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Masa Gear Escape

GearEscape is another point and click type room escape games by Masa. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Put rainwater in mug, but can't water tree

  2. green thingie is key to locker with green box on it

  3. Anyone else playing?
    Have lots of items in inventory and not sure what they all are.

  4. Rubiks cube look like it has clues for color dots locker, but can't make it out.

  5. I'm playing ... same have tons of stuff and can't do anything with them just clicking like crazy

  6. Have non-working phone, SD, stick that may be magnet, mug of water, loop, blue box (?), air pump, battery, rubik's cube, knife, blue piece (that doesn't go on blue box), yellow key that I used but still have.

  7. tried to take rubik apart with knife or SD

  8. SD removed top panel by door for hexagon (speaker?)

  9. Same here ... tried to combine stuff no go!

  10. chopped the tree down with the saw

  11. Tried throwing things at the red thing in to corner (in case it's a balloon!)

  12. Thanks, bigtank!
    Added loop -- are we making a slingshot?

  13. Also have a dart-like thing (under mug)

  14. to pop the balloon maybe!

  15. Didn't need dart.
    use stick/loop on balloon for a code paper
    Anyone know how to decode it?

  16. well aim that at the red thing near the ceiling but it disapeared

  17. yep - popped balloon and got a piece of paper can't read :(

  18. QR code -- so Rubik's plus the QR will give the code to that locker.

  19. I'm guessing
    green = 3 (but could be 8)
    red could be 0, 6, or 9 (or 2 or 5)
    blue is maybe 6 or 9 (round curve in middle)

  20. @bigtank, look in your inventory, down/right of mug

  21. Hi all! There's a paper with a blue grid under the carpet in the tree view. Use it on rubik cube and you'll see numbers!

  22. Found another paper under right corner of rug

  23. Sorry, it was upper right corner

  24. yes i found i now ty you puzzled

  25. What is worse -- not being able to find any inventory items, or having so many you don't know what to try to do?

  26. black key under small brown cabinet , get it with the magnet

  27. Thanks for the black key @bigtank! I used the water from the cup in the "air-pump", then use the pump on the wall safe and black key opens it for a gear.

  28. hi ellie i tried to fill the pump up with water but othing happened how
    did you do it

  29. ah wrong way round highlight the pump then the water

  30. Thanks @bigtank and @Ellie -- did anyone try pushing the red button BEFORE taking out the gear?
    It won't go back.

  31. Hi @bigtank! Did you fill your cup with water outside the rainy window? My cup disappeared after I used it on the pump (the yellow-brownish thing with a handle).

  32. Good, you got it!
    @Puzzledin, no I didnt :( Now, Im totally stuck.

  33. lol no puzzled not me out it came without any thought

  34. I restarted, but nothing happens when pressing that button before taking the gear. They don't move at all.

  35. Looks like gear mechanism will open door if we ever get that far.

  36. My "cell-phone" gives a sound when used on the QR-code paper, but the screen is still black. Need to charge it?

  37. did anyone open the 4 digit code box got cube with 3 numbers don't know what +QR means - or drawer with red button? This game is frustrating getting nowhwere

  38. gear spins after taking gear out...

  39. When clicking the solved rubics I can read some numbers among the japanese text: 3,5,1,4.... so probably, green is 1.
    I still need the QR though.

  40. well we have the blue red and yellow numbers

  41. @linda, I didn't open that box yet.
    A QR-code is like a bar-code, but different... ehm, it's what you have on that paper you get when you blow up the balloon using the "pen".
    You need a code reader to get anything from it.

  42. QR code is 5842
    red=2 y=4 b=5 g=?

  43. LOL Ellie or a working phone......

  44. My text says "5842"

    @bigtank, where are blue red and yellow numbers?

  45. I tried to push the red button before taking the gear and nothing happened; anyway, once you take the gear, the red button start/stop moving the rightmost one.
    I can see a blue 5, red 3 and yellow 4 on the rubik cube after using the paper with the blue grid on it, but no green number and I do not know what to do with the other paper. How to read it?

  46. @Philomena, how do you know that???

  47. Oh, text?? Lol! I never read the captions when using the phone on the code. Thanks!

    @Puzzle, the otehr numbers are from the solved rubics. Use the blue paper on it.

  48. ty phil opened the cupboard now,i had the gear highlight
    ed and it went in there

  49. Opened that code drawer...

  50. equation equals 5902 but that doesn't work

  51. puzzled put the blue paper over the rubics cube

  52. Thanks @bigtank! That was a button. Now I got a green light on my drawer and another gear.

  53. My cube won't solve and has pieces of 4 different numbers. Green has a "T" shape on the side, red only has a curve on top or bottom, etc.

    You're thinking the QR is a clue to "anagram" the numbers rather than to do an addition?

  54. Thanks.. Code is 7187. 1345+5842..

  55. @Philomena, My rubics numbers are:
    green 1 (from text), red 3, yellow 4, blue 5.
    1345+5842 (from QR) is 7187, which works as code.

    @Puzzle, make sure to view the cube, then put the blue 3x3 paper on it to see the numbers.

  56. My new gear is useless btw...

  57. did you find the blue paper under the mat puzzled.

    no idea where this gear goes

  58. puzzled use blue paper on cube solves it and scanning QR code gives other digits (dont have to find a green number...)

  59. thankx puzzled for "5842" - got cabinet open put gear in which opened brown cabinet for smaller gear stuck yet again! lol

  60. Ok so I didnt read text for green number LOL late here OK

  61. Mine opened with

  62. I accidentally opened the safe. Enter 6187. Zoom out, zoom in, then enter 7000. My QR code was 5842. My rubiks cube said 345. I don't know green, so figured I'd add 345 to 5842 and brute force the 1st digit.

  63. Now, suddenly my battery worked on the small part of the light blue "remote", then I could join the two parts.

  64. So, unused are the 2 light blue objects, the black key and the new gear?

  65. well it says at the bottom of the screen 57 people playing this, where are you all come and help lol

  66. Used it on the "speaker" in the wall (removed with screwdriver first) for yet another small gear.

  67. And out??? But my slingshot...?? Never used.

  68. @Puzzle, the black key was for the gear-safe on the wall.

  69. use blue remote on black things left of door for gear #2

  70. Oh, you can't use the pen on the balloon without having the slingshot in inventory, so it was used after all.

  71. Yahoo!
    Place gears (but you don't get to see door opening)

  72. Thanks everyone for their help -- What a magical way to open a rubik's cube!

  73. Thanks too! It was nice playing with you! Lol @Puzzle, I normally dont like Rubics at all. Not the thing my brain gets, but this one was totally fine :)

  74. @Ellie, I used the slingshot, not the dart/pen. Would have been nice to combine them first!

  75. I used to be able to get the edges but not the corners (except by accident once in awhile) ... haven't tried in ages.

  76. Thanks @Puzzle, nice to know about the slingshot! Now, I went in to try to combine them, but that's not possible. You need both things in your inventory though for one of them to work.

  77. where is taht saw which cuts the tree ?

  78. Can someone explain how to get in the drawer with the red dot/button in the corner?

  79. Sorry, had to leave for a while.
    @raasti, find a green thing (like a "chip" with uneven edges) on the floor by the table (right of it?). Use that chip on the green "button" on one of the lockers.

    @Princess, You have to open the 4-digit locker, then place one gear (from the wall safe - opened with water and a black key) on the red button inside. The drawer button will turn green.

  80. raasti saw was in one of the cabinets - I can't remember which one, but try putting the green thing in your inventory on the cabinet door with a green thing on it.

  81. Thank you Ellie! and out. Didn't like this one so much.

    Go right twice.
    Take the RUBIKS CUBE from top of the drawers.
    Take a MAGNET and PART ONE OF REMOTE from the wall shelf.
    Click under the lower drawer to see a BLACK KEY which you can take when you select the magnet in your inventory.
    Zoom on the top drawer and open it for a YELLOW KEY.
    Go right.

    Click the shelves to see all 12 of them.
    Take an ELASTIC BAND from top left shelf.
    Click to open top left locker and get a PUMP.
    Open top right locker for a SCREWDRIVER.
    Use the yellow key on middle left locker for a PART TWO OF REMOTE.
    Zoom out and go right.

    From the table, take a CUP and a PHONE.
    Take a BATTERY from the floor, left of the plant pot.
    Get a GREEN CHIP from the floor, right of the chair.
    Zoom on the back (green) corner of the carpet.
    Click the corner again to lift it and find a BLUE 3x3 GRID CARD.
    Get a PEN from the left windowsill.
    Zoom on the right window and click to open it.
    Select the cup and click outside the window to fill it with WATER.
    Go right.

    Zoom on the black wall panels and use the screwdriver on the top one to remove and show a speaker.
    Open the small (part two) part of the light blue remote from your inventory.
    Select the battery and click on the remote part to add it.
    Open the big (part one) part of the remote from inventory and add the small part (with battery inside) to its right edge.
    Use the remote on the speaker in the wall (where you used the screwdriver) and get a SMALL GEAR #1.
    Go right.

    Zoom on the wall safe.
    Open the pump from inventory and add the cup with water to it (the cup should disappear from inventory).
    Use the water-filled pump on the lock of the wall safe to clean it.
    Use the black key on the lock to open the safe.
    Take the middle BIG GEAR.
    Go right twice.

    Zoom on the lockers again.
    Use the green chip on the green rectangle on the lower left locker.
    Click to open and get a SAW.
    Zoom out and go right.

    Use the saw on the plant for a TWIG.
    Combine the twig with the elastic band for a SLINGSHOT.
    Go left.

    Use either the slingshot or the pen on the red balloon to break it (any of them works, but you need to have both in your inventory).
    Once the balloon is broken you will get a QR-CODE NOTE in your inventory (right of the pen).
    Open the QR-code to view it and use the cell phone on it.
    It will make a noise and if you read the Japanese text in lower part of the game you will find the numbers: 5842.

    Click to view the Rubiks cube.
    Use the blue 3x3 grid paper on the cube to solve it and see: red 3, blue 5 and yellow 4. If you click the cube and look at the Japanese text below the game you will also note the number 1. This is probably the green color, which you can’t see since it’s on the back of the cube.

    Zoom on the lockers again and open the 4 digit locker to see a red button.
    Solution below
    Place your big gear on the red button inside the locker.
    Go left.

    The red button on the lower drawer should now be green and you can open the drawer to find SMALL GEAR #2.
    Go right.

    Open the black wall safe again.
    Place the two small gears in the middle inside.
    Click the red button to make all 4 gears move.
    Zoom out.

    The hint on the locker tells green,red,yellow,blue+QR.
    The colored numbers are from the solved Rubiks cube: 1345 (the green number you only see among the Japanese text below the game, when clicking the solved cube).
    The QR code is from breaking the balloon and using the cell phone on the code note you get: 5842.
    Code: 1345+5842= 7187

  83. Wouldn'nt you know ... I am late AGAIN .. I hope I can catch some live tomorrow

  84. Can't get it to load ...trying something else ..

  85. if someone is still stuck i made a video walkthrough on my blog Enjoy!


    working link


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