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Barnacle Bay Escape

Barnacle Bay Escape is a new point and click type escape the room game developed by Selfdefiant and sponsored by CafeCafeGames and JuegosDeEscape.Net. While vacationing at Barnacle Bay, you walked into the wrong room. Crooks were in the room and locked you in the bedroom. Now you must escape! Good luck and have fun!

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  1. could I really be so lucky as to find a new SD first thing???

  2. My feelings exactly Zoz! Loading..

  3. em, obviously not, because it's a CafeCafe, lol! Still, good games!

  4. oh, I give up! just play the game @zoz.

  5. ok, black key under soap bar.

  6. magnet balls now in place of marbles?

  7. light bulb from kitchen. hello, lo, lo, lo?

  8. got knife from kitchen using clue from towel in first bath

  9. I'm joining you zoz, jsut waiting for it to load..tee tumm tee tummmm

  10. hi too @enjoy, didnt see

  11. hey @Enjoy and @clio_rose. This is like SSSG-lite, lol. Found sd in room above dining area, removed pictures and found safe and, in the kitchen, a green block. Still searching for magnet balls.

  12. Sorry, having problems posting

  13. cut a lemon for magnet ball #4

  14. Oh. thanks zoz was looking for the SD

  15. Hi just joining

    is this a SD clone??

  16. Ok.. found all the magnetic balls. the last one I found was in the starting bed room, after placing light bulb. Found light bulb in the dining room scene it was in one of the two lights hanging from the ceiling

  17. only have 3 magnet balls. Just like SD to confuse me by making the item bar above rather than below.

  18. on last room on the left , look at the time for number code

  19. picked up a red block in room after using silver key. use hint from note that says Rob Bob Row. Look at the letters not the colors


  20. seems to be the real thing - lovely

  21. Ok, let me explain. This is a SelfDefiant game, but is sponsored by us. If you read the game description you can find this information.
    Thanks to all for playing our games and for your feedback.

  22. have only 4: from light bulb, candle, lemon and near exit door

  23. @enjoy, do you remember where you got the other magnet balls? I have one from putting the bulb in the lamp, one from the lemon, another by the Gold Key door, other from moving the ottoman. I need one more!

  24. forgot about the jammed drawer in the kitchen. Got the lighter now looking for that candle...

  25. interestingly, the lighter worked even though it had no fluid. The magic of SSSG

  26. Zoz, do you have the one from the 3-digit box?

  27. I didnt even see the exit door. Thank you daf_schon. Don't have red block and dont know where silver key is. Enjoy? pls.

  28. will look at my notes Zoz

  29. oh yeah Zoz lol, didn't even think of trying the lighter yet!

  30. too slow for you guys. have the clue from towel but cant find arrow code belonging to it... which kitchen part please?

  31. @small-tool, i've overlooked a 3 digit box? I got the clue from the clock and have been wondering where to use it, lol

  32. Thanks Claudia. I REALLY appreciate that I get to play an SD before 1 a.m as well. Thank you ever so much.

  33. Magnetic Balls from bottom to top
    1. First Row (door)
    2. 2nd row 4th room from left
    3. 2nd row 5th room from left behind ottoman
    4. very top room cutting lemon
    5. 2nd row 6th room from left after placing light bulb

  34. Third room from the right Zoz.

  35. 3 digit box in 2nd row from bottom 4th room from left
    (kitchen/living room scene with 2 bar stools)

  36. where to use the lighter - have not found a candle yet?

  37. out now. strange that I found lighter fluid in bath after getting silver key. When I lit the candle (with or without lighter fluid) nothing happened, or have I forgotten something?

  38. Silver key in marble box scene in 2nd row from bottom on the round glass table

  39. pop - the vino blined me lol

  40. use lighter on round glass table.. the candle is hard to see, .. right next to the wine bottle

  41. Thank you @s-t & Enjoy.... didnt even notice that box.

  42. @SwissMiss there's a tall red candle by the box where the magnet balls go. But it didn't do anything for me...

  43. red, green and blue blocks, knife, screwdriver and lighter..

  44. How do you open the jammed drawer, my knife doesn't work?

  45. and out - short but sooo nice again

    thank you Selfdefiant and Claudia

  46. you need the screwdriver small-tool

  47. zoz - found the candle in the meantime - looked too closely at the bottle

    you need the lighter fluid first I think - I got the blue box from the candle

  48. think it was below the tv

  49. @small-tool, you need to use the sd you get from under the tv in the large room

  50. You get the blue block after lighting the candle

  51. @SD and @Claudia - thank you for this sweet gift!

  52. Yes, the SD was hard to see. It took me a few times to find it.. never saw it just got a lucky click

  53. Ah thanks for the screwdriver.

  54. Is there a clue somewhere for the order of cubes?
    I brute forced it.

  55. thanks for that info @Enjoy. My mind is like a steel trap. Well rusted.

  56. forgot about the picture in the first scene so was just going around for ages looking for something else! lol

  57. @roberto the color order is on the note. you just read it differently from the way you used it on the drawer.

  58. so, ultimately I didnt need the lighter fluid?

  59. i think it was on the note @ roberto

  60. Well, after that it was easy out.
    Would have been a big help if somebody posted where to find the screwdriver earlier.

  61. @ roberto it was the colors on the note. the first column was red etc...

  62. @ Small-tool. Zoz posted it at 7:24 :)

  63. Ah I see EnJoy thanks.
    Missed 'sd' in the hurry to catch up and only looked for the word screwdriver.

  64. Well, small-tool, I couldn't find it for the longest time even after she posted it. Knew what room it was in, but it was hard to see!

  65. Ohh i just was away 30 minutes and missed another live game grrr...

  66. sorry @small-tool, it just takes so long to type out "screwdriver" with no typos.

  67. Sorry that it took me so long to answer some questions, I was having a hard time posting today. Constantly needed to reload the page.

    I will stay around if anyone has any questions...

  68. @small-tool, the WT is all yours. I've got to get to my chores now.

  69. I can't do a WT right now, going on errands (hubby is home today)

    If no one does it, I can do it this afternoon

  70. Apologies for not posting the where's. I got a bit excited when I realised I had stuff in the item bar above rather than below.

  71. I'm afraid I can't do a WT either.
    Took me about 20 minutes to post this.
    Not because of posting problems, but my mouse is giving me a very hard time. Love the wireless stuff, but when it goes wrong with the signal, you're comletely lost.
    And it's still not working ok.
    So see you all later.

  72. Anybody remember where red block was ?

  73. what a nice gentle one! Excellent as usual. Thanks SD

  74. Wasn't the red block in the silver key room (or left from that) by doing the 9 colors in the grid?
    Really not sure anymore.

  75. I think so s-t, but i can´t find any hint for the grid colours.

  76. @Zazie; I think the red block was in the silver key room after solving the color puzzle.

    What a pleasant surprise for a Monday morning, a SD game!

  77. @zazie, the color note I think is in the same room as the TV, or somewhere close to that. It's toward the left if I remember correctly.

  78. If I remember correctly there was a note to the left of the tv.

  79. Seawall, isn´t this the hint R B G for how to put the blocks into the box ?
    The grid has no green ...still looking for colors.

  80. Lol I think I remembered ok, because Seawall says the same.
    But I can't replay the game because I have no mouse anymore. Doing everything now with keyboard commands.

  81. Zazie,
    The letters on that note are also first letters of colors.

  82. Ahhh OK s-t !!
    Thx so much, this should do it :)

  83. Zazie, you use that note twice. The way you are trying to use it is for the placement of the blocks. Try using it another way for the color grid.

  84. And out too !!

    Great game as usual, thx Selfdefiant !!

  85. lol awesome truck.. trance music =)

  86. still looking for green block...anyone say where it is?

  87. Walkthrough

    I shall number the rooms from bottom and left - you start therefore in number 7

    notice the picture is stuck at the wall and the light bulb is missing

    go up (room 11) and lift soap bar for BLACK KEY - look at the towel it says SWENS

    go back and left and use black key to enter room 6
    move right brown seat for BALL 1
    go one up and find SCREWDRIVER under TV
    also read note and write it down!

    go one left (room5) and and take LIGHT BULB from right lamp
    notice 3-digit-box on counter
    go one down (room 1 - well exit door really) and pick up BALL 2
    back up again

    go left and notice box for Balls - 3 more to get
    go left and use the SWENS-clue to open right drawer for KNIVE
    (Down,left,right, up,down)

    go left (room 2) and use SD to take painting down - get GREEN CUBE
    notice the drawer is jammed - use SD too for LIGHTER
    click on the clock and notice the time - it is 2:48

    go to the very right again and use SD on painting - there is the SAFE
    for the cubes - two more to collect
    put the lightbulp into lamp and get BALL 3

    go to the very top (room 12) and cut the lemon with the knive for
    BALL 4

    go down and left (room5) and solve the 3 digit code (remember the
    time) and get BALL 5

    go to room 4 and put the balls into the box and pick up SILVER KEY

    go right and up and use the key there
    put colors on sidetable according TV-room note
    R O B
    B O B
    R O W and get RED CUBE

    go left to room 8 and pick up LIGHTER FLUID - put fluid into lighter

    go back to room 4 and light candle (difficult to see next to wine
    bottle (pick up BLUE CUBE)

    go all the way right to room 7 and put cubes into wallsafe
    (remember the TV-note - the heading??)
    RBG and get GOLD KEY

    go back and down to room 1 and use the gold key

  88. Hi Nokra - just posted WT - its the very left room

  89. POP! far left kitchen view...forgot the picture came off...took me ages to find the screwdriver!!!

  90. Wonderful!! Love ALL selfdefiant games no matter how long or short. The logic is just right!

  91. Great WT, @SwissMiss!!! Thanks!

  92. Great game ! I didn't notice the clock, so I missed one marble. I could use the lighter without the fluid.

  93. nice, quick little game. Thanks, SelfDefiant!

  94. FAB game!! Sorry I missed it live!! It was FUN!

  95. For me it was one of the easier ones - it seems that for taskmasters like Flonga or now CafeCafe the games are more «one-banana problem like»...

    @Selfdefiant for another solid play occasion
    @SwissMiss for the WT, even I didn't have to use it... (I looked at it afterwards though)

  96. In and out! I'm out of practice so I'm grateful it was a simpler one with fewer rooms :P

    Thanks @SelfDefiant!

  97. Cant do the arrow. I clicked D,L,R,U,D Nothing happens,How do I open the drawer to get the knives Help please

  98. Thank you, Claudia and Selfdefiant!
    Nice little "extra" for us there!
    I had wondered why the sneaky game had moved down the posts =D!!!

    Does anyone else suspect a silent scream of "I need a holiday" from a certain game developer?
    I don't know, but he's mentioned holidays in the last three games at least???

  99. @ Sherry12. The compass directions SWENS should work on the arrows, I'm not sure why they are not working for you.

    Cynical Walkthrough.

    Go up. Move the soap to get the black key.
    Go back. Go left and use the black key.
    Go up. Go up. Jump over balcony and run away.

  100. I still cant do the arrow. the last arrow D,do I click the first arrow again. Theres 4 arrows.

  101. duh I was doing it wrong. out

  102. There are 4 arrows.

    1 2 3 4
    Push them in this order 3,4,2,1,3.

    If it still doesn't work you may have to reload. And I found that I didn't have to fill the lighter to get the cube from the candle.

  103. short and sweet!
    thanks @Selfdefiant and @Claudia

  104. Such a nice surprise on Sunday evening! Thank you, Claudia and SD :)

  105. how we will get the knife from d kitchen

  106. DON'T YOU PEOPLE UNDERSTAND?!?!?!?!?!?!DRAWER WON'T OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  107. How to get KNIFE:
    - note HINT on towel in bathroom, where you got black key
    - in kitchen, open drawer with arrows according hint
    on towel (SWENS = compass points = D-L-R-U-D = click 3rd, 4th, 2nd, 1st & 3rd arrow)

  108. Love this game but I can't get the arrow box in the kitchen. They won't move.


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