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Perplex is another free online riddle game by Ellie and Edgar. There are 31 levels to complete, some easy and some a bit harder. When you think you have the solution to a level, submit it to the answer box. The answer must be written without spaces between words. Further instructions are given in the game. Good luck and have fun! [Created and Subbed by Ellie and Edgar]

Note: Please don't post answers to any levels in any forums. Hints only! Teamwork is appreciated!

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  1. I am stuck there for long.

  2. Tried almost all characters of the play, nothing so far.

  3. tried to stay with the table.. nothing.

  4. For 11 egg convert be to numbers.

  5. alright - onto 12 now. I tried that before, but forgot to translate it - thought I had an english table, but it was german... ;-)

  6. I am on 12 too - got all the names for those quotes - but first or last names dont anagram

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I don't understand what ya'll mean by egg for 11? I was tryin to use leet but am gettin no where... i feel dumb :(

  9. Use periodic table for 11.

  10. Chameleon - If you are still here - may we have a hint on 12 - stuck there now for ages

  11. Alpaca - find a periodic table and translate those numbers to letters, then anagram them - you get a name

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. OK thank you - I suppose we have to be happy with that lol Mr. E

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Example for lvl 12:
    "Happy New Year" = J

  16. OK - back to the thinktank - thanks CH.

  17. and the second quote would be O ????

  18. Yes, that would be O.
    "Let freedom never perish in your hands" would be Y.

  19. What seems to be the problem, SwissMiss?

  20. Headache is the problem lol - VERY difficult getting exact dates

  21. Donas solved 12, on 13 now, thanks for the hints.

  22. and nothing a glass of whitewine cant cure lol

  23. LOL, it was never our intention to cause any headaches! Sorry for that!!
    I hope you can get the idea on what to do on this level, which it actually tests your googling skills.
    We are around.

  24. Thanks Edgar, for the riddle :)

  25. Oops, forgot to hide my identity....!!
    The reason Ellie and me decided to use pseudonyms is because we wanted to have true and honest opinions about our game and NOT extra "nice" ones just because you all know us... and we have got some (hehehe)

    Now we can play/post under our true names

  26. Yes that's why i omit "nice" :D, it's too hard. We need more hints lol.

  27. have to stop now - tomorrow is another day - thanks for the hints

  28. Thanks for the riddle Ellie and Edgar!

  29. Lol... someone put his boot in his mouth :)
    Sorry @faltu! It's very hard to know what's too hard and what's too easy. We will be around to help if necessary though.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Lol It's hard but enjoyable, thanks Ellie.

  32. I'm trying to follow the path on 13, but I'm afraid I'm lost, help?

  33. For 13,
    Probably you know where to start and where you´re ending. The initial flower tells you where to go next.
    Need more help...?

  34. Thanks Edgar, let me think on that for a bit

  35. ok my path started off looking promising,it led me to a roundabout, and now i can not get off

  36. Total of 14 letters. In the end you need to anagram.

  37. thanks ellie i was on the right track. should have stayed on a little longer before i got off

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. @PL
    "Let freedom never..." was said on a 4th of July
    and what letter is the 4th of (in) July?

  40. TY Edgar, I was over thinking as usual

  41. Mornin' everyone. Right, back at this thing...

    Any Mac users who can recommend a good EXIF reader for level 9?

  42. I just don't get the solution for 10.
    Got the 4 creatures and their (main) foes, but initials witout any vowels don't make a meaningful word.
    Any more help about it, please?

  43. ok i have done all my drawing on 14 , i see some words trying to link them together

  44. @xaq, I'm not a Mac wiz, but no real need of EXIF reader required. Maybe you can save the pic in your comp and look at properties?

    @Kenning, no vowels at all? Wrong creatures/foes probably.

    @bigtank, don't link.

  45. Online EXIF and
    Just copy and paste image link

  46. how do i use what i have left, i found p...... and k.. which makes me think i need to use that clue somewhere

  47. On 14, I see 3 things you told me to search for, but not getting an answer

  48. @Donas, I don't really get what 3 things you mean. There were 10 the ones to search from SC, right?

  49. Yes, Edgar, but left with 3 after that, must be wrong track

  50. @Edgar,

    in my opinion, the four creatures and their foes are
    c + b, m + p, m + t, c + h/o

    Where's the fault(s)?

  51. OK, I see what you mean. Incomplete ones though, but still red herrings.
    Focus on the 10 you already have.

  52. @Kenning, you are wrong in 2nd and 4th.

    Medusa had snakes for hair, this one is half snake herself.
    Cerberus was three-headed, the one you see here is its brother, with "only" 2 heads.

  53. Think I have the idea for 14 now. Can we have the number of letters we need?

  54. @Donas,
    10 words = 10 shapes = 10 letters.

    (also, pay attention to little details in sc)

  55. B...
    "You need more than that...
    Go back and try again!"

    Is the correct answer supposed to be one 8-letter word containing b...? It's just I don't get it...

  56. ON LEVEL 14 found ten locations in the grid and they seem to form something? Not sure, but very hopeful

  57. I'm up to level 12 now (thanks again for the help everyone!)..

    Got the quotes, got the people who said them...

    ...and no clue what to do with this info. :/

  58. For 12 when is more important than who and scroll up to see more hints

  59. @kenning, you seem to be very close. Yes, the b... letters are included in the 8-letter answer. If you got that egg, you should have the right 8 names. Try again? should give one answer.

  60. Thanks Edgar, I think I know what to do now, but do I need a key?

  61. No key needed for lvl 14.

  62. Thanks Ellie, finally got it, very clever!

  63. @Edgar, thanks a lot. The program I used doesn't know the word, it seems.

  64. Ah, I see now! Thanks for the assist, PL (and everyone else who gave hints).

    On to 13 then.

  65. Okay, on 13 I see the direction I'm supposed to go, but...where do I even start?

  66. did you see something else in the source code xaq start there

  67. I guess I missed that bit on my first look at the source.

    Okay, googled the reference there, and I've got it narrowed down to 2 flowers, p**** and b*****. Not getting any anagrams with their names (with or without the "to" in the source code clue), though. Hrm.

  68. Google Flower meanings Find the bashful one and start there. Use the HEAD of that flower to LEAD you to the next and repeat for 14 letters, always continuing in the same direction

  69. are there any other hints for 11? I'm still getting no where... I tried to anagram he element name for be, tried to convert to numbers, tried to break the letters down into other elements, but nothin... Totally lost

  70. @PL Barfield: AH! Got it! Thanks a bunch, man. On to 14!

    @AlpacaKay: Try converting the letters in its atomic symbol to numbers, and then seeing where that number appears on the periodic table.

  71. for 11, first consult an elemental table, then take all you gather there to nag a ram, that will get you an egg

  72. That did it!!! Thanks bunches xaq :)

  73. Stuck on 13. I know the first and last, and understand the head...but not getting how it leads me to the next one.

  74. On level 14, do you need to find just the city names in the word search, or the country names as well?

  75. @XAQ City names will do it
    @Delores Think AlphaNumerics and find the correct direction to go

  76. Delores
    If you know where to start, and the direction to go, then use the first letters to guide you to the end.

  77. But that is where I get confused, as if I use the head to find the next one, won't they all have the same head?

  78. New petal will give you a new Head to count by

  79. dee cee

    Use the next initial to keep going

  80. Okay, finished up the word search...just got a bunch of overlapping right angled lines. How am I supposed to suss the answer out of this mess?

  81. Good Good then you did it right. There should be 10 separate shapes that will convert to 10 letters. Must find the correct cipher decoder. Ask Charlie Brown?

  82. Forgot to add that you should double check the source for a small Pointer

  83. Was it something to do with the extraneous stuff in the coordinates?

  84. still stuck on 11, i tried to even find the egg? i know numbers relate to pt, but unsure what its asking for, for letters, for example, if it was mercery, do i use HG/H/M?

  85. @XAQ Yes that is the point

    Level 11 rearrange the letters you find on the Table. Gold=Au so you would use Au

  86. potterfansw: First option.

    34 33 16 8 7 16 = spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

  87. Okay, I've got an idea of what I should be doing here, but I have no idea what cipher/code/etc. these shapes I've got come from...

  88. so my answer has 18 letters for the egg clue? sorry doesnt make sense as i cant "nag a ram" for it

  89. 18 letters is correct. It should anagram into a familiar name. Anagram-Solver (linked from the first page of the game) will get it. If it doesn't, you may want to double-check your letters.

  90. Is it pigpen cipher on level 14?
    If so, the letters I found doesn't make a word.

  91. ok got the egg from answer, yea seems like other anagram are not up to par for solving big words, so used the one you recommended, instantly got it, could have got it a long time ago, now im on egg, i know it means from pt, i did try for it also, so still stuck and ty

  92. AH! Morgana's right, it IS Pigpen cipher. (Example 2 given on Purple Hell, to be specific.)

    Got the answer, moving on to #15...just about halfway there! :D

  93. Thanks @xaq! I was using Example 1. Now it worked!
    On to 15

  94. still stuck on pt egg, i know its be, anagram using the one you said didnt work?

  95. and yes i already converted be to numbers also

  96. Something about #15:

    Shouldn't that 2nd item listed end in SS rather than RS?

  97. @potterfansw, if a=1, b=2, ..., z=26, convert be to two numbers... Find this on the periodic table

  98. yep ty thats all i needed thought it was all of the letters, not just the two

  99. Quick ? on level 15: Do the years associated with each name have any relevance?

  100. @xaq, not specifically the year, but it does matter who won first etc.
    You're doing great!

  101. Ah, 15's answer is a 5-letter word, I presume?

    Anyway, gonna give this a few more minutes and then probably call it a night.

  102. Found an egg on Level 20, but need clarification on how many characters I am looking at now.

  103. @PL, for 20:

    24 from main page, 24 bars in egg (one each)
    = 24 characters (letters) total.

    Find the correct alphabet (pic name should help).

  104. on 12, still stuck, i know when is important, however, is it all when or is some what or who?

  105. @potter, it's all about when. There has been some quite revealing hints above. Look for example at the post from 10/14/12 10:58 AM if you are really stuck.

  106. TY Edgar
    Got to 21 and converted. I thought I remembered that there were a few easy levels on this? I have not found them yet! Enjoying the frustration so far!!!

  107. stuck on egg of level 22
    I know the main theme (based on answer) but cannot relate the numbers
    there are several possiblities for each number (A to E), and for each of them different names can be found. Am I on the wrong path?

  108. Thanks Edgar, 22 now :)Great level

  109. @shahar, relate the numbers to the path you already took.

  110. I'm really stuck on lvl 12. I know what to do. I have exacts for all but 2 clues - 3&6. I actually found two answers that seemed to fit, but neither worked. What version of 6 am I looking for?

  111. @Cee Bee, the version for 6 would be the first one, the play.

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. thanks Ellie, I was barking on the wrong tree :)

    great riddle by the way, I really enjoy it

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. Now my posts are disappearing - boo hoo!! I'll try again

    Thanks Ellie, I tried that already - it gave me one of my wrong answers. I just rechecked everything and I think I have everything else right except 3.

    Time for me to quit I think.

    Thanks for the riddle anyway - it was hard for me up until this point, but I enjoyed it and I learned a lot.

  116. @CeeBee, in you decide to try again, 3 of lvl 12 should be the date when published in LIFE magazine. Wikiquotes pinpoints this one.

  117. @CeeBee, sorry to hear about your problems. It's frustrating when you have the right things but it doesn't work. should give the answer. If you are not sure of a letter, you can replace it with a questionmark and the solver will suggest possible words.

  118. Still struggling with 22 egg

  119. I came back to try again :)........... I'm bad at these, but I get hooked.

    I had 3 right all along that tells me that one of my other answers is wrong - all of which I was sure about - rats!!

    I've been using all along too. I get a 10-letter word that has to do with dance - it's wrong - am I way off track?

  120. At last!!! My answer to 9 was wrong.

    Thanks for the help & encouragment.

  121. @Donas, walk the same path again.
    @CeeBee, I'm not totally sure what word you have, but could it be that you have and E instead of an N?
    If that doesn't help... post the letters you have here and I'll tell what's wrong. You can delete that comment afterwards.

  122. Thanks Ellie, have been trying to do that, will look again.

  123. Arrrgh, I'm not getting anywhere in #15. I've got the names, got the years, got the show...and no clue what to do with any of it.

    On a hunch I tried the show name, and that just gave me an unhelpful egg.

  124. @xaq and co.

    Egg is way more helpful than you think. Pick letters from it according to people's rankings(wining order).

  125. grrr - did that before, must have counted wrong...

  126. Finally 23! Thanks Ellie :)

  127. ...Aaand there's the Eureka moment. :D On to 16, thanks Edgar!

    *checks clock* Whoops, make that "on to class, then 16 later today."

  128. now on 26, I think I know how to get the number in the example (at least I found one way to calculate it based on the title), but if I calculate the same for all other names I get numbers that I dont know what to do with

  129. That sc on 24 sure is scary!

  130. @ lv. 16: I've solved the griddle. Now I don't have the faintest idea what to do about the picture and the hint from the source ... anyone got some help. please?

  131. but my numbers are larger than 26
    maybe I do not calculate correctly after all

  132. lol @Donas, what scares you in sc is actually the same stuff in main page, but kind of easier/faster to grab from the source page I guess. Do that to decode the whole thing.

    @Kenning, source should help you to know what alphabets/languages to use. Omniglot has the one on the bottom.

  133. @shahar, if you calculated correctly, your numbers should range way higher than 26. Convert (decode) from there.

  134. Going to bed now, but before...
    @shahar, beware leap calculations...


  135. I am still stuck on 15...can't get my letters to work. Just to clarify, the one who won first (by year), I take the first letter from their name?

  136. FOR 15
    Pick letters from the SHOW name by the season (called series in UK) number

  137. Thank you so much PL Barfield...that did it...onto 16

  138. Got back from class a few hours ago, just finished up the Griddler on level 16.

    I'll get back to solving the riddle here in a little bit...right now I just have to celebrate. I have NEVER been able to solve these (BLEEEEP)ing things before, so this is a bit of a personal milestone. :D

  139. Wasn't able to figure out the first cipher on #16's griddle, but the info I got from the next 2 was sufficient to suss out the answer. On to #17! :D

  140. ...And, at level 17, I'm stumped again. I googled both of the images, looked at the exif data on them...I'm not seeing anything helpful in them, or the source code.

  141. I have the griddler solved on lvl 16, and I see the clues in the source, but I can't get any further. @xaq...HELP!! :)

  142. I thought the 1st one was braille - but the letters don't make sense

  143. BTW @xaq - congrats on your personal milestone! Way to go!!!

  144. I'm stuck on 16 too
    Think the 1st one is braille, but have no idea for the other two ciphers/alphabet

  145. Ok, found the 3rd alphabet, the ancient one.
    Got letters that look like roman numerals

  146. I think I'm done for the night, maybe fresh eyes will see something or maybe some kind soul will leave an awesome clue - lol!!

  147. In regards to the Griddle clues on 16:

    1) Like I said, had no clue on that one.
    2) Try drawing a box around the squares you colored in (plus the first column to the right of them). See anything within it?
    3) I googled "ancient omniglot" on a hunch, and found the cipher for it. That, I admit, was a lucky break. Once you've got that decoded, though, you'll notice the result's in another, albeit likely much more familiar code.

    Googling the results from the last 2 should suffice to get you the answer.

  148. @Morgana - well done! Where did you find it?

  149. Got it! No need to find the first word.
    Hints for those who get stuck:
    2nd word - try to see letters in the empty spaces
    3rd word - go to omniglot

  150. On 17 i tried narcissus (mirror + selfish). not the answer :(
    Any clues?

  151. @Cee Bee: Didn't see your comment earlier...thanks! Those kinds of puzzles have always been a headache for me.

  152. RE:lvl 17
    The pic at the bottom should lead you to a certain website where the mirror can be unveiled.

  153. Tried searching the mirror's image on there already...didn't find anything even remotely helpful. :[

  154. stuck on lv. 17 as well ...

  155. One of the 'Services' provided in that site can be used to 'hide [or to reveal] messages or files inside an image'

    Can't be around anymore but until a bit later. Good luck!

  156. @xaq, is Edgar's hint in any way helpful to you?

    I've come across some company called c...f..., but I can't make any connection to hiding messages inside an image - which is, according to other sites, pretty easy, but again, no connection to this one :(

  157. This comment has been removed by the author.

  158. @kenning, if you google for
    hide a message in a picture
    you should find what the technique is called in a wiki-page.
    Google for that together with the site you are hinted for and you will find the right tool.

  159. @Kenning et al: AH! I think I've found what Ellie & Edgar were getting at!

    We were looking at the wrong word for that first image...wasn't a c**l, it was a m****e.

    *tries it out* Okay, no password hinted at, try it without one......BINGO!!! On to level 18!

  160. any help for lvl 3? stuck...pls 7 letters...but granmaa is not telling anything...

  161. @sam1902: You're 2 letters short on that.

    Got a quick question for you: Have you ever used the object shown on that level to say "hELLO" to someone?

  162. @lv. 18:

    Got the countries, got the types and figures from wikipedia incl. +/-... what now?
    I tried to pick a letter from the names according to the rank of the type within one country and anagram it. This, however, doesn't work for B... with 7th rank and only 6 letters!?

  163. @kenning, if you got figures from wiki, try basic conversion of those.

  164. Sometimes it's just too easy...
    Thanks, Ellie.

  165. On 18 also, but not getting types or how to apply source...any pushes

  166. thanks @xaq for the hints
    I'm on 18 now

  167. think I have the types for 18 but still trying to figure how to apply that info

  168. @dee cee,
    you have to combine the information from sc with the countries represented by the flages (beware: not all flags are shown in a 'normal' way!) for a special kind of 'types'.
    Then you can use Ellie's last hint.

    That's how far I am currently, but I don't know what do about the next figures (save I know there's an ak.....).

  169. 27 still has me stumped. Think I know what to look for, but not finding a conversion that works. Help?

  170. I used Wikipedia to find the percentages of those types, got a 10-letter word I was able to shuffle together, and...I hit a rather confusing egg.

    What a way to kick off the day...I can't make sense of this thing. o_O

  171. @donas, you need to convert numbers to c***** and c***** to l*****s.

    @xaq, the egg tells to use the same place in wiki once again, but use it "backwards" from what you did before. And There Is Another Hint In That Egg Too.

  172. Yeah, I spotted the 2nd hint in the egg about 3 seconds after I posted that, and I've got the general gist of what I'm supposed to do the figures on it...except the wiki page I'm referencing has percentages, and the egg has ratios.

    *looks at clock* Well, I'll get back to this after class, I guess. Later all.

  173. @xaq, no ratios. Those colons are only to separate somehow the numerical hint in 2 parts.
    Letters and two thirds of the numerals to get new locations. Last third is applied along with the acrostic nudge.

  174. This comment has been removed by the author.

  175. I have just got to the end of this riddle.
    I must say I enjoyed it very much. So many interesting and original ideas, even if the last levels were quite hard.
    If anyone needs help I will be around from time to time to give it.

    Oh, and thank you Ellie and Edgar for this wonderful riddle. Waiting eagerly for your next one...

  176. Congratulations Shahar!!!
    You have arrived FIRST to the end of the challenge! :D
    Thanks for your kind words. We don't know if there will be a next one, lol! It would take some times if so.

  177. Congrats Shahar! Well done. :)

  178. Ah! I get it now. Okay, that's 18 cracked then..on to level 19! (Which, with any luck, I'll take less than a day and a half to solve!)

    Thanks Edgar. This is proving to be quite an addictive riddle game!

  179. D'OH, fell for the egg on 19. Shoulda seen that coming given what answer led to it...

    Now to figure out how to find the actual answer...

  180. Oh hey, wow, I got it! Very clever...welp, on to 20 then!

  181. lol @xaq, sorry for the practical joke, but you know what they say... what a better place to hide something but in plain sight?

  182. oops, late comment! way to go!!

  183. No apologies needed, that was actually pretty funny.

    I just wish 20 was jumping out at me as easily as 19 did...I haven't got a clue what this is! D:

  184. As non-native, I got some difficulties about the crosswords 1 + 12 a, maybe also 1 d and 6 a.
    Any hints for that, please?

  185. @Kenning: You don't actually need to solve the crossword...doing that will only get you to the egg.

    Try looking more at the puzzle itself...notice anything odd about the spots you can't put letters in?

  186. That is so ... mean. All the looking up 10-letter words in the OALD was completely in ... :)
    Still I would like to know the correct words mentioned.

  187. @Kenning, 19 is actually a fun level, and if you still to go through the crossword, we tried to make the definitions easily 'googable' *is that a word? lol*

    Good night, happy riddling.

  188. @Kenning, here:
    you'll love this site :)
    bye for real!


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