Awakening Machines is another free online riddle game by Carlos Perez. Game instructions are on the home page. "In the darkness a darker evil awaits, if you prevail to the end, a grand light will be your prize." Good luck and have fun!
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Note: Please don't post answers, hints only, thank you!
Update: Riddle is updated!
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nope still trying to figure out 11, I get the anagram part.."blogs", not sure what is missing though
ReplyDeletesearch the different blogs together and you should find that there were a few others left off the list on the riddle... try a few of these. I'm on 12 Rudi, no clue what to do..
ReplyDeletegrrrrrrrrrr....imma have to try again tomorrow...I can only think of jez and giz, and they arent helping.
ReplyDeleteno brandon! Jez.... is right!!!
ReplyDelete@Brandon: you already have the answer!
ReplyDeleteI tried that like 5 times and it didn't work, but now it did....sigh..im back in for a couple more.
ReplyDelete"what would you do?" I have no idea what i'd do with a graveyard and a # sign...
ReplyDeletewhat would you do? #?
ReplyDeleteThe author is giving a hint on another forum:
ReplyDelete"Hmm, I'll just post it here give everybody the hint. xxxor="#xxxxxx"> where in the x's in quotation marks is your answer."
Don't see that it helps though.
hmm...what does one do at a cemetery.....grieve, cry, mourn, hmmm.......
ReplyDeletewhat does the xxxor mean? on that other forum, the players seem to find that as a very useful hint, but i get nothin from it...
ReplyDeleteI may be overthinking this again... 5 letter words ending in or
what does that have to do with pound.... and a grqaveyard/cemetary?
ReplyDeletethat's a lot of words... haha surely there has to be some sort of hint leading to the right word?
ReplyDeletehow did the author come up with the xxxor anyways? I see nothing leading to that
ReplyDeletein the blackest way possible, $
ReplyDeleterigor mortis is not the answer....:/
totally confused still... What does the hint in the source code supposed to mean?
ReplyDeleteoh, still live. Hi all.
ReplyDeleteStuck on Level 4 (?). The one with the destination letter.
If i convert the numbers i get http://bip.ly/...
Am i on the right path? Anagram them? I´m feeling dumb^^
thats right trir, go to that webpage (make sure you didnt convert last 6 characters tho)
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ReplyDeletei enter:
but it takes me only to a navigation site (not from the game).
your p should be a t (bit)
ReplyDeletegtg for a while, will come back later and maybe then i´ll get it^^
ReplyDeleteOh great, i am officially dumb. Thx AlpacaKay
ReplyDeleteno prob :) When ya reach 11, i need help lol
ReplyDeletesorry, not 11. I need help with 12
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ReplyDeletehey! just catched up and now I'm staring at the graveyard, that's where you are, right?
ReplyDeleteHi Casual, right, for several hours now :-)
ReplyDeletehey guys ..i dont kno should i jump inn or not but i got first 2 level quit easily ..stuck on 3
ReplyDelete@raasti: no need to type, there's a hospot :-)
ReplyDeleteahemm. hotspot.
ReplyDeletei found your hospot LOL...now wht to do ?
ReplyDeletewell, click it :-)
ReplyDeleteRudi ..im not good at riddles but not that bad LOL ...i click it hav letter ....but do wht now ?
ReplyDeleteanyone of you tried colors @level 12?
ReplyDeletefor example #ff0000 would be red...
yeah! got it!
ReplyDeleteyou understand what I mean?
ReplyDeleteraast, what have you got? level 12?
ReplyDeleteraasti! you are my hero!!!
ReplyDelete@raasti: are you still on the letter in level 3? convert the first part into letters.
ReplyDeleteopps, I meant Casual, sorry! Too excited...
ReplyDelete@level13: tried all kind of mathematical bodies (pyramid, cylinder, etc). no luck
ReplyDelete@Rudi: that's okay ;-)
Hmm, source code says "might want to same this piece" what does that mean? Mirror it somehow?
ReplyDeleteconvert it in letters ....tried to anagram but no use
ReplyDeleteLvl13: The text tells you where to go
ReplyDelete@raasti: don't anagram, it's a web address...
ReplyDeleteslap face :-) overthinking again.
ReplyDeleteok so hard for me will try later on if my mind changes...
ReplyDelete& for Casual i thought you were heroin ...LOL..now i kno you are hero ;)
@raasti: no heroin for me, but whiskey & cigars ;-)
ReplyDeleteI don't get the hint. I followed every line once and hoped I could see a letter or shape?!
ReplyDeletePOP! got it. thanks
ReplyDeleteLevel 14 is easy, if you know what brand of computer the author uses. But unfoortunately it stops there, the author hasn't finished it yet.
ReplyDelete@Casual: Forget the picture, concentrate on the text.
@Rudi: thanks for the hint.
ReplyDeleteand this is it? "had to it..." or is this part of the riddle?
no, it's not part of the riddle, the author seems to be facing some private problems and had to stop there: you can read it here: http://macheist.com/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=415515
ReplyDeleteoh, what a pity! hope, things will get better for him soon.
ReplyDeletereally nice riddle game and I'm looking forward to play the sequel!
Im at graveyard now too thanks :) why i didnt think of anagramming singular... but got it now ;) now at graveyard too
ReplyDeletehow did ya'll come to conclusion of using colors in graveyard? and any hint for which color? im lost...
ReplyDeleteok got it... i thought # was part of answer
ReplyDeleteand done, very nice riddle although sad to see the end
ReplyDeletestill stuck in graveyard, i got the hint about the XXXor, but is it a xxxor or #xxxor, and is it specifically 6 letters as hinted by author?
ReplyDeletenever mind figured it out, now on 13
ReplyDeletenow on 14 and how am i supposed to know what brand computer the user uses?
ReplyDeleteduh me, solved it, date has to do with everything for 14 as well as text, so out ;) back to perplex
ReplyDeletestill stuck at the graveyard....sigh not really getting the clue/hints...what am I doing wrong?
ReplyDelete@Brandon: Think colours and a way to describe them in HTML.
ReplyDeleteyeah, I'm still stuck on that, I know the # html codes, but no variation of #W**** or W**** works, or #FF**** or FF****....my brain is roasted.
ReplyDeleteleave out the # :-). Your third solution seems to be close.
ReplyDeleteahh, Brandon, and no capitals!
ReplyDeleteoh you have got to be kidding me.....>:/
ReplyDeletejust came back to check if help is needed. but it looks like Rudi takes care of that ;-)
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm hanging out here for a while, we've been on that together for so many hours ... :-)
ReplyDeleteby the way, guess where I'm from? kreuzberg ;-)
ReplyDeleteKreuzberg? Me as well! Planufer, to be precise.
ReplyDeletewish I could afford that beautiful area with the trees next to the water. I live in "Bergmannkiez"
ReplyDeleteI used to live there many years ago, on Fidicinstrasse.
ReplyDeleteI live in Solmsstraße...funny, we're living so close to each other, who knew...
ReplyDeletebut, lets stop bothering people with our chat ;-)
have to leave anyway. hope to see you soon in another riddle game!
My pleasure, Casual!
ReplyDelete@Brandon: you still around? Need any more hints?
ReplyDeleteyeah, sorry, working on the 13th puzzle
ReplyDeleteThe alternating picture, what color is that? How would you express that in HTML (without the #, no capitals)?
ReplyDeletegot it on 14 now Lines at the bar are horrible -_-
ReplyDeleteThis one's a bummer, I had the picture opened in IrfanView, the transparent one (from the source code) in Gimp, until someone pointed out that it's not about the picture at all. A red herring, more like a red whale. Concentrate on the text, the solution is in there.
ReplyDeleteboom done...whew. that was great.
ReplyDeleteGongtats :-) see you next time!
ReplyDeleteyeah I'll be checking back on this one....great fun. Hope he gets back to updating it.
ReplyDelete@lv. 4,
ReplyDeleteI don't get the clue about contrast and brightness. What exactly am I to do with the pic?
stuck on level with binary, what am i missing, SC says too easy... sure it is
ReplyDeleteOh, people from Kreuzberg! I'm from Steglitz, but moved to Cologne some years back.
ReplyDeleteGreat help here so far. I racked my brains yesterday for level 12 and gave up until the color clue today. Never would have thought of that!!!
I hope the author continues his riddles. :-)
mini look for a binary translator on the web. ;)
ReplyDeleteStill stuck on lv. 4 with the jewellery. Tried to adjust contrast and/or brightness in word as well as computer in generall, without any result.
ReplyDeleteHelp, please?
@Kenning same here, I searched the image on Google and he gave me information about a book, but I have no idea what to do yet
ReplyDeleteGot it =D
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ReplyDeleteStuck in LEVEL 8, hints please?
ReplyDelete@Paula that the one with the planets? which 2 are missing?
ReplyDelete@Paula Regina, would you share your knowledge about lv. 4 with me, please?
ReplyDelete@minicycyc, I know the planets, but????
ReplyDelete@Kening try again to adjust contrast and/or brightness, I adjusted in b&w and worked =D
ReplyDeletebtw, the game is continuing now...
ReplyDeleteTrying to figure out which levels were skipped, but cannot find any... I tried every single number
ReplyDeleteFound it finally. It's not simply the level number...
ReplyDelete@Alpaca: I did a rerun, and yes, there was a level we skipped. And look at the subtitle of the picture, you'll have to include that.
ReplyDeleteI already got it, but thanks Rudi. Any hints on the next one? Do we seriously have to decode all that?
ReplyDelete@Alpaca: the next one is hard, I'm pondering for more than 5 hours over that now.
ReplyDeletewow haha ok ill keep searchin :)
ReplyDeleteI don't think we can decipher that. It's dummy text, most probably done with a generator. Lorem ipsum is fake Latin. So first I thought (together with "Time is running out") it would be tempusfugit, but no.
ReplyDeleteWhat about the clue in source code? "You hold the keys" and it also mentions the level longwait. Could it have to do with the keyboard?
ReplyDeleteAnd it says "you hold the keys" in the source, so I tried keychain and keyfob, but ...
ReplyDeleteOr something with a key to wind a clock? But why the fake latin then?
ReplyDeleteWe are pretty much on our own here, I hope Brandon and Casual will join us, I have already sent a mail to Escapegames24 and asked them to inform the players that the game continues.
ReplyDeleteYeah.. We need some more help for sure, I saw your post on the other game and got really excited because I love this game haha. I hope the others will get the word :)
ReplyDeleteIf Escapegames24 don't pull the game up again or give some kind of notice, we'll just have to check for new games to come out and spread the word in every game.
ReplyDeletemost defnitely. Did you notice the "long wait" in the source code? I thought that was strange
ReplyDeleteWho else is in a hurry? The rabbit in Alice in Wonderland? But there's no key involved.
ReplyDeleteYes, I've seen that, but that's also in the previous level.
ReplyDeleteAny luck? I'm still lost
ReplyDeleteI've got a hint from one of the other players. You hold the keys means we (should(?) have obtained them on previous levels.
ReplyDeleteThe one reference I can find is the intermission-level, the letter states the exact same words: "time is running out".
ReplyDeletethanks @Rudi! I just saw your post in TESSHI-e's game!
Casual to the rescue! What level are you on now?
ReplyDeleteuhm, I still get the message "sorry having small problems..."?
ReplyDeletewell, I solved lvl 14 (the one with october 5, 2011). that's where we stopped last time...
ReplyDeleteCasual, that level is part of the game now, have a look at the source code...
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ReplyDeleteok, thanks. was a bit confused...
ReplyDeleteright, and now the sorry page has altered slightly (well, the source code)
ReplyDeletesorry, have to leave. please leave hints ;-)
ReplyDeletehave fun
I rechecked the intermission page and see the connection, but I still have no clue where to head. I feel like we need more info... lol
ReplyDelete@Casual: will do!
ReplyDelete@Alpaca: no idea where to head from there, could it somehow relate to the map mentioned? 2nd location?
That's what I think, but we still need some other clue or somethin i think... Could it possibly have to do with that drawin we got a few levels earlier? We ain't used it yet..
ReplyDeleteyou mean the file numbers.png? opens for me as a black picture, whatever I throw at it, it stays black.
ReplyDeletecorrection, when I open it with gimp, I can see 5 numbers that remind me of the shape in level 13. dots and numbers correspond.
ReplyDeleteAnd a BIG Thank You! to Yalçin, who pulled the riddle back up to page 1 again!
ReplyDeleteYeah that picture! And Thanks YALCIN!!! :D Hopefully some more people get on here soon
ReplyDeleteThe more I think about it, if we were in fact given clues on previous levels, then I really think it may have to do with the two combined pictures of the dot diagram and numbers. I just am not sure how to read it. I know the numbers correspond with the dots, but not sure what it means.
ReplyDeleteGot it! Combine!
ReplyDeleteBut unfortunately it stops here. Again :-(
ReplyDeleteHow to combine?... I know the numbers go over the picture but it still gets me no where
ReplyDeleteBut of course it does! WHAT exactly did you combine?
ReplyDeleteWell im lookin at both the dot/line diagram along with the numbers that seem to correlate to the dots
ReplyDeleteHeck, I need to get a life, 9 hours!
ReplyDeletestuck on the federal reserve one... teunob... I am out of ideas any help?
ReplyDelete@Alpaca: what about the source of all your trouble, the ipsum lorum? The only source for letters so far :-)
ReplyDelete@minicycyc: that's an easy one, start at the arrow.
ReplyDeletestill not getting it... do the numbers relate to the text?
ReplyDelete@Alpaca: yes. You might as well forget about the lines on his mom's grave. It's the numbers and the ipsum. Combined.
ReplyDeletewow... so easy. thanks, i definitely thought it had to do with the lines. I wonder if that was false hint. Now i'm sad, tho because it's over again :(
ReplyDeleteWell, I hope it won't be too long, Yalcin has pulled it back to the top, I hope it will stay on page one until the author has an update.
ReplyDeleteme too
ReplyDeletecompletely lost on the missing level. any bigger hints?
ReplyDelete@mimicycyc: I had to play a rerun to find the "missing" level. Easiest would be to start from the beginning and save every picture in a folder on your desktop. You will then see what's missing :-)
ReplyDeleteOr do what i did and cycle through all the level names until one works haha.
ReplyDelete@Alpaca: saving all the pics for later use won't hurt, as you will know ;-)
ReplyDeleteyeah, i've saved most of them haha. I already played through it 3 complete times so far lol
ReplyDelete@Alpaca: 3 times? Weakling :-) At a certain point I had all the levels open in different tabs, plus the accompanying source codes, plus some of the pictures in Gimp, plus my notes in notebook. Not that it helped me in any way LOL. But having two screens certainly helps. The two most important clues so far were Casual's musing about the graveyard level (colours) and the other guy (you hold the keys). If the author keeps his pace, we'll be playing that for several weeks to come :-)
ReplyDeleteHahaha, I'm completely new to riddles, so I don't know all the tricks yet, but I'll definitely take your tips and start using them! Thanks! And I agree about the graveyard, because there aint no way I could have EVER imagined that... Cant wait to play with ya again :D
ReplyDeletestuck in level 8 :(
ReplyDeletenot 8, level 9 =D
ReplyDeleteHey Paula, I'm gonna go back and try to find that level to help ya out
ReplyDeleteOk, this one's tricky... I'm assuming you've already downloaded the package? Take a look at the note and figure out what you're looking for based on what the note says. Let me know once you get this far :)
ReplyDeleteHint: The note says "your first step is..."
ReplyDeletePaula, you any further, or ya want another hint?
ReplyDeleteHi Alpaca, just asked the author on Facebook if he has an idea about when he will continue...
ReplyDeleteHey Rudi! I hope he says he's already workin on it! lol I love this game :D
ReplyDeleteRudi, in the mean time, would ya like to join me in a different riddle? I'm thinkin about goin and tryin an old riddle for practice haha.
ReplyDeleteHi Alpaca, just got an answer from him, he says he has to finish up some client work and will put on the next levels tonight. What's your time zone, anyway?
ReplyDeleteUS eastern, so its 12:30 pm here
ReplyDelete@AlpacaKay I downloaded the package, and I got the first piece of the puzzle, found John "XXXXXXXXX", but stuck from here...
ReplyDeleteAlright, I'm in Berlin, 6:30 pm here, that means if he is in the US (presumably), he wont put them up prior to 6 - 8 hours from now. Guess you're in pole position right now :-)
ReplyDeleteWhat older riddle did you have in mind?
@Paula: Go back to the old source codes, somewhere in there you'll find a remark about men and certain animals, google that...
ReplyDeleteI did that @Rudi...
ReplyDelete@Paula: did you find a reference to a book?
ReplyDeleteI don't know... any of them lol. You pick, since you're so more experienced than me lol
ReplyDeletePaula, if you found that book, then you found John xxxxxxxxx...
ReplyDeletemore or less, I'm kinda lost @Rudi
ReplyDelete@Alpaca: did you do "The Hunt for Captain Blood", late september? That had about everything they could throw at you (including Morse, Braille and shapes thrown into one package, hard as hell). More than 1000 comments, but loads of fun.
ReplyDelete@Paula: what was the animals you've found?
ReplyDeleteDidn't undertand "omit part of it"...
ReplyDeletePaula, who wrote the book...?
ReplyDeleteRudi, I think I had started that one, but gave up early because I had very little clue what i was doin lol. But I would probably fare a little better now that I've gotten through this one so far lol
Omit meaning use only part of the name. If they gave you the hint that you're looking for John xxxxxxxxx, then you would lose the last name...
ReplyDelete@Paula: If you got the name like J... S........, forget about his first name, that's the to-be-omitted part. You just need the last name. Once you get there, don't think you've made a mistake. Look carefully for the differences to what you think you've already seen.
ReplyDelete@Alpaca, the pirate one was great, but I couldn't have solved it without the great teamwork there. At a certain point I was totally stuck 'cause of my colour-blindness, but several people went to lengthes to help me through that. It was made by Creo, one of the best Riddle creators at the moment.
ReplyDeleteI will try @Rudi, but now I need to go
ReplyDeleteTks for helping me @Rudi and @AlpacaKay
See u later =D
Awesome! I may have to give it a go. You wanna go through it with me? I know I can look at old posts but its more fun live lol. If not, that's cool, I'll just look forward to finishing this game with ya later :)
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ReplyDeleteThanks for posting the tips guys. Looking forward to the new puzzles. :)
ReplyDeletecan anyone help me with the "sxxxxxxxx" lvl I just cant get what to do with the highlights does it have to do with the numbers.png?
ReplyDeletenvm got it...
ReplyDeleteI hope I'll catch you when the game continues... so far it was just the right amount of frustrating and fun, so I can't wait for the rest
ReplyDeleteHave a new level after level 14? And has a lost level, about keys or something? It is earlier or later? I'm lost =D HELP ME!! =D
ReplyDeleteOn level 16 now =D
ReplyDeleteI'm a little lost because from the missed level wejumped to a different level and then to a different one, and then back?
ReplyDeleteplease send me an email saying what level comes after level 14?
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