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Escape from Yellow Room

Escape from Yellow Room is a new point and click room escape game created and submitted by Miller for EscapeGames24 visitors. In this game, you have to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Can you able to escape from the room? Good luck and have fun! [Created and Subbed by Miller]

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  1. OK, thanks, I understand the 8 letters. Got matches, lit candle, and put on books. I see arrows above books, but not sure why.

    Still stuck on shapes math from books. I added points and divided by corner total, but got a decimal.

  2. @holly: The solution should be:


  3. @francoisboul: sorry, now I understand.

  4. fixed wire added plug is there something else to do to get tv to work?

  5. the positions for the fruits must correspond to the three numbers we got from the books: 4,8 and 5. But missing a third fruit probably in the safe

  6. and to think I came here to rest my mind from another puzzle at another site. Didn't work!

  7. I wonder if we have to find the code for the safe with the other three symbols on the back of the note. The lightning, the cloud and the drop.

  8. Wow, we are stuck now for half an hour! That doesn't happen very often.

  9. for everyone who has trouble with the tv:
    just use the solved anagram by small-tool from 10/20/11 1:06 PM

    sorry, I am trying to find and fix this, but you can play from there right on and finish!

  10. just wondering about tv did anyone start a new game and then it worked or did we miss something?

  11. anything to do with the letters at the bottom of the drawer?

  12. Thanks, escapism, I was adding all the points from all three shapes and got 176! Didn't realize it was only one shape to calculate.

  13. @small-tool i think you're on to something. When different symbols are highlighted on the cubes (not Sat-Sun-Mon) the top row of symbols lights up.

  14. Got an apple!!!!

    Put light of and opened the bottom drawer!

  15. You're welcome, holly. I just got the hint from an earlier post, could never have solved this on my own! ;-)

  16. Where do I put the arrows?


  18. I'm out!

    Thanks a lot for a great game Miller!!!

  19. Thanks Anja,
    Great find, got apple too.

  20. And out! Wow thanks Anja.. You did it

  21. Boy, out too, I can go to sleep! Thank you very much, miller, a fantastic game!! And thanx for all the good hints here!!!

  22. We done it all together - that was great too!

  23. And out too.
    And yep "GREAT GAME" again Miller, thanks.

  24. Strange! With the lights out, I have a word written at the bottom of the drawer, not an apple!

  25. It just says "shell" in my bottom drawer??

  26. @francois and stryboh: turn the 'word' 180 degrees...

  27. For the word ShELL look at it upside down!

  28. Francoisboul and Stryboh,
    Look closer/better those letters are numbers too.

  29. Look at "shell" upside down

  30. Oops. Was looking for apple..

  31. Yay Anja!!! and yay Miller for another fantastic game!

  32. Lol Miller,
    I did counter clockwise, sorry :)

  33. The game was really fantastic. Thanks Miller and everybody else for the help

  34. @holly: Sorry, your question wasn't heard because of all the 'horays' here: the three arrows go into the red cube thingy in your inventory.

  35. Out Miller's door now going out office door! Need a beer after that one. Thanks Miller!

  36. And you can see the order for the arrows by lighting the candle and putting it on the books

  37. ...and waiting a few seconds- what I didn't the first time :-(

  38. thanks, I put the arrow tiles in the red box, but then what?

  39. oops, just got the white thingy. I wasn't clicking the right place on the box. thanks!

  40. Have: Orange, Apple, Lemon

    Numbers: Y4, G6, R5 from book

    Clocwise clue from balloon

    What next ???

  41. Morgan,
    put the fruits according the balloon clue on the shelf with the points.

  42. Morgan,
    You need the numbers from all three books (and from the bottom book you only need the number you solved) and look at their cover colors.
    And then place the fruits on the shelves according to the balloon hint and the numbers hint.

  43. out with a ton of help. Thanks to all the great commenters and wonderful minds. And thanks to @Miller for an excellent game!

    I take no credit for this walkthrough's brilliant solutions. I just put it all together.

    Take the LEMON from the shelf under the TV
    Also take the CANDLE
    Click the blue potted plant to lift it, and then click the bottom of the pot to see under it
    Get the SMALL KEY
    Go left
    Get the BOXCUTTER from the wall shelf
    Also take the RED BOX that needs 3 squares
    Go left and note you can change the colors/shapes of the cubes
    Go left
    Zoom on the light switch by the door and then click it until the lights turn off
    Go right
    Note there are odd equations over the cubes and they change each time you change the colors/shapes
    Go left
    Open the left door of the small cupboard and you can open 3 books inside
    One is sign language, one is international flag codes, and one is geometry
    Open the second drawer from the top of the cupboard and find a CABLE
    In the third drawer, you can find a CRUMPLED UP PAPER
    The second from the bottom is locked so use the small key and get the LEFT ARROW
    Go left
    Click the potted tree by the TV to move it
    Zoom on the outlet in the wall
    Zoomed in, use the boxcutter on the corner of the rug to find the LARGE KEY
    Go left
    Use the large key on the chest for the ORANGE, SCREWDRIVER, and RIGHT ARROW
    Go right
    In the about item view of the crumpled paper, click the paper to flatten it
    There is a clue about the cubes
    Still in the about item view, click the bottom right corner of the paper to turn it over
    There are more symbols on the back
    Turn to the cubes
    Set the symbols correctly
    Solution below
    Go left
    Turn the lights off again
    Solve the math and enter the 4 numbers into the top drawer of the cupboard
    Get the UP ARROW and MATCHES
    Open the about item view of the candle and use the matches on it
    Open the door of the cupboard and set the lit candle on the top of the books
    Wait a bit and arrows will appear
    Place the arrow squares into the red box in this same pattern
    Click the handle of the red box and get the WHITE CABLE CONNECTOR
    Go left
    Move the potted tree again
    Zoom on the wall outlet
    Use the screwdriver to remove the outlet cover
    Place the white connector inside to repair the cables
    Click the open outlet to replace the cover
    Place the cable to plug in the TV

  44. @Morgan:
    Should be: Orange 4, yellow 8 and red 6 (all from books

    Put the fruits in order from ballon and color in shelf

  45. Zoom on the TV and click the screen
    It should come on
    You need to play a minigame where you click the color that the screen says (not the colors of the letters) – SPOILER-RWGYOB-SPOILER
    When you win, you see the word sky port
    Turn to the right
    Enter the correct code word into the bottom drawer
    Get the BALLOON
    Turn off the lights, and open the bottom drawer again
    You will see the word shell
    Enter the number into the safe
    Solution below
    Get the APPLE
    Open the about item of the balloon and click to inflate it
    Turn off the lights, and you will see a hint on the inflated balloon
    Turn to the wall shelves
    You can place the apple, orange, and lemon on the spikes in each cube of the shelf
    Place them in the correct places and the center will open up
    Solution below
    Go to the door and escape!

  46. what balloon?

    can't get kryptos to work in bottom drawer.

  47. Ah kitafox makes at WT - so now I can go to bed!

    CU in next game!

  48. _________________________________
    The paper you find in a drawer says TF???TW from left to right. Filling in the missing days of the week, it would be Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. So the letters are SaSuMo. So put the symbols on Saturn, Sun, and Moon (pink, yellow, and blue)
    Top Drawer Code
    The cubes should be set to Saturn, Sun, and Moon (see the reasoning above). When the lights are off, the wall equations over the cubes say: IV=4, XIII=?, and VI=3.

    IV is the number 4 and there are four letters in the word four. VI is six and there are 3 letters in 6. So XIII is thirteen and there are 8 letters in 13.

    With the lights off, the back of the paper shows (Saturn+Sun)^3. So plug in the numbers from the wall. (4+8)=12. 12 cubed is SPOILER1728SPOILER
    Bottom Drawer Code
    Beating the minigame on the TV shows the word sky port. Anagram this (use if you need help). The code word is SPOILERKRYPTOSSPOILER
    Safe Code
    Open the bottom drawer with the lights off and see the word SHELL. Mentally flip this and the numbers are SPOILER77345SPOILER
    Wall Shelf
    You place the fruit following the hints from the books inside the cupboard. There are 3 books you can open – each has a colored cover that is the same as a piece of fruit. The yellow-covered book has flags in it. If you look up the international flag symbols on the internet, you will find the flags stand for: echo, India, golf, hotel, and tango. The first letters for these words spell eight.

    The orange-covered book has hands spelling letters from American sign language. If you translate them, it spells four.

    The red-covered book is trickier. It has numbers on outer and inner corners. Add the outer numbers and divide this number by the sum of the inner corners. For example, the yellow symbol has 6+5+3+1+2+11=28. The inside values are 1+2+4=7. 28/7=4, which is the value given in the center of the shape.

    Doing the same for the red shape gives: 23+9+20+17+9+13+9=100 and 2+3+5+2+8=20. 100/20=5.

    So yellow is 8, orange 4, and red 5. The inflated balloon (when the lights are out) tell you to start counting from the upper left cube and go clockwise. So the orange goes in the top right cube, the apple goes below the plant, and the lemon goes in the second cube from the left on the bottom shelf

  49. phew, will be finishing my wine right now & then go to bed.

    thanks everyone for playing!

    and especially thanks to the "old folks" who are contributing their experience & efforts either during or after a live game to others.

  50. YaY, finally got balloon! I'm way behind, but eventually.....

  51. Made dinner.. came shell hint.. and ouT!

    Thanks for all the helps everyone!!

  52. @holly that codeword should work. I'm not sure why it didn't for you. After entering it, you should be able to click the drawer to open it. :/

  53. Thanks to all of you lovely people, fantastic team
    work again.

    And Miller thank you for a new type of challange.

    In Awe.

  54. @holly nevermind. I see you did get it.

    You are almost out :)

  55. Phew - what a brain storm! Now I need a very easy relaxing game, lol.
    Great game, Miller, thx again!
    Great job, escapers, thx for the teamwork!
    (It seemed for me: me=team, you all=work, haha!)
    It's very frustrating being stuck at the beginning of the game, watching the other passing by... so I played another (easy!) game in between to ventilate my brain, lol & then I quickly could go on till the congrats...!
    & as I saw:
    Great WT (as usual), KKF, thx very much for EGDAWT!

  56. Dear kitkatfox,

    where did you learn how to type 218wpm ?


  57. @kitkatfox: impressed (as always) of your quick walkthrough! (thank you very much)

    kinda of remind me of these "neutrinos"! ;-)

  58. Come on guys, don't exaggerate. She only types 217 wpm. :)

  59. kitkatfox thanks for the walkthrough...never got the tv to work even after I restarted the game..oh well good game any ways.

  60. @morgan I would love to claim to be that fast, but truthfully:

    I was so stuck in this game, I wrote the walkthrough while others solved it. :P

  61. lol, KKF,
    but you must confess: it wasn't only ONE WT you wrote in the meanwhile, but at least two (also for blue room 4, as I saw)...!

  62. Bahhh !!! I missed a game from Miller :(((( What a shame :( Hmmm well i will play it tomorrow all alone *cry*

  63. kkf will help me to solve it, thx my dear in advance :) I have to sleep now.

  64. @Miller, thanks for the game.
    Interesting types of puzzles -- enough that everyone must have gotten stumped somewhere (for instance,I figured out the polygon math fairly quickly, but would NEVER have gotten the TV working without hints.)

    Here is another suggestion:
    - If you're going to hide something in a tiny hotspot, there should be some kind of a clue -- such as a map of the room, a picture of with an "X" in a corner, or a Zoom view where you can't do anything else. Or at least a hint that a particular object needs to be found!

  65. Thanks, @kkf for the WT. I was following along with everyone's stumbles, but understand the color order -- having not paid attention to the colors of the book covers!

  66. @zazie Have fun playing after a good night's rest. It is a lovely game :)

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. I missed Millie on this.

  69. Thanks for a great game @miller. I was never able to get the tv to work tho.

    Thank-you so much for the w/t @kkf. I was stumped so many times and would never have got out without it.

  70. @Miller: How many digits of pi are on that poster?

  71. What a great game - I always know when I see the comments 'turn the page' that the clues are going to be beyond me LOL but with help - and walkthroughs - I have plodded happily through to the end. Now I'm goinmg to play a nice easy stickman game that doesn't require me to think, just click..
    Thank you, Miller, for stretching my mind!

  72. How can I turn over the crumpled paper ? I tried each corner of the damn paper, and it just disappears of my screen !

  73. @Pascale: Just like Kitkatfox wrote in her walkthrough, the right lower corner. It's a bit of a pixelhunt to get the right place.

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