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Swiftly 2 - Arrows

Swiftly2 - Arrows is another Japanese point and click room escape game developed by Episodes and Melody. In this game, you try to escape from the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Roberto]

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  1. Thanks Yalçin. Hope I get some help now!

  2. Hi, roberto!

    Starting, but I've not been doing well today.

  3. So far!
    note in trash bin
    note under pic
    Opened safe and found a yellow star with 7 on it.
    Clicked on arrow above shelf and some writings appeared
    to make a choice.
    Choose 1st option and you back to the game, but the arrow doesn´t appear anymore.
    Choose 2nd option and game finishes.
    So, I`m stuck after choose 1st option.

  4. @ Roberto.. what am I chopped Liver??? LOL

  5. to figure out code for safe, the arrows make numbers if drawn on paper (via Roberto)

    Got safe open now have a yellow star with "7" on it.

  6. Playin again cause I brute foced last code.

  7. I found the two notes and stared at the wooden arrows on the shelves, but haven't figured out safe code. As I said, I don't think I'll be much help today!

  8. The arrows in note draws numbers. Each line 1 digit.

  9. Ok .. Roberto, nothing is making sense to me this game, how did you get into the new room? or out for that matter?

  10. spoiler!!!

    Draw a 7 using the arrows in drawer

  11. well, I did a lovely job closing the game window on myself. re-loading


  12. got safe open and yellow star.

  13. with the hint to draw the 7 -- thanks, roberto! I got the drawer open. For some reason, it took me a couple of tries to get it to take.

  14. I have a black 5-pointed star on bookcase and a yellow 9-pointed star with a 7 on it.

    Can't seem to use your arrow spoiler, Roberto. Oh, go bottom to top! (POP)

  15. wow. Second room is ugly @__@

  16. Ty @enjoy for explanation...I did not think of drawing via arrows!!!!

  17. After opening drawer is a piece of cake!

  18. but...please...a spoiler for making the 7 on the drawer...I can't get it!

  19. Ok.. I cant get the 7 arrow thingy to work

    I am doing up, left, down, up?

  20. duh. Just saw the arrows were worth numbers.

    lol out :D

  21. I think drawing a 7 was up, right, down, and down?

    something like that

  22. I didn´t understand the meaning of that shelf. The wooden arrows and the star on top.

  23. Last room, use the unused note and look up!

    But I don't have wings, so going back in for the 4-digit code. Must be related to bookcase (5-pointed stars).

  24. out and some rating?! 205 points

  25. I never used the bookcase either.

    The code box in the last room has a 5-pointed star on it so I'm sure they must go together, but I don't understand how.

    All I did was put an arrow in the first box and hit enter. It told be a value. Put in the second for the value of the second arrow. Etc. Then put arrows in the boxes to the value of 13.

  26. Nice, but short... After understanding the arrow-way

  27. Ah! -- book shelf is binary numbers from top to bottom
    000 = 0
    001 = 1
    010 = 2


  28. For "Key = 13", just convert 13 into binary...

  29. I hate Binary! ugh.. did what kkf suggested and finally out. Thanks to kkf and roberto!

  30. Thanks for the help, everyone...did not understand the game very well ...maybe there was more to it if I understood Japanese...out anyway!

  31. Go left
    Click the picture – find CODE HINT behind it
    If you select it in your inventory and then click the ? circle, you can see the about item view of it
    Note the arrows. Also note the square on the upper left corner.
    Go left
    Note the bookcase has a star on the upper right corner
    Go left
    Zoom on the trashcan
    Get the ARROW PAPER from it
    Zoom on the safe
    Note the safe also has a square on it
    This tells you that the paper from under the picture is the hint for the safe.
    Enter the number code and hit the enter button at the bottom of the safe number pad
    Solution below
    Click the safe handle and get the MULTI-POINTED STAR
    Back up so you can see the desk
    Click the right drawer
    The drawer has the same multi-pointed star shape on it, so you know the 7 star is the clue to the drawer
    Solution Below
    Back up and click the black drawer handle
    Get the KEY from inside

    Ending 1
    The hint on the paper from the trashcan has an up arrow. After you have the paper, you can click up arrows to look up – they are at least in the door and bookcase views (maybe in each view)
    The game will give you the option to leave (bottom selection)
    Or continue (the top selection)

    Ending 2
    From the desk, go left
    Use the silver key on the door
    Enter the second room
    Click on the panel by the door to zoom in
    The hint says that the key is 13.
    The 5-pointed star on the panel tells you the code goes with the bookcase and arrows on the shelves.
    Click the correct arrow boxes to unlock the door
    Solution below

    The paper from under the picture will allow you to figure out the safe code. There are 4 lines of arrows. You want to start with the top line (since the large arrow on the left side is going from top to bottom).

    The top line has left, down, right, down, left. Either use your finger or take paper and pen. Draw a line left, now, down, now right, now down, and then left. It should make the number 5.

    Do this for all the lines, and you will get the numbers SPOILER5269SPOILER

    DRAWER CODE (thanks, Roberto!)
    You need to draw the seven using the arrow buttons on the drawer. Don’t forget, the 7 on the star has a small part going down from the tip. So the pattern is SPOILERup,right,down,downSPOILER

    There are 2 ways to get the door code. My way: Put arrows in all of the boxes and hit okay. It tells you the value is 15 for all the arrows. Click the first box and then hit the OK button. This arrow is worth 8. The second is worth 4. The third is worth 2. The last it worth 1. Since you want 13 (the key), you can put arrows in the first, second, and last boxes.

    The right way. Thanks PuzzledinCA and Yannoche!
    The arrows on each bookcase shelf represent binary numbers. There are 3 columns the arrows could be in on the bookshelf (since the values on the shelf are no higher than 7). A blank space is a 0 and an arrow is a 1. So the top shelf is 000, which is 0 in binary. The second shelf from the top is 001, which is 1. The third is 010, which is 2. etc. The bottom shelf is 7.

    So 13 in binary is SPOILER1101SPOILER

  32. by the way, here is a link if you need help understanding binary:

  33. Very nice walkthrough kkf!!

  34. sorry, forgot to refresh !

  35. When I looked up in the window in the first game I had Japanese writing and clicked it and have a different game now ? I'm stuck on a color code in it ? behind a pine-cone picture HELP

  36. it must be swiftly 1 I'm at I don't know?

  37. LOL@ myself. Scrolled through these posts very fast and read: "After opening drawer there is a piece of cake!" (from Roberto) LOL

    KKF thank you for the WT.

  38. So, THAT was a special creative idea, to draw numbers for safe code according to arrows on paper...

    And as I said somewhere before:
    thx very much @KKF for the «illuminating» WT!


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