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Log House Escape

BlueSolt - LogHouse Escape is another Japanese point and click room escape game developed by Blue Solt. In this game, you try to escape the log house by finding items and solving puzzles. There are two possible endings. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Nobody here yet? Oh boy... I have two strawberrys, cleanerand some toys.

  2. two strawberries, cleaner and number on the ceiling fan

  3. same as you friwi, but three strawberries now

  4. evening all, stuck already on a brand spanking new game

  5. Hello - same things Jo.C
    tried to click corners of painting according fan numbers but no luck

  6. sad looking duck man in the corner upstairs, looks like something behind him?

  7. stuck... what are we missing?

  8. Hi Jo C, did not see your comments before I posted. I have three strawberrys, cleaner and the toys, which spell Tumiki when you look at them. Color code, fan code and no place to put them. The picture can be moved, but color code does not work as I thought.

  9. colour code in the back of the book... not sure

  10. why does it show the bottom room with the green sofa view from upstairs?..hmmm

  11. picture clue = colors from the book and triangles on the tumiki box

  12. well done megiPoland! :D

  13. do you click them numbers on the picture then?

  14. BIG J

    1234 are the corners of the picture

  15. ok so give the sad duck three of the strawberries, now trying to work the box lol

  16. Hello all, thx Megi for the picture hint !
    I gave 3 strawberries to the animal upstairs and found a box.

  17. use fan clue to open box upstairs

  18. ty Megi - still not getting code - can you explain pls

  19. Turn fan code upside down.

  20. Hi Zazie :)

    use knife on strawberry

  21. hmmm cant seem to open the box with the clue, am i missing something obvious?

  22. when you go upstairs i'm finding it hard to get down's megi)

  23. SwissMiss

    fan code?
    click buttons like fan order 1,2,3,4 etc

  24. For Happy End, check inside the box on the sofa before you leave.

  25. Use knife on other duck, it gives you a lolly ?

  26. pop - got it now - !

    got a knive now or letter opener

  27. turned the code upside down but still not working... need some lunch to get my brain working i think

  28. *i mean use knife on strawberry lol.

  29. I am out. After the picture it was pretty easy, but I´ll stay to answer questions. Unfortunately, the site loads very slow today for me.

  30. Megi - no I got the picture one alreade but i understand now the triangle one too - thanks

  31. lol @ Zazie...I wondered what you were up to! Poor duck!!

  32. how comes whenever im first in, im always last out lol :( silly me

  33. do I miss a cloth to wipe the stain?
    It doesnt work with the cleaner

  34. still dont understand the picture clicking order??????doh

  35. lol - missed the bathroom

  36. Missing cloth either and what is the 3 digit code in cb ?

  37. got a code after cleaning stain. where to use it?

  38. Inside cb you opened with 3 letters.

  39. shouldnt the code be SIL or LIS??

  40. everyone is getting so much further than me, this box refuses to open for me!

  41. Out to with normal end. BTW my lolly was the bathroom key :)

  42. Out with NOMAL END. *g*

  43. I have two problems:
    1. I dont understand the picture clicking method
    2. what is the 3 letter code for the cb?

  44. For letter code go upstairs and click under fan.

  45. assured im not getting any further..i'm still on the picture clicking yet

  46. @swissmiss, even I thought so. anyway i am a novice :(

  47. SwissMiss: Neither SIL or LIS. Are your chicken playing yet with the box?

  48. I got the 517 but the cb needs 3 letters - but SIL or LIS does not work - am I missing something
    is there a 3-digit-box somewhere?

  49. To see the letter code from upstairs you have to put box on table in front of sofa first.

  50. lol @ BIG J, im sure u will soon go past me.. think of the top left corner being number 1, then top right is number 2, bottom left is number 3 and bottom right is number 4 then click them... 214413 and click the middle of the picture and it should come off

  51. SM 3 digit code is in cb with letter code.

  52. argh ty Dirk - forgot about that box !

  53. Thank you Dirk and Zazie. got a key now. A stupid question, where to use it?

  54. it..thanks a

  55. Use it on door left of sofa.

  56. Tinni... not there yet but probably the door

  57. Sorry for the last question. Out thanks to all of you

  58. and finally - time for lunch now!

    thanks all - my brain not good on empty stomach it seems :)

  59. no problem @ BIG J, now can you help ME?? lol

  60. Tinni - Use it on the normal door and you get the NOMAL End.
    Trying to find the "special" end.

  61. Hi all, going in after the most people are out already. LOL

  62. wish i could chuck this box out the window and just escape that way!! Still will not open :(

  63. For the box take fan clue.

    l u d l d r

  64. I reloaded and looked in the box on sofa now, got pliers and a lamp , then cut airplane off.

  65. I officially love you @ friwi! i wasn't even doing anything like that lol

  66. Got happy end now, i used the airplane to escape by the terrace door.

  67. Got BIG LIGHT and PLIERS. Took the plane. Now trying to make the engine start.

  68. hi @all =) only for the possibility there could be someone with the same "blond moment" as me, trying for ages to look in that box on the sofa:
    first open the door left of the sofa with the key, THEN you are able to look in that box ... ROFL...

  69. im stuck cleaning liquid screwdriver..and box with letters on..gave 3 strawberries to the yellow thing upstairs...5 more mins..if i dont get any further i'm off

  70. i cant find any box on the sofa??????????

  71. Big J, use the knife (it is not a SD) on the remaining strawberry and give to the animal downstairs.

  72. It is the toybox from upstairs, go in front of table and put box on table.

  73. @BIG J... the box is on the sofa after you've given it to the ... ehem... birds?... the box with the letters in it...

  74. hahahaha thanks zazie..i was rying to find things to unscrew.

  75. and thanks for the hints... i din't realized, that the box is still usable after the hint for the picture =)

  76. @Sabine: I had the same blond moment trying to look in the box. Thx for explaning.

  77. Got it now. Opened garden doors, put plane on floor and used big light. Happy End!
    Thank you all for the hints and tips.

  78. haha... @Catqueen... thanks for admitting... so i'm not alone

  79. Sabine, no you're not alone, but blonds have more fun you know!

  80. oh... you're so right, Catqueen... =)

  81. My key won't work on the door left of sofa, have not used cleaner and do not know where is the clue for the 3 digit safe behind the 3 letter door!
    anyone still here?

  82. And...I really am blonde...lolol

  83. Hmmm the key DOES work on the door left of the stairs....POP is fun!

  84. Got it...flew away...happy end! thanks ...all the hints were great!

  85. @Nokra: congtats for escaping and being blond like Sabine and me :)

  86. Got picture off now stuck...anyone left to help???

  87. Now out Thanks Everyone!

    Zoom in the window with the plane and get STRAWBERRY #1.
    Turn right.
    Zoom up in the ceiling to see the fan with numbers.
    Turn right.
    Zoom on the cupboard and take the CLEANER.
    Look in the blue book (click right page to turn pages).
    Read that the two yellow birds like strawberries, and on last page see a color clue.
    Zoom on the plant above the cupboard for STRAWBERRY #2.
    Turn right.
    The painting is clickable in the corners, but you need more clues.

    Go upstairs and turn right.
    Take STRAWBERRY #3 and a BOX OF TOYS.
    Select the box and click the magnifier below the inventory to see it better.
    Click the box again to read “tumiki” with colorful letters.
    Go back downstairs.
    Move around to see the bottom of the stairs and the blue painting with trees.
    Zoom on the painting and click the correct corners to remove it.
    *hint – color code from book and letters on toy box – hint*
    Solution below.

    Take STRAWBERRY #4 and look at the clues: the long yellow bird likes 3 berries and the short bird likes not a whole one.

    Go upstairs and turn right twice.
    Give three strawberries to the yellow bird, one at a time, and it goes away.
    Zoom on the box.
    Click the correct order of the buttons to open it.
    *hint – numbers on ceiling fan, seen from downstairs – hint*
    Get a KNIFE.
    Look at your last strawberry with the magnifier and use the knife on it to get a CUT STRAWBERRY.

    Go downstairs and give the cut strawberry to the yellow bird under the stairs.
    You will get a KEY.
    Turn left and zoom on the door right of the cupboard with the book.
    Use the key to enter the bathroom.
    Take the TOWEL from the wall below the sink.
    View the towel with the magnifier,
    Use cleaner on the towel to wet it.
    Zoom under the stairs, where the small bird used to be before it got your cut strawberry.
    There is a black spot that needs to be cleaned.
    Use the towel with cleaner to see three digits.

    Turn around to face the couch.
    The birds are there.
    Give the box with toys to the birds.
    Go upstairs and move forward.
    Click below the ceiling fan from upstairs to see the table with the toys from above.
    Note the toys spell three letters.
    Go downstairs and turn right twice.
    Zoom on the cupboard and solve the 3-letter code to open and see a 3-digit code box.
    Solve the 3-digit code box to get a KEY.
    Solutions below.

    Use the key in the door left of the couch to escape.

    Use the key in the door left of the couch, but do NOT open the door.
    Look inside the box on the couch to get a FLASHLIGHT and PLIERS.
    Zoom on the plane in the window.
    Use the pliers to get the PLANE.
    Zoom out and turn right to see the other door, right of couch.
    Click to open and click the floor outside to move forward.
    Place the plane on the floor outside.
    Put the flashlight on the plane and click the big blue arrow to take off.

    Clickable painting
    Look at the letters on the toy box, and use the colors from the book, one color per letter.
    The first letter is T and the first color is pink.
    Look at the pink part of the letter T to see it’s an arrow pointing towards upper right corner.
    Letter 2 is U and color 2 is yellow.
    The yellow part of letter U is an arrow pointing towards upper left corner.
    Do the same with all letters and colors and click those corners of the painting.
    Clicking order: upper right, upper left, lower right, lower right, upper left, lower left
    Click here to see a picture of the clicking order.

    Box upstairs
    Click the buttons in the order told by the ceiling fan, but note the position of the pink flower… you need to turn the fan clue upside down.
    Fan clue upside down is:
    __ 2 __
    1,4 __ 6
    The numbers show the clicking order, so start with left button, then top button (with pink flower) etc.
    Click like this: left, top, bottom, left, bottom, right
    Then press the long, thin button below the others to open the box.

    3-letter code
    Look at the table with toys from upstairs to see three letters.
    Code: IJF

    3-digit code
    Clean the spot under the stairs after the bird moved. Use towel and cleaner.
    Code: 517
    (Click the red buttons to change the numbers and the blue when you’re done)

  90. Oh, forgot to say thanks @Sabine! I was as blond as you and couldn't find the happy end until I went here to read about using the key, but not opening the door. Thanks!

  91. Thanks a lot Ellie for your walk-through. Only thing missing is when you get the plane, open it in the inventory with the magnifier and use again the pliers on it, otherwise you won't be able to open the doors on the right.

  92. Cute game! Nice graphics and logic!

  93. Thank you Ellie for the W/T. Im so angry at myself. I thought a 'box of toys' meant toys; not shapes. I had that box for ages..blah blah. Going around/insane looking. Enter YOU, the heroine of my story.

    Importantly...It is TRULY thanks to all the players who post hints/clues/spoilers/straight descriptions, that people like myself get to finish these games. THANK-YOU !!

  94. i.e. I am one of the players who needs the 'where, what, how, huh huh, wha wha huh Huh? to get out. Please dont stop giving the hints. I dont need to know that you're out. I need your help to get myself out and hopefully, one day can repay the favour and help others out.
    Therefore, HUGE applause to ALL the W/T writers !!

  95. Thanks for the WT Ellie! Needed to peak at it once or twice

  96. Thank you Ellie!
    Unless the clue is blindingly simple, I tend to either overlook something or spend a lot of time over thinking a problem.

  97. woohoo! Got both ends on my own. Yayayayayayay!

  98. nice game :)

    Thank you, gamemaker!

  99. Thank you Ellie! =) =) =)
    I got halfway down the comments page to find out how to see the "numbers on the ceiling fan", was about to give up, then you came to the rescue in your walkthrough!
    Another case of me missing something blindingly obvious to everyone else. With your help, I managed to complete the rest by myself.

  100. @Rookwings, Playing games while standing on your head may help. Let me know if it does.

  101. thank you soo much Jumalansa i was starting to think i was totally forgetting some thing i kept clicking on the door on the right but it would not open! so thank you so much for that additional clue thank you!

  102. I'm sorry @mathrah (and others with the same problem)! I never noticed I used the pliers on the plane, must have double clicked without knowing it... too fast mouse lol. Thanks a lot @Jumalansa for adding the last help!!

  103. @ kitkatfox:
    What a fantastic idea! Saves wear and tear on the floor, too. Genius!
    I'll try that from now on ;)


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