The Hunt for Captain Blood is a new free adventure online riddle game from Creo of Riddlex. Creo: "The Hunt for Captain Blood’ is my latest themed adventure riddle – a quest on the high seas to hunt down the notorious pirate Captain Blood". Good luck and have fun!
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oops sorry, thought I could remember how to bold that
ReplyDeleteoh well
missing shell is 67 mrtelcom
ReplyDeleteI think I got a new number 67?? another s? still no joy.
ReplyDelete@mrtelcolm you have it with the prime numbers but I think your actual counts could be wrong
ReplyDeletethis is what I got
X 67 47 11
2 23 53 2
5 67 53 23
doing something wrong...
anagram the letters you have, you will get the word
ReplyDeletethen use those #'s on the prime list you made earlier and sing the abc song!
ReplyDeleteI was separating the 67 into 6/7 and was getting all messed up
on to 15
Thanks so much @ rds and mrtelcom!
colors are roy g biv (rainbow colors)
ReplyDeletetype in rainbow... love the answer *SNORT*
ReplyDeletepeace oasis is not working grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
ReplyDeletethe famous ghost ship that never reaches port is the flying dutchman
ReplyDeletebut not sure that helps with roy g biv
got that part too, typed in spectrum too ... got close ... but not what they are looking for i guess...lol
ReplyDelete@mrtelecom think constellations
ReplyDeleteand one word
ReplyDeletecrap!! thanks got it. too much detail for me on that one.
ReplyDelete@mrtelcom I sent you an email... didn't realize you got it. :)
ReplyDeletewhere do you guys see the spectrum? I see a captain holding a skull on 15
ReplyDeleteskull's eyes change color
ReplyDeleteI typed spectre and the answer said very close
Thanks Jo ann
ReplyDeleterainbow isnt very piratey/ghostly is it? LMAO
ReplyDeleteeverything I google seems to come up with starcraft shheeesh lol
ReplyDeletetrying other ghostly names
@mr telcom I had a good laugh over that one too.
ReplyDeletespectral, says spectral what? so close and yet so far...lol
ReplyDeleteSomeone needs to post the order, that is the theme. Is one of them Cyan? not in the rainbow.
ReplyDeletecyan or light blue? I am sure it is the rainbow colors as they melt into the next
ReplyDeleteI think spectre or spectral is where we need to be going
For 15, what is he holding?
ReplyDeleteOMG Donas... I had tried that with spectrum and with spectre but not with spectral
ReplyDeletethank you!
correct me.. and I am going to bed
ReplyDeleteROYGBIV - then the message ?? RYGBVR ??? pretty sure I missed the last part..
onto 16
ReplyDeletebtw, I don't think that is a very piraty or ghostly ship name either
got it thanks to hint, but again!!! that is not something I would ever guess!!
ReplyDelete@mrtelcom if you are like me, I would never guess it because it is not a very piratey or ghostly name. lol
ReplyDeletelevel 16 looks like roman numerals
5 pearls
ReplyDelete2 diamonds
5 saphires
3 rubies
help a brother out. ...
I see shapes in the jewels
ReplyDeletepearls are an X
diamonds I
saphires D
rubies V
yeah roman numerals, and which stones I think
ReplyDeleteroman numerals give a year and then it says what happened then
ReplyDeletethe london fires but how to answer?
great fire of london is incorrect, your ship burns and you have to go back
ReplyDeleteexpand your thoughts please jo anne
ReplyDeleteif you look at all the jewels, each is a roman number
ReplyDeleteby adding it together you get a year
something that happened in that year is the answer
but what? lots happened that year. lol
interesting but not sure it helps
ReplyDeleteThe year is also known for having all the Roman numerals, used only once, in order from biggest to smallest value
another interesting fact after level 15 but not sure it helps
ReplyDeleteSir Isaac Newton uses a prism to split sunlight into its component colors, which helps us understand the nature of light more comprehensively (see optical spectrum).
maybe the numbers combined with type of stone?
ReplyDeletewhen you type in the year it says "and what hot event happened then?"
ReplyDeletethat's why I thought of the london fires but that isn'r right
does the shape of the gold resemble a land mass?
ReplyDeletethey were burning witches at the stake back then. that was rather hot...
ReplyDeletenot mediterranian... with my spelling LOL.
ReplyDeletethe only land mass it looks like to me is the palms in dubai
ReplyDeleteI thought more of royalty with the gold and jewels
bed time... leave clues!!
ReplyDeletenight night! Hope to have clues to leave!
ReplyDeletenot hot for most people but
ReplyDeleteIsaac Newton develops differential calculus that year
This doesn't help, but as an engineer, at football games in college we had a cheer..
ReplyDeletedifferentials x
differentials y
who needs differentials
we need sex
we were goobers. LMAO.
lol @mrtelcom *snort*
ReplyDeleteyup, I too was a goober in university (have a degree double major in science)
For 16, the roman numerals are the wrong way to go. Find a way to get letters from the gems.
ReplyDelete@donas, does that mean you solved it already?
ReplyDeletethe only letters I see are D,X,V,C,L,M,I
yes, solved 16. Name the stones to pick letters.
ReplyDeletegosh, name the stones to pick the letters.... hmmmmm
ReplyDeletenot sure what that means but am amazed at all my first thoughts which seem to give a hint when typed in turn out to be a dead end. lol
How many for ruby?
ReplyDeletebtw, isn't the 'L' not a gem? is it ammonite
ReplyDeleteno, it is a four letter stone
ReplyDeletesorry not getting it
ReplyDeletedid you get a letter from ruby?
ReplyDeleteto me ruby is V
ReplyDelete3 for ruby, letter is B
ReplyDeletesorry don't understand
ReplyDeleteI get 3 but not B
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteomg *palm to face*
ReplyDeleteso what is the L gem?
ReplyDeleteLOL, Jo-Ann, sorry but must call it a night, after 1am and time to sleep. You will get it now I'm sure.
ReplyDeletegosh thank you so much, can't believe I missed opal I must be too tired as well
ReplyDeletenight night
gosh just not getting it
ReplyDeletemust end it for the night
good luck to all, leave hints please!
good morning! joining after yesterday night...stuck in lvl 12...help pls...
ReplyDeletetried pegle...but was wrong...
ReplyDeleteif i try dotted lines it means ELUIS in capital what does it mean? m i in right track?
ReplyDeletegot it...onto lvl 13...
ReplyDeletegot 12a...onto 13...by the thanks to small tool, jo-ann and mrtelcom for all the valuable posts...:)
ReplyDeleteany hint for 13 to open the chest?
ReplyDeletethanks small tool for hint on 6.06pm...onto lvl 14...
ReplyDeleteoh! its 13(2)???
ReplyDeleteyo...got 14 too...onto 15...no one's with me now?
ReplyDeleteagain sorry...passed 13(2)...now in 14...
ReplyDeletenow on 15 the phantom...
ReplyDeleteStill stuck on 10 how many words?
ReplyDeleteIs 11 morsecode or what?
ReplyDelete@haby75 first numbers are numbers of PI...and the rest is in braille...
ReplyDeletedecoding 16...granma?
ReplyDeletehmm...taking the names of the gems, then taking the particular number letters and then asking granma...but perhaps she is too old to tell...hmm...are the pink gems amethyst? or a garnet? 7 stones are there for sure...
ReplyDeletewhat am i missing?
found no others...
yepppyyyyy....got 16...ufff....now in 17...
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletefor my friends who helped me to get this far it has two words...
ReplyDeletewhere we go to buy JERKY...
ReplyDeletefirst is obvious, what about the second. Ends with y?
ReplyDeletesee what casual wrote at 9/26/12 2:54 PM...use google to decode braille...and then instead of O write the shape's name (obviously its not a square)...
ReplyDeleteanyways going for lunch...will be back soon..
back again...trying 17...
ReplyDeleteno one here? need help in 17...saw all the islands and try to decode cryptic language...but not succeeded...hmm what to do?
ReplyDeletegotta go...urgent work to do...c u all tomorrow...
ReplyDeleteI am back now and stuck on 14, the shells. Any help ? All i found was peace oasis.
ReplyDeleteWhat about the bird in 12a???
ReplyDeleteI don't get level 16.
ReplyDeleteI'm using the names of the gems that sam1902 posted at 1:21
But there are too many anagrams with two words.
Can you give the first letters?
@Zazie: you're close, missing one letter (double one of those you already have).
ReplyDeleteAnd hello to all others, back again and struggling with the jewels as well.
@Zazie: If you were an astronomer, the answer would come easy...
ReplyDelete@Sam: were those jewels you posted at 1:21 the correct ones?
ReplyDeleteStill stuck on 13B, i have read small tools hints but im still stuck!
ReplyDeleteMorgana, you have seen this place before, when you were counting coconuts
ReplyDeleteSame here
ReplyDelete@small-tool, first and last letters of what?? (13b)
ReplyDelete@dutchie: (Lvl. 16) the only words coming from this Jerky place are sail bar and pirate cove?
ReplyDelete@Marc: (Lvl. 13b) take two letters from each line...
ReplyDeleteRudi, you named the answer
ReplyDelete@Jo-Ann I need help with chapter 11, need spaces? My last word is wrong I think...
ReplyDeleteStill not getting 13B, ive tried the first and last letters from each line (10 letters total) not having any joy
ReplyDelete@dutchie: we are talking about the same level, the one with the jewels on the golden coral? But both words have nothing in common with the jewels that sam posted at 1:21? I must obviously live through a very blonde moment :-(
ReplyDeleteDay 2. I read all the posts, still dont have a clue about chapter 11.
ReplyDeleteUse the number of jewels with the type of gem
ReplyDeleteRudi, count the number of each kind of jewels, then see what letter it refers to.
ReplyDelete(two diamants is letter i) Then anagram it all in two words.
you already mentioned the right answer
@PM: (Lvl. 11) The first part is a number, used in a movie title as well. The second is a series of letters (8), the third part is a shape, closely related to the first number.
ReplyDeleteCreo said on Nordinho:
ReplyDeleteStill stuck on 11?
If so, the text gives a strong clue that there are 3 parts. First is a number, then a visual aspect, then a shape.
ok, here I go again. I can see you finally solved chapter 11...congrats!
ReplyDeletehope to catch up soon. guess, I have a lot of reading to do ;-)
Thanks @dutchie and @cee bee, will try later, got some work to do, hour or so.
ReplyDeleteGot it, thanks all!
ReplyDeleteAnyone got a clue for chapter 17?
ReplyDelete@Dutchie: I'm assuming the clues around each island give the letters that make up the island names. eg on the big island 'short company' would be CO 'sodium' NA and then we visit granmaa
ReplyDeleteThe name of the smallest island may simply be the number.
ReplyDeletestuck at chapter 12b (the one with the parror, after the smoke signals). I can't find a hint here. help, pretty please? ;-)
ReplyDeleteCee bee, that's what I thought also, and SE is reversed ES.
For the first island: there were four horsemen?
For the second island: xxxxx = L? semitone = m2?
For the fourth island: Snakehead is Medusa? First element is H?
Snakes head could be S,
ReplyDeleteSE reversed could be NW
Semitone could mean use 2 letters from tone
argghhhh! too many options :)
I have enough letters for each island name, and can make some words, but nothing that's making sense so far.
nevermind. found a comment from small-tool at 6:16 PM. thanks s-t!
ReplyDelete[spoiler]acissopeai?[/spoiler] what to make of this in 14?
ReplyDelete@casual - I was just going back to check. Great that you got it!
ReplyDeleteMarc look up constellations
ReplyDeleteAre the question marks referring to the amount of letters in each word?
ReplyDelete(In the meantime i escaped 'a modern apartment', wish chapter 17 was that easy)
@dutchie - I haven't got the answer yet so not sure, but I think so.
ReplyDeletePeace Oasis? checked out constellations, not getting it right.
ReplyDeleteFor 17 I think I have the 1st (number) and the 3rd word (something you use with maps or a GPS), I just need 2nd and 4th...
ReplyDelete@PM It's also the name of a queen in Greek mythology
ReplyDelete@lovelygiraffe is your 3rd word 11 letters?
ReplyDeleteYes. I'm quite sure about that one, since it would fit.
ReplyDeletethe first island is a number.
ReplyDeleteBlood answers: Yes, first island is called ....
Oh, he helps :) Then yes, 3rd one is co********s.
ReplyDelete@Cee Bee thanks !
ReplyDeleteAhh - got the 3rd word too - yes it fits!! Thanks lg
ReplyDeleteBack for a few minutes and finally got level 16... fresh eyes I tell ya!
ReplyDeleteI don't have time yet to work on 17 or to help others (will be back in a bit for that) but really really really wanted to ask what people mean when they say
visit granmaa
I ahve seen that reference a few times, don't know what it means but have solved levels with out it
anyone want to let me know what it means?
It just means to anagram something.
ReplyDeleteStill needing help on 11
ReplyDelete@Cee Bee LOL thanks never knew what they meant but was able to solve stuff
ReplyDelete@Paula do you have any of it yet?
finally catched up. chapter 17 now!
ReplyDeleteGreat Casual! We need your help :)
ReplyDelete@ Paula, I will send you an email
ReplyDelete@Paula - not sure how to help more than what's been posted already.
ReplyDeleteLook at the image Casual posted 9/26/12 2:54
and Donas post at 9/26/12 5:16
The last part is a shape.
Man 17 is hard!!!! I got the number only.
ReplyDeleteguessed the last island, it starts with snakeshead followed by first element
ReplyDeleteI feel u PM pfff
ReplyDeleteSnakes head is a type of lily?
Snakes head is just a head of a snake. The one that comes first.
ReplyDeleteI don't even understand how you got the 3rd island. I can see short company, SE reverse and sodium. but what about the others?
ReplyDeleteI have a name for the 4th island that fits the clues, but might be wrong - it starts as yours does Dutchie. I'm missing the 2nd island.
ReplyDeleteBack to the game, got Island 1 and 3, but 2 and 4 are hard to solve for non-native speakers...
ReplyDeleteFirst two die - exactly what it says
End point - end of point
Mineral rock deposit without end - google mineral rock deposit and take away the end
Hope this helps...
This letter represents a Snake
ReplyDeleteany clue on three (and two and four :))
ReplyDelete@Casual What's a mineral rock deposit called? Then take the end off. The clues are typical cryptic crossword type clues
ReplyDeletea Vessel?
ReplyDeleteHelp - I need help on 12A. I think it has to do with a peg leg??? not sure, and haven't found many hints.
ReplyDelete@Marc for 3rd island - it's an 11 letter word that is made up from letter indicated by each of the clues around it eg Short company = CO
ReplyDeleteEnJoy - you already have the answer.
ReplyDelete@Enjoy - all one word not two :)
ReplyDeleteOh Boo Hoo! - my posts are disappearing. I'll try again.
ReplyDelete@Marc 3rd island is an 11 letter word made up of letters indicated by each clue eg Short Company = CO
thanks, lovely :)
ReplyDeleteSuppose my english isn't good enough for this...
ReplyDeletefinally got the 3rd island. thanks for the hints! unfortunately I have to leave for about one hour. have fun
ReplyDeleteHOw do you know you got hte third? u allready have 2?
ReplyDeleteMarc, you can test every word - if you write it in, he tells you if it's right.
ReplyDelete@lovely - thanks, I didn't know you could that. My 4th island is right :)
ReplyDeleteFirst two die????
ReplyDeleteOverlords leader? G for God?
ReplyDeleteDon't overthink these two, just use the words you have.
ReplyDeleteNow I know the name of the 2nd island :) More work to do once you key in the 4 answers.
ReplyDeleteok so: snakes head = S second H or E ?
ReplyDeleteHow? Can you give me a hint please?
ReplyDeletegot first and fourth island still stuck on the others. Appreciate the clues all!
ReplyDeleteHm, elemental first: e for elemental or h for hydrogen?
ReplyDelete@lovely The same method as the others Semitone, starts to adjust = 2 letters each, the other clues 1 letter each.
ReplyDelete@Marc The head of apple is A, the head of pear is P, so the head of Snake is.............
ReplyDeleteS got that tx, so overlords leader is O?
ReplyDelete@Marc YES!
ReplyDelete@PM: third is made from 6 clues:
ReplyDeleteSmall company: what would be the abbreviation?
Mineral rock deposit: what do dwarfes search in the mountains?
First two die: take that literally
Sodium: think element
End point: as well, take that literally
SE reversed: tells you what to do.
Well, I'm back at it and way behind now...still trying to see that word on 12...but be easy since no one is having much problems.
ReplyDeleteI sooooooooooo want to finish this, but have to run!
ReplyDeleteGood luck everyone.
I think I have the right letters from everything except from semitone...
ReplyDelete@lovely - try the obvious first
ReplyDeletei still don't have a clue about number island two
ReplyDeletestill on 4 Am i that dumb? S H/E . O
ReplyDelete@Rudi. thanks. I had all but one letter correct. Working the last island now. I think i have it all except romans
ReplyDelete@lovely and what do you get when you sum it all up?
ReplyDeleteromans might be 50?
ReplyDeleteInverts my head - it's the same as snakes head, except that you need to invert this one.
ReplyDeleteOh I was trying to fix the wrong letter, 12B now.
ReplyDeleteI'm just stuck with adslto. Can't think of anything else. I think I need a break.
ReplyDeleteelemental first H E or F for fire, w for water a for air e for earth?
ReplyDelete@Marc, that would make it an L in Roman Numerals? Or it means just crossing out the first five letters of romans, thus making it an s?
ReplyDeletealso a good suggestion
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