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Gut's Game Walkthrough

Gut's Game


Gut's Game is another free online puzzle/quiz game made by Gut for EscapeGames24. Solve the 8 levels that are a mix of puzzle styles in order to claim your reward! Good luck and have fun!

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Yay Gut!

sorry, I left a password on this game....it is removed now.....

This looks like fun. Thanks Gut.

hmm, first answer I thought was correct, but no go?

don't forget "the" on the first level.

Don't forget; no spaces and no caps in the answer (and don't forget the word; the).

mugglehead, did you get all of THE answer?

I love this game :D it is fun!!!

me too, searching for level 5

thank you!!!

lol, I'm still stuck on level 2. I don't know the names of very many bands I'm afraid.

jbg, concentrate on the day

i'm glad that everyone is enjoying my game!

is it a new band?

shoot, color too! LOL

Hi Gut, thanks for the great game

I can't believe I didn't get that right away for level 2. lol

lol....it is a "head-slap" moment Jbg!!!

hi gut this looks great although i too am stuck on 2

glad you are enjoying it too Mugglehead :)

for level five concentrate on the brand of computer.

nvm mind got it now, showing my age though as i knew the answer to level 3 with no google required

level 5,stuck.Named 3 and no go

lol, level 7 really is the evil level.

and finished. That was a nice little game Gut. Very creative. I hope there is more in the future.

for lvl 5, p****e, l****p, and I******n is irrelevent in figuring out the answer

Yay, jbg!!!

who the heck is that on level 5? :)

Don't worry bigtank. I knew the answer to level 3 without googling too. lol

still no idea for level 5

I knew level 3's father!!! How old am I????

aah well thanks jgb you always say the right things. @gut thanks for giving me shove on not what to use.lol still stuck

No head slap here....another clue for the band, please? lolo

level 5 set fire to something wet!!!!

what kind of computer is it mugglehead. Dude you got * ****.

Dell. hmmm. A singer named dell?

nearly Zoe ;) very close.....

lol that cryptic clue did it thanks jon

what day is it Nokra?

@nokra: what color is that ThursDAY.

not the date, or the month.....

another clue for level 2 ....please?

didn't refresh...lol TY!!!!

della - nope

zzzzoooooming on through, now!

@Zoe: very close, but move the a to the beginning.

what do you see....just name the laptop.....

well done gut that was sweet . finished with appluase thankyou

oh...of course! thanks jbg

LOL both of my parents just played it!

if you need an extra clue for 6, look in the source

Im at the evil level..where's my calculator!!

This game is fun!

lol...I forgot about that!

Nevermind. Level 8 is the EVIL one!!!! lol!

finished , excellent game Gut :)

TY, Gut....please forgive my stupidity....but what do you mean , "look in the source" for #6?

Out!!! Level 8 was easier than I thought...not so evil, but clever - hee hee...

Thanks for the fun game!!!

and...as small said....this is a riddle that even I can do....lolol...almost!

nokra - just google "squeeze machine"

very fun!! But I still hate math.

if you right click on your mouse, you can view the source where the answer is probably hidden, but I found it much easier to use google.

to see the sourse code, move your mousr=e pointer away from the main picture, then right-click....you will see something like "view source" or similar....try that, then scroll down until something appears....


that was a very fun game @Gut!
wow, so many talented people here at EG24

thank you very much :))

I have done all that googling...cyri****** does not work...what did I miss?

*mouse (gee...my typos are huge today)

       Anonymous  6/16/12, 11:31 AM  

Not gongtats, but clapping hands for me...!
Fun game, Gut,
enjoyed it very much!

Was stuck at day in March, so thx, posters above for the hints!
(btw: there exists a band named Green On Thursday...!)

Zoe gave the best hint.....google is your friend....

In google I typed "Who invented the squeeze machine" and got the name of the person who invented it. YOu can also probably type in "squeeze box"

Where is the comment for this game?

I really need to register to play?

Tried different spellings...etc. not working.....lol

Try to refresh (ctrl-F5). It was locked before, but isn't anymore.

This comment has been removed by the author.

@Lulu, refresh your browser, no need to register....

OMG! I was googling the musical instrument!!!!!! Now I do recognize the pic!!!! Dummy me!

       Anonymous  6/16/12, 11:37 AM  

squeeze box inventor without the doctor title, only first & surname.


congrats to all that has finished my game :D


will delete it...

Do I need to tegister to play?

Bone Gut:

Thanks for making it! Hope you do more of these. Not ridiculously hard, which makes it more fun!

No Lulu, you don't need to register. Reload the page.

lulu, feche seu navegador (Chrome, Firefox, o que estiver usando) e abra novamente.

Obrigada, Jon...hahaha
Eu sou lerda...

Estou gostando vou tentar mais tarde...

Hi@small tool, hugs to you!!

       Anonymous  6/16/12, 11:44 AM  

& also thx, @Jon,
for assembling
& @s-t,
for beta-testing!

Am I the only person here who thought the squeezebox was an accordian????? lol


squeezebox....isn't that an '80's group??


I thought that too, and didn't really know there was a therapeutic thing used for autism until now!

See what you learn by playing EG24 games!!!

I'm stuck on 8! Any clues please?

The band "The Who" wrote a song called "Squeeze Box" back in the 70's I think

Me too, princess.....anyone?

Use your back arrows and go back to Level 1. Then write down only the capital letters in the questions for each level. They spell a word....

There is the link, above... @zoe....lol funny song!

oh heck...I was counting...and putting a number! lolol

TY Gut!!!! I now have to pay more attention to the content of the questions.....lolol

I get TFOPGOMATES - that makes a word?

yes. there are many therapeutic techniques for autism.... the squeezemachine, spinning in circles, and plenty of others!

I don't know what you're doing, but the capital letter in Level 1 is "C". The capital letter in Level 2 is "O", Level 3 is "N" and so on...

Princess...look for capitals within the levels!

Ahhh thanks. Thought it was the capitals of the answers

Thanks Gut - fun and easy enough for me :)
(except I never heard of the singer on level 5 - thanks for hints)


lol - thanks jon :)

A very nice game!

OMG Gut I love u! U put my fav band in there (lvl 2)

this game embodies fun Kathi :D share it with others :D

So nice , congrats to author, gut??
thanks it was very fun!!
Preliminary to a big riddle??
And loved your logo http://img594.imageshack.us/img594/6335/gutc.png

YAY! Gut! Fun! Fun!!!

Thank you Gut for the great game !!!
I enjoyed it very much!!! (at last a game that i could do it on my own LOL, not all of it !!! needed help on lvl 2).
Im waiting for your next one !!!
and thanks Jon for "making" it and small-tool for testing it

Hey that was alot of fun gut :D Enjoyed it oh so much!!

So...why doesn't this game have an overwhelming five stars??

Come one people...vote!!

Thank you, Gut. That was great fun. Please make more. (im still laughing about level 2, i knew they would have to be there, somewhere....hahaha)

Congrats on the game Gut!! Was great and very fun... and now been listening to Adele for the last half hour LOL ;)

And of corse, well done to Jon and small-tool for your input! :D

enjoyable game well done

enjoyable game well done

March has 31 days.

Stuck on level 2: I tried to google every combination of thurs(day) green and band... nothing
This game must be oriented to English-speakers only. I give up.

need clue #2 band?? Please! I really am not knowledgeable in this area
Thank You!

that DAY is GREEN! it's a G****D** that is a band.

i typed in adele for the band and it took me to level 6...did i do something wrong ///Jonthewatch ...i am thick and not getting this clue :(

Oh geez finally got # 2

adele is the answer to a later level Kathy :) I don't know how you arrived at that answer but you can go back to enjoy the rest of the levels :)

(you need to go back in order to gather the letters for the final answer ;) )

....and you are not thick...these games take a lot of brain power :)

Thanks so much, I did finally finish the game...Fun!!!

First riddle game I ever finished! All questions are logical and the difficulty level is perfect... for me! Congrats on making a sweet riddle game and I hope to see many more in the future!

Thanks Gut, jon and s-t for this fun game.

Gut you're amazing <3 fun game. Thanks for making it

       Random Game  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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