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Gamershood - Helicopter Escape

Helicopter Escape is another point and click escape the room type game made by Gamershood. In this game, you have to solve puzzles and gather items in order to escape the place. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. for puzzle behind red button (with the 1's), look at clue happy. Make the solution easier.

  2. Same for the other (robot) puzzle.

  3. have a fishing rod (put togheter), knife, fish mouth with teeth, rope and screwdriver so far.

  4. Hi Yvon, combine rope and fish teeth and use it above open door, at the dark iron thingy

  5. now stuck with broken wire

  6. climbed on the helicopter (right side window), zoomed view. Use rope with teeth. Use SD and put wires togehter. Go inside and push the SOS button.


  7. btw, had the fish teeth before fishing the fish (lol), think that's a bug

  8. thx Yvon, these wires needed a lot of clicking, lol

  9. Never found a fish, so must indeed be a bug.

  10. played again. Use bullet on right side machine, gives you fishing rod part (don't know how that part is named). Then you can fish on left side of helicopter. Use knife on fish. Fish mouth on rope and then do the things mentioned earlier.

  11. I don't understand the puzzles.

  12. This is not the Gamershood game I was waiting for!!!!I want the one with the keys!!!!!!!
    Do not try to fool us with this game...did not like it!!!!!!!

  13. sorry, mentioned before that you can go outside on the rigth. Thats not true.

    Click on the left side of chairs to climbe up.

  14. When is gamershood not gamershood.....we've been fooled...

  15. MissPepy, you must make a picture. Use clue with the numbers on the side. If there is mentioned 1, you can only click1 time in that row.

    Puzzle which is named happy: make a happy face.

  16. how exactly do these puzzles work????

  17. @miss Pepy, the numbers tell you how many blocks each line contains. So if the number is 3, there are three blocks in a row. If there are 2 or more numbers, like 1,2 make sure you make 1 single block and 2 blocks in a row. The easiest thing to do is to start with the high numbers, like 5 or 3.
    If you do it correctly, you make a little picture matching the clues (robot, happy, key)

  18. Ok i'm out, even if i didn't solve the "<" or ">" puzzle.

  19. Thank you yvon and truus!

  20. I'm soooooo bad in these grid-puzzles... even if it seems easy, I don't now the right solution... :(

  21. aaaaaaaaaaah... POP ... I finally got the smilie face :o)

  22. ok... now no idea for the number grid...

  23. but at least i got the robot puzzle at the first try...
    even no idea for the number grid

  24. spoiler for the number grid:

    first line is 2314

  25. This game is very buggy

  26. Yes it is, but i like the sound of the sea.

  27. I never found a number grid, fishing rod or bullit. I got the fish teeth by using the knife on the rope and never used the hook, still got out.

  28. Where is SD ???

    Hallo everybody :)

  29. @Nokra and Misspepy I did not understand this either. Their previous games were simple but fun. This wasn't. These puzzles are too confusing and the navigation is not good at all.

  30. POP found it behind left chair in the cockpit.

  31. thanks @Yvon... then it has to be like a soduko? because i can't get the sense of it...

  32. There are 2 picross puzzles, but I don't understand the puzzle with numbers and the green background.

  33. Yes it is Sabine. The < sign means the number to the left is one lower.

  34. There are more than 2 picross puzzles, sorry. And where do I use the SD ?

  35. Pascal... now i got it... it's like a sudoku... and the smaller as arrows are for the number directly beside

  36. Pascale, in each row (horizontally and verticallythere) there must be a number from 1 to 4. Make sure there is no dubble number in a row.

  37. ha... you have to climb on top of the heli... use the rope combined with the shark-teeth... maybe i used the knife before... on top of the heli you use the SD

  38. But for those who really don't get the sudoku:



  39. I am stuck with hook, orange/blue fishing thing, knife, SD and coed, i did all the puzzles.
    But i cannot combine hook or whatever with something else.

  40. ganz rechts,das wo nur close oben steht,,wie lauten das die zahlen?Die anderen beiden felder mit key und robot habe ich fertig,habe angelsehne,messer,seil und Schraubenzieher bisher bekommen

    completely on the right which stands where only close on top, how are they pay? I have the other both felder with key and robot ready, have angelsehne, messer, rope and screwdriver up to now agree

  41. Sorry again : thank you Yvon AND Sabine ! LOL

    I got some shark teeth, don't know how. I have a rope, a hook, a screwdriver, those shark denture and a fishing rod. I can't use anything of my inventory !

  42. Zazie, did you do the puzzle that gives you the fishing rod? And did you find the fishing rod rope?

  43. bug alarm !!! i used the knife at the fishing rod, got a sound... then, because i can't use it at the fish, i used the knife again... and now i have the shark teeth again, although the stick at the heli with the rope...

  44. Ok got it i have another fishmouth ?

  45. Yes all this but what to do with the second fishmouth ?

  46. Just a bug.

    Zazie, use fishing rod rope on fishing rod first. Then hook and then the orange blue thing.

  47. STUPID GAME!!! because of i got nothing with my fishing rod, i went back inside and tried again the SOS... before it doesn't worked... now it don't work again, but then i clicked in the middle, the key-riddle shows again and suddenly i was out...

  48. Solved a colour code. No idea what hotspot I got the colour code from... but wrote it down. Found the place to use it. But no idea what hotspot I clicked to solve that puzzle. Just random clicking.

  49. Ohh I also clicked the SOS button again and i was out.

    What a stupid game !!!!!

  50. Sabine, that's the bug. If you use knife on rope, you find the fish teeth to early.

    Correct way is: use bullet on the right side window machine. (Use in darker spot).
    Combine everything to complete fishing rod.

    Use fishing rod on shark.

    Use knife on shark to find teeth. Combine teeth with rope.

  51. the color-hint for the color code is in the middle of the control panel @Dummo

  52. thanks @Yvon, but I'm sure I'm not going to play it again... too frustrating to have to do things in a special order, other way you'll have a bug...

  53. Not for me. Thank you for the free game tho @gamershood. Just because I can't do it, does not mean I'm not grateful for the opportunity to try.

  54. @Sabine Yeah i did find them both and thanks, it's just frustrating game because there's no logical places to click on. Just a pixel hunt to find the hotspots.

  55. I love it when people respond to @dummo!!!!
    I have to keep remind myself they aren't being unkind!!!! LMAO!!!

  56. Got a complete fishing rod, but cannot catch the fish with it?

  57. Teeth and rope allows me to climb on top of copter, i'm confused

  58. Everyone gone and no help...I'm outta here :-(

  59. Well, judging from what the posters say in their comments above, maybe I'm the only one who likes the new puzzles in this actual gamershood game very much...
    I'm a big fan of sudoku, kenken, nonogramm and many others - they all are Japanese...

  60. i agree with you premiere. Also like the "music" this time.
    Only thing i did not like was the bug.

    Ginger, did you put the blue/orange thing on the fishing rod?

  61. I, too, liked the puzzles in this game - something different than the usual Gamershood ones. I appreciate the effort for that! A bit confusing at the end when you push the button and then the key puzzle to get out, but still an enjoyable game imho....and as @premiere says - it's free!

  62. Actually, it was @clio_rose who said thanks for the free game, but I agree with @premiere, too!

  63. Not a bad game imho and no bugs for me.

  64. @Nokra I've had this nickname my whole life in regards to to my actual surname. Hope ES24 players can see the humour in it.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Walkthrough Helicopter Escape

    Attention: This game contains new kinds of puzzles - nevertheless it's still a Gamershood one...

    - go in cockpit & click left of the screen to see a machine gun
    - take the SCREWDRIVER with a blue handle
    - go back & click the pilot stick in the middle to see clue for colour puzzle
    - go back & click above cockpit for putting in the colour code, you get a BULLET
    - go back 2x & click on helicopter side to the right to see a machine gun
    - place the bullet in the little darker slot in the middle, pull black trigger to shoot the shark, you get a FLOATER
    - go back & again in cockpit, zoom in on the white panel in the middle
    - note dark SOS button to the right of the white panel
    - click on white panel, note the hint «key» & solve the nonogram #1 to obtain a ROPE
    - close puzzle screen, go back & click on the white panel to the left
    - note the hint «robot» & solve the nonogram #2 to obtain a KNIFE
    - close puzzle screen, click on the white panel to the right & take FISHING LINE SPOOL (diagonal down left of left bottom white panel edge)
    - click on red button to the left, note the hint «happy» & solve the nonogram #3 to obtain a HOOK
    - close puzzle screen & click on the white panel to the right
    - solve the «sudoku» (unfortunately, I don't remember the right name...) to obtain a FISHING ROD
    - close puzzle screen, 2x go back & click to the water left of the seats
    - combine fishing rod with fishing line spool, floater & hook
    - catch the fish & remove the DENTITION with the knife
    - combine rope & fish dentition
    - click the dark rotor in the sky & attach the rope
    - click on rope & then spot, where rotor seems to touch the helicopter, to climb on helicopter's roof
    - click on the rotor engine, unscrew the two screws with screwdriver (how obvious, lol) to see two red broken wires
    - click the upper red wire to reconnect them & push the red EMBTN-button (EMBTN=emergency button maybe?)
    - abracadabra, the antenna is deployed!
    - go all the way back to the SOS-button, push it & wait a little (enjoying the relaxing sound of the sea...) for

    a well played escape success



    how to solve the nonograms:

    - the numbers tell you how many blocks each row / column contains
    1 - one block
    2 - two blocks at a stretch
    3 - three blocks at a stretch
    and so on

    - 2 or more numbers in a row / column
    f.e. 2_1 - 1 single block & 2 blocks at a stretch

    - tip: start with high numbers (f.e. 5 or 3)

    - if you solve the nonogram correctly, you make a little picture matching the word hint (key, robot, happy)



    - Colour puzzle: YRBY
    - key nonogram:


    - robot nonogram:


    - happy nonogram:


    - «sudoku» (does anyone know the correct name?):


    - in this kind of puzzle, some math signs are used, so the numbers have to match correct maths
    - 2<3 = two is smaller than three
    - 2>1 = two is bigger than one

  67. Yeah, small-tool,

    Make assurance double sure!

    Now, with 2 walkthrough, nobody can complain of not finding the right way to escape...!

  68. Solved the puzzles with not much trouble but got stuck after that. Went here to read and most people got the shark teeth by a bug... then I read about using the bullet on the dark spot in right window and tried forever to place it in the LEFT window. Not my day! Well, finally realised my mistake and escaped, and now here are two WT's :) Thanks @st and @premiere! I liked these puzzles but still would like some kenduku, picture puzzle and maybe a pyramid too lol.

  69. They also fixed the bug.

  70. Lol Premiere,
    Yep two walkthroughs is better than one.
    But I will post my WT again and delete the old one, because in mine the answers are in the WT instead of below it in a solution chapter and in that way people already see my answers while still having to read yours and that's a kind of giving it away and spoils your WT.


    3 CHAIRS
    - Zoom in on the cockpit part in the back to go there.

    - Click on the middle far left side of the screen to look outside. Take the SCREWDRIVER from the left part of the harpoon canon.
    - Zoom in on the joystick thing in the middle of the screen to see the COLOUR HINT (YRBY).
    - Zoom in on the top part of the screen and put in those colours and take the BULLET.
    - Zoom in on the left gray panel to see the robot puzzle. Do the robot puzzle like this;
    And take the KNIFE.
    - Zoom in on the middle gray panel (and click it) to see the key puzzle. Do the key puzzle like this;
    And take the ROPE.
    - Zoom in on the right gray panel. Take the FISHING LINE (at the right side of the left device with the red button). Zoom further in on the that device with red buttonl to see the happy puzzle. Do the happy puzzle like this;
    And take the HOOK.
    - Zoom further in on the grey panel on the right to see the sudoku. Do the sudoku like this;
    And take the FISHING ROD.
    - Zoom all the way out and GO DOWN.

    3 CHAIRS
    - Zoom in on the little window on the far right in the back to go to the...

    - Put the bullet on the almost horizontal black line on the middle of the canon and then click the dark black handle on the bottom right side of the canon to shoot. Then take the FISHING FLOAT.
    - GO BACK.

    3 CHAIRS
    -Zoom in on the window/door? on the left.

    - Put the fishing line on the fishing rod, then put the fishing float on it and then the hook and now you have a WORKING FISHING ROD.
    - Use the fishing rod on the FISH to catch it.
    - Use the knife on the fish to get FISH TEETH.
    - Zoom in on the black thing on top of the screen. Combine fish teeth with rope and use it on that black thing.
    - Go up, by clicking the rope and go further up.

    - Zoom in on the axis of the helicopter blades and use the screwdriver to open the panel. Repair the wires by clicking on them and then click the red button below them (an antenna goes up).
    - Go all the way down and back to the...

    - Zoom in on the middle gray panel and click the SOS button on the right side. May take a few clicks (or zooming out again), but then you're out.

  72. very obliging, small-tool,
    Hartelijk dank!

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. @ small-tool:
    I've always known these puzzles as "Futoshiki",
    and here's a good explanation of them:

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. @premiere and small-tool...thank you so much for taking the time to do the Every Game Deserves A Walkthrough :) Again...I have learned something new...I am excited about now knowing how to solve nonograms! They are actually very logical and simple, once you understand what you are looking for :)

  77. Lol Rookwings,
    I wasn't asking. I never ask. I always call things the way I like to call them with thingy this and thingy that, or I make up muy own words. I think it was Premiere who asked, but thanks anyway.

  78. A name for the "sudoku"-type puzzle is "futoshiki".

    Anyone interested in practicing these (and other) puzzles, try -- they have new versions at several levels every day.

    (I'm not a fan of their nonograms because they don't make a picture. Better for me is where it's called "picture logic". Another name is o'ekaki.)

    Thanks for the walkthroughs -- like Ellie, I had no problems with the puzzles (once I found them) but really struggled with what to do with inventory items. And I thought the fish-hook was an anchor -- lol!

  79. Futoshiki! That was it - thx Rookwings!
    & lol, s-t, but as we hopefully will soon be queen & king of giving information afterwards (HE asked ME!), it doesn't matter, whose question is answered - we all are one...!

  80. Premiere and Zoe, I also enjoyed this game with the different puzzles. I was surprised how many posters had never done the nonograms. I have done them for several years. :) I think if people would play them long enough to understand what they are doing, they would realize how much fun they can be!!!
    Good game, Gamershood!!!

  81. not a bad game. Reminded me a lot of stone age games style. The new "sudoku style" puzzle was nice.

    I did have a bug with the fish teeth not combining with the rope until I replayed. :(


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