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Colonize Walkthrough



Colonize is another addicting and challenging strategy game developed by Selfdefiant. What if you discovered a new planet? Would you be able to rule a city? Let's see! Your objective is to found a colony of 2.000 aliens (at least ) and have a popularity rating of 100%! Place pods, ores and build roads for your new followers. You can unlock new buildings and items as you level up. Good luck!

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level 76 and still going lol

ok i think ive done enough lol lv 109

       Anonymous  6/17/12, 3:33 AM  

Woohoo a repair station! I don't have to worry anymore about the red "!!!" LOL

What am I meant to be doing here?? I go to the shop, by the time i click out I have to go round and click all the money or the red ! then just keep doing the same, do they have to work ALL the time? Little annoying..

Use the Collect All and Order All to collect and repair all in one step

Quite engrossing, but might be better if thought was given to planning the town, roads etc. I finished quite quickly without any roads at all, and only found out then that I could collect all with one click!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

       Random Game  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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