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AxEnd: Book of Curses

SD AxEnd: Book of Curses is another point & click escape game developed by Selfdefiant for Melting-Mindz. This game takes you on another adventure through a dark place that lost souls inhabit: you have been searching for the book of curses for several years. You received information leading you to another asylum. Once inside, you encountered a dark force. This power is preventing you from leaving! Finding the book might be your only hope... Good luck and have fun! ☺

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  1. Rats! Too late...

  2. @Zoe, thanks for that! You just gave me the last gem.
    @SD, this game is EPIC! btw, how do you like my Super Sneaky Raccoon Girl?

  3. Thanks Zoe. Missed that hotspot. Out now! Thanks SD.

  4. lol, @premiere, you get points for trying!

  5. I'm finally out, but didn't need to do anything with the dials.

  6. WIW-THROUGH (Where Is What) Part 1

    - General rule: Always 4 ORBS in each room (exceptions below)
    - Suggestion: To find particular stuff in the WT, use Ctrl + F
    - SOLUTIONS at the bottom

    START before you get MAP:

    - go right passage up & right & take SACRED JAR for orbs
    - collect 4 ORBS (4/25), you need 25 for map
    - go back left, collect 4 ORBS (8/25)
    - go left, collect 4 ORBS (12/25)
    - back right & up, collect 4 ORBS (16/25)
    - go left, collect 4 ORBS (20/25) & CROWBAR (bottom right room corner)
    - back right & right, collect 4 ORBS (24/25)
    - back left, 2x back down (START screen), collect 4 ORBS (28/25)
    - left passage 2x up & right, collect 4 ORBS (32/25)
    - remove GRATE with crowbar for RED KEY
    - back left, collect 4 ORBS (36/25)
    - back down, collect 4 ORBS (40/25)
    - go left, collect 4 ORBS (44/25)
    - back right & down & left
    - use red key on DOOR
    - collect 4 ORBS (48/25)
    - go left, collect 4 ORBS (52/25)
    - NOTE: BOX (6-digit-CODE)...
    - go left, collect 4 ORBS (56/25)
    - Here he is!
    - buy MAP for 25 orbs: Click on SALESMAN & on MAP (31 orbs left)
    - put map in inventory

    MAP - TVM, @Rachel!
    (click right to open link e.g. in a new tab)



    - SALESMAN, where you can also buy BOOK of curses (50) & CRYSTAL (75)
    (- you'll need book only at the very end to place gems...!)
    (- ATTENTION: once you have crystal, you can't draw on map anymore...!)

    --> after collecting all 7 gems, buy book & put them in slots (NO particular order) for
    - ANKH: opens book
    - page thru book for WAND

    - BOX (6-digit-CODE, hint in H), gives
    - BLUE GEM

    - passages left & right

    - just ORBS...

    - START screen, passages left & right
    - SILVER DOOR right (key in I, sliders)

    - only found 3 ORBS...
    - use wand from book of curses on BLACK MASS

    - SCREWDRIVER (on left windowsill)

    - just ORBS...

    - HINT (roman numerals)
    - thin SLOT in wall (use knife from N)
    (don't know, what it caused...)

    - coloured SLIDERS (hint in R), give

    - just ORBS...

    - just ORBS...

    - just ORBS...

    - GREEN DOOR up (key in AU)

    - rusty piece of thin METAL (bottom left on floor)
    - KNIFE in thin wall slot
    --> exchange knife with metal
    (only taking knife out of slot will lock door to the right...!)

    - PURPLE DOOR up (key in AX)

    - BLUE KEY (backside of paper holder on bed)

    - DRAIN, use SD from F for

    - PAPER with HINT (Rob Row, bottom left on floor)

    - PINK GEM (under grid bed in front, use flashlight from AW)

    - 3x3 GRID SQUARE BOX (hint in W), gives

    - just ORBS...

    - GOLD KEY (right drawer)

    - only found 3 ORBS...
    - HINT: coloured TILES (in front with tiny black frame)
    - PURPLE GEM (niche in front)

    - just ORBS...

    - just ORBS...

    - just ORBS...

    --> go to WT Part 2

  7. WIW-THROUGH (Where Is What) Part 2

    - just ORBS...

    - just ORBS...

    - green SACRED JAR for orbs (nearest window)

    - just ORBS...

    - BLUE DOOR up (key in P)

    - RED KEY (use crowbar from AG on GRATE)

    - CROWBAR (bottom right room corner)

    - just ORBS...

    - just ORBS...

    - just ORBS...

    - stairs
    - GOLD DOOR up (key in V)

    - only found 3 ORBS...
    - DIALS (behind painting, hint in AQ), give

    - just ORBS...

    - just ORBS...

    - RED GEM (on floor, use flashlight from AW)

    - just ORBS...

    - MATCHES (under sheet of music)
    - HINT on 4 round MEDALS: names & dates
    (click left of music stand/rack)

    - HINT: red LETTERS on wall (E-A-S-U-N-E)

    - just ORBS...

    - 6-LETTER BOX (hint in AR), gives
    - HAMMER

    - GREEN KEY (use matches from AQ on fireplace)

    - only found 3 ORBS...

    - only found 3 ORBS...
    - FLASHLIGHT (bottom right under window)

    - only found 2 ORBS...
    - PURPLE KEY (use hammer from AT on glasss NICHE in right wall, key at bottom frame)

    - only found 2 ORBS...

    OUT with 49 ORBS left...!

    ☺ ☻ ☺


    - HINT: Rob Row (paper in R)
    - anagram: B-O-R-R-O-W
    --> put sliders on those coloured lines
    (from left to right, click bar right side at the end)

    - HINT: Roman numerals (in H)
    II = 2
    V = 5
    IV = 4
    DCXCIII = 693
    (D=500 + C=100, X=10 left of C=100 = 100-10=90, III=3)
    - CODE: 2-5-4-6-9-3

    - HINT: names & dates in AQ (piano)
    Estey 1867-1875
    Gabler 1892-1898
    Baldwin 1880-1891
    Beale 1899-1908
    - for each name, do the math (substraction lower from higher date):
    Estey - 8
    Gabler - 6
    Baldwin - 11
    Beale - 9
    - names in alphabetical order:
    Baldwin - 11
    Beale - 9
    Estey - 8
    Gabler - 6
    - set dials (o'clock):

    - HINT: E-A-S-U-N-E (in AR)
    - anagram: UNEASE

    - HINT: coloured tiles (in W)
    - click:
    (click bar above grid at the end)


  8. I have all the gems on the book, but won't open.

  9. hmmm, I ended up with seven gems (the purple on behind the cover is number 7), but after I picked up the first gem (green) another green gem appeared in place on the book! Is this a bug?
    I'm still in, though, trying to find 3 more orbs to make it an even 200.

  10. aitch: Did you click on the red ankh? I think that's what i did before the book opened.

  11. Great game; thanks for your hard work, SD!

  12. I only had 6 gems and either I'm VERY lucky and placed them correctly the first time, or it doesn't matter what order you place them. I can't remember now what order I placed them.

  13. great job as always @Premiere! I'm going to use your WT to find the last 3 orbs :o)
    Incidentally, I never saw the metal piece in the room with the knife. Instead, I waited until I had the crystal ball, then I took the knife from N and popped over to H. Putting the knife in the thin slot in H caused the cover in W to open, giving me the purple gem.

  14. I think the pink gem was in a dark room, bottom left part of map somewhere. You need the flashlight.

  15. whoops didn't know it was still live and didn't refresh!! out

  16. finally found the colour levers - thanks for the walkthrough premiere : )

    now let's see how far I can get without more help.....

  17. Thx, zoz,
    for the knife addendum!
    GL for the chase of the last orbs!

  18. @premiere:
    You always do such excellent WT's. I'm going to replay this in a few days and get ALL the orbs! I only had about 20 left after I bought everything.

  19. Well, annoyingly, I got here after the book was fixed. I have 6 gems but it wont open.

  20. Thank you Self Defiant! Love your games! I can handle labeling the map but I couldn't draw my own! Please keep the map, label or no label. Thanks, Premiere! You rock the walk-through!

  21. what is your earliest "mapped" game? I've been playing the old stuff...dyslexic fireflies are helplessly lost without maps..sometimes even with one! Can't wait until your next game, SD! :D

  22. @Zoe Thx! Didn't read the comments, didn't want to spoil the game with spoilers:D

    @SD-> I just adore your games and have also started visiting abandoned buildings/hospitals with my camera near my city ^^

  23. Putting knife in slot in H gives purple gem in W.

  24. The order of gems doesn't play role.

  25. played thru again. Just loved this game! Really had to work my brain as on a memory card game! Thank you SD for another wonderful game!!

  26. im almost out by myself but had to look for dials hint ..
    @ premiere great walkthru & by placing knife ant the wood in slot uncovered purple gem in W.
    and for SD great game but it took me sooo long due to unlabelled map ...

  27. may be labelled map is much better is my suggestion SD :)

  28. Selfdefiant, I have to thank you another time for an hour of having fun. I wouldn't need any labels on the map if I was clever enough to escape without help as I draw my comments right on the map. So a little counting is a small price for taking some hints I think. But I must admit that I would miss a map at all.

    I still remember that you put back the question if you want to clear the marks after I asked you if this would be possible.

    If making a map without labelling is convenient for you it's okay for me. We should appreciate your labour anyway.

  29. I usually like these games but without a labeled map it's next to impossible to keep track of what's where - and it's really hard to help others, too! Not playing this one. :(

  30. I usually like these games but without a labeled map it's next to impossible to keep track of what's where - and it's really hard to help others, too! Not playing this one. :(

  31. Wow!! SD that was challenging. Great game though!! Thanks for all the posts, couldn't have done it without you. :)

  32. @Selfdefiant, I want you to know that at least one player (me!) didn't mind having the map unlabeled at all. It made things more interesting, imo.

    While it's fine when trying to get through without help, there's no question that an unlabeled map makes it much more difficult to give hints. But with talented players like @premiere around, that problem is eliminated.

    I say, if it's less work for you, then we're more likely to see games more often, and that's a good thing for everyone.

    The vast majority of people here really do appreciate everything you do, especially the way you lurk when a game comes out so you can fix minor bugs or answer questions. Please keep doing what you're doing!


  33. Six gems and cant open book of curses. No Ankh. I have been looking and went over the WT but still dont see a gem I might have missed. Plz help!

  34. POP plus I'm an idiot LOL! My purple gem was in my inventory, just on another section I missed, duh! I KNEW I had collected all of them! SelfDefiant I LOVE your games, thanks for a brain workout. Might need to play a few more, it looks like I need it LOL!

  35. It would be great if someone would tell me how i can find again my lost(pink) gem ?
    Well ok, i will restart playing tomorrow.

    @Self this is one of you best games IMHO
    I love challenges and when not everything is too obvious i adore.
    Just this gem idea why, so i am still captured at this "nice" place :) LOL
    Go on and give us more of your cute games !

  36. Wow! That one was a toughy. I get turned around without a map to keep me focused but that is ok because one little clue about the dial puzzle and I was home free! Great game, as usual. Love em!

  37. SD´s games are still the best ones, there are some others i like very much, Tomatea for instance, Robamini, TESSHI-e and also Gotmail....and Neutral of course (but they are that rare)
    In any case SD style is unique and cute !
    Thx Selfdefiant !!

  38. @Unknown, after your comment i looked in my inventory if the pink gem is there, but it wasn´t.
    So i will replay tomorow (i can´t open the book of course lol)

  39. I can't find the pink gem. Anyone able to help, please?

  40. ok is there some trick to the gems...have 6 but can't figure out how to place them

  41. ok was missing the yellow gem whew finally out...:) very challenging..

  42. Rachel and premiere, WOW

  43. Is anyone there? I'm having a problem with the gems. I have all 6, but can't seem able to open my book. Any clues out there?

  44. nevermind. Yellow gem eluded me. Loved the game and well worth the time taken to play it.I'm out.

  45. Thankyou Selfdefiant I LOVED this game I for one go into absolute withdrawals till each new game comes out this one just made think a little harder not a bad thing it keeps the old brain active BRAVO

  46. Deja vu all over again. Need something new.

  47. .....and out with an amazing score of jsut under
    600,000!! Thank-you SD, for another fantastic game. I really enjoyed it.

  48. SD is a sadist. It took me a refresh after and hour of playing, then and hour in a half to pop! Oh and the walk thru wasnt a help lool!

  49. Unlabelled map for 25 orbs is annoying, other changes are OK. If it was a map with adding chambers(room appearing on the map only after you enter it) it would be much more interesting.

  50. Re-played and every single glitch seems to have been sorted out. Thanks Self Defiant. I wish more game makers were that particular about their games. Everyone can make a mistake but very few bother to fix them so promptly

  51. It took me almost an hour LOL
    Thanks you Selfdefiant, excellent game,with the unlabelled map its a big problem for hints
    but premiere is around so everything is settled!
    I did most of it on my own (anyway couldnt understand from comments where is what....),my problem was i missed the drain with the yellow gem (thanks again prem)and to tell you the truth i had placed the knife in the other slot but didnt understand if that did smt LOL

  52. Great game! Thank you, Selfdefiant. I did not have to peek often, so my own labelling for the map worked well.

  53. Like what happened to @zazie...I fell victim to the disappearing pink gem, and I think it was the first one I got! I'll just consider myself out, unless I play it NEW some time soon!
    All in all it was another super great game, glitches and all...selfdefiant is one of the few who watches and repairs things as we play!

    I did complain about the map, but really, It is just that you have made us so lazy and dependent on all the amazing things you do for us ungrateful slobs, SD!!!!! lol
    Thank You Very Much!!!!!

  54. Premiere: thank you for the walkthrough,had to come back to find torch so I could get last 2 gems, now out at last, I certainly was the lost soul. Lol

  55. And He does it again!!!!
    With one swift strike, He reaps our souls for a journey through one of His lost worlds and smites us with a real treasure of a game =D

    Yes, I'm late again, but I just have to speak for the benefit of future players:
    For any lightweights who prefer little quickie flash "gamies", I warn you - STAY AWAY! You are not worthy and you will never leave here through the exit door.

    This will immerse you in a treacle of thought and brain-wracking, which, if you persevere, will reward you with short-lived bursts of triumph as you find an item or work out a puzzle.
    If you have it in you, you can beat Him and emerge ultimately victorious, but this will not be until after either several hours of wandering and wondering amongst the areas with a feeling that you are in a spiritual inferno, or a lot of help from other players. Under the sad soundtrack, can't you just HEAR those screams?

    For me, this game is so superior to even a lot of bought games.
    What demo of a downloadable game gives us THIS much fantastic gameplay?
    Get a pencil and some paper, take your time and keep your eyes OPEN!

    Thank you SO MUCH for the map, Selfdefiant - you are a gem!
    I always draw my own anyway, but I use yours to correct mine and this one took me half an hour to copy out properly, after twenty-five minutes of trying to get to the shop!!!! =D =D =D

    Let me drift back off into the Axend - Book of Curses Purgatory and continue playing. I may see you all again if I ever get out ;)

  56. @Rookwings....great to see you!!! ;) Don't feel alone...I also joined!!! And AMEN to everything you said :)

    @SD...thank you thank you again for a great game! I didn't mind not having a labeled map...I just labeled the rooms in the order that worked for me. I appreciate the work you put into your games and the fact that you listen to our comments and respond is more than most game-makers do. I thank you very much for caring enough to pay attention to what your fans are saying :) The only *glitch* I could not seem to fix was the gems dilemma...I found all the gems but I was reading the comments and saw I needed to refresh for the map, so I did. Unfortunately, my blue gem disappeared, never to be seen clearing my cache plus refreshing again could not bring it back from the darkness. I think that *shopkeeper* absconded with it and then just sat down to enjoy the show.... ;) Aw well, this means I can have fun playing the game again!

    @Rookwings...maybe I will pass you as we both drift in AxEnd ;)

  57. YAY!!! Success :D All the gems stayed in my inventory...of course, giving the hooded hoodlum a *special* blend of chamomile tea, combined with a few other relaxing ingredients, worked to my advantage also :P He was still snoring when I!

    Thank you again SD :)

  58. Yes! I enjoy these very much even if I have to play guided by the walkthrough and hints. It's part of the fun. Tyvm SD!!!


  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. I can't seem to find anything. I have the crowbar and the red key, but I don't seem to be able to click on anything.

  61. so glad to see you're back Selfdefiant, we missed you. I for one liked the challenge of the unmarked map (oooooh sneaky...)and I loved every one of the..... 90 minutes(!) I spent in another one of your spooky worlds :-)

  62. In fact who is complaining having such a cool game ?
    Sorry but i know how much work is behind all this.(I never could manage it)
    SD you are still the best !
    Someone said that it is always the same....i would say that he should make another/different one all alone :) Haha, Thumbs up SD !

  63. I know it is not live but ...its SD WOOT .. LOVE these games. Going to start it ..

  64. Thank you Selfdefiant for the great game. I am looking every day for a new one. its a lot of fun.

  65. I could not have finished without the labeled map.
    Very hard to follow directions from others to a particular room and I always need a little help.
    SD, love your games but, please don't take the labeled map away.

  66. Thank you so much Selfdefiant I just love your games. Especially this one it was allot of fun. Looking forward to many more fun ones!

  67. Thank you Self Defiant for an excellent game. I enjoy an unlabeled map, and appreciate all the work you put into make these games. Keep up the great work! :)

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. Is there an order for the gems in the book??? I have put them in (6) and it doesn't open....please help, can't get out!!

  70. i need help for the color lever i don t get it? with these anagram stuff ..............please

  71. Kez,
    there's no particular order, BUT you need 7 gems...!

  72. VII,
    an anagram is a type of word play, the result of rearranging the letter of a word or phrase to produce a new word or phrase, using all the original letters exactly once.

    What you have:
    - HINT: Rob Row (paper in R)
    What can help you, to solve an anagram:
    (highlight link & click right to open it e.g. in a new tab)

    - anagram SOLUTION:
    B-O-R-R-O-W, these are colour abreviations:
    --> put sliders on those coloured lines
    (from left to right, click bar right side at the end)

  73. flash light and wand are on the same slot... I can see flash light, but mose over says "wand"... I can't take wand and I can't finish the game :/

  74. need help with circle dials

  75. stuck non the circle dials need help

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