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Big Island Escape Walkthrough

Big Island Escape


Big island escape is a new escape game created by Selfdefiant! Somehow you ended up on the big island. Now you must search around and figure out how to escape! Good luck and have fun!

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Yay! Thanks Selfdefiant!

thank you SD

after the silver key I cannot find anything - ???

Map in bottle on the beach.

Red and blue pieces of glass in U.

strange key in S

Green piece of glass in P.
Orange piece in I.
Yellow piece in J.

Place all these pieces of glass on box in I, get silver key.

Hint with fruits in D: RYGRG

Shears in Room A.
Screwdriver in box in Room E (Hint in Room D)

Scissors in A

Oops Screwdriver in box in Room F (Hint in Room D)

Not room E, sorry.

solution for box in F in D

oh....now to play catch up with the others!

Blue Key in Room R. (use shears).

Need remote for TV in E. Also, colors on the wall, "something must go there". Tried to use the hint from room D but didn't work.

I can't find anything in any rooms, lol.

Hi small - long time no see (lol - if you count a day as long)

First ever live game where I can post comments so that is totally exciting. is anyone else stuck? Is it a bug? or are the rooms all really empty?

White Key in Room C (use screwdriver).

scissors in A

Ok use hint from D on box in F (not in E). Get screwdriver.

Remote in Room H.

white key in C

Strange key in S

the clue in E is wrong - the red is IV not VI

use in G for black key

I see nothing in S... strange key where??

Need a 5-color code for safe in G

TV remote in H.

michjean: strange key on nighttable in S

Duh! in front of me on the stand...

In E, use remote on TV and strange key on colors on the wall. Get two hints, but I don't understand...

solve puzzle in O with clue from E for gold key

Still don't understand the clue from room E.
What's the order Swiss?

Hello..this is my first time commenting.

Ooooh colors in E gives the code for safe in G!

small-tool: SGPBOPIRLYER

This comment has been removed by the author.

Nvm. Forgot to use the strange key.

sneaky in X

Use hint from TV in E on black and white device in O

Gold key in Room O (use the tv-hint).

Fixed the Roman numeral, can't believe I didn't notice that. Thanks for pointing it out!

Got gold key from device in O.

Box in V, need a 6-letter code.

last puzzle in V - clue in Z gives you keys
for bike

and out

short but nice

End keys in Room V (use hint from room Z).

"Prides" on sheet in Z, must be an anagram for the box in V. Also a spider on the corner of the sheet...

Of course, the anagram was easy to find... Got keys for jetboat.


small - it sais Green I, Blue II etc.

change the colors accordingly on that wall safe

sorry small - did not see you asking - did not scroll back so much - too many comments

and a zag to the left...and a zig to the right... you guys are waaaayyyy fast :)

Lol, thanks Swiss, but way too late. I'm out already. I forgot to use the strange key there first.

color clue found in E does not work in G :(

Jody and J-Step.
Welcome to posting and playing live.
I hope you have a great time here on EG24.

used TV clue in E in O

Ty s-t

mafe - did you sort the color clue - the roman numbers were wrong - red is IV not VI

Great game SD!!! Thanks so much!

and ouT!

sneaky coin in X

no coins this time, SD?

Huh..at the end it says Total Coins:Total Time: I missed the coins! But wonderful game, beautiful pics! Thanks SD!

Good to see new posters, Jody and J-Step !! Welcome!

thanks SwissMiss. I'm out now.
Thanks SD!

All these rooms just for that? Lame!

Like Jody, this was my first live SD game ever. Nice and easy, but for this special occasion I would have preferred a classical Sneaky with coins and gems. I didn't need any help.

Anyway, a perfect start into the weekend: a fresh SD game while watching biathlon. And some good chocolate here, what else could I want?

Thank you as always, Selfdefiant!

i like how the game is usually, this was weird

I had a few people complain about the games being too similar. I tried to do something different.

Out. This game was easy. But having played some of the old SSSG games the last few days, it's really great to have hot spots again, instead of having to click everywhere in every room.

This one was not too difficult, I'm out without help.

That was quite easy. Thanks Self Defiant, you know what we need on the end of the week...

Poor man, you can't suit everybody. This wasn't bad, not at all, but I am totally addicted to our accostumed games. This is high-level moaning.

Do similar or different, but please do! :-)

Oops, missed that.
Hi, Meritneith.
Welcome to EG24 as well.
Hope you have a great time here :)

@Selfdefiant, you know what Abe Lincoln said - "You can't please all of the Escape Gamers all the time" (ok, I took some liberties with the quote). At least you try, and that's part of why we all love you so!

And welcome to @meritneith, Jody, and J-Step and anyone else new to posting. Sorry I missed everyone live!

Nearly missed this one! Going in late...

Selfdefiant, you know how much we love your games, the week would not be complete without one! :)

Thank you, s-t and zoz, for your warm welcome. I have posted a few times, but always some hours later. I think I will catch a live game more often in the next months as I try to watch biathlon at real time.

Looking forward to your help then!

*And also welcome to the world of posting @ the newbies!! ;)


T - get MAP from BOTTLE; note WAVERUNNER





return to I, place GLASS PIECES to open COLORED STAR BOX, get SILVER KEY (for K)





R - cut ROPE, get BLUE KEY (for C)


C - open DRESSER, get WHITE KEY (for G)



return to E, turn on TV, note FISH DOT CLUE; place STRANGE KEY on COLORED DOTS, note COLOR NUMBER CLUE

return to G, open COLOR NUMBER SAFE w/ COLOR NUMBER CLUE from E (1G,2B,3Pu,4R,5Y), get BLACK KEY (for O)

O - arrange WHITE/BLACK DOTS according to FISH DOT CLUE from E (W-9,W-12,W-3,W-6), get GOLD KEY (for V)

V - note WORD BOX



return to V, open WORD BOX w/ anagram of WORD CLUE from Z (SPIDER), get JET SKI KEYS
return to T, start WAVERUNNER, escape BIG ISLAND!

First time commenting. Good game, although short. Played every game by self, addicting! Awesome job bro!

@Self Defiant. While I'm not complaining, I will agree that with the number of games you put out, you really need to throw a curve ball in every once in a while to keep it feeling fresh. I liked this particular one because as of late, I feel there has been a little too much backtracking. Both you and Anairs have good formulas and I enjoy the games with or without coins ;)

Another first time poster! Welcome aswel @ Pmollz :)

Here's my two cent Selfdefiant,
Maybe instead or timed and un-timed games
have Hard and Easy options;

A Hard game would be great for old dogs like me

An Easy one (like this game) would be good for newbies

Anyway Thanks for doing what you do :)

Thanks Jo. I'll agree with Morgan with hard/easy. The Crusade series are my favorites as they take more time. Some games can be repetitive but hey, I take what I can get for your services any day!

I live for SD games!

yeah, that was an easy one.


Missed this live, but after reading through some of the comments, I have to say to those complaining - STOP! SelfDefiant gave what, 3 or 4 games this week? All excellent! We all look forward to your games SD, no matter how short or with or without coins. Thank you for your hard work and keeping us entertained!!!

alright! out with no help!

       Anonymous  12/2/11, 9:19 AM  

Another feast for the eyes & now reminiscing about my 2 month trip on Big Island... *sigh*
Thx, @Selfdefiant, for that memory lane!

BTW-1: who needs a TV (even in the bathroom - american style, LOL), if you have paradise outside!
& Easy out without help in about 16 minutes, wasting most time in enjoying the views...!

& Greetings, new posters, @meritneith & @Pmollz enjoy a lot of playing fun on EG24!

BTW-2: Look at silver medal...! ;-D
(click right to open link in a new tab)


I agree with miles1, your games are always fun @Selfdefiant, and we're lucky that you're so productive - thanks once again

Awesome as usual, SD!! A bit quick and easy, but maybe I'm just getting better at your games LOL! Ooooor, you're preparing to give us a really nasty asylum!! :D I can hope, right? ;)

Thanks SD! Decent enough game as usual. Always a treat to play your games over the past several years.
That being said, I agree with "grantleniency" and some other posters in that it has been a long, long time since there has been a really challenging "Sneaky" or "Asylum" game.
How about a real puzzler for a change? Something BIG, something Epic, maybe different tools other than the usual screwdriver, knife, wrench, lighter, etc.

@SD, I must admit that often when playing games with homes such as this, I fall so in love with the spaces that I forgot I am suppose to be looking for objects to help me escape. Instead, I just sit and look, then start making changes to the room to reflect my taste. After a while, I snap back and remember my purpose. These games are better then Architectural Digest, Better Holmes and Garden and Southern Living combined.

Thanks SelfDefiant, it was a quick and fun game. I'm just glad you keep giving us such fun games to play through, I'll take whatever you can give.

Welcome first time posters! :)

Happy weekend everyone!

Thanks, SelfDefiant! :)

IMHO It's beyond me how anyone could possibly complain about ANY SD game, no matter how long, short, easy, difficult any may be. They are all great and I always look forward to them. I have play ALL of them now and have thoroughly enjoyed each and every one. Selfdefiant, you do amazing work and I am very thankful to you for doing such a wonderful job keeping us entertained.

That was just what I needed, a SelfDefiant Game! Thanks!

       Anonymous  12/2/11, 8:01 PM  

I'm sorry, but WHY would I want to escape this gorgeous island? :P

To premiere:
Fantastic! Does someone have an identity crisis?

To Selfdefiant:
Lovely game, gorgeous music as ever, and we as your faithful followers will play whatever you like to try on us.
When you hit on a winning formula, and if actually enjoy making games with that formula, it makes complete sense to exploit it until you are tired of it yourself.
Many of us would feel lost if we had to wait too long for your next creation. Last time, it spawned a self-help group, the SeDARUS, remember?

With the variety of games types that you make, I can't see how anyone can complain anyway =)

Wow!!...this game is very relaxation for us to us to play...Also, i feel so happy to play this game...Thank you for posting ....

Complainers: build something better, I dare you.
Until then just STFU.

SD: keep up the good work mate, I always enjoy playing your games, even if some do drive me mental trying to find that last coin or orb ^^
Doesn't matter if it's a short, easy game or a long and difficult one, as long as there's an screwdriver I know I'll love it ;)

fun. Not very hard, but everyone needs an ego booster now and again. (Just like some of your games make me feel so dumb at times. >_< )

I like the variety :)

I'm new here ( well not really, i've been playing and not posting )...in the sense that I like to play when I see players like SwissMiss, Zoz, Premiere, Zazie, small-tool, Jo.C, etc...leading the way! If it wasn't for you guys posting comments and/or walkthroughs I would feel really alone and "stuck"!...I'd like to join in...

BTW ReemZ...you are so right!

       Anonymous  12/4/11, 3:24 AM  

Thx @cuzi4get,
& welcome to the poster-club!

LOL @Rookwings,
fact is, that on Big Island, I finally FOUND my real identity...!

Hahaha! So that silver medal was YOU, premiere?

[To Reemz: Did you ever get more than 97 orbs for Grim Asylum or Abandoned Studio, because I still haven't? =S ]

       Anonymous  12/4/11, 1:17 PM  

Ehm, Rookwings,
(it's so. from Ireland, as flag shows)
seems to be a misunderstanding...
I referred to my 2 month trip on Big Island & you on the link...!
THAT is really for a hahahahaha!

Hi everybody, Hi SelfDefiant, I always play your games, Thank you!, Greetings from Uruguay

who wants to escape from such a nice area.
ನಯನ ಗೌಡ ಮೈಸೂರು.

I am small-tool

Only kidding... lol

But I am from Ireland !

Wow, first time I haven't had to ask one question, LOL. Very, very easy. :D Thanks SD! Out in 12 min.

@Selfdefiant -- I'm playing this as a catchup (having been out of town for a few weeks) and unlike earlier posters, I think this was an excellent game. Yes, it's one of your easier ones (I got out with on my own), but that's ok. I liked the different puzzles. (and the spidy picture on the word clue!)

I was worried with the number of rooms with no puzzles or clues and spent a lot of time searching the first couple before deciding just to note them and come back when I got stuck.

       Random Game  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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