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Nick Toldy and the Legend of Dragon Peninsula

[REPLAY] Nick Toldy and the Legend of Dragon Peninsula is another point & click adventure type escape game developed by RedHerringLabs for GamesGames. In this game, Nick Toldy wants to slay a dragon, rescue a princess and live happily ever after - but first things first: paperwork and problem solving. Use your noggin and help guide Nick to noble knighthood. Good luck and have fun! ☺

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

Play Nick Toldy and the Legend of Dragon Peninsula

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  1. Got furnace where's that hole?

  2. Hi everyone, I didn't even realise this was still live! lol, what do I need to give the witch for something new please?

  3. Jo.C, the egg from the birdsnest.

  4. Jo.C,

    The eggs from the bird nest in the mill.

  5. Jo.C combine chain and padlock to go upstairs to birdsnest.
    Zoe, hole is next to the furnace.

  6. Ok..lever is still malfunctioning. Can't get rocks.

  7. Thanks everyone, forgot to go back to the windmill and see the cat got the poor bird. Now trying to get into the capital :)

  8. POP..(again) have to go back and turn the crank!

  9. Zoe,
    Fix the pipe with dirty rag 'and' then tongs.
    And maybe you have to do the valve inside the tunnels too.

  10. hmmm I'm obvoiusly missing something (probably obvious), can't get into the capital, the witch is still in her hut. Can't do anything in the windmill (I don't think) lol any ideas what I have missed?

  11. Jo C.
    Do you already have the permit thing from sir Moak in the practice area.
    You need a stamp on that. To get that you have to take the grammophone from the guard and use it on the grave to talk to the dead guy. Then make his grave nicer with all kind of stuff and then you can open the out house with tongs.

  12. Thank you small-tool... no I was wondering how to get it stamped! And I did read about someone else doing something with the grave but couldn't do anything (yet), thanks again now I might beable to move on! lol

  13. That was a fun game! Five stars! Lots of great help with hints, too! That's why it's fun. I would never have been able to solve this one on my own!!!

  14. You have to put the funnel on the parrot so you can switch it with the gramophone....

  15. And thank you Zoe for also letting me know :)

  16. I can't find the bent rail.

  17. friwi, it's at the end of the rail, just before the cars hits the brick wall.

  18. WALKTHROUGH part 1

    - Take the KEY from under the doormat.
    - Go through the alley to the...

    - Take the HORSEHOES (on the ground).
    - Open the chest with the key and take the COFFEE and the PADLOCK.
    - Go all the way left to the...

    - Talk to the guy, give him the form, talk to him again.
    - Take SPEAR and the LEATHER ARMOR on the left.
    - Use the spear on the dummy and then take the WOODEN ARM and WOODEN SWORD.
    - Use the spear to take the APPLE from the tree. Click the apple and you have a WORM.
    - Go all the way right and open the right door. And that also gives you a STRING.

    - Take the HAMMER, TONGS and LIME.
    - Use the spear on the chandelier and take the WHEEL, CHAIN, CANDLES and HOOK.
    - Put the wooden sword on the sand to make a MOLD in the sand.
    - Put the horseshoes on the smoldering coal and then use the bellows to make the fire.
    - Use the tongs to get the HOT SWORD from the sand.
    - Put the sword on the anvil and use the hammer on it. Take it back with the tongs and make it hot again (use bellows) and then cool it (use tongs) in the bucket with water and take it back and now you have a real SWORD.
    - And now you can take the BUCKET too.
    - Go outside and through the alley back to...

    - Use the sword on the rope of the boat to cut it.
    - Combine string with spear and then with hook and then with worm and now you have a FISHING ROD.
    - Go to the water on the left and use the fishing rod in the water at the bottom of the screen and now you have a BUCKET with HERRING.
    - Use the coffee on the parrot, talk to it and then take the PARROT. Also take the EYE-PATCH from the captain.
    - Go right 'on the docks' and lift the anchor and raise the sail of the boat so it will go left.
    - Lower the anchor and lift it again and take the TROLL HEAD.
    - Go through the alley to the...

    - Use the wooden arm in the stove on the right.
    - Go away and come back and now the water on the stove is boiling.
    - Put the leather armor in it and go in the door.

    - Put the bucket with herrings inside the chimney and go out.

  19. WALKTHROUGH part 2

    - Take the ARMOR back, it now has the right size.
    - In the door again

    - Take the bucket back from the chimney and now you have SMOKED HERRING
    - Go out and a bit to the left.
    - Talk to the men next to the mule and give him the smoked herring and talk again. And now the mule is yours.
    - Use the lime on the mule and now you have (not in the inventory though) a WHITE HORSE.
    - Go all the way left.

    - Combine troll-head with eye-patch and give it to the guy. Talk to him and now you a KNIGHT PERMIT
    - Go right, throught the alley, all the way left and then up to...

    - Go inside the...

    - Talk to the witch and then take the FLOWERS from the table, the BOOK and FUNNEL from the bookcase.
    - Go out and right to the...

    - Click the graves to see who's burried there. Take the OLD SIGN and the OLD SIGN POST from above the right grave.
    - Go to and in the...

    WINDMILL (inside)
    - Combine the chain and padlock and now it's a CHAIN LASSO. Use it to go up by attaching it to the hook.
    - When up on the attic take the EGG from the birds nest and click the plank so it goes down (you can't take it).
    - Go down, out and in again and the cat has got the bird. Go up take the CAT and the BLUE FEATHERS.
    - Go back to the...

    - Talk to the witch again.
    - Go back to the...

    - Use the book on the left grave, keep clicking and take the DIAMOND
    - Go back to the...

    - Give the witch the old sign post, the egg, the diamond and the blue feathers. Talk to her and then you have the POTION
    - Go out and up to...

    - Use the parrot on the gramophone and now it's a SINGING PARROT. Combine parrot with the funnel and now it's an AMPLIFIED SINGING PARROT. Use it on the gramophone to take the GRAMOPHONE.
    - Talk to the guard to see your knight permit is not good enough.
    - Go back to the...

    - Use the gramophone on the right grave and talk to the dead guy.
    - Combine the wooden sword with the old sign and put it on the grave. Put the candles and the flowers on the grave and talk again (use gramophone first) and he tells you the stamp is in the outhouse.
    - Go right and open the outhouse with the tongs and take the ROYAL STAMP.
    - Go back to the..

    - Use the royal stamp on the permit and show it to the guard and you can go in.
    - Take the ROADKILL from the road.
    - Use the tongs to take a BOTTLE from the vending machine. Also click the vending machine to see the number 43.
    - Give (and talk) the bottle to the vendor in the shop next to the vending machine and you get the CLOTHES.
    - Go in the...

  20. WALKTHROUGH part 3

    - Click the bull to see the number 32
    - Take the BUTTER from the table, the GUM from the bench.
    - Go right, talk to the guy and get the YEAST.
    - Go right and take the HAIR from the sink.
    - Go out and right.
    - Talk to the warden in front of the jail and now you're...

    - Talk to the warden till he says he will get you food.
    - Talk to the other guy and then go through the poster and then back again.
    - The bread is now there, so take the BREAD and the BOWL. Also take the CLOTH STRIP from the pallet.
    - Put the bowl and then the bread in front of the mouse hole. Go through the poster and back again and you caught the MOUSE. Take it.
    - Combine mouse and cloth strip and use it to take the MOUSE TRAP next to the warden.
    - Combine mouse trap and cloth strip and use it on the drain to get a CHISEL.
    - Talk to the warden again and put the bowl back.
    - Go through the poster.
    - Use the chisel on the gate and go back
    - Talk to the warden again and again through the poster and now left and up.

    - Go back to the jail.
    - Take the BAG and now your inventory is full again.
    - Take the KEY from the drawer and open the cell.
    - Talk to the lord again and give him potion. Talk again and now he's shaved. Combine gum and hair and put it on him, then put the roadkill on him and then the clothes. Talk again and go out and go right.
    - Look at the flag and see dragon head, horse head, swords.
    - Go in the...

    - On the fireplace, click dragon head, horse head and sword and go in the secret door.
    - Click the painting and see it's the vending machine, so set the dials on 4 and 3, click the red button and go in.
    - Click the painting and see it's the gramophone, look at the gramophone (little about item magnifier) and see the number 24, so set the dials on 2 and 4 and click the red button and go in.
    - Click the painting and see it's the bull, so set the dials on 3 and 2 and click the red button and go in.
    - Take the BRINGA FRAME from the desk. Read the blueprint and the drawnings and go all the way out and all the way back to...

    - The witch is gone now and you can take the RED CURTAINS and the BROOM.
    - Go out and all the way back to...

    - Use the red curtains on the bull and wait a while. Then take the SADDLE, the HORNS and the RED CURTAINS.
    - Go out and all the way back to...

    - Go inside and take the BIG SACK and put it on the millstones.
    - Go out and put the bringa frame on the millstone outside. Then put the wheel on, then the horns and then the saddle. Now sit on it and use it.
    - Go inside and use the sack to take the FLOUR.
    - Go out and all the way back to...

  21. WALKTHROUGH part 4

    - Go to the kitchen and put the flour and then yeast in the bowl with water.
    - Go outside and in again and take the DOUGH.
    - Put the dough inside the oven/fire.
    - Go outside and in again and take the BREAD (use the tongs).
    - Go out and in...

    - Go all the way to the top room and there go to the balcony.
    - Use the sword on the bread, then the butter on the slices and then the slices on the cat and you a CAT with BUTTER
    - Put the red curtains on the glider, then the broom and then the cat with butter and step on the glider.

    - Put the fishing rod on the heart shaped rock to make a spot on the ground.
    - Use the sword to take WOOD from the bridge.
    - Use the hammer to take FLINTSTONE (on the black rock all the way left).
    - Put the wood on the spot, then the paper and then the flintstone and secret door appears.
    - Use the masterkey to go in.

    - Take the PLANKS
    - Put the top switch/lever on the tracks to the right.
    - Go left and take the OIL.
    - Go left out.

    - Go all the way left and click the switch/lever in front of the cart and the cart goes.
    - Go in again.

  22. WALKTHROUGH part 5

    - The cart crashed there and now you can take COAL from the second from the top tunnel on the right.
    - Put the top switch/lever on the tracks back to left again.
    - Go left out.

    - Take the DIRTY RAG (on top of the screen).
    - There on top of the screen go left and use the tongs to get a piece of BENT RAIL (from the end of the track).
    - Go to the furnace and put the coal in and then the oil and then use the flintstone on it.
    - The pipe is leaking steam so first go...

    - Click the valve on the pipe on the wall.
    - Go out

    - Fix the leaking pipe with the rag and then the tongs on it to make it tight.
    - Go inside.

    - Turn the valve again. AND ALSO put the cable of the crank on the bottom track
    - Make sure the bottom switch goes right.

    - Put the switch outside to the right.
    - Go to the cart and because the furnace is working now, you can fill the cart with rocks with the lever above it.
    - Now click the lever in front of the cart and now it goes with rocks.

    - The cart broke the cable so now you can take the CRANK and a piece of CABLE.
    - Put the bottom switch to the left.

    - Make sure the bottom switch there is to the right.
    - And the little top switch is left.
    - Let the cart (without rocks) go again and now it will break the brick wall and you can go in.

    - Take the SPEARHEAD (under the skeleton).
    - Put the planks on the wood, put the bent rail on it, put the cable on it and then put the crank on it.
    - Combine the spearhead with the fishing rod/spear and now you have a BIG SPEAR. Put it on the crossbow you just build and kill the dragon.
    - Talk to the man inside the dragon, use the masterkey on the door behind him and you're out.

  23. All good things come in threes:
    Three times just PHANTASTIC!!!
    1) the game (just being captivated!)
    2) the help from the players (just in time when needed!)
    3) the WT (just breaking all length records!)
    & three times big THANKS!!!
    1) to the gamemakers for letting the game being free online!
    2) to Megi for posting the game!
    3) to Mr. WT (S-T WT - ;-) ) for bringing order in posting chaos!
    KUDOS to you all!!!

  24. Wow - I had to leave to take my dog to the vet, and I come back and there's a FIVE PART WT! Incredible, small-tool!!!

  25. Damn! I clicked something and the game restarted!!!! I lost everything.

  26. david,
    What a pity, sorry for you, you have my sympathy...
    btw, in the menu, you can save your progress...!

  27. I feel bad i missed a live game today by a few hours.
    Listen to the dumb thing i did, i restarted the game in the jail scene, despite having the feeling that the warden must have confiscated my belongings,(at that time i was also ignorant that there was a "save" capability. So thinking there was a glitch of some kind i replayed from the beginning. when my inventory vanished the second time i realized if i had only played on a few more minutes i would have gotten my stuff back after escaping prison anyway. It was a fast replay but still i was mad at myself for having to do everything all over because i didnt heed my initial hunch that the goods were on hold until my release .

  28. i got stuck, after i put sword to heat it up, it just wont heat up, how much time does it need to heat up? twenty minutes????

  29. @drinkmilk - did you go to the bellows? That makes the fire hot. You have to heat the sword twice. Once to make it, and another time to "temper" it (put it in the bucket of water after you heat it up).

  30. I missed three key items (maybe it'll save you from spoilers in the walkthru):
    1) There is an apple in the tree where the wooden dummies are, hidden next to the walkthru link
    2) roadkill just after the guard in town
    3) crank in tunnels at far right bottom

  31. Roflmao !!! Oh my gosh what a kick game .. loved the beginning (intro ) as well as the ending scene the horse/steed/mule LOL was way too cute and loved that the knight got the princess even if it were had to have her home before curfew .. :) very good thanks :p

  32. There is a bug in this game. I already fix the leaked pipe. But when I push and pull the valve more time, it becomes leak again.

  33. "Rhonda Ghonos" means Ugly and Mean

  34. caught this one from a suggestion of one of our players - enjoy!

    thx for creating this game, RHL ☺
    & thx ST for the WT

  35. I very rarely give 5 stars for these games but this was fantastic and thoroughly deserving of a top ranking. The section in the tunnels was majorly frustrating - I had to cheat and watch a vid walk-thru to figure that out - but, over all, wow!

  36. Not yet done. Nice game

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