by the chair; pass from card suites and stairs), I still had to use my ring to open the closed emergency exit. I'll most likely play again to see why!
Meanwhile, here is what the computer says (I played with English):
It's a 3Dcatputer
DIVE-SYSTEM started.
You have a package.
Please input the pass-no into pass-device.
And open the gate.
I think you are reiko.
I arrived at the earth with the illegality Diving-System.
I can not go home.
Because i have no way to return.
But I am OK!!
Again, thanks for the great WT @Leroy, and thanks to @Shuchun for posting a great game!
Hi. All are gone and I'm stuck alone... I've done nearly everything except the last step...
ReplyDeleteI've seen the cards order, I know the numbers 5731, but where do I input them?? And what door do I have to smash with the ring? And what about the dog legs and the different shapes of the feet of the dogs? Maybe I have to say that I replayed it from a saved point when I already opened the door, but I did turn around to look for the mentioned device behind the books...
@escapism, there is a chair in the room with the 3Dcatputer and the board with the playing cards. Click on the chair, then click on the square on the floor to open it. That's where you enter the 5731.
ReplyDeleteI had to use the ring to open the door at the foot of the stairs.
The dog leg clue was, I think, to use the shapes of the dogs' feet in the equation from the TV remote (circle + triangle square = 5726; so White dog with circle feet is 5, Blue Dog with + feet is 7, etc.)
"Note: Click the yellow button in upper left corner of the text window to switch between Japanese and English." where is this button?....don't see it on my screen
ReplyDelete@brin3m, below the playing screen are three buttons. The left one is yellow and will give you the option to play in English, but only after the game is opened. The middle button is green and the right button is red and is the Save button.
ReplyDeletehow come cant every time appears loading error ???
ReplyDeleteHey thanks a lot@zoz!!! Stupid me, I haven't seen that there are more than 199 comments so that there is a second page with comments, so I haven't seen the wonderful wt of Leroy and some comments more... I will try your advices now, zoz!
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ReplyDeletethis is so not fair...ive been trying to load for 5 HOURS not only did i not get through the first time now it has 2 endings.....any help out there??
ReplyDeleteI have entered the right code (5731 ) on the trapdoor near the chair... but nothing else happens, I can't get end 2 ! I can't even break the emergency door that's closed.
ReplyDeleteI've tried for the last hour and a half to get this game to load, on ff and ie, both of the above links, and it keeps getting to 105%, then the error message!!!
Edgar, what did you do to get it load in the end?
I only persevered because you did get in, in the end =)
At the end door, you have to use the code from the cube within the cube - 3285 (blue/red/green/black) to change the colours for those numbers on the door wheel - and you're out!
ReplyDeletetrying ...again..after dozens of unsuccessful attempts to get in....stuck at 78%....at least twice it loaded to 100% and then said failure to load.....I love these games...what gives?
ReplyDeleteO M G !!!! I actually have the game...the key was to NOT watch it load....LOLOLOL
ReplyDeleteI re loaded it one more time....left the window to write the previous comment, went back and there it was!!!!! Yea!
Thank You for WT @Leroy...I needed it after finding the obvious items....Very helpful, easy to follow!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat game!!!Thanks @Hilgreed!!!
I could enter the game by choosing the first link posted here, and after that clicking the alternative link on the Hillgreed site.
ReplyDeletenot having much luck loading!
ReplyDeleteUpdate from me, next day:
ReplyDeleteWell, I've tried everyone's trick methods to get in [thank you for the suggestions anyway], slept a few hours, defragged, cache-leaned, system restored, wrote a novel, reinvented the wheel, saved the planet [that little one in Alpha Centauri], and still not getting past the "LOAD ERROR: Try reload" message =(
Selfdefiant's MEGAgame completely made up for it though =)
That is really funny, @rookwings....
ReplyDeleteand soooo agree with you about the SD game.... stellar!
I can't get it to load in English. I clicked the yellow upper left hand box, but get an error page. 404, I believe.
ReplyDeleteWell, for what it's worth, I couldn't get it to load again either. 106% - Load Error every time. Out of desperation I did what Nokra suggested and mouse-wheel clicked the link to open in a background tab and left it until it had well and truly finished d/loading, opened the tab...and there it was...must be shy.
ReplyDelete@Pesky. The yellow button is in the LOWER left of the games screen (one of 3 as Zoz has said) push it after the intro to switch to English.
Thank you very much Martin and Zoz!! I will give it a try now.
ReplyDeleteAt LAST!!!
ReplyDeleteSeveral days later, I finally tried to open the game in one tab behind the eg24 tab, out of my sight, and it WORKED!
[how the heck can that happen??????]
Thank you, nokra and Martin!!!
With all the funny little stuff in this game, it was well worth persevering, although I have to confess, I'm so over-tired now [or under-awake, I can't tell] that I had to use Leroy's beautiful walkthrough with zoz's alternative interpretation to get the second ending. Thank you so much for that, Leroy and zoz =)
When I read the mail in the catputer [haha] it had a slightly different message:
"I arrived at the earth with the illegality Diving-System.
The person of the earth is all kindness.
I am OK!!"
just in case anyone's interested =D
Thanks again for all your help!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou lot can let go of my hand now
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