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Mountain House Puzzle

Mountain House Puzzle Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Gamershood. In this game, you have to gather items and solve puzzles to escape. Good luck and enjoy!

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  1. Hello drinkmilk!
    I am playing too, but having problems with number sequence...

  2. The picture puzzle is not really hard, but just in case. It should look like this;

  3. Hi guys!
    @Anneli me too :)

  4. First row of the sudoku;


  5. Ok, got the number sequence but don't know if I can explain my train of thought; it's first divided by 9, then plus 39, then divided by 12..... so the last two numbers are first: plus 39, then times 3.

  6. The number sequence is;
    Take the root, then +39, then x3.

  7. What to do with the screwdriver??

  8. Oops, forgot that 48 times 3 is 144 - which is why the times three in the end! Sorry...

  9. 8268e55a-b948-11e0-97d7-000bcdcb2996,

    Use the screwdriver on the bottom part of the right chair.

  10. use screwdriver under right sofa in scene with lamp and books on floor.

  11. Thanks Small-tool!!! I had tried there a few times, just didn't have the exact spot...

  12. And out, thanks for the help!

  13. What to do with the scissors?

  14. Tsitsak, look at the posters above the dresser

  15. i've try the name of merilyn m..but it doesnt work..

  16. kkkk,
    Use the scissors in the room where you use the keys. There zoom in on the lamp on the bottom left and then use it on the floor.

  17. check your spelling, marilyn m

  18. ooh God...where is my mine??? thanks!

  19. I need help with the soduku!!!!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Katie,
    I already posted the first row (somewhere above),
    The second row is;


  22. small-tool: this was one of your best jokes ever.
    This was the most difficult pic puzzle I ever had to solve from all Gamershood escape games.
    Normally I do not need help. This time I did. Thanks for the "peek".

  23. meh, stuck at the color code. (blue key) Any hints?

  24. arbeitslooser,
    Zoom in on the left chair and look at the bricks behind it.

    Btw, about best jokes. You should come to chatbox, sometimes I almost get banned there because of the things I post.

  25. Thanks for the hint.

    Chatbox ? Maybe sometime.but I'm not very fond of chatting...

  26. Man, that was almost a bit nasty.

    Must been a ridiculously long time that I have ever seen the SQUARE ROOT (!) being used in an arithmetic progression in a GH game! I like this stuff; but it's not too fair with people that think MATH is an abbreviation of something evil.

  27. I cant get the number sequence... I only got it until 81/9 = 9 and then you lost me.

  28. Yep arbeitslooser,
    People shouldn't be complaining about math in escape games. That's part of the fun and mostly it isn't really very difficult math.

  29. Testsite,
    It isn't 81/9 but
    square root of 81 = 9
    9 + 39 = 48
    48 x 3 = 144
    square root of 144 = 12
    12 + 39 = ??
    ?? x 3 = ???

  30. Wow, thnx small tool.... I failed math test twice and then took spanish... you can see why? Thnx again.

  31. Thank you EG24 and Gamershood for a late night treat.

  32. I love these gamershood games but again out without help.. These are getting too easy! I like more challence!

  33. This all seems a little too familiar...

  34. Looked all over for something to use the corkscrew I missing a view with a wine bottle in it?
    I must be the only one who doesn't get it because there is no comment about the corkscrew!!!

  35. hi nokra, stuck in same place ...............

  36. got it, in the basket next to white flowers for yellow key.............

  37. and out..............tricky.

  38. VERY obvious to put a corkscrew in a basket bottom huh? ;)
    I was lucky to have found it by coincidence, but logical? Naaah.

  39. I must say that I really do enjoy the Math bit and working my brain, but the square root thing I would NEVER have gotten! Thanx for the heads up, Small Tool!

  40. Thanks, @heckler...I did try that basket several times ...but guess I didn't get the right spot...
    may play again later...but, all in all did everything ...

  41. can someone please help i have the screw driver, purple, green, red and blue keys now what im totally stuck

  42. Steph,
    Did you solve the purple, green, red and blue puzzles. If so then I think you should have more than a screwdriver.

    And did you use the screwdriver on the bottom part of the right chair?

  43. well ive tried, i done the picture 1st and it looked right but yet nothing happened once i completed it and i done the colour sequence one and yet agaij nothing happened and if im honest im really stuck on the others and yes i used the screwdriver on the chair thats how i got 1 of the keys i think it was the purple 1 :-)

  44. For the picture,
    I posted a screenshot somewhere above. I think the main problem is the bottom right of the picture, so compare that with the screenshot.

    I think you did the colours right, wasn't that how you got the screwdriver?

    For purple, it's a sequence you have to finish.
    I posted what the sequence is somewhere above, but I could post the answer as well, if you want me to.

    And for the green one, I posted the first two rows. But do you know what that puzzle is about?

  45. yeah thanks thats what was wrong the bottom right of the picture i must have put a square in the wrong place lol, and yeah it was sorry i was getting confused lol i now have the corkscrew, ah great ive just reread your earlier posts and have now got the black key after following the sequence when you said you have 2 'finish' the sequence i then understood thanks very much but no the green one has totally got me stumped by 10 year old step daughter could probably work it out before me haha help with that would be great thanks

  46. It seems more people have problems with the picture. So here's how to do it.
    Zoom out and zoom in again to reset the puzzle to the original position. Then click every piece this many times;


  47. The green one is a kind of a sudoku, called ken-ken.
    You can only use the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4.
    On every row and column you can't have two of the same kind.
    The 2x at the top left means you have to make 2 by multiplying.

    Now look at the first column.
    2 made by multiplying means those two boxes have to be 2 and 1, but where you don't know yet.
    But now you now the two bottom boxes in that column have to be 3 and 4. Where you will know quickly, because 3x4=12 and you have to make 36 by multiplying, so now you know the third number has to be a 3. And because the two 3's can't be on the same row, you know the bottom left one has to be 4 and the other two boxes for 36x are bot a 3.
    Go on like that, but do ask if you still don't get it. Will stay around for a bit.

  48. great thanks im going to try now :-)

  49. But now you know and are both a 3 was of course spelled with a silent K and a silent H.
    Lol, just kidding, my keyboard is getting worse and worse.

  50. done it thanks very much :-) i didnt realise that it had similar rules to the sudoku as in you could not have the same numbers twice in each row thanks very much for your help well appreciated

  51. Congrats.
    And you're welcome.

    And in my previous post it had to be 'were of course spelled'.
    And that had nothing to do with my keyboard, but with my English getting worse and worse.

    Lol, better stop posting now.

  52. heeeelp i cant figure out m.m.

  53. OK i can NOT figure out the square root issue... i've tried but i don't understand the sequence

  54. help please, I cant do the Sudoku. I dont understand above how to do it. help, so I can finish the game

  55. Hi sherry, had to replay, here is the solution for sudoku:


  56. nvm got it, didnt see the second row before Thanks S-T again.

  57. thank you Kathurina, that was nice of you. That is one , I can never do thanks again

  58. Zoom on the round bowl to the left of the black vase
    Get the RED KEY
    Go left
    Zoom between the pillows on the bed for the GREEN KEY
    Go left
    Zoom on the potted plant for the BLUE KEY
    Turn 2 times to the opening view
    Zoom on the narrow chest of drawers with the large black vase on it
    Here is where to use your keys
    Solve the red, green, and blue locks for the CORKSCREW, SCISSORS, and SCREWDRIVER

    Zoom on the nightstand at the right side of the bed
    Use the scissors on the rug where it meets the edge of the bed for the ORANGE KEY
    Go left
    Zoom on the baskets by the flower vase with the flowers in it
    Use the corkscrew on the black dot in the right basket for the YELLOW KEY
    Turn 2 times to the view of the 2 chairs
    Zoom on the right chair
    Use the screwdriver on the panel on the side of the chair
    Get the PURPLE KEY
    Go left
    Solve the orange, yellow, and purple locks for the RED TRIANGLES and BLACK KEY
    Turn 2 times to the door
    Zoom on the handle
    Place the triangles and use the key to ESCAPE!

  59. Solutions

    Red drawer
    Click each square of the picture to rotate them and make the picture complete.

    Green drawer
    Solve the ken ken’s math problems using the numbers 1-4 once in each row and column. The goal is to use the numbers to solve the math using the math symbols in each block of boxes to equal the number given for each block of boxes.

    Blue drawer
    In the view of the 2 chairs, click on the lampshade to see the colored bricks

    Yellow drawer
    You need blue, red, green, and yellow numbers. Turn to the left nightstand view and zoom on the phone. The green is on the 4 button, red 6, blue 7, and yellow 8.

    Orange drawer
    You need to enter the name with MM as the initials. Zoom on the posters at the top of the screen in the same view as the chest of drawers with the colored locks.

    Purple drawer
    You need to finish the math pattern.

    end of spoilers

  60. caught this one from the random section

    thx for all your creations, GH ☺
    bummer you don't make games anymore...
    (I just ♥ them, esp. the ones with the keys & the cool tune, too!)


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