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Humanoid 47

[REPLAY] Humanoid 47 is another point & click adventure type escape game developed by Jo99. In this game with a very special graphic atmosphere, a crazy professor performs strange experiments, when one of his many human guinea pigs manages to escape and locks himself in the professor's secret laboratory. Help this person to get out of this nightmare by finding and using items and hints for solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun! ☺

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

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  1. going in :) background is making me dizzy though

  2. Found a wheel in a pink room, used it in the same room.

  3. I enjoy the art style of this maker. Let's see how it goes.

  4. Mow I can open the panels outside the pink room, I activated the one, the other is missing a pipe.

  5. Ahhh, I would recognize that artwork anywhere!

  6. the only thing is that with so many objects lying around it can become a pixel hunt at times.

  7. I love the style of the game!
    Mow in room 432. Found a rose, a robot arm, a robot leg, and a code. Opened back wall with code.I fixed the robot and got two items.

  8. At room 431 nothing works, I guess we gotta fix that panel first. At 431 tried to find the number code, from the arrows underneath, it won't work either.

  9. Out.. If I can figure it out, it's fairly easy lol

  10. Oh, found the code in a box near the door of the beginning screen. A spray too. Used the code. Got a color code, and a remote.

  11. Used the remote and the code at the head in 431. Got a...brain???

  12. Used the spray at the spider. Got a plug. Now stuck.

  13. Ah, found the pipe, it's near the start door. Activated the 2nd panel. Still don't know what it activates.

  14. Opened another room. I put brain and plug in the slots, but still can;t find what to put in the round one.

  15. Any help???
    I can't use the puzzle shapes at 431, can't find where to use the rose, and don't know what to do with the round slot.

  16. Silly me, we have to use the puzzle pieces together first :p

  17. How to start game? maybe I have to disable adblock?

  18. And out.
    Loved it!!!
    Do make more of these!!! :D

  19. Nope that didn't work...but I remember the first game of his I played....brilliant artwork!
    Can someone give an alternate link....?

  20. Where do I use the rose?

    I'm thinking for a heart for the circle dome..

  21. Having same problem nokra- just a checkerboard with graphics and "use your mouse to play" in the middle.
    Do they mean a real live mouse perhaps? Mine are all gone thanks to my cat.

  22. I just reported it , @just1....hope they can make it work for us...the exact same thing happens for me, I have no cat or

    I love this artwork..and the games are cool, too!

  23. Ooh Ooh ...It is loading now....just1, keep refreshing!

  24. @nokra - got it when I refreshed the page 3rd or 4th time. It's loading now, very slowly...

  25. put the eye pieces together then in machine that has the eye on the front
    that will open the "casket" machine~ give the lady the rose and she will give you her heart

  26. Combine eye and mouth, then use on panel
    then use rose in room 439.

  27. Not load the game: (.... any alternative link??
    Thank you.

  28. Finally in! Looks like it was worth the wait. Now to get out...

  29. Where do we use the plug, heart and brain????

  30. I just love the artwork, very Zentangley!

  31. The clue is on the left wall of room 432

  32. Thank you! But I can't.....nope just checked and it is open. Thanks

  33. i think it was room 47? room on right side
    you have to get the pink fluid to run all the way around to that room

  34. OMG...I think I'm at the end....but I don't remember seeing any 3X3 color code....HELP????? lol
    What a trip this game is!!!!

  35. I got as far as I did with GinaBlack's great clues....TY!!!!
    but anyone....where is the clue for the final puzzle, 3X3 colors????

  36. The clue is there nokra, top left,


    hope it works

  37. I am an idiot!!!! is right there in front of me....must be the ultra-frantic music that has me all rattled!!!
    TY so much, @kateskat!

  38. I L O V E D this game!!!!!!!!

  39. I placed the gear and there is a red and white checkerboard 3x3 but nothing it the same place? In 47 where the chair is?

  40. Definitely, worth the wait, @just1 !!!!.....Agree?

  41. myrdlebp, push the button after solving a puzzle, I think....

  42. totally agree, @nokra... still wandering around, trying to do it without hints - still have a rose, an eye, and a grin...used everything else...really enjoyed disabling the spider-monster

  43. Color click/turn spoilers~

    Room 123 puzzle box~turn middle wheel 2 times then upper left to make pink fluid flow

    Color code for remote is on # machine~
    Use remote on face in same room
    BBRG so click~

    get brain

  44. But where's the puzzle? I see the clue.....oh, am I being totally CLUELESS? It's probably right in front of my face but nothing is clickable...*sad face*

  45. That was a great game! Hope to see more of these.
    @myrdlebp - there's a row of buttons above the panel in the spherical 'pod'- you have to click them from l to r - something happens with each one

  46. Another fantastic game from Joe99. His work just gets better and better!!!

    Possibly because I hate it when someone likens my creations to someone else's stuff, whether it's writing, drawing or composing, I just have to say that I find this artist to be unique and incredibly creative.
    Thank you, Joe99 =D

  47. So, yes! Yes it WAS right in front of my face! Thank you again! Only place I didn't click!
    *smacks hand to forehead*

  48. 3x3~ color clicks

    last row is correct

  49. My 1st walkthrough - this was great fun. Be sure to watch the opening bits.
    1st room - click on cabinet twice - grab the POISON bottle. Note code # on door. Back out - grab the bent blue PIPE on the right. Back out to
    Hallway - enter
    Room 432 - get ARM from disabled robot on left. back out - above him there's a door - go in and grab LEG. Now go to the right - take ROSE from pod and note CLUE on paper. Enter this code on door at rear of room. Give the poor guy his ARM and LEG back and make him happy. He'll give you an EYE and a GRIN. Combine these in your inventory. Back out twice and enter
    Room 437 (on left) - put combined eye/grin MEDALLION in the obvious place - reveals sleeping beauty. Give her the ROSE and you can take her HEART. Back out twice and enter
    Room 431 (right). On the right, enter code from 1st room, press button, get REMOTE. Note color pattern above. Go to the face at the rear of the room - use REMOTE, enter color code, take BRAIN. Back out, go forward to
    End of Hallway - enter spider door on right. Better kill that thing - spray him with POISON. Make everyone smile. Then you can click on his back, open compartment, take PLUG.

    Part 2 on the way...

  50. Walkthrough part 2:

    From spider room, turn left and enter
    Purple Hallway - go straight to the end, grab WHEEL and put it on the bubbly pod, then turn it to make blue pipes turn pink. Back out and look left - press to open compartment, put PIPE in place, turn that wheel. Back out again, enter
    Room 123 (723?), go forward. Turn center wheel to match colors, then upper left wheel to make pipes pink. Back out 3 times, turn the wheel on the bubbly door, and enter
    Room 47 - put the PLUG in the diamond-shaped compartment, the HEART in the arch-shaped, and the BRAIN in the round one. Go forward and click on the hand to enter the
    Control Pod - to the left you will find the panel. Click the first of 5 buttons and take the GEAR, then pit it in the slot lower right. Click 2nd button to reveal checkerboard puzzle - just make it look like the grid on upper left. Then click 3rd button, and - you're done! The evil doctor is defeated! Celebration time!

    Thanks Jo99 for a most excellent game!

  51. Nice job with the WT! Thank you!

  52. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  53. Nice game. Bad on the eyes. Those colors are used in color blindness diagnosing - not for prolonged exposure. Graphics? FAR from Mateusz Skutnik`s clean, but interesting worlds.

  54. Der Mauszeiger schwengte in der letzten Szene (in der Maschine) sehr stark hin und her, so dass ich kaum etwas anklicken konnte...
    na ja, mit Geduld und Gefühl habe ich es dann doch noch geschafft.
    Ansonsten gutes Spiel , wie die vorherigen Spiele

  55. Brilliant game... always love these. And first time I think I have ever made it out of one of these on my own! LOL :D

  56. just1 - thanks for the WT - it's a great one!! I liked this game a lot!

  57. Congrats on your first WT, @just1!!!Well done!

    btw...I love the name of your ya gonna put something in there? lol

  58. Sorry I didn't even notice the walkthrough lol... well done just1 (that rhymes hehe). And also well done Celine Bes for the video, I have noticed you have posted one on a few games now :)

  59. caught this one from the random section

    thx for all your creations, Jo ☺

    & thx just1 for your WT
    (although I didn't need it)

  60. got out with the help of just1 walkthrough gruesome fun game thanks


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