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Boathouse Escape

Boathouse Escape is another point and click type room escape game from Bored. Can you escape from the boathouse? Complete fun logical tasks as you prepare a boat and escape from the boathouse! Good luck and have fun!

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  1. I'll give this one a try :)

  2. well, maybe not. found a hammer and smashed a tile. can't move runes into position.

  3. Enjoy. I'm stuck just like you. Found the hammer but can't move the tiles.

  4. you have to use 4 empty places to move the tiles

  5. can only move the tiles one space at a time.

  6. I am going to have to pass on this one.. my finger is cramping from trying to slide the tiles. I have 3 in place and can't get anymore to move

  7. now I can mysteriously move the tiles!

  8. i can't move the tiles o.O

  9. Well, finally solved that tiles problem. That was a pain.

  10. tribble
    use key on car door then look at the book inside the house (code 2843)
    use cloth on car too

  11. Still live? I'm going in..

  12. nice to see you too tribble :)

    now I must go to sleep, good night all

  13. Lame. Can't find rhyme or reason as to what makes the tiles move. Some do, some don't.

  14. The tiles were a pain to move. Had to move them very slowly and set them just right, else they would drop off the cursor. Now I'm looking for a way to open up the clock in room 17.

  15. well, I have restarted 3 times to try to do the tiles "over" and am having no luck. Going to pass, hate "slider" puzzles. GL everyone

  16. Got runes puzzle and 017 key.. used it on car but can't input any numbers on it! Number code is stuck at 0000!

  17. POP! Had to use cloth 1st

  18. Ugh. The 6 colored dots are impossible to move.

  19. I can only get the purple one to move. None of the others seem to want to move.

  20. Dots? I don't see any dots. :(

  21. In the room with all the stuff (door 17 got you in). The dots are on the right hand wall behind grandfather clock. The clue for them is in the clock.

  22. where'd you get a cloth?

  23. Nini. The needle is in the clock..which you have to solve the dots puzzle to open.

  24. Szarra second room inside clock

  25. Thx Jules! All my dots move

  26. I'm happy for your dots

  27. Wow. I think this is taking "pixely" to an all new level. Good luck everyone! I'll just wait for the next game.

  28. Stuck outside the house near ocean trying to figure out 1234 puzzle ...

  29. Now got 2 puzzles left: A handle that won't move and a IDK-wth-is-that-puzzle

  30. tribble u should place the tiles in their correct orientation (Up) from 4 to 1. U are able to move the gear in the middle.

  31. OMG out! Suddenly the wierd puzzle worked.

  32. This is way too pixely, I've tried a hundred times to move the purple dot to the middle and it just keeps popping back now matter how careful I am, grrrrrr!

  33. tribble.. how I did it:

    turned all numbers then did it again with only 2 (to match the rest). Then I figured out a way to make the four at the top and the 1 at the bottom of the collumn to the right then I just rearanged them in the row

  34. ohh after u have them all at the same orientation u'll have to turn them careful not to put the 1 at the top.. I did 2 times and had to restart.

  35. Too bad. This looked like it was going to be a good one. The mechanics are too frustrating so solving puzzles just wasn't any fun.

  36. Code stuck at 0000 in car even with plate cleaned off.
    Horrible game.

  37. I'm stuck in the boathouse. I got a hook and a chain and I can't use them anywhere. There is a wheel on the right of the boat that I can't turn, and a mechanism downstairs I can't move. The wooden structure supporting the boat is a hotspot, but neither the chain or the hook will go there, and I can't combine those items.

    Stuck big time. Tried the hook and the chain everywhere. I think I will give up... this is too bad, the game was good!

  38. Stuck in the boathouse after dragging the gear-things together. Clicked everywhere. I give up.

  39. Put engine on boat inset, added propeller and gas. Now totally stuck with hook and chain. All gears together, but unable to add chain. Cannot turn wheel located on right side upstairs.

  40. Attach hook to beam above boat and the chain to that. Then push the wooden block back from under the boat, go downstairs and turn the mechanism which will open the door in the ceiling. Go back upstairs and now the red wheel will turn.

  41. I'm out too. I actually liked most of the puzzles. I just didn't like the first puzzle with the tiles. This game was a good challenge.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. WHY do I need FB wallpaper, and is this not spamming?

  44. Okay, I don't get how to turn the numbers around. I think it worked the first time but does nothing from there on.

  45. Can't do anything ... dumb game ... out of here!

  46. out now. thanks urban and purple!

  47. Ughhh, this is horrible. :/ I'm in the room with the globe and the 2 needles at the moment, and trying to slide tiles around for that 9 tile puzzle, but they just keeeeeep slipping off my cursor... any hints for how to get round the extreme pixeliness??

  48. Nvm, got it. Looks like I just needed to post on here! Haha... xD

  49. Ooooooook, my dots don't move. Grrr, can't believe I wasted all my time on that damn runes puzzle only to be stumped by a bunch of coloured dots!

  50. Fraaaaaaaack, and I accidentally clicked out of the puzzle. Ah well. Guess it wasn't meant to be. xD No way in HELL am I restarting and doing those runes again!

  51. Plate cleaned with cloth but the numbers are stuck at 0's still...
    Am I missing smth or is it a bug ?
    Restarted once already... :/

  52. The best part of this game was when I decided
    to click the little red X at the top left of the page.

  53. ^ Agreed

    Played for the 3rd time and still no success in getting through the car.

    Not getting through the tiles puzzle any more -.-'

  54. Arrggghhhh how annoying is this slider puzzle!!!!! P****** me right off ;)

  55. Way too buggy game this one. Stuck on the dots, which are also stuck

  56. Only need to place one more tiles :( all the others are in place, and don't want to mess them up lol.

  57. Bleh. I thought this game looked promising but it was incredibly annoying.

  58. Rune puzzle is impossible! Sometimes the tiles move, sometimes they don't... almost had it, and because ONE tile didn't want to go in place had to move everything else... another disappointment after the 123bug no-working shovel..

  59. Gave up in the end, had all the tiles in place apart from one. By the look of above comments, I am not missing much! Lol, it had potential though :)

  60. Okay. I made it to the boathouse. If anyone is still here who solved this, where did you find the boat engine? I have the hook and the chain installed. I have a gas can, a boat key and a propeller. I just need to find the engine. Anyone?

  61. Never played one so bad...I'm not even going to try and finish the slider

  62. Got as far as the dots next to the clock and just couldn't take any more! Only one dot would move (the pink) and that kept dropping back into its 'home' before you could get it to the middle.

    Nice concept - crappy execution.

  63. For those that are stuck on the code for the door.

    When you walk into the house, on the desk (right by where the keys are) there is a book.
    Look at it.
    That's the only way the numbers 0000 would change for me.

    The code isn't the one on the license plate,
    the code is in the book.

  64. where is the key for the face of the grandfather clock?

  65. Game is horrible. Deal with those tiles is extremely tiresome. Moving on to something else.

  66. @Irish: Key is when you solve colour puzzle next to grandfather's clock; solution at the clock's pendular.
    I#m stuck at the Boat house; please, help!

  67. Scapy, in the boat house, bottom floor on the left, put both pieces in the upper left circle, then turn the crank on the right. You have to have found the Pulley system, the chain, motor, gas can, and prop, and installed them on the boat first.

  68. The puzzles were challenging but that, to me, made the game more enjoyable. It was a little hard to find things but the feeling of cracking such a difficult game is a good one!

  69. That pink/purple dot will not go into the centre spot ! The sliders were easy for me - and usually I can't do sliders at all - But as the pink/purple dot won't stay in place I will have to quit - Shame, I didn't mind this game -

  70. Okay, for those who couldn't complete the dots puzzle: try to restart the game without your browser window zoomed in. It's often an issue with bored games. I couldn't get past that puzzle because I usually use zoom for games, and when I restarted without zoom, the dots moved without problem.

  71. interesting game. can't find the last needle however


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