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After Rain Walkthrough

After Rain


After Rain Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Tomatea. In this game, you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Fresh Tomatea! Yeah!


Color code from book doesn't work for me. Opened the clock with birds clue. Also got pencil, 11 pieces and a box, for which I need a clue

Tomatea! Live! Yay!!

Now 12 tiles, but stuck. Apples are hint for panel near door.

Don't get five letter/color puzzle

same as you urban - can't open the right hand cupboard under birds - any ideas ? ORR etc doesnt work

@stryboh, the 5 letter color code is in the blue book...

opened the r/l box for a tile and the apple clue
and the rainbow cb - got 13 tiles so far

Got it Irish!

have you looked closely at the pencils? two more baffling clues!

I can't figure out the birds, but figure they are the clue for the cuckoo clock

Any spoiler for both colors, my brain doesn't work today

@irish: look at the birds AND seeds; go from up->down

the birds face left and right and they have coins next to them
if top one looks left and has 3 coins press the left button 3x etc.

and what with the moving clock?

I was thinking the coins were the order...thanks

Argh, have to go, will play later.

opened the left cb with clock hint for 4th pencil and tile

I'm out. Anyone need help?

I don't understand the clue from the blue book for the right door of the right cb.

my clock doesn'tmove?

got the 4 color cb and 5th pencil with 15th tile

hint - use the pencils and hint from book

LNS - you need to open one of the cbs to find the hands for the clock

@ sawa


what is aimed at the rainbow?

ty swiss, that would explain it!!

Use the ends of the pencil clues to open box in inventory

I got the picture now doing the coloring lol

pop out, thanks for the help

sorry LNS - which cb have you not opened

then I can give you help

ummmm...i dont seem to be choosing the right colors for the picture.

Got the thing pointing at rainbow for right cabinet...just that the letters were colors that threw me off...TY @Stryboh!

and out too - this was easier then most of those games

to color the picture look around the room
house is white with green bits
birds are blue
the apples - like the ones in the room

I can´t figure 5 letter code.. please help

I hate moving clues...lol...anyone give a tip as to what I am watching for on the clock? TY!

hint for clock cb
the green hand goes in 15 minutes bit = square
the red hand in 20 minues = triangle
the yellow round and round = round

i did the house white with green perch and buttons, the birds blue and the apples as red, yellow, green

Andrea - there was a hint in the blue book




now it opened!!!

JEB - and the house white!

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Don't worry swiss - Got the hands, and the clock clue. Not sure what to do with the pencils?

JEB don't forget the table at the bottom!

hint for numberpuzzle in book

Orange = red and yellow = 4 + 2 = 6

LNS - look at them in close view - they have numbers
use the color/numbers for the 4-digit-code

TY @swiss!! lol....too cryptic for me...lol...I saw that triangle/square/circle puzzle was unlocked...but just could not see it!

Hello guys!

Not my best day today but I like Tomatea games... So I need help! I have 13 tiles and yellow, green and red pencils. I don't know how to open the left door of the right cupboard, and neither the right door of the left cupboard (which says I don't have the clue yet for it).

How do I open the right cabinet on the left side? Not getting any clues

Still live ? i am just starting.....

Out thanks to all the great hints from above. Thanks for that!!

Ok... For the left door of the right cabinet, is it a charade? I see rain and a bow... Rainbow... Does that mean the code is rainbow colors? Starting with what, red?

Yes, it was.

So here is the answer for the left door of the right cupboard:


Shouldn't the door open after you color the picture?

jack - if you color it properly you will get a key

Gah!!! Didn't color the tabletop!!

How do I open the right cabinet on the left side? Not getting any clues

Lovely Game!!! thanks, for the great clues and help guys!!!!

those pencils drove me crazy - then I realised I was missing one!!! Fine now

mimosa - which one is that?

Pleas help! I have a green pencil, blue box, and the puzzle pieces. How do you get the pencil from the blue box? Where are the clues of the puzzle?

Mimosa...if you mean the one under the apples.. you need all pencils first..then use book for values of orange and purple....

Just for fun - remember rainbow colours - easy way is Richard Of York Gained Battles In (for indigo) Vain. I'm finally out having been totally dense over the missing pencil!

den.ban - the first clues are in the book on the shelve - this gives you the solution to two puzzles
also you can start with the 3x3 grid on wall
clue is the apples
then read through comments - help is there

A Simple Guide...

You will need all 16 puzzle pieces before placing them and solving...some are in clear view and others inside coded places...
You cannot solve a cabinet or box puzzle until you have seen the clue...
Pay close attention to the clues, details matter but they are easier than you are probably making them...
All help you need are in the comments already written here....
Enjoy the process and good luck!

I need help to open box in inventory, i don´t get it and i have 5 pencils and saw the numbers on them.

add numbers on pencils red + blue = purple

Or maybe enter capital letter on each pencil - can't remember

@Zazie...when you view the pencil....the written color has one letter standing out...use that one on that color...

HMM BTRD doesn´t work, and there is no yellow colour on the box....

Ohh got it, i made a mistake with White :)
Thank you all !

Finally out as well, i love Tomatea :)

Can someone PLEASE put the walkthrough?

Here's the tiles puzzle without colours;


And this is with colours;


SwissMiss ok i did that. Now I don't know how to do the puzzle for the right cabinet of the left side.

For the right door on the left side. You need the blue, red and yellow pencil.
Look at blue it has 3 on it.
Look at red it has 4 on it.
Look at yellow it has 2 on it.

So yellow is 2 and blue is 3.
For orange and purple you have to a little math according to the hint in the book (yellow+red makes orange and blue+red makes purple).

SwissMiss Thank you so much! :)


Most solutions at the bottom of the walkthrough.

- Take TILE 1 right next to the left cupboard on the floor.
- Take TILE 2 left next to the flower pot and while zoomed in there take the GREEN PENCIL in the flower pot.
- Take TILE 3 left next tot the apples on the left and while zoomed in there see the 9 colour code hint (the apples).
- Zoom in on the green baskets on the right and take TILE 4 from the right basket.
- Zoom in on the birds on the right and see the LEFT-RIGHT HINT (birds and coins).
- Zoom in on the birds house left on the back wall and open it by using the left-right hint on the zoomed in two green buttons and take TILE 5.

- Take TILE 6 from under the couch.
- Take TILE 7 from the right corner in the back and while zoomed in there open the green box and take the BLUE BOX.

- Zoom in on the 3x3 colourful grid on the backwall and use the 9 colours hint from the apples to colour the grid and take TILE 8
- Take TILE 9 from the white board on the right.

- Take TILE 10 from the floor under the white board on the left.
- Take TILE 11 from the little couch.
- Zoom in on the books and open the blue book (with a red outline, a bit on the right) and go through the pages and see the 7 colour hint (rainbow), the word hint (the pic below the rainbow), the mix colours hint (yellow+red=orange etc) and take TILE 12.

- Zoom in on the bottom right cupboards and zoom further in on the left one. It has a little rebus on it (rain + bow), so use the 7 colour hint from the rainbow here (from top to bottom) to open the door. Take TILE 13 and the BLUE PENCIL.
- Zoom in on the bottom right cupboards and zoom further in on the right one. On the bottom you can see something that looks like a bow and I guess the colours from the letters are a hint that's the rainbow (no idea though why they are orange-red-red-blue-purple) anyway in the book you saw an ARROW (on a bow) pointing at the rainbow, so that's the code word. A bit vague imho, but if you got a better explanation please do post. Anyway open the door and take the CLOCK HANDS and the RED PENCIL.


- Zoom in on the clock and put the clock hands on. They start to turn and that's your SHAPES and COLOURS HINT (yellow never stops, green stops every 90 degrees=4x and red stops every 120 degrees=3x)

- Zoom in on the left cupboards and zoom further in on the left one. Use the shapes and colours hint from the clock to open it (no idea why, but the order is hour hand, minutes hand, seconds hand) and take the YELLOW PENICLE and TILE 14
- Look at all 4 pencils (click them to) see part of the 4 -digit hint (red=4, green=5, yellow=2 and blue=3, forget about the caps for now). Zoom in on the left cupboards and zoom further in on the right cupboard. Use the hint from the numbers on the pencils (and the hint about how mixed colours are made from the book) to open it and take the WHITE PENCIL and TILE 15.
- Look at the white pencil (click it) and maybe the other pencils again because it's now time to use the CAPS HINT (gReen, reD, Blue, yelloW and whIte). Now look at the blue box in your inventory and open it with the caps hint and take the ERASER and TILE 16.
- GO RIGHT (2x).

- Zoom in on the white board and place the tiles. You have to re-arrange them to make a picture (click one and then another and the switch places). It has to look like this; http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/696/picpuzzlewithoutcolours.jpg/
- When done you have to colour the picture with your pencils. Look around the house to see what part has to be what colour. If you make a mistake you can use the eraser to get rid of that colour. It has to look like this; http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/845/picpuzzlewithcolours.jpg/ and then a KEY will pop up in the birds house on the picture. Take it, use it on the door and you're out.


- Top bird facing left and 2 coins, so 2x Left.
- Next bird facing right and 3 coins, so 3x Right.
- Next bird facing left and 1 coin, so 1x Left.
- Next bird facing right and 1 coin, so 1x Right
- Bottom bird facing left and 2 coins, so 2x Left.
- So, L L R R R L R L L

- each apple had 3 colours (from top to bottom)
So the grid has to be like this;

- Rainbow has the colours (from top to bottom) Red-Orange-Yellow-Green-Cyan-Blue-Purple, so make the colours from left to right on the code panel like that.
- If not sure, put them all back on yellow again and click them this many times; 2x, 1x, 0x, 6x, 4x, 3x, 5x

- The hour hand is RED and stops 3x, so that's a red triangle (has 3 corners).
- The minutes hand is GREEN and stops 4x, so that's a green square (has 4 corners).
- The seconds hand is YELLOW and never stops, so that's a yellow circle (has no corners).
- So it is red triangle - green square - yellow circle.

- On pencils red=4, blue=3 and yellow=2.
- In book; purple=red+blue (4+3=7) and orange red+yellow (4+2=6).
- Code panel has colour order; orange, blue, yellow, purple, so the code is 6327

- Colours on the box are blue-white-green-red. So use the caps from those words and you get BIRD.

       Anonymous  1/24/12, 11:31 AM  

What "table"? There is a couch and a padded stool and some basket type items but no table. I have 5 pencils, opened all four cabinets, and opened the left / right button clock(?)and solved the nine block color puzzle and I have 15 of the squares.

Where is the table?

explanation for ARROW (I saw it that way):

RAINBOW has corresponding colors for each letter:
R - red
A - orange
I - yellow
N - green
B - light blue
O - dark blue
W - purple

so: orange-red-red-dark-blue-purple gives ARROW

btw, good game!

       Anonymous  1/24/12, 11:34 AM  

Good heavens! I didn't realize it took me so long to type my comment. Bless you Small Tool for the walk through!! <3 <3

for the clock: order is from shortest to longest clock hand

       Anonymous  1/24/12, 11:37 AM  

Ima Dork!

I forgot about the blue box in my inventory! Aghhhhh!

Thanks Amaretino,
That really makes sense for the code ARROW, great find.
And for the clock hands, yep that could be (shortest to longest) and also you could think from longest time moment (hour) to shortes (second), but it's still a bit guessing. Why not the other way around. Anyway, it was only a very little bit of brute-forcing.

       Anonymous  1/24/12, 11:53 AM  

That was a beautiful game. Thanks to all who are so kind and helpful. Bless you all and have a superfantastical day!

not at all, small-tool;
thank you for all great walkthroughts you write for all of us :)

       Anonymous  1/24/12, 11:58 AM  

Lovely Tomatea with nice puzzles (as usual)!
Out with peeking for 5-letter-code.
I saw the arrow in book, but the colours on display were confusing (O-R-R-B-Pu). Letter R for RED matched, but not the others, so I tried in vain first letters from each colour or even 1.colour=1.letter=O(range), 2.colour=2.letter=rEd, 3.colour=3.letter=reD etc.
Thx, amaretino, for the explanation!

       Anonymous  1/24/12, 12:13 PM  

Lot of colour puzzles this time, therefore some addenda:

G - 0x/3x (start)
R - 1x
Y - 2x

SHAPES (triangle-square-circle)
Y - 0x/3x/6x (start)
R - 1x/4x/7x
G - 2x/5x/8x

Took quite a while but actually made it out by myself! Another great Tomatea game!

Thanks small-tool for the walkthrough.. Needed help with the 5-letter code :)

"Thank you for playing."

No, thank YOU for making this wonderful little game. And for once, I solved it all on my own.

       Share Your Comment  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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