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Perplex is another free online riddle game by Ellie and Edgar. There are 31 levels to complete, some easy and some a bit harder. When you think you have the solution to a level, submit it to the answer box. The answer must be written without spaces between words. Further instructions are given in the game. Good luck and have fun! [Created and Subbed by Ellie and Edgar]

Note: Please don't post answers to any levels in any forums. Hints only! Teamwork is appreciated!

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  1. @sasbabe: Congrats! :D

    @Kenning: Just to make sure: You found the egg, right?

  2. @Kenning: I don't know exactly, what you mean by "the day mentioned"!? To solve the grid you just have to look at it... It's staring you right in the face!
    If you "solve" the grid, you can find an egg with lots of numbers and signs.
    This egg can be used twice - and you get
    a) a movie - hint
    b) a word - for another egg (=solution)

  3. @LinG: The dark-blue and black were the hardest to keep separate for me as well. In answer to your question, however, no, each color represents one letter per line.

  4. @xaq: TY!!! And Congrats back!

  5. Wow! I made it! Thank you Ellie and Edgar for a great riddle. You can teach an old dog new tricks! I would not have made it through without the great hints and help from all the other player, especially xaq.

  6. @LinG! Congrats! :D

  7. Congrats for finishing, newest arrivers!! Hall of Fame is updated, and you sure deserve places there!
    Very well struggled! Great to see you help each other out!
    Hope to see you there soon as well @Kenning (and @AlpacaKay?) and any other players :)

  8. Still pretty stuck on 18. I got to the egg and thought i knew what to do with the numbers, but can't find some of the numbers on the chart on wiki. So I'm assuming I'm using the wrong approach. I've looked through the hints on here several times and still can't figure it out

  9. Okay, got the first egg myself. Was thinking too complicated.

  10. Wow.. 22 is tough, I noticed the earlier hint for where to start and end but the possibilities still seem endless.

  11. AlpacaKay: Google "chess quotes." Should give you some ideas of where to start.

    Eventually, you'll wind up moving to every spot on the'll probably want to keep track of what's written on each space as you move to it.

    One more hint: To start off, get from E5 to G8 in 8 moves.

  12. Thanks so much xaq, I got to the egg, traced my path, and tried to go back over the path to find the designated letters. When I tried to granmaa, it came up with nothing. It seems as though there are several possible paths so I'm not sure which letters to take now.

  13. at level 26 once taken out the numbers, I do not get anything or dec or txt ... I could help? thanksSpanish I do not understand almost nothing

  14. @AlpacaKay: It sounds like you've got the right idea; the path that you took around the board to reach the egg will have specific words at each of the steps indicated by the egg.

    You may just need to double-check which steps you were taking note of.

  15. For level 22, I went over my path every way I could possibly think of but the words aren't making sense nor is granmaa workin... I'm not surewhat I'm doin wrong in retracing my path

  16. @AlpacaKay: Is G2? the first tile the egg's suggesting for you? If so, try marking the first item on your list as Step 0 rather than Step 1 and see what you come up with then. (Should make F4 the first item the egg mentions instead.)

  17. Can I possibly send you an email or somethin with my paths I've drawn, because I think I'm doin something very wrong. If I start with the quote by G..... S, the 12th is G5. I don't know why this is so difficult for me. The first part was relatively easy

  18. Sure. Hit me up at (that's my spam-trap email, but don't worry, I'll make sure to dig yours out of the junk) and I'll see what I can do.

  19. @pichi, Probably your numbers are wrong.
    E-mail me in Spanish.

  20. thank you very much Edgar finally had!

  21. Ah... so close!!! I'm stuck on 29... I got excited when I saw the message at the end of spiral by looking in the "past" but this doesn't work as password or url... not sure what to do from here

  22. @Alpaca, you probably did the right thing, but forgot to pick one letter per word. Forget about the "end of the spiral message", it's not what you need (as you already know lol).

  23. Woohoo! Thanks Ellie!!! :D

  24. I don't understand what sasbabe means on 30 about a movie title. I quickly calculated the math and got the second egg, but can find no way to use the first set of numbers "twice". I thought to maybe use the grid and make lines connecting the numbers, then making note of the letters where lines intersect but this seems too complicated...

  25. AlpacaKay: Each of the numbers in the equation relates to a specific number or letter on the grid. If a 19 were in the equation, for example, it'd relate to the first letter of the first egg.

  26. Thanks so much xaq, I never could have thought of that. I was too focused on the equation. I've stared at the numbers from second egg and the movie qoute for a long time tryin to figure out how to pick letters from either the movie title or wiki based off the numbers, but no luck. And I'm assuming the ( ) around the 12 are significant, but not sure why yet

  27. @Alpaca, leave the movie, but focus on the word you got from solving the equation. Add another word from the text in the second egg and you should know what to search for and where to apply the new numbers.

  28. Thanks Ellie and xaq! I was headed down that route, but was focused on the artist rather than "right track" Almost to the end!!! :D

  29. YAY!!! I finally succeeded!!! I'm so excited, but very sad at the same time haha. I want more levels, lol. Thanks so much for the riddle Edgar and Ellie. And a very BIG thanks to everyone that helped (Rudi, Edgar, Ellie, xaq, sasbabe, and everyone else on this forum!) :D

  30. Congrats @Alpaca!! :) Great to see you made it! Hall of Fame is updated now. Thank you for playing! More levels might come in a very far future lol.

  31. Congrats, AlpacaKay! :D I know what you mean about not wanting it to end. This thing was definitely addicting.

    @Kenning: Are you still working on one of the levels, or have you finished?

  32. Woohoo, I made it in the top 20! haha Thanks guys :)

  33. After several days back to Perplex.
    Got the movie titel now, but still don't get any useful results on the equation. Am I to do simple math exactly as the numbers are?

  34. Helloooo? Anyone still there? I was waiting for more (hopefully helpful) comments to come along, but I guess everyone's through. Shall I be stranded for eternity at lvl 30 with a movie title & a 5-letter word? (Also I just took a stab to find the word, 'cause my math never worked) Nothing else is "jumping right out" at me. Help!!

  35. @Kaygal,
    if your 5-letter word is s...., that's your nex egg.
    Then, it's all about some 'G(r)eek' music

  36. @lv 31,

    now I got five words which have, as far as I can see, absolutely nothing in common.
    Some advice for the last step?

  37. Nice to see you back @Kenning!
    For the last step... way much easier than you might think. One letter per word.

  38. Finished :)

    Thanks a lot for this wonderful riddle!

  39. @Kenning - thanks for your help!! I had the wrong 5-letter word! Once you pointed out that it was s...., I got the right one, found out that my math had worked all along (duh), and got away from lvl 30.

  40. And done! Can't believe it. What a difference a hint makes to get things moving again. This was thoroughly enjoyable and thoroughly engrossing. My first attempt at a riddle anywhere near this lengthy and challenging. Everyone does a great job of hinting (without spoiling). So thanks to all whose hints I relied on, and thank you to the riddle-makers!

  41. Congrats @Kenning and @kaygal!! Very nice to see you get out of there :) Thanks for playing!

  42. Stuck on lvl 25.
    Found the eggpage but seems like I can't solve the puzzle :/

  43. POP ... looking on 25b now

  44. Thank you very much for the riddle, Ellie and Edgar. Being the last person here to finish it i wished it never ended :)

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Just finished this riddle. It was really tough but really good. Published almost nine years ago, I think it's time for a new one...:)

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