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Escape from the Creepy House Walkthrough

Escape from the Creepy House


123Bee - Creepy House Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by 123Bee. Try to escape from the Creepy House by using the given clues and objects.. Good luck and have fun!

Play Escape from the Creepy House



ooh just finished the teshi game from earlier and now a live one

got a scroll with numbers on number 6 in blue skulls mouth, thought we would multiply the number on the scroll with the sides of the shapes bu no 9 for the yellow one

Hi Bigtank...

Clue from hand - hit the skulls in different areas for numbers. Did the maths, can't figure out the order of the codes.

Oh, and hi all!

I pulled the bandana on pentagon and got 3 in the eye

ahh numbers on all the skulls now just pull different things

Order for the numbers is (from top to bottom) from big to small.

Got an eye, cat whisker and torch from the second room.

Yummee next room and got an eyeball

Got a manuscript leaf from the left room by doing the bony arms like the skeletons in the middle room.

Opened window...

hi s-t do we multiply

Put the manuscript in front of the pumpkins.

Trying to understand the pumpkin for the door code...

Yep Bigtank.
Multiply picture numbers with skulls on the paper.

With manuscript in front of pumpkins bats will come and then you can open the door.

LOL sooth my beating heart Next room!

Knife in bottom drawer, axe and pot on top of drawers.

What is cat whisker?
I had also a knife, now fish head and liquid pot

fish from top drawer

Use axe on wood where skulls are, put wood under cauldron and light it with the torch.

Use axe on skulls on left wall.

made fire, added liquid, fish head, eye and whisker

How do you open the top drawer?

Make a potion, blow up a heart (ew) and key!

Hi everybody! I can't get out from the first room :( Help!



bf spoiler

front, left, right, back

have key, but can't find exit door

S-t skeletons with bent arms are also facing different ways. These open the draw.

Nvm. had to go a room back for the skulls hint for the top drawer.

Small tool LOL bruteforce

skeleton room turn right and zoom keyhole on wall

Thanks anyway guys.
I'm out too.

Donas, me too!

Cheers Small-tool and Leroy! Out!

The keyhole is in the second room and then right and there on the backwall.

Cake. Get the note from the skeleton arm - click the skulls on the wall until they give you numbers. Multiply the two lots of numbers and enter them in the door from highest to lowest.

c@ke read the early comments LOL all answers are there

oops, missed a comment.

For the first room, multiply the amount of skulls on the paper with the numbers on the pictures.
Anyway, the code is then;


well i enjoyed that even though i clicked on an advert and had to start again,

Small-tool thank you so much

LOL I was the second to escape in all the world and got a silver cup for doing it under 15 minutes LOL

wish they would change the music.

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above comments deleted for really silly maths error, haha.

When you start this game you are facing a wall. On the right side at the back is a door.
Zoom in on the skeleton arm on the floor and carefully sneak that scroll away from the bony grasp.
click it to open it in the main view and see four vertical rows of pacman heads of different colours.

The three walls are decorated with four mounted heads of quite charming decomposed pirates, which are hanging on frames of different colours and shapes.
Zoom in on each one and fiddle around among the remains a bit - you'll cause a piece to move or drop to reveal a number.
The maths bit: Multiply this number by that colour's number of pacman heads on the scroll.
Take the total from each skull and arrange all four numbers into descending order.
These numbers go on the door [top -> down].
Small-tool gives the outright numbers in the comments above.

For example, Blue [diamond skull] has 4 pacman heads and a 6 among its face. Blue's total is therefore 24.
[If more help is needed here, go and trawl the comments. It's all there, I think.]

Don't try to cheat because you need to see all the numbers in the heads to progress.
Red is the best =D

If you've completed this part correctly the door will slide upwards. Click to enter.

Inside this second area you seem to have burst in on a deadsie party! Just check out the guy on the right, sitting on a massive skull with his leg crossed over - so nonchalent!
You can almost hear him moaning that it's about time someone put some decent sounds on.
Zooming in on the crowd, you can see they are all arguing over who gets to wear the eyeball tonight, so, to resolve the situation, just nick it from them and keep it for yourself. [After all, you are the only one with a working eyesocket anyway?]

This causes them to vanish into the wall in a spectral sulk, making gestures at you from the brickwork.
Note the positions of their shoulders, arms, and their skulls. You will need this information for two more puzzles.

Go right and get the torch from the wall and zoom in on the cat.
I tried for ages to get the eyeball to stick in it, because the poor creature looks as if he could do with at least one, but that didn't work.
The massively long whisker hanging out of its face is a temptation too strong to resist, so grab it. It's okay, he can't see you anyway.
Oh look, eyes! He had some after all! =D

Back out and notice a keyhole in the brick wall now that he's gone.

Go left and then through the dark gap in the wall next to the embedded skellies and see a lot of stuff.

On the back wall is a hatch/ small wooden doors, so zoom in on them.
You've seen that "L" shaped stuff before, so click the shoulders [the round knobbly bits] to turn them and reproduce the arrangement of the skellie arms.
[Solution above somewhere.]

BOO-THROUGH part two:

The hatch bursts open and bats pour in.
[Well, what did you expect, lawn-clippings?]
Pick the last bat out of your hair and get the "manuscript leaf" from between the bars.
Back out.

Zoom in on the pumpkin chorus on the floor.
Put the manuscript page on the shape in front of them [just click it] and some of the bats decide to let the blood rush to their feet for a bit.
[They remind me of Escape from the Attic - I loved the bats in that, haha]
Notice the positions of their wings.

Back out and zoom in on the door.
Put the bat silhouettes into the same positions as the "real" bats and enter the third area when the door slides up.

Ah, a random giblet is throbbing away quietly on the floor, so ignore that for a moment and get that handy bloody axe from the chest of drawers behind it. Get that vial, too [called "liquid pot". I always considered solid ones to be more useful, frankly].
Remember the skull positions from the sulking skellies and change the heads on the upper drawer to match. The drawer flies open to give you a dead fish. [Well, it doesn't look too perky, and whatever's that terrible SMELL????]

There is a small butter knife to be had in the lower drawer while you're still here. Use it on the fish [click on the fish to open it in the main view and drag the knife to it].
You will discard the only decent part that had any useful protein left! Shameful waste. Grab the head from the main view to get it in your inventory.

Zoom in on the skulls on the left wall and brandish the axe around a bit. You will get four bits of wood.

Zoom in on the cauldron below them and notice that it looks a little cold and lonely just sitting there.

To cheer it up a bit, you could use the wood bits underneath and start a fire with your flaming torch.
There! Quite homely already.
Pour the contents of the vial into the cauldron, and it mercifully has a beautiful perfume to de-stench the place.
Glancing sideways to see no-one's looking, just dump the disgusting things into the cauldron.
The fishhead goes in first, then the whisker, then the eyeball, with a satisfying "Plop".
[Imagination required for added sound effects]

Refill your empty vial with the enhanced brew and back out.

Remember that old adage - where there's life, there's scaldable material, no?
Zoom in on the beating heart and callously use the scorching hot liquid on it.
A broken heart, which contained a key. Who'd have thought?
Back out twice, go right twice - to the view with the keyhole.
Zoom in and use the key on it.

Oh look, the world has gone all saccharin again!
I think I want to stay put!

       Random Game  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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