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Escape 5 Purple Room

Escape 5 Purple Room Escape is another Japanese point and click room escape game by Yura&Myu. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. I really like this author, let's see if it is another great game

  2. Got 3 hints, but they are not working on drawers

  3. I have found the 2 numbers code, it gave me a paper with a hint... totally in Japanese, like the diary )-:

  4. @pascale: under the bin? Mine is not working

  5. And diary has some numbers, but nowhere place for 5 digits.

  6. hi,
    umbrella code on 5 color drawer look at umbrellas for orde
    got bliue key

  7. under bin : mine looked like 82

    82 and 28 not working but 86

  8. The length of the scarfs is the hint for one of the cupboards, but I can't get it...

  9. The colours of the umbrellas doesn't work : red cyan pink (or purple) yellow green.

  10. It's upside down, so the code is 85.

  11. Pascale , stuck on the scarves length too

  12. scarfs



  13. The code under the trashcan is mirrored : it is 85.

  14. sorry for 86 thought i used that

    now stuck with hint from 4 color drawer
    have to do some math with the book i guess,
    but cant figutre out numbers

  15. Lol, I don't understand your spoiler for the 4 colour code sue?

  16. from long to short


  17. Thank you, Sue... I'm sorry, I don't understand the spoiler for the scarfs.

  18. i compared colors to umbrella and yellow was brighter so I tried white and it worked

    now need help with numbers from book :)

  19. I have a handle, but it doesn't go on the drawer..

  20. Oh sorry, I've got it now.

  21. the 5-color drawer is (spoiler)

    pink, cyan, purple, yellow, green

  22. any1? do I have to devide

    black triangle = 6 ???

    but what is square and diamond??

  23. R Cy P (or Purple) W G doesn't work for the umbrellas... nor R Cy P (or Purple) Y G...
    I have a bad new for the person that made this game : he's colour-blind...

  24. Hello all!
    Thank you Zoe - it was hard to seen.
    Got key and now a handle

  25. Thank you Zoe (yes, the creator of this game is really colour-blind).

  26. Pascale - my spoiler above is the code for the umbrellas. Once you put those colors, you have to back out and then click on the drawer handle...

  27. help please:) where are you number geniuses??

    sorry for my english

  28. Anja(Stu): that's where I am. The handle doesn't work on the drawer. Don't know what to do next. Part of the problem is the language barrier, I'm guessing.

  29. Thank you, Zoe, here I am (-:
    I have a useless handle, and a mysterious hint with squares, diamonds, triangles...

  30. if enter on a drawer is right the japanese writing beneath end with an !

    need green key, something to install handle, 4 number code (bet the hint is from japanese paper),
    3 number code from book, and 3 color code,

  31. I can see a "2" on the page with two squares, a "3" on the page with square/diamond and a "6" on page with square/filled triangle. But help not much

  32. and dont understand clock on wall - the japanese writing start with a 2

  33. oh forget it: there are more numbers

  34. @sue: those are roman numerals: I is 1, V is 5, X is 10.
    Stuck where all others are

  35. 2 squares = i have 3, 2, and a ?

    square/diamond = 8, 3

    square filled triangle = 6

  36. Nope, I give up. I think the 3-digit code is a language problem. With just counting the shapes I din't found anything.

  37. Hm. ok I bruteforced the 3-digit code.

  38. In the diary I see these numbers by turning the left-hand pages:
    9, 1, 6, 2, 3, 8, 3.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Thanks, small-tool! It looks like we'll have to do a lot of brute-forcing in this one.

  41. Great work small tool, eraser on letter and stuck

  42. @Pascale - I'm agreeing with you.

  43. Used eraser on note with japanes writing - not that it helped me, LOL

  44. Have to go now for a walk with my dog.
    Good luck all!

  45. hey!
    justed catched up. anyone solved the 3 color code yet?

  46. Hi guys - I think I'm caught up. Japanese note (used an eraser on it), a handle, unsolved 3 color code?

  47. 3 color code (not by bed)=


    white white purple

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. And four digit code. I thought it might be time from the clock, but no

  50. bottle goes on handle and opens drawer

  51. thanks Carola! how did you get that?

  52. How did you find a number in trash bin?
    My trash bin goes up and down but cannot look under it.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Thank you Carola! Have a purple key from the 4 digit code now

  56. the rest is easy. out now thanks to Carola!

  57. Out - if anyone needs help

  58. books in drawer are roman numbers for code


  59. Roberto - you can see a number on the groud when you lift it up. The note in the bin tells you the number is upside down

  60. again, Carola: how did you figure out the 3 colors?

  61. I can´t see anything on floor.

  62. Roberto - the number is 85 (looks like an 82 on the ground)

  63. I didn´t like this game.
    Have to brute force numbers.
    Can´t see any number under trash bin....
    It´s not for me.

  64. why

    white white purple??

    well Ill play again to find out

  65. okay solved the 286 / book problem

    imagine japanuse book reading from right to left

    so hint paper says:

    square / square 2, so if you see page with 2 white squares take the 2. column from right to find a its a 2

    square/diamond has a 1 on hintpaper: so read first column from right = there is a 8

    square filled/ triangle has a 4 on hint paper so 4th column from right is a 6

    hope it makes sense

  66. okay, the 3 color code.. is from paper after using eraser, I assume :)
    I cant read it, but Carola solved it, well TY

    white white purple

    well I liked the game somehow

  67. Can anyone translate the stuff on the paper please?
    (after using the eraser)

    I've just "transcribed" it for you:


    Translator doesn't say anything sensible...

  68. cant read it but its white white purple for 3 color drawer

  69. cute, but language barrier is definitely there

  70. Yes that's why I kindly asked for someone to translate it, instead of just getting a "boom! the solution is XYZ". I'd still like to know how to get there, and that's why I took the trouble of transcribing the text.

  71. I guess that guy with the Klingon (??) nickname (like mthryrh or something, reminds me of Cthulhu lol) may help us once he takes a look in here...I can wait. :P

  72. Anyone still here? I'm having trouble with the navigation.
    When I get a close-up (say, the umbrella hint or the drawers by the bed), I can't get out.

  73. POP! Now I'm finding little down arrows. Duh!

  74. Pretty graphics, but the only puzzle that made sense (after Sue explained it) was the 3 numbers.
    When I turn the almost-invisible 82 upside down, I get 58 not 85. (Thanks Roberto for asking and miles1 for explaining.)

  75. solved the 82 trash bin number too...

    the numbers are digitally written (imagine a digital clock, where all numbers are written with lines)...
    you have to "mirror" them upside (fold them up)

    Not just turn both around.

    You "mirror" each one by itself.

    8 stays 8

    the 2 becomes a 5 if you "fold it up"

    hope it makes sense

  76. The japanese note for the 3-color code drawer says: all but the 3rd from the left are my color

    the notepaper is white, from this point trial & error takes over.

  77. cute game. Too bad there is a language barrier for one of the clues. :(

  78. Click the wrapped paper in your inventory and then the about item button
    Oh, goodie! A paper I can’t read
    Turn right
    Zoom on the object under the table
    Look at the paper from behind the left chair to see the hint about 5 question marks and an umbrella
    Turn right
    Note you can zoom on the colorful umbrellas and on the scarves
    Click to lift the trashcan
    Now click the top of the trashcan, and you can get the 2 QUESTION PAPER inside
    Go right
    What a nice clock
    There is a locked door here
    Go right
    Zoom on the top of the bed
    Click the upper right corner of the bedspread to find the diary
    Click to open it and then the left pages to flip through it… keep going until you see a hint about 4 question marks and a scarf symbol
    Zoom on left wall beside the bed
    Zoom on the top safe – it needs a 4 color code
    Enter the code and you will hear a click
    Back up and open the safe to get the 3 QUESTION CODE PAPER
    Solution below
    Turn right to face the chairs
    In this view, click the top safe on the left wall to enter a 5 digit color code
    Solution below
    Back up and click the handle to open the safe
    Get the BLUE KEY
    Go left
    Zoom on the wall right of the bed
    Use the blue key on the blue wall safe for the HANDLE
    Zoom on the top right wall safe and enter the numbers into the safe
    Enter the numbers, back up and click the handle
    Solution below
    Get the GREEN KEY
    Click on the top middle safe and enter the 2 digit code
    Solution below
    Get the FOLDED PAPER
    Click on the left wall by the bed and use the green key on the green safe
    Get the ERASER
    Click the folded paper in your inventory and then hit the about item button
    Click the paper to open it
    Use the eraser to take out some of the writing
    If you can read Japanese, enter the code into the bottom safe by the 2 chairs
    If you can’t, look at the solution and explanation below
    Back up and open the safe and get the STAR KEY
    Turn 2 times
    Use the key on the door by the clock
    Go all the way upstairs
    Open the pink box and get the GLUE
    Go all the way back down
    Turn right
    Open the about item view of the handle
    Add the glue to the ends of the handle in that view
    Zoom on the bottom drawer on the left wall and add the glued handle
    Click to open the safe
    Zoom on the top left safe on the right wall and enter the numbers
    Solution below
    Open the safe and get the CAT KEY
    Turn 2 times to the door and escape using the key!

  79. ____________________________________
    4 Color Code
    This is only solvable once you have seen the hint in the diary on the bed. The colors come from the scarves hanging by the door. They are 4 lengths and you go from longest to shortest. SPOILERWHITE,GREEN,RED,PURPLESPOILER
    If you are colorblind, click the first square 0 times, the second 4 times, the third 1 time, and the last 6 times.
    5 Color Code
    The hint is behind the left chair. The colors come from the umbrellas by the door. Count the lines on the umbrella handles to know the order. Going from 1-5. The colors are SPOILERPINK,CYAN,PURPLE,YELLOW,GREENSPOILER
    If you are colorblind, click the first square 2 times, the second 5 times, the third 6 times, the fourth 3 times, and the last 4 times.
    3 Digit Number Code – Thanks, Sue!
    The hint tells you to look in the diary book. On the top right corner of each page are 2 symbols – open squares, closed squares, open triangles, closed triangles, open diamonds and closed diamonds. The paper you found tells you which page to look for based on the symbols. The number below it tells you which column to look in on that page – since it is Japanese, count from right to left.

    For example, the first set is for 2 open squares over the number 2. So go to the third page in the book. The second column from the right has the number 2 in it.

    Next is an open square and closed diamond over the number 1. This is the 6th page in the book. The rightmost column has the number 8 in it.

    Last is an open square over a closed triangle over the number 4. This is the second page of the book. In the 4th column from the right, you can see a number 6 at the top.

    So the code is SPOILER286SPOILER
    2 Digit Number Code
    The paper in the trashcan tells you to use the number you can see under the trashcan. It tells you to use those numbers upside down. The numbers look like 82. Flip the 8 and you get an 8. Flip the 2 and you get a 5. So the code is SPOILER85SPOILER
    3 Color Code
    Use the eraser on the folded paper, and you remove writing. What remains, according to andr01d, is “all but the 3rd from the left are my color.” Since the paper is white, trial and error will prove the last color to be purple. SPOILERwhite,white,purpleSPOILER
    If you are colorblind, click the last square 6 times.
    4 Digit Number Code
    The paper in the drawer with the missing handle tells you to combine the books with the clock for the code. If you look at the books, they are tilted like Roman numerals. If you need help with converting them to numbers, use the clock. SPOILERVII,III,IV,IISPOILER or SPOILER7342SPOILER

    end of spoilers

  80. Working link -

  81. Links are broken. Doesn't work either.


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