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🖳 Device

[REPLAY] Kotorinosu Escape - Device is another point and click room escape game developed by Kotorinosu. In this game, you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Nicop]

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  1. Going in...

  2. Foung an iPod without power in a drawer, and a robot head behind the wall picture.

  3. Looks hard. Found a mask.

  4. That's all I've found...and no idea on any of the puzzles...

  5. I put mask thing on the star...

  6. Robot head on shelf by cat. Left right button puzzle. Follow clue from wall hanging

  7. Wow... I'm totally stuck.

    Obviously, the box opens with an hour supposedly shown by the clock.

  8. Nice find, Stryboh. Got a coin and a red stick attached with a chain and a key.

  9. A metal bar was hidden inside the red stick.

  10. Check in the bottom of the red stick...

  11. That bar must combine with something to open panel by cat

  12. You can still use key even though its attached to stick

  13. Oh yes, LittleLois? Where? I tried the window and both drawers and it didn't work...

  14. Got battery out of phone... I think metal bar is part of SD for panel next to cat, but need a handle

  15. Forget it, I had missed one... Got a lollipop and a handle to make a screwdriver together with the metal bar.

  16. How did you find that, MegiPoland?

  17. One of the small drawers in the middle of the desk Valerie...How did you get that MegiP?

  18. Ok, some development:

    Opened the wall socket with the screwdriver, got a wire.
    Look the little white bars on the wire: that's a hint to open the picture with 3 buttons.
    Got another key.

  19. Cord has clue for 3 button picture

  20. Pattern on cord by cat opens picture above shelves

  21. The lollipop was a handle... You put that on the box on the wall left of the bird picture. Than change the smiley faces to look like the electrical sockets you got from the rightmost drawer.

  22. SPOILER for the smiley faces

    WEAMVUO (upside down on the smiley faces)

    Gives a cookie with a key inside.

  23. Put red lever in thing on wall and enter letters from plugs but upside down

  24. The key opens the window. Get pincers.

    There's a place for a handle: use screwdriver. It stops the mechanism and you can take one of the gears.

  25. The pincers opens the red stick that gives a clue for the little robot (but I don't get it)!

  26. put battery in yellow container and then place it on cat. color code appears.

  27. While the mechanism (behind the window) is off, you can remove the gear from the clock.

    Than you can put both gears back in the mechanism and the ace-clubs-heart-??? starts to turn, but I don't know yet why.

  28. Can take gear out of stopped clock

  29. Can't open flower box with color code

  30. Thanks a n k. Here is the hint for the flower box, given by the cat:


    PGY bell GGB

    Gives a shuriken-shaped coin and the head of the doll.

  31. color code not working?

  32. The head of the doll goes on the doll (no kidding!) and it gives a hint for the little robot.

  33. Looks like codes are different for each game

  34. Don't forget to push the middle button (I called it "bell", don't know the exact word in English - in French it's "grelot") in the middle of the sequence.

  35. Fan clue makes creepy doll move

  36. I still don't know how MegiPoland got that code for the 3-color box. Her X = I XI VI didn't work for me, actually.

  37. Stryboh you're right, that's why I'm stuck. Megi left the solution here for the clock box without saying a word about how he did that.

    I need a clue, no solution spoiler, dangit.

  38. Take battery back from cat and ipod works!

  39. Wherever your clock stops when you turn lever. Enter those

  40. The clock box is:

    First number is where all three hands overlap when clock is running
    When gears in window are stopped, all hands will point to a number

    Changes per game.

  41. when you stop clock mechanism you get the 3 color digit. I forced the first digit

  42. You get an abacus. Not a helpful abacus.

  43. Ah, clock has to be STOPPED? I see I'm still far behind...

  44. Combine phone clue (card symbols) with numbered cards on shelf for spinning heart spade dial thing

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Thanks! Opened the 3-color box and got a "boulier" (I have no idea what the word is in English, sorry). You know, that thing we can count with little balls.

    Perhaps we have to use it with the hint from the 5 cards on the shelf?

  47. Arbeitslooser. Did you open window, use tool you have as lever and stop gears?

  48. clue from phone+ paper numbers on shelf give matchs from turning device

  49. How did you get the battery back? My cat don't want to give it up.

  50. @Valerie look at my hint about the cards

  51. Melsicle. You have to start wind up doll first.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Yes Stryboh, thanks! I just saw the hint on the phone. :)

  54. I don't know what to do with the pacman hint. It looks like the front of the drawers, but...

    And what to do with the "boulier" (is that an abacus?).

  55. pacman clue is for left drower, firs a robot has to bring a key

  56. Yay, thanks Zoran. :) I didn't see the robot was back with the key.

  57. the robot should be back with a key that open the left cabinet where you use the pacman clue.

    and yes its an abacus

  58. Use matches on scroll for clue to phone - get mail MAX WAVE

  59. zoran did you manage to open the compartment below the doll? I cant figure it out, must have somethind to do with abacus

  60. how to use a clue from under the doll?

  61. never realised there was more then one page on scroll.... lol

  62. I thought the <> would indicate the space on each column of the abacus, but it does nothing.

  63. Zoran adjust the abacus so it will "fit"

  64. Oh well, again I spoke too fast... It did marked the spaces. Then place the abacus and open the compartment.

  65. mail hint for smiley-box, gives last shape

  66. Stuck with phone, scroll, gears, ?sphere

    Examining sphere the background looks like the background of the clock and the sphere looks like the one in the scroll.

  67. Ok got a fourth gear and placed it in the mechanism to move the upper wheel and... nothing happens.

  68. I'm lost, I can't find the clue under the doll you guys mention. (you mean the doll with the fan right). And my robot didn't come back.

  69. Put all gears so the clock is working, the door comes instead of doll, but not open

  70. Finally got the right pattern for the mechanism.


  71. I made the clock work again, but nothing seems to happen. I must be missing something else.

  72. Guess I'll have to wait for a WT.
    The rod I got from the daruma (Jap doll) puzzle was hexagonal, not a SD and won't do anything on the socket.
    I see lots of spoilers in the comments above, but no explanations.

  73. @Stryboh

    Yes, finally I've advanced by a mile, still behind you speedy crowd, but that's normal :)

    I'm currently struggling with the flower code.
    I am pretty sure reading the colors from right to left would be a little too easy ;)

    So where's the trick? ;)

  74. And yet another clue inside of door... with a fifth gear, this one golden.

    That gear doesn't work on the previous mechanism.

  75. How to open the doooooor???

  76. see abacus puzzle here:
    (click with right mouse button on link to open it in new window)


  77. @ PuzzledinCA: that's the right rod, it will become a screwdriver when you will find the handle, and later it will be a lever for the mechanism.

  78. Puzzled, that's the very point where I was stuck too! But I figured it out (hah, clever me :P)

    These folks were talking about a *SOCKET*. Now you have to know there are TWO sockets. One visible, the other behind a panel! Find the one behind a panel, it's very hard to spot on a darker screen. (green chameleon on green tree situation again ;))
    I will spoil where it is if you really can't find it.

  79. angerbot, what did you do with the golden gear?

  80. @arbeitslooser : use the colors from left to right, and don't forgrt to click on "bell" in the middle. Colors change each game...

  81. Valerie, it's not a gear, it's a gold weight, use it so you have five gears (S>G>SS)

  82. arbeitslooser,
    colours from left to right, but don't forget to click the middle flower button representing the bell on cat's collar.

  83. Thanks angerbot, but I don't see how I can het 5 gears... I'm getting tired!

  84. Ok I got it by removing them one by one from the top spaces. And now I don't know what to do with those 5 gears.

    Where is the exit?

  85. @premiere

    Still does not work. Tried 3 left colors - middle button - right 3 colors as well as all 6 in one go and then pressing the center button at the very end ... to no avail.

  86. I'm stuck with "phone hint"... What to do with xx/yy xx:xx:yy ? Can't dial this number ...

  87. Valerie you need to use those gears to move the top gear in the window.

  88. OK, stuck with color wheel spinning, head on doll, battery charging. No clue as to the robot keys? From previos posts it seems I need to wind up the robot before I can retrieve the battery? HELP!! I got so far without help. Kills me to ask lol

  89. Yannoche: dial only the black ones.

    arbeitslooser: press the 3 left colors, then the bell, then the 3 right colors.

  90. POP got it, pink and red were hardly distinguishable on the rightmost position, so what I thought was pink was actually red.

  91. Yannoche,
    you need only the black dots from - look at phone date & current! time

  92. Ça me fait plaisir, Yannoche! ;)

    I'm out, at last! Thanks for the help.

  93. Out now ! Thanx Valérie for phone hint...

  94. I'm still stuck trying to figure out how to get the hint under the doll. I've made the clock work again, I have the phone hint. Any idea what I'm supposed to do next?

  95. @arbeitsloser, if you're still here, I guess I need the spoiler on that socket-- I've clicked all over the room and have NOT found it. (back briefly after some interruptions)

  96. Ah, I finally could take all 5 gears & found the correct order in window for getting out!
    Awesome game!

  97. Had to restart (clicked an ad!)-- the picture/daruma code is different!

  98. POP! Found socket (panel next to cat! Not that that helps much - get a cord that's too short to reach.
    cord code not working on frame above (tried both directions)

  99. Puzzled, sure I'm there (just not so hyper-fast!)

    how to find hidden panel

  100. You will soon find a BIG multiple-socket outlet :)

  101. 4th time's the charm!
    Now have charger strip and away ...

  102. Hello? Anyone still here? NEED HELP!!....Please?? <3

  103. When I stopped the clock, I entered the numbers in the code box (gear # in black, RWG where hands stopped, but nothing seems to happen?

  104. OK, stuck with color wheel spinning, head on doll, battery charging. No clue as to the robot keys? From previos posts it seems I need to wind up the robot before I can retrieve the battery? HELP!! I got so far without help. Kills me to ask lol

  105. where do I put the glass ball?

  106. @NY Neen

    So you need to get the robot going I guess?
    Well look at the shapes: hexagon, rhombus, and circle.

    The shapes on the fan come in HALVED renditions, and telling from which half they show you will know which direction to turn the handles on the robot.

  107. Code for robot comes from fan. The side of the shape that you see on the fan is the side of the key that you click.

  108. I'm going to spoil this for the folks whose middle name is not patience lol :)

    <hover here to get solution>

  109. I'am within a second from finishing....where to put the ball or waterdrop? please release me.

  110. Robot/fan clue was different for me, so obvious now. lol

  111. Why i am always missing live games ? Can you tell me this ? Ok i will go to bed and play this tomorrow. Thx anyway...

  112. Absolutely OUTSTANDING game!!!

  113. Well, it seems my robot doesn't like me. It never came back.

    I'm stuck with an abacus, matches (used), a glass ball, a scroll and a phone. Two gears are placed and the ace, spades, clubs diamonds disk is spinning.

    Any help? Ria did you find out where to put the sphere?

  114. no my ball is still with. clicked everywhere.

  115. Took the gears out and made the clock go again - still no robot :( no pac-man clue :( no place in front of the doll :(

    I guess that's all because my robot is still gone.

  116. @ Soriente...
    Clue for spinning clubs, diamonds wheel is from phone (look in pictures) and numbered cards on shelf. Where did you get the glass ball?

  117. glass ball is from box with three signs under doors.

  118. Thanks, Neen. I've done the spinning thing - got the matches from that. The glass ball comes from the box you put the three shapes into (medalions?).

  119. Ria - did your robot ever come back?

  120. I am stuck in the very beginning. I just don't get the left right code.

  121. Yes my robot is back. Think it came back after taking the gold box back fron the cat. Not sure.

  122. Friwi - Place the little head on the device on left shelf over cat, then use the dark dots from the sides of the wall hanging from top to bottom and then the star button on the little head.

  123. Thanks, Ria. Maybe I'll start again and see if mine will come back this time. Perhaps it's a bug.

  124. Hahs! Thank you! Never pressed the star!

  125. This comment has been removed by the author.

  126. Replayed, and exact same thing as last time. My robot did not come back.

    Any ideas?

  127. out with a congratulations end. Is that the only end?

  128. need last gear and middle shape for the box under window...

  129. Hey, kitkat. If you want to post one of your fantastic walkthroughs, I'd love to see what I'm missing (bad robot).

  130. @sonriente sure. I'll get started on one now, but it might take me a while. That is a complex little game lol

  131. Thanks, kitkat. This robot is giving me a complex! lol

  132. still need that middle shape though...

  133. How to get the 5th gear? I´m still stuck not knowing where to use the glass ball.

  134. middle shape you get after make a call.

  135. dial right numbers and you get a mail. use the clue in lever box on the wall

  136. ok... and who am i supposed to call?

  137. Had to restart the game about 4/5 times. It freezes when I change gears lever.

  138. roberto, try to connect the right and left ends of the gears and you'll see the place of glass ball

  139. Have you charged the battery yet?

  140. for the frozen gears lever, try to move the lever again

  141. battery is charged, don't now where are the numbers

  142. ok realized the numbers were from the fire hint

  143. Thanks Felipe, I`m out at last!

  144. The game is very nice but I'd like it most if it had a mute button. Or at least we could find some oil to lubricate those noisy gears.

  145. I hope somebody is still there. My robot has not come back yet and there is no compartment under the doll.

  146. I played with the gears and suddenly the robot came back.

  147. friwi,
    first you have to look on pacman movie in cell phone. for that you must have the memory card from matchbox from above turning suit wheel...
    (very complex, this game, but absolutely terrific!)

  148. friwi I am still here, and I will help you as long as I can

  149. Thank you, premiere. I now have one gear more, connected them top to motor, but they are not spinning.

  150. Ah, need to connect them left to right.

  151. Huelequetecagas, thank you, that i very kind! I got a golden gear and a hint how to place it, but it will not go into the mechanism.

  152. where do I place the abacus??

  153. Hu, I lost all silver gears to the scale!

  154. and my robot never came back!

  155. Got it, alternate golden weight from left to right to get one more gear.

  156. Marijo, play with the gears to make robot come back. Or watch the packman movie on the mobile phone. Either of them gets the robot. You can place the abacus only after that.

  157. Wow, that was a complex and nice game! Would not have done it with out all the help.

  158. But I only have two gears. Do I use them behind the door? And wheren do I put the memory card?

  159. jajaja so u are going to be crazy as me because i am as you, all i can tell u is that you need 5 silver gears, use the golden one to get them, when i know what to do with them, i will tell u

  160. OK, found the place on the phone for the memory card. Let's see now...

  161. YES! It's back! Thanks, friwi!

  162. friwi, you have to put the five gears in the gears window, and u must try that the gears 3, 6, and 12 move

  163. i will be here for a little more, here in spain is so late

  164. Nice name, Huelequetecagas. LOL Do you speak Spanish like I do?

  165. Yeah!! Finally out!! Thank you everyone for all your hints. That was an awesome game!!! Are there any other games by Kotorinosu here?

  166. marijo, pues no sé si como lo hablas tú, pero como lo hablo yo sí ;)

  167. ok, does anyone need help? If not, I am going to bed

  168. Open the left drawer of the table to find the PHONE
    Click the magnifying glass in the bottom right corner of the phone’s inventory box to see the about item view of it
    Click the on button at the bottom of the phone – darn! Battery is dead.
    Turn the phone back off
    Still in the about item view of the phone, click just above the upper right corner of the phone to turn it over
    Remove the battery cover and take out the DEAD BATTERY
    Go right
    Click the wall hanging to find an odd EGG HEAD THING(?)
    Note the head has a star on it
    Turn around to the wall shelves
    Zoom on the plate down left of the picture
    Place the head on the plate
    You can now click the darker left button and the lighter right button – they make the corresponding eye turn on
    Click them in the correct order and then click the star on the egg head
    It will unlock and you can get the SCROLL and ROUND PLATE WITH A DESIGN
    Open the about item view of the scroll, and you can see there is a key hanging from it
    There is also a black knob at the bottom of the scroll – click it to find part on an Allen wrench
    While you can’t remove the key, there is nothing stopping you from using it
    Turn right
    Zoom on the right table drawer and use the scroll to unlock it
    Open the about item view of the knob and add the Allen wrench to it
    Turn left
    Zoom on the cat statue and then click the panel to the right of the kitty’s bottom right leg
    Use the Allen wrench to open the panel and find a plug inside
    Zoom on the plug and note the odd lines
    Back up so you can see all of the shelves and zoom on the picture
    Click the 3 different buttons and then click on the picture to move it
    Get the SILVER KEY
    Go right
    Zoom on the right door at the end of the table and unlock it
    Back up and click left of the desk to zoom on the wall outlet
    The plug from by the cat can’t reach the wall, so add the extension plug you just found (use it on the wall outlet to plug it in)
    There is now power to the kitty statue
    Go right to face the wall with the headless doll and wall panel
    Zoom on the code box in the upper left part of the wall
    Add the handle with the red knob to the left side of the panel to start it
    It is now on
    You can change the “faces” in each square by clicking them
    Set the order correctly and get the GOLD LOCKET
    Open the about item view of the locket thing and get the NEXT KEY
    Note that the opening in the locket looks a lot like the battery holder in the phone
    So place the phone battery inside
    Go right
    Zoom on the round “window”
    Zoom on the lock and use the key to unlock it

  169. Part 2

    You can open the covers to see inside
    Get the WIRE CUTTERS hanging inside
    Add the Allen wrench to the pole at the bottom of the “window” to make a handle
    Click it and you can turn the gears off and on
    Leave them off for now
    Take the SILVER GEAR from below the middle gold one
    Open the about item view of the scroll
    Use the wire cutters to unchain it
    Click the scroll to open it. There are hints inside. Click the left edge of the white scroll page to see more
    Go right
    Zoom on the cat statue
    Add the gold locket with the battery inside to the hole in the chest
    Note the collar lights up
    Zoom on the bottom right wall shelf – there is a box with colors
    Press the buttons for each color in the correct order. Don’t forget the middle button.
    Click the lid to lift it, and get the NINJA STAR SHAPE and the DOLL’S HEAD
    Turn around to the doll
    Add the head
    Zoom on the fan and note the odd shapes
    Zoom on the little robot in the corner
    Zoom on the keys in the robot’s back – there are 3 and you can turn each left or right by clicking the left or right side of the key
    Enter the correct order
    The little robot will roll away
    Go to the cat statue – the collar should be flashing green, which means the battery is charged
    Take the gold locket back and open the about item view of it for the CHARGED BATTERY
    Open the about item view of the phone and click above the upper right corner
    Remove the battery cover and add the battery
    Turn the phone over and hit the on button
    You can open the picture file to see an image
    Go right
    Zoom on the clock
    When you turned off the gears in the “window,” you stopped the clock
    Take the SECOND GEAR
    Zoom on the box on the table and enter the code
    Get the ABACUS from inside
    Turn around and open the gears window
    The hint on the first page of the scroll tells you that left is fan, middle, is circle, up is exit, and right is cards. This means that you will need to activate the left, top, and right gears in the window at one point or another.
    Right now, you have 2 gears, so you can turn on the right gear – place one gear down right of the middle gold one and the other to the right of the one you just placed
    Turn on the gears by clicking the handle
    This activates the card spinner

  170. Part 3

    Go left and see it is spinning – zoom in
    You can press the button above the spinner as each card symbol shows
    Click it in the right order for the MATCHES
    Open the about item view of the matches and click the drawer to open them
    Get the MEMORY CHIP from inside
    Open the about item view of the scroll
    Go to the leftmost page and see a hint about fire
    Add the matches to this view to see a pattern of light and dark circles
    Open the about item view of the phone
    Turn it on and click the phone icon
    Type in the number and hit the center circle to dial
    The phone will get an email
    Open it and see an odd word
    Zoom on the panel where you entered the letters from the multi-plug extension
    Enter the new word SPOILERMAXWAVESPOILER
    Get the THIRD SHAPE
    Turn right
    Zoom on the box under the gears window
    Place the 3 shapes you gathered
    Open the box and get the ORB
    Open the about item view of the phone
    Turn it over and place the memory card in the slot in the upper left of the back of the phone
    Turn the phone over and see there is now a video
    Click play on the phone and watch the pac man
    Close the view and zoom on the arched opening the little robot went through
    He’s back!
    Get the GOLD KEY from him
    Turn to the table and zoom on the left table door
    Use the gold key and dots appear on the door
    Press them in the correct order
    Get the THIRD GEAR
    Go back to the gear window
    Open the gear window and turn off the gears
    Take back your 2 gears
    Now place them to turn on the left gear – one below the middle gold, and the other 2 left of the middle gold
    Turn on the gears
    The doll with the fan will move
    Click the panel below the doll and see a series of knobs
    Set the abacus correctly and place it on the knobs
    Get the FOURTH GEAR
    Go right
    Place the gears to form a line from left to right and one below the middle gold gear. This turns on both the right and left gears
    Turn off the machine and take back all four gears

  171. Part 4
    Go left to the new cabinet and click the top where the hole is
    Place the orb to unlock the doors
    Place three gears to the left side
    Click the note on the left side to see a hint about the weights – gold is heavier than one silver gear, but it is lighter than 2 silver gears
    Take the GOLD WEIGHT
    Your goal is to get FIVE GEARS and leave behind the gold weight
    Go right and open the gear window
    Place the gears from top to bottom to reach the top gear (the bottom one needs to be right of the middle gold gear and not directly below it)
    Turn on the machine

  172. Huelequetecagas, creo que hablamos el mismo español LOL o al menos muy parecido!

  173. Solutions!!!

    Part 1
    Star Head Puzzle (light and dark buttons)
    The head thing has a star on it. So does the hanging that it was hiding behind. Look at the left edge of the hanging and see a pattern of light and dark circles. Reading from top to bottom. Mine went SPOILERDLDDLDLLLDSPOILER, but it may change for each game.

    Wall Picture with Buttons
    The plug you find behind the screwed on panel by the cat has the order. The lines are fat, middle, and skinny. My order was SPOILERMMFSSMFSPOILER or if you prefer, left,left,top,right,right,left,top

    “Faces” Panel
    If you look carefully at the faces, you can see that the mouths are made of letters, but they are upside down. Enter the letters from your multi-plug extension that you plugged in. You need to enter them from right to left because they need to be upside down. The order seems to change each game. (right letter from the plug goes into the left spot on the wall panel)

    Colors Box
    Once you have the cat statue plugged in and have added the gold locket with the battery inside, the cat’s collar will light up. There are 3 colors to the left of the bell, and three to the right. The bell is the center button of the box. My order for the box was SPOILERGBG ball YRPiSPOILER, but it seems to change each game

    Little Robot’s Keys
    The doll holds a fan once you have replaced its head. The shapes on the fan are half of diamonds, circles, and hexagons. If the left side is showing, then you would click the left side of the key on the robot. If the right side is showing, click the right side of that key. My order was right hexagon, right diamond, right diamond, left hexagon, left diamond, left hexagon, left circle, left circle, right circle

    Roman Numerals for the Table Box
    When you stop the gears, you stop the clock. Note where the white, green, and red hands stop. I used trial and error to get the left number for the box (just enter the other numbers and then scroll through the missing one). My white was on 12, my red on ten, and my green on 8.

    Card Spinner
    The picture in the phone’s photos shows you the card shapes. Combine that will the numbered cards on the shelf down right from the picture. The numbers tell you to read the card shapes counter-clockwise starting from the bottom right. Since you need the 2 card shapes at the top and 3 at the bottom to match the numbered card patterns, tilt you head to the right.

    In my game, the pattern was

    The pattern like the numbered cards would be
    Spade, heart
    Heart,diamond, club

    So my order was:
    Club, heart, spade, heart, diamond

  174. Solutions!!!!

    Part 2


    Dialing the Phone
    Adding fire to the scroll page with the flames symbol on it shows a series of light and dark circles. You want to use just the dark circles. The oo/oo pattern is like the date from the phone. The oo:oo:oo is like the phone’s time. Enter these numbers into the rotary dial under the phone icon on the smart phone. My date was 09/27 and my time was 21:18:43. So the number I dialed was SPOILER272118SPOILER (note, the time keeps changing as you play, so make sure you are entering your exact time!)

    Dots on the Door
    Click the dots in the order of the Pac Man eating them from the cell phone movie. Start at the upper right corner and go left all the way to the upper left corner. Go down one then right one. Then down one, then left, and then down. You should be at the bottom left corner. Go right 2 times and up 2 times. Go right and then down to the bottom right corner.

    Knobs below the Doll with Fan
    Open the about item view of the abacus. You need to move the beads out of the way of the knobs. So for the left column of beads, set the hole at the bottom (all beads to the top). For the second column, move one bead up. For the third, move 2 beads up. For the fourth, leave all beads at the bottom, and for the 5th, move 3 beads up.

  175. ah, just noticed that @angerbot explained where the first Roman numeral came from: First number is where all three hands overlap when clock is running


  176. this was an excellent game! I loved it, loved it, loved it!

    Challenging, but very logical. I was able to solve it on my own. :)

  177. That game was very well made and I LOVED it!! please make more like this * pretty please*

  178. Found other games here by Kotorinosu! Unfortunately I had already done all but one of them. All excellent games.

  179. In the spirit of EGDALTWT:
    (this absolutely brilliant game deserves at least two 8-D)
    (& different WTs for different tastes)


    (To see SPOILER, let your cursor hover above the spoiler-word, till you see the answer...)

    - open left drawer for CELL PHONE
    - take out BATTERY from phone

    - take red HEAD behind wall hanging
    - note left/right positionS of black dots on wall hanging
    (positions change each new game...)

    - place red head on middle shelf to the left on 2-button-panel
    - click left & right button according hint on wall hanging
    - click star on head to open it for SHAPE-1/3 & SCROLL with KEY-1/3 on a chain
    - open scroll on bottom for part of SCREWDRIVER

    - open right drawer with key still hanging on scroll for HOLDER & HANDLE

    - combine part of screwdriver with holder for whole SCREWDRIVER
    - open panel right of cat with the screwdriver for CABLE
    - pull out cable to see hint for 3-button-picture above shelves
    (breadth of white lines change each new game...)
    - push the buttons (thin-middle-thick) on picture according hint on cable for KEY-2/3

    - open right cupboard with key from 3-button-picture for EXTENTION LEAD
    - put lead left of table in socket to see hint for smily box left of wall hanging
    (letters change each new game - as usual...)

    - put handle from right desk drawer in slot
    - change smily mouths=letters (turned 180°) according hint from socket (first letter on socket=last smily mouth)
    - pull handle for little yellow oval BOX
    - open little box for KEY-3/3

    - open padlock with key from little yellow oval box to see a CLOCKWORK
    - take PLIERS
    - break chain from scroll with pliers to see 2 hints for the clockwork & a fire sign

    - open little yellow oval box, put battery from cell phone in it & close the lid
    - put box with battery on cat to see colour hint for flower box lower shelf right of cat
    (same here: colours change each new game...)
    - push coloured flower leaves according hint (bell from cat's collar=middle button!) for SHAPE-2/3 & DOLL HEAD


    - put doll head on doll body left of wall hanging to see hint for robot on FAN
    (as you already know: shape parts change each new game...)
    - turn the keys on robot's head according hint
    - SPOILER1
    - SPOILER2
    - robot starts to function & dissapears in hole in wall...

    - place screwdriver as a handle in slot in front of clockwork & pull it to the left to stop the cogs

    - look on clock: stopped - take COG-1/5
    - note roman numeral hint for box on table
    (changes each new game, haha...!)
    - put correct roman numerals in box on table & click open button for ABACUS

    - take lower middle silver COG-2/5 out & put the 2 cogs you have for the right side of the clockwork according hint in scroll
    - pull lever to let the clockwork running again

    - take little yellow box back from cat
    - open it & take battery back, charged now...!
    - put battery back in cell phone & look at hint in red photo folder
    (HA! THAT hint does NOT change each new game, YEAH!)
    - look on cards to the right of middle shelf for order hint

    - see the suit wheel turning, after you made run the clockwork at the right side
    - push button above wheel each time according hint in phone & on shelf for MATCHBOX
    - open matchbox & take MEMORY CARD
    - put memory card in cell phone for hint in yellow movie folder for left cupboard of table
    (HA! THAT hint does NOT change either for each new game 8-D)

    - robot is back with a KEY 3/3


    - open left cupboard with key from robot for buttons to push according hint in phone for COG-3/5

    - stop clockwork with handle
    - take the silver cogs out & put the 3 cogs you have now for the left side of the clockwork according hint in scroll
    - pull lever to let the clockwork running again

    - the clockwork lifted the doll on the pillar up
    - put arranged abacus in slot under doll in pillar & open niche for COG-4/5
    - SPOILER1
    - SPOILER2

    - pull handle to the left & take all silver cogs back
    - put the 4 cogs you have now for the left side of clockwork to make it run
    - pull handle to the right
    - use matchbox on scroll, where the fire sign is for date/hour hint from/for phone
    - SPOILER1
    - SPOILER2
    - call number to receive an E-Mail with hint for smily box

    - the pillar with the doll sunk in floor to reveal a cupboard
    - put mail code in smily box (remember how you made the correc order the first time...)
    - pull lever for SHAPE 3/3

    - place the 3 shapes in slots on box under clockwork & click box to open it
    - take CRYSTAL BALL
    - pull lever to the left & take all 4 cogs back from clockwork

    - put crystall ball in slot on top of cupboard to open the doors
    - place 3 cogs in left slots to see PAPER with cog hint
    - take the GOLDEN WEIGHT
    - get all 5 silver cogs according hint on paper

    - place the 5 cogs you have now for the top side of the clockwork
    - pull lever to the right to reveal ESCAPE PORTAL
    - go thru


    Many thanks to all posters above (we made that WT together)...!

    (I wanted to post some picture links, but unfortunately my image hoster doesn't work at the moment :-( - maybe later...)

  182. Btw:

    It seems, that this game will get more than 200 posts...!
    So to see the newest comments (from post 201), look on the next page (click blue word «newest» above or under comments)

  183. Another absolutely outstanding game! Well crafted and challenging...I think the game makers are back from Summer holidays :)

  184. Picture links:
    (click with right mouse button on link to open it in a new window)




  185. WARNING: Comments approaching 200 -- page forward for any later comments

  186. OMG -- Thank you Kitkatfox -- I had to leave for other things and came back to finish the game. MAYBE if I took all night, I would have figured everything out. Have to pack for a trip to Tahoe and shouldn't even be playing now!

    Lovely game, but VERY DIFFICULT!

  187. And thanks, premiere -- KKF often beats me when I've write a WT! This game surely deserves at least two WTs!

  188. Hmmm, there was a rumor about a second ending.

    It could have something to do with the gold weight!
    Because I managed to get five gears and KEEP the gold weight!

    As you will no longer have the gold weight after placing all the 5 gears, something special with the gold weight may have to be done BEFORE.

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