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Mirror Escape

Mirror Escape is another point and click type room escape games developed by Kotorinosu. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Mirror Escape Walkthrough

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  1. oh Zazie... you're right... i've forgotten the 4th...

    excuse me plz =)

  2. Zazie, I am also working on the mirrors. Unfortunately, Casuals is not right either.

  3. Thx Casual, it worked now but in the last row it was : /x\x/

    Now what ?
    Nothing happened....

  4. Finally fixed the mirrors but how to you get the computer and the door lock on at the same time (In the electricity box)?

  5. look in the electricity box... the panel with spade is open now to switch off the lights... so you are at 0% and you are able to activate the pc AND the door

  6. Where do you find the circle coin?

  7. Now how to put the coins ?
    ARGGHH, i don´t understand the hint from PC.

  8. Please heeeeelp...cannot place the coins :(

  9. Wow, finnaly placed the mirrors but don't find a place to put the coins. This is a tough one.

  10. @Zazie: the first three coins are simple...
    in top of the star nothing
    second row: first place nothing, then the triangle, then nothing, then the circle
    the last place below is the plus
    the other three coins you have to try... i can't remember, i'm sorry

  11. Got it, i am out now.

    Look at the spoiler from GuruOne at 5:03 for thr final hint.

    Thx everybody for the great help !
    This was a hard one.

    I have to leave now, have all a nice day.

  12. coins:
    1st line: empty
    2nd line: empty triangle empty square
    3rd line: wave empty
    4th line: star, diamond, empty empty
    5th line: plus

  13. I'm missing a circle coin from somewhere...

  14. Please, where shall i place the coins?

  15. circle coin is in book. turn the pages and on a blank page there is the green circle coin

  16. @friwi: you have to go through the mirror... but first you have to activate the exit on the pc

  17. @friwi: you have to open the magic mirror to go inside. I can't remember how to that, but I'm just replaying and it should take only a few minutes

  18. i have to go now... i'm sure, all who are stuck will become a great help with Casuals WT ;o)

  19. Finally!!! This was a great game! Thank you for all the hints. Who would have thought of a magical mirror?

  20. sorry, I can't do a walkthrough either. I started but then tried to help here and now I have to go as well. sorry! if until tomorrow never wrote one, I'll do that.

  21. @casual. Thank you so much for your help. If you are writing a w/t, may I ask as a favour, that you dont say for the test tube clue; the safe on the left of the cupboard. I think @friwi and I misunderstood you and thought you meant the leftside cupboard safe (ie where the lever safe is). Perhaps you could describe it as the safe under the wall clock. Thank you again.

  22. It must be a good game, but it's definitely too difficult for me.

  23. Well...if anyone is still around...I do not understand the CD clue for the panel to get in other room...the only references I saw was that the CD is used and a couple of POP's!!!! I think the patters are beige diamond center, and purple dots, left???

    So many great puzzles here...I am enjoying the game and do not want to read too many spoilers...Thanks for help in advance....

  24. I don't understand how to even get the foil/CD... so far behind!

  25. POP!!! I opened the picture from CD paper clue...and now have CD placed....I love POP!

    Isn't it funny how you have to actually post the question to get your own brain to work????LOLOL


    - From the first scene turn left and open the left cb-door. Push the red and the green folders to the right and take the club key, look at it in the about view and notice the number color hint
    - There’s also a lever safe in this cb, but that you need later, no clue until now
    - Turn left and zoom in on the left stool and look under it, take the little note, this is the first hint for the safe on the left side of the shelf in the first view
    - Take the beaker from the desk and zoom in on the test tubes, which are the second hint for the safe on the left side of the shelf in the first view
    - Turn to the first view and zoom in on that safe, now remember the first hint (from small to big to small) and the test tubes (4x3grid like the one on the safe), combine them and click this order to open the safe (solutions after the WT)
    - Take the handle for SD and the book, open the book, find some hints and between a few empty pages a green coin with a circle
    - Turn around to the view with the mirror and look close at the tiles on the floor, one you can open, then you get a box with colored buttons, open this box with the clue from the key you’ve got from behind the folders, take the part of SD and click again, you’ll find also a puzzle piece and a red coin
    - Now combine the two parts of the SD and go back to the first view, zoom in on the shelf and then on the diamond door, screw away the panel and use your key. You get a CD, open it and take the CD and also the note with number parts
    - Turn around to the mirror view and then zoom in on the picture, use there the note correctly until you can see numbers, that are the directions to click at the picture. After clicking the picture moves above and you find a place for the CD and will hear also the sound of a key, falling on the floor, pick it up
    - Look at the CD in about view and turn it around. Now insert it to the place behind the picture. You can turn the CD until it fits with the signs: a shirt, a vent and a bow, everytime when it fits, you can read a letter, remember them accordingly the signs.
    - Now look for this signs, on the vent, on the bow in the shelf and on the picture of the shirt, bring them in the order of the hint from the CD and go to the lock panel of the door


    - Enter the pattern you’ve found on the signs and the lock opens
    - Now go back to the vent, unscrew it with the SD and take a closer look at the panel, you’ll see the hint for the lever box (the key that you can see there you can only take after stopping the vent)
    - Now turn around to the cb with the lever box and arrange the levers according the hint, take the clock hand
    - Go in the new room and look at the puzzle above the shelf, insert the puzzle piece that you have and a puzzle piece hint will appear, you need this for the next step
    - Go back in the other room and look close on the sink and then on the faucet, click the pins accordingly the puzzle hint and then the plus in the middle
    - Take the blue coin out of the water and fill your beaker with water
    - Go back in the second room and fill the basin on top of the shelf with your water, the hint for the clock appears
    - Take also the grey coin out of the red dust bin
    - Notice the kaleidoscope in the shelf, look through it, you’ll need it later
    - Go in the other room and zoom in on the clock, put the clock hand there and turn it in order of the hint you found in the other room
    - Take the specimen holder and the brown coin from behind the clock zoom in on the club door in the shelf, open it with your club key that was falling from behind the picture and take the heart box
    - Go back to the kaleidoscope and search there for the right hint for this heart box, enter it and take the heart key
    - Open the heart door in the shelf with this key and take the little mirror, put it together with your specimen holder in the microscope and look through it. Zoom from big to small and notice the numbers, go back in the second room and zoom in on the brown picture above the PC. You can see there circles in different size, enter the numbers in order of the size you have seen it in the microscope, open the picture and take the flat SD, combine it with the SD-handle and unscrew the panel of the electricity box in the first room


    - Now you can turn off the vent and take the spade key from there, open the spade door with it and take binoculars
    - Turn off the main switch in the e-box and take a look at the mirror with your binoculars, you will find patterns, in order of this click at the drawers of the cb with the same shapes, the cb slides to the left and you can open a panel, but first you have to turn on the main switch again
    - Now activate also the grid in the e-box and arrange the mirrors of the light-mirror-puzzle above the microscope by turning the screws behind the panel you opened before
    - After this you go back to the e-box and notice, that the panel with the spade is open now, you get a gold coin and you can now turn off the light. This you’ll need to get the energy down to 0%, then you can activate the door look AND the pc together
    - Go in the other room and look at the PC get the hint for the coin order and click on exit to activate the door (you’ll see that the mirror opens)
    - Go through the mirror and zoom in on the coin panel, insert the coins in order of the hint you got from the PC and YOU ARE FREE !!!

  29. I'm so sorry, but the solutions for the puzzles have to wait a bit, because I have to go quickly

    Maybe meanwhile someone else will write it =)

  30. Wow!! @Sabine...well done...I actually finished by using all the great clues and some spoilers ....but...what an achievement! TY!!!!

  31. Thanks a lot, Sabine.
    I don't understand the kaleidoscope clue, there is nothing in it that looks like a heart shape or a 3 x 3 grid.

  32. I am stuck with the faucet/puzzle pieces. Do I make the faucet match the puzzle pieces then click + between each piece?

  33. I can't get through the door to the pc now. I can get electricity to 0%, but nothing happens. The door is locked whether the lights are on or off now. This is too frustrating. You all liked this, but I do not.

    I quit.

  34. EnJoy: The spaces on the puzzle pieces in the hint represent when the buttons on the faucet are "out". the round parts of the puzzle pieces are when you push the buttons "in". SO the first puzzle piece you push all the buttons in, etc...hope that makes sense..

  35. @ Zoe, thanks I will try it now.

  36. No, I don't get it. I have tried so many times, I give up. I will wait until someone posts the "solutions"

  37. It's hard, and gets harder. No one mentions how to do the electricity so you can get the PC on at the end, and go through the mirror to place all the coins. I'm frustrated, too.

    I'm not going to finish this, nor will I go back to play it. Too illogical.

  38. for the PC: you have to activate the PC AND the door lock in the electricity box, for that you need first to turn off the lights, because if you do not, the energy will be more than 100& and the fuse shut down the electricity...
    first button under the spade-panel: off
    second button for the vent: off
    third button for the door lock: on
    fourth button for the grid: off
    sixth button for the PC: on
    then you have 80& and the capacity is not exceeded

  39. Is anyone still playing this? I can't get the faucet to work. Tried following clue from second room....going from left to right....pushing in the knobs where the puzzle piece has a hole, then clicking the cross after each one but it's not working. Even tried going right to left...what am I missing?

    Also tried inverting the holes but that didn't work either...

  40. @Ampersand:
    you don't have to click the cross after each push of the knobs... only after you have done the whole column from the puzzle piece hint

  41. For the faucet.
    The first puzzle piece has all 4 points out so you don't have to do anything in the first step.
    The second puzzle piece has a hole on the right side so you have to click the right pin of the faucet etc. etc.
    Step 1 do nothing
    Step 2 click the right (so it's in)
    Step 3 click the left (in)
    Step 4 click the bottom (in)
    Step 5 click the left (so it's out again)
    Step 6 click the top (in)
    Step 7 click right (out again)
    Step 8 click bottom (out again)
    And then click the + in the middle.

    For the power box you have to open the spades panel and turn that light off and then (with everything else on) you can click the pc (60%) and the door (20%) on.

  42. Oops mistake in the last part of my previous post (on had to be off)

    For the power box you have to open the spades panel and turn that light off and then (with everything else off) you can click the pc (60%) and the door (20%) on.

  43. Pascale,
    Did you notice you can turn the view of the kaleidoscope around?


    Picture clicking order :
    up – left – right – up – down – left

    Lever box:
    1st lever: 1 up
    2nd lever: 1 down
    3rd lever: 2 up
    4th lever: 3 down

    Brown Picture:
    from up to down: 8472

    Door lock:
    Pattern from:

    Kaleidoscope hint for heart box:
    from up left to right down:
    green – red – yellow – blue – green – red – yellow – blue

    Clock hand:
    7 o’clock to the left
    3 o’clock to the right
    10 o’clock to the left
    5 o’clock to the right
    8 o’clock to the left
    12 o’clock to the right

    Puzzle piece hint for faucet:
    click the pins in this order:
    right – left – down – left – up – right – down – cross

    Pattern for drawers:
    square – circle – triangle – circle – triangle – square – square – circle

    Panel for switching mirrors:

    1st line: empty
    2nd line: empty triangle empty circle
    3rd line: wave empty
    4th line: star, diamond, empty empty
    5th line: plus

    Please tell me, if I've forgotten something

  45. oh @small-tool, haven't noticed your explanation for the faucet... it's way better than mine...

  46. Thanks Sabine! I didn't see the second page of comments before posting. :/

  47. Lol Sabine, but I doubt if my explanation is better, it's only way longer.
    Btw. great job on the walkthrough and nope, you didn't forget anything at all.

  48. I don't get 2 things:
    1. Kaleidoscope... totally not seeing the pattern
    2. The coin solution

    Could someone explain them?

  49. What an effort to design a game like this. Best i ever played..
    Thank you...KOTORINOSU

  50. As ignorant as this sounds, and is, I still cannot figure out the levers on the safe in the cabinet. I have even followed the walkthrough: 1 up, 1 down, 2 up, 3 down...DOES NOT WORK. I guess I need a picture, for heaven's sake! Frustrated! Thank you!

  51. @cyndee

    Here you go, the picture of how the lever should be


  52. Thank you very much mhtyhr, but it still does not work, and I have it exactly like you have pictured it. Is there another safe or something I have to do first??

  53. mhtyhr,
    I already closed the game and it's a bit hard to explain the kaleidoscope without being able to see it.

    But for the coins. It's just a bit of trial and error.
    First start with the triangle. According to the hint you can place that only on 3 spots. But only with the triangle on the second from the left on the top line (or second line if you count the gray one on top too) you can place the other patterns correctly.

  54. cyndee43,
    Maybe you have to see the hint first before it works.
    Did you look at the back side of the panel you took away from the fan?

  55. I give up. I have never felt so utterly frustrated and idiotic, lol. Giving this one a pass! :(

  56. @cyndee,
    I think you need to see the hint before the code works.
    Once you take the cover off the vent, view the cover from your inventory, and click it once to turn it over to see the hint.

    Thanks! I finally understood the coin solution
    For the kaleidoscope, I kinda worked out which pattern to scrutinise as there is only one with all 4 colours.. but to be honest, I still don't see it :D

  57. mhtyhr,
    It's not about looking at the kaleidoscope in one position, but looking at a lot of positions to see where in what colour is a diamond shape that would fit as a diamond shape in the heart grid.

  58. Cyndee has asked several times, but nobody has provided a satisfactory answer. Could somebody please explain the reasoning of the lever safe. I found the note about the safe, and I have looked at the test tubes, and I've even arranged the levers precisely as specified, and it still doesn't open. This is very frustrating. Can anybody assist?

  59. David,
    The note and the test tubes are not for the levers safe, but for the grid safe.

    For the levers safe;
    The solution in the walkthrough is correct and so is the picture that mhtyhr posted here.
    And like I said before, maybe you have to see the hint first before it works. And the hint is at the backside of the panel you took away from the fan.
    Maybe the code is changed so take a good look at that panel again.
    And maybe, but I really can remember anymore, you have to push a button to open the safe after setting the levers (or zoom out and in again).

  60. And just played again.
    And the lever code is still the same.
    And it doesn't work if you haven't seen the hint before.
    But if you already placed the levers right and then looking at the hint it still won't open. You have to change a lever then and put it back in the right position again. And after that it will open if you click the grey button at the left.

  61. I loved this game!!!! I am usually one who keeps asking for help, but I think I was in the right mood for this one today! I played along with the comments, hours after it was live...all the clues are there even though some were a challenge to decipher. The one I had the toughest time understanding was the test tube one...I had no idea where to use it....then I paid attention to the test tube holders....It all made sense when I realized it was a 3X4 grid of circles...and it matched the 3X4 button safe!

    Any how...hoping people come back to this another time and enjoy it like I did!..Really, If I can do it so can anyone!!! LOLOLOL

  62. I had a different kaleidoscopic pattern though ( i think) YGx,RBR,BYG

  63. Okay, so people are calling one thing the lever safe and one thing the grid safe, and I guess I've conflated the two. I'm talking about the safe in the small dresser, on the left-hand side. It seems pretty clear that the note and the test tubes are for that safe. As I said, I've tried to puzzle it out, and I've tried several reasonable combinations. In frustration, I finally looked at the image given of the solution, but when I tried it, it still didn't work. So, could somebody please explain the reasoning of the solution, all of the hints needed (if there are more than the note and the test tubes). I really want to play this game, but can't really do anything more without solving that puzzle. Thanks.

  64. Yep David,
    I'm talking about the safe inside the small dresser too when I'm talking about the levers safe.
    And again. It has nothing to do with the note and the test tubes. That's for the other safe.
    For this safe, all you have to see (and you really have to see it before it works) is the hint on the backside of the cover you took away (using the screwdriver) from the fan.
    That cover should be in your inventory after you took it. So about item it and then flip it and then you see gray spots at different heights and on the left you even see the lines that are on the safe as well. And those spots, that's the hint how to set the levers.

  65. I made a picture of the solution for the grid safe and also on that picture where the hint is for the lever safe.
    Here it is;

    Click here to see the hints

  66. I am still not seeing the kaleidoscope. Can someone please post a screen shot before I lose my mind, lol?

  67. Okay, I think I need to give up. I appreciate the help. I misunderstood what the note and test tubes were hints for; not the "lever safe," but the "grid safe." The problem I have now is that, after getting and viewing the note, and after zooming in on the test tubes, when I try to open the grid safe, nothing happens. I mean, the buttons don't even click.

  68. @David i have the same problem... Too bad, it seemed a really good game, iz makes me sad i cant play it...

  69. David and Špela,

    The buttons don't stay pressed in, you just have to click them in the right order and if done correctly your paper disappears from your inventory and then you can zoom out (1x) and open the safe with the gray button/handle on the left side.

  70. Yeah i know that they dont stay in... The thinh is i tries it about 20 times now...
    the hot spot is only at the very bottom of the buttons, but even if i click the hot spots it doesnt work...

  71. its supposed to be: The thing is that i tried it...

  72. Then it seems like it's a bug (I can click the buttons at every part of the button).
    Maybe try restarting, or a different browser or downloading the latest flashplayer update.

  73. Ok tnx i will try something...

  74. wow, between this and tesshi-e, I'm exhausted! Great WT @Sabine and thanks to all on previous page whose comments helped when I got stuck!

  75. Updating flashplayer worked!!!
    tnx small-tool! =)

  76. @ small tool: thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!

  77. Wow, great game! Im esspecially happy i got out almost on my own, except the test tubes and the kaleidoscope, which i still dont get...=)

  78. BEST. GAME. EVER. this was fantastic.

  79. I'm very impressed with this game. good graphic quality, no pixel hunting, and reasonable difficulty. 10/5!
    Thanks everyone for the walkthrough!

  80. Can anyone help me with the coin positions? please!

  81. Can anyone help me with coin positions?

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Once again, thank you Small-Tool : yes, I know what a kaleidoscope is (o: I've turned it again and again, there is nothing that looks like a 3 x 3 grid. This game could have been great, but it is so difficult that it's just frustrating and disheartening.

  84. No idea for the microscope - brown circles puzzle : 3 different numbers in the microscope, 4 numbers on the picture. How do you solve this ???

  85. Pascale,
    Every number is made out of small numbers.
    When you zoom in for the second number you see one of the small numbers that was part of the first number.
    That number is made out of small numbers again and when zooming in you again see that smaller number big.
    But the third number you can't zoom in anymore, but you can still see from what small numbers it's made and that is the 4th number.

    For the kaleidoscope.
    There is not really a grid. You have to imagine the pattern of the box over it. And when turning you sometimes see a diamond shape that fits in a diamond shape on the box. Write that down and keep on turning till you have seen all the diamond shapes that fit in the box.
    But the bottom left and the bottom right are not very clear. There you can only see half a shape.

  86. For some reason I can't combine the two pieces of the screwdriver.. Can anyone help me?

  87. Small-Tool, thank you again !
    Unfortunately, I don't understand the hint for the coins. If the light grey place is the same on the hint and on the panel, then the triangle coin should be on the first line.

  88. Pascale,
    It's like I wrote in my comment on 6/25/11 11:58 AM. It depends on what you call the first line.
    But you're right, that's the place for the triangle coin.
    Then with triangle there, there are not much options how to place the other coins. They have to stay in their position on a line of 4 like in the hint, but the line doesn't always have to be horizontal and can also go diagonal.

  89. I vote this game of the month. Simply brilliant! Thank you and keep them coming! :D

  90. caught this one while searching for games worth a replay

    unfortunately, the link is broken...
    (404 page not found - also on the dev's site I got the same message)

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