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South Pole Unescape Walkthrough

South Pole Unescape


South Pole Unescape is another point and click type room escape game created by Renegade from CMSBox. You're already outside, but its snowing. Get back into the cave! Good luck and have fun!

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South Pole Unescape Walkthrough



anyone here?

hmmm... UNescape??!!


Found a knife behind stone.

hello joe and roberto

loading... be with u all in short while

Found a knife under a rock, and a clue with lots of numbers...

Just loading

whoa! One already? Hi all!

2 branches and a labyrinth

I am stuck since a long time in this game....HELP !

You can raise the snowman's cap and see a box, but can't take it. Can move the snowman; see something green behind him.

and a key

Fish, stick or shovel, battery and knife.

Yes key is used on snowman box.

I don´t know if I placed 1 branch on top of stone or it got stuck there.

hello! Walk away for a second after stalking the homepage and a live one starts without you! lol...just starting. You all out yet?

Branches go on footprints.

Wonder if it will finish loading! Maybe I don't want to unsecape? lol!
Renegade is an interesting author. Sometimes with great games, some other not so. Hope I'm waiting for something good here!

something writen on the wall scene with snow man but can't read it.
what to do with all those clue

snowman box? where?

tipped over a snowman and cut a ski pole off the seal

Use shovel in front of fishsign and catch a fish for seal.

Thanks Zazie, I can only get one branch to stick there though.

Finally in!

give the fish to seal and have the box for the code

roberto, lift his hat.

2nd branch goes just bellow yellow spot.

Use shovel again left of code box in the snow for another box.

Got the snowman arms and opened the box on his head with the key under the sign post. No knife to me yet.

Thanks Zazie. Navigation is weird!

found a clue for a three digit number behind a rock, but have no place to put it

Thanks Roberto; have the second branch placed now.

hmm...can't knock the snowman

Edgar, you have move a rock out of the way, not just click it. On the right side of one of the first screens.

Clicking away at the snowman, but he won't go down...

Philomenia, what is your number ?

I like to see some snow..it is very hot outside :)

In the scene with pole sign there are 3 lines on the right wall.

need to get code for box where the seal was

Got it @seawall, thanks. Having posting issues here.
Opened the box behind the seal (3-dig) and the one buried in same scene (6-dig) Got matches.

fish? shovel? where???

Code for box is in the maze, starting from lower right.
Lit matches on the wall in main view. Branches are on fire now.

evans, shovel is somewhere in front of seal, a bit hidden.

Got the snowman down, you have to have the ski pole first.

@evans, shovel hidden behind the seal.

@evans shovel is the ski like thing. You somehow get it from the seal. I just clicked around I think.

Where is ski pole?

Have matches too.

what i got from the maze was 882150.. but incorrect. help

too painful to navigate

Drop that. evan's ski pole is everyone else's shovel. But to use it on the snowman, you have to put the hat back down first. Another branch.

Game keeps freezing on me (no pun intended lol)

feeling silly that I don't have 3 gig code yet. Is it not 3?5

I have 601 as 3 digit not sure where to use that and 051288 from maze. Neither opens box behind seal. ????

How to get rid of seal?

What is 3 digit code ? i am that bad in math.

@Aban, your code is correct. Now drag the tap aside.

can light match on rough spot on the wall in first scene. hmm...what to set ablaze?

Penguin wants a password now.

@Zazie, no math. 3-dig is the answer to the 3 riddles in main view.

evans 6 digit code from end to start (the other way around)

Cannot find 3 digit box!

@Edgar, ok so i am bad in riddles lol.

I don't have a pass for penguin :(

@Edgar what tap. am lost

I'm not getting either of the codes..

okay, so I'm an idiot. what's the 2nd number of 3 dig code?

@roberto, 3-digit box is behind the seal - feed it the fish.


Sorry, Zazie -- I had to go stop my barking dogs. My number was 314

@Aban, the box cover. Drag it.

Thx Edgar, 2 batteries now.

I would if I had a fish!

@Seawall Look at Aban Adk Jrl Jr.'s post @ 7:12 AM
That's for the one in the ground. Enter # and drag lid off. You won't get any signal that it's correct just that you can open it.

got out. dig up flaslight from in front of cave, thaw it over flames add batteries and check out cave for password.
Thanks for the help people.

Thanks @Edgar and @Philomena for 3 dig code :)

Used the shovel again in lower left of burning branches. Frozen flashlight!

thanks @Edgar

mkganda, that's what I put in, but it won't let me drag the top off.

got flashlight to find penguin code. and out!


Out! Thanks @evans! Always tried to put the flashlight somewhere :P

hmm...can't set flashlight on flames. :s

to melt ice on flashlight, hold it over the burning branches

Is the riddle the same for all?
How many eggs can you put in an empty basket is 1?

And out Thx evans for the flashlight hint !

can't get the flashlight on the flames

POP, I was using the code on the wrong box!

@Seawall :( sorry, hope you didn't find a bug. It should work.

Still struggling with frozen flashlight.

@roberto, once you put in 1 it isn't empty anymore!

nvm. Just had to place the third branch and keep trying.

lol! Sure!

@mkganda don't try to place it, just hold it over them

Oh good @Seawall!

@roberto I don't get that either lol. (1 egg in an empty basket)

So, for the 3-dig code.

-If i have some gems, and all of them are 3 different kind but 2, then I have 3.
-Once I put the first egg in the basket, it will stop being "empty", so 1.
-You can call whatever you like to any part of the elephant, it will always have 4 legs.

Roberto, did you get the fish by using the shovel?

Roberto -- once you put 1 egg in the basket, it's no longer empty

ahh...thanks @Jeremy! Also for explaining the 2nd riddle. :)

Where is this cave entrance?

I`m really stuck! Didn´t use the knife yet. Don´t know what´s that green thing in inventory and cannot find a fish to feed seal.

You're welcome @mkganda! I don't often get to help as I'm usually struggling to catch up :)

Thank u Edgar and evans and the rest too

finally thawed my flashlight, but here's my next stupid question. Where do I put my new code? Penguin just stands there. Clicking everything. :s

@roberto, you have the shovel, right?
Go to the left view, drag the fish sign up and dig a fish out of the snow.

       Anonymous  6/21/11, 7:33 AM  

Going In

roberto, use the shovel in front of the fish sign for the fish

Cannot dig anywhere in left scene.

@mk, you need 2 batteries for flashlight!

Where is the penguin and why can't I find him????

My game froze!

@roberto Green thing=battery you need 2. On the far left (snowman) scene you can drag the fish sign down. Where it stops, dig with ski/shovel to get the fish to feed the seal.

@Edgar flashlight is on, got code, just where to put it?

I missed the key; only have one battery. Where's the key?

@roberto, it's in the snowman view. Sorry if I'm pointing the useless and obvious. I just don't know why you can't get that fish...

Found the key; thanks mkganda!

Oh, mkganda, click on the penguin then.

@roberto that happened to me a couple of times too, but I waited it out and unstuck itself. It almost always when I was refreshing comments.

Roberto, I got my fish out without dragging the sign up; that's why I never had the key until at the end of the game.

I have batteries in the flashlight and am now stuck. Can someone please give me a small hint?

Penguin has no love for me. Won't talk to me even to demand my code. He just ignores me. Still have my knife, but I don't have the heart to threaten even the rudest Penguin in the South Pole. Stuck here then I guess.

OK! Game is working again after awhile.
But cannot open box behind seal.
Tried 051288 and 882150.
No go!

@Philomena, click on the penguin to ask you for the code. Use flashlight inside the cave to see what the code is.

box behind seal is for 3 digit code from riddles

Philomena, click on the lower right of the cave, and you'll get a numerical password for the penguin.

Wrong box! Got it!

@roberto, your 2nd is the real cigar. Drag the lid then.

I can't even find the penguin == where is it?

@roberto box behind seal is 3 digits from riddle in first scene. Dig left of there near middle bottom of screen to find 882150 code box. Drag lid after entering numbers. 3 dig code spoiled above.

Roberto, the three digit number goes on the box sticking out of the ground. The maze number goes in the one underground.

Oops, that happens...

@mk, you do have a rude seal! I just typed the numbers in, and clicked him, and I was out!

Now I have knife (unused) 2 batteries, match and shovel.
Don´t know what to do.

Philomena, the penguin will appear when the cave is opened.

There is no penguin in my game. Maybe I should just go eat breakfast

grr...stupid penguin hates me. Is it because I knew the code first before he asked for it? So petty. C'mon small flightless bird, I still have a lit match.

I want to finish...should I restart?

@Philomena, do you see the cave? Remember the yellow spot in the pile of snow? That's the penguin! You need 3 placed and lit branches to melt the penguin out.

Where´s the 3rd branch?

"Ok stupid pengiun, Ive got matches, a knife and a shovel... and I aint no afraid of using them!"

@roberto, (my) third branch was behind snowman.

Third branch is behind the snowman after you tip him over with the multi tool ski-pole/shovel.

How to move that stupid snowman out of my way?

roberto use the shovel ski pole thingy to move the snow man

@roberto, use the shovel in the base of him (hat on)

Ahhhhhhh. Thanks, Edgar. I've been trying to dig him out

@roberto use ski/shovel

restarted and clicked an ad. Last restart for me. Cute game overall, just mad at this mean little bird.

And finally out

OK, I spent a precious time to move that snowman.
Now I see the penguin asking me a password.

@mk, did you decide to start over?

@mk, played again and looked at the code before clicking the penguin. No problem at all.
Yet, it might be a glitch anyway...

aha! Finally! 3rd time's a charm I guess. I could have done it the first time, but I was too focused on hating the penguin which is sad b/c I really like penguins. :P

I never cut and lit the 3rd branch and that's why penguin didn't ask me for code. Doh

hahahaha... everybody being so cute ...hahaha

Where do I find the penguin password?

No glitches, sweet game. :)
Thanks for all the help! I'm out of practice.

@roberto use flashlight in right side of cave behind penguin to find a sign with the code. It changes or I'd spoil it.

roberto, the password is inside the cave. You have to have the thawed out flashlight w/2 batteries installed.

Do know the feeling...

@roberto after u get the torchlight than melt it than point the torchlight beside the penguin

flashlight?... I was just going to ask for it! lol.

@Edgar... hahahaha

@roberto, lower left of lit branches. Dig for the flashlight. Dig like the wind!!

@roberto dig lower left of penguin scene to get frozen flashlight and hold it over flames til it drops. Add batteries and get code.

ehm... I should work now...

Sorry but where to you click to dig up the 6 digit box?

Thanks Thanks Thanks all!!!
Now I can rest in peace!

Just in front of seal

gongtats @roberto :)

@Akairyuu left of where seal was, bottom of screen.

okay, going now. Anyone doing a WT?

@mkganda Got thanks :)

Yay, finally out ^^! It was a fun wee game :)

The places where to dig for the flahlight and the codebox (not for the fish) are on the paper behind the snowman.
And yep, good game.

Is this game buggy or pixely? I can only place one of my three branches.. restarting and hoping for better luck!

Only one of them is placed on the footpritns, the other two are placed left and right from that one.

got it. thanks small-tool

thank you brainiacs for all ur comments! game looks deceptively simple. cud not have done it without you! :)

Ok, I can't find the matches... anyone know where to find those?


-Drag rock right of footprints to the left to find knife
-Drag rock at bottom of sign behind pole to the right to find a riddle hint for 3 digit code.
-Click lower left corner of screen to turn left to snowman scene.

-Drag fish sign up to find key
-Drag snowman's hat up to see box. Use key for battery
-Take snowman's arms (sticks 1 and 2)
-Click lower right of screen twice to turn right 2x to Seal scene.

-On right under seal's nose find ski/shovel
-Do maze on back wall for 6 digit code. start at lower right and take numbers as you go
-Click lower left of screen twice to get back to snowman scene.

-Use ski/shovel to dig near fish sign to get fish
-Use again on snowman to knock him down and see hint for more dig spots.
-Use knife behind snowman for stick 3
-Go back to Seal scene

-Give fish to seal to reveal box. Use 3 digits from riddle in first scene for battery 2
-Use ski/shovel bottom middle sort of towards right to find another box. Enter 6 digits from maze and drag lid for match
-Go back to first scene.

-Place sticks at bottom of snow mound. 1st one under and slightly right of sign, 2nd right next to it on right and last one on the footprints.
-Take your match to the spot on the right of wall where it looks scratched and click/drag it to light it.
-Light all sticks to see the penguin. Click him to see you need another code.
-Use ski/shovel lower left of this screen to find frozen flashlight
-Drag frozen flashlight to fire and hold it there until it thaws and drops.
-Pick it up and add the batteries.
-Use flashlight behind penguin on right to reveal another sign with the code.
-Enter code for penguin and out!

3 digit box (behind seal) 314
6 digit box (from maze) 882150
Penguin code changes, no spoiler

lynmilly ,
Dig in front of the walrus and then put the code from the maze (from right to left in the maze) in. But it won't pop open, you have to drag the lid away after putting in the code.

Great and quick Mkganda.

Btw. I disagree with the empty egg basket riddle. I'm pretty sure I can put two eggs in at exactly the same time (maybe even 3).

lol @small! Me too. I was a little embarrassed that I thought the last number would be 5 though...woops. :P

Walrus? I fed a seal in that scene... Is there a hidden walrus too?

Finally!! Whew... I was beginning to think I was gonna be frozen bear food... lol

       Anonymous  6/22/11, 4:10 AM  

Everybody talks about a maze in the back wall where the seal was. I only see a paper but no maze.

got the code in the cave, where do I put the code. I tried. I tried putting it on the pennq. it wont go. I click on pennq. no message. Help please, if anyone comes back

       Anonymous  6/22/11, 4:19 AM  

NM I got it. Terrible navigation, but also out at last. :)

       Anonymous  6/22/11, 4:20 AM  

sherry, there are 2 boxes in the cave. One is left from the other in the snow. Dig with your shovel.

I lit the 3 braches, still no message, but stil got the code in the cave

       Anonymous  6/22/11, 4:27 AM  

@sherry (if you're still here). Dig up fish in left scene with shovel. First raise fishsign.
Give seal the fish. After that you see a box. The other box is on the left of this one. Dig with shovel.

@catqueen, I still cant find the box. Just were is it, its driving me crazy.

       Anonymous  6/22/11, 4:35 AM  

@sherry, navigation is terrible. I found the spot for the hidden box by using TAB. Yes I'm bad, but this game is also ;)
The spot is between de middle and right rock on the lower part of the screen.

@catqueen, I gave the fish to the seal, before, the second box next to that one , I had openned before and got the match. Which secene do find where to put in the code to get out

       Anonymous  6/22/11, 4:40 AM  

Sherry: use match in scene with branches on the wall on the right. Use matches on branches to reveal the penguin. He asks for a code.

@catqueen I did all that. Got all branches, lit them, did everything, got the new code in the cave, but the pennq. didnt ask anything, no messages, but still got the last code in the cave. dont know where to put the code from cave.Your right the navigation is terrible


       Anonymous  6/22/11, 4:57 AM  

Sherry, did you click the penguin? Maybe then he asks for the code. I don't remember it anymore. But after that you type the code from the cave and you're out.

Catqueen, I did click the pennq. nothing happens. Well this is the 3rd time I started up. and its still the same.Thank you anyways for your help, Im about to give it up. Thanks you

       Anonymous  6/22/11, 5:14 AM  

sherry: YW!
Cu in another game.

Working link - https://www.kongregate.com/games/saybox/south-pole-unescape.

       Random Game  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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