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SSSG Spooky Castle

Super Sneaky Spy Guy - Spooky Castle is a new point and click adventure created by Selfdefiant for! Sneaky is at the funeral of his great-uncle Paddy, when a stranger gives him a short letter signed by Paddy and vanishes. The letter tells Sneaky to go to Paddy's latest home in Ireland, where he would find a clue to his legacy. So, Sneaky drives through the stormy Irish weather to the given address. Good luck and have fun!

Note: Photos and story provided by Sabine (Not Sabine from EG24). Thanks Sabine!

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  1. still missing one tarot card, need to open gate, need to get pearl out of shell

  2. Silver key is for drawer in left room behind 4# door.

  3. white key opens cabinet, mercury inside and not in bottom left shelf

  4. use white key on the armare

  5. white key for cabinet in T

  6. *not was supposed to be note..

  7. So I guess the mercury is for the pearl we don't have.

  8. recipe for potion after lighting skull but need mistletoe!

  9. gold key from pumpkin - light skull candle first

  10. thanx Ella .. that was smart !!!!

  11. Found mistletoe, ivy, second berry after the gate that was locked, they're pretty easy to find.. Gave poisonous berries to raven and am stuck with a red bottle that I don't know what to do with, anyone?

  12. i got the gate open put the skull candle by the pumpkin and you get gold key

  13. Oh and btw I got the pearl by just clicking on it once it appeared, I didn't need to use anything else!

  14. And now having a skull candle - for the pumpkin?

  15. use white key on cupboard in T - gives you note & mercury - there must be a pearl in the shell? but how to open it??

  16. pearl from shell after placing it in Q

    mistletoe in L

  17. Disolve pearl in mercury for blue fluid
    Can't put Missletoe in pot...

  18. Put shell in Q for pearl

  19. For Tarot card in I -

    I can't find it. The only window that I can click is the lower right arched window. But when I click on it I don't get any text or see any new room Help

  20. Click on the top left of the "popup"

  21. How did you combine mercury with pearl?

  22. thanks for door code, made green potion and placed all cards but nothing is happening

  23. got the correct order of tarot cards for test tubes to fill once we have all three potions

  24. Got pearl by cell in Q, 2 berries and star code in N, plant from L, last card and plant at K, place to mix ingredients at J.
    Off to make the potion and input the cards!

  25. How did you make the green potion? or is it the blue one...roflmao

  26. Help! so enthusiastic about lighting the pumkin - did not take the recipe first!

  27. I need third pearl, any hints ?

  28. The key from raven ? Not sure anymore, but try it.

  29. placed tarot cards properly and got vials to place potions

  30. No you don't...
    You need three belladonnas. They are in the view with the starpost

  31. order or tarot cards please, I have the potions but going in circle with cards

  32. have all ingredients and pot, how to place them it keeps telling me I must add the correct ingredients

  33. how do you get key from raven? also, i have ingredients for green potion but it won't let me put them into pot. HELP!

  34. evans, how did you make the green potion? I have the mistletoe, the ivy (though not grounded?) and three berries, but it won't let me mix them in the cauldron?

  35. five green stars on gate post in N

  36. @Evans, order is written in journal

    how to mix potions

  37. order of cards is:
    Queen/knight of swords/3 of pentacles/ace of swords/5 of swords/knight of pentacle/king

  38. evans order for cards was in the journal.

  39. I can´t put the stuff into the pot, even when i follow the receipt...

  40. ingredients wont get in the pot !!

  41. give poisson berry to raven

  42. got to mix items for potion together in inventory first before adding to pot

  43. have everything but green potion, have all ingredients but they wont go in pot.

  44. tried lighting straw under pot, adding water first, still canèt figure out how to make potions

  45. Which poison berry, i have 3 belladonna, ivy/mandrake (combined), mistletoe

  46. Do we need to do something with the green stars in order to make the green potion? I keep trying to use the wand everywhere but it never works :P

  47. got the tubes but how much in each??

  48. Red ones fromM ther is a hot spot to the left.

  49. Where is the berry for the raven?

  50. n where's the third belladonna btw ?? only got 2 !!

  51. How come I can't put anything in the pot???

  52. place ivy w/ mandrake, berries with mistletoe

  53. Ahhh to fill the glass tubes use the numbers in RBG !
    Now back to try to make green potion.

  54. to place in pot, first combine ivy and mandrake in inventory. Then combine berries with mistletoe. Then combine those two.

    add to pot, light fire then add water

  55. Got it !
    Put the stuff together in inventory, like written on note !

  56. thanks for all the help everyone!

  57. thought tubes would be red 80(door) blue 70(clock) and green 50(stars)
    didn't do anything

  58. Out, finally! That was super hard but fun!

  59. Filled vials, used wand, and out! Finally!

  60. clue for how much in the tubes?

  61. @evans, you ahve to use wand on it

  62. Eclinton how are you out??

  63. Thanks SIL!!! Mix all the inngredients in the inventory till you only have 2 herb stacks and water bottle as ingredients. Then you can put them in the pot.
    Got all 3 potions now!

  64. Hairbone, think of the numbers you saw along the way and that you haven't used yet..

  65. and out as well

    anyone need help

  66. red bottles go where ?? lol lot of questions !! n the third belladonna please !!

  67. Hmm isn´t it 875 ?

    Nothing happens when i filled the tubes...

  68. tried wand but no luck. how do you use it? close up or out?
    and are levels right?

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. after filling tubes, wave wand at it.

  71. E-addict, two berries were in the scene with the green stars one from very start of game

  72. finally out! very hard :(

    thanks for your help everyone :)

    got to go now......

  73. M is not giving me any poison berries. I have the green potion, was I supposed to use one of the belladonnas for the raven?

  74. woohoo finally out and top of the leaderboard

  75. My wand doesn´t do anything when zoomed on tubes.

  76. I must have messed up the red, blue green vials -- they are all full and I can't start over

  77. SIL there was a hotspot somewhere in the back (bushes)

  78. for goodness sake, I can't use wand at all, tubes are filled 875 and it does not work. What am I missing???

  79. i filled the red first to 8, then blue to 7, then filled green until it told me i needed to use something magical. then used wand, got a stone and was out.

  80. @Zazie, once you have the right levels for the liquids then it will tell you that you need something magical

  81. Nevermind. Pixel hunt worked.

  82. Philomen just add more and they go back to one

    SIL click the hotspot leaves the berries are behind the leaves

  83. Ohh i am out !
    I emptied the green tube and filled 5 in again, then wand worked. A bug ?

  84. You have to fill the tubes to 875 and then try to add more red to get the "magical" message.
    out finally!

  85. Wow! That was an Excellent game! SD, you are the BEST!

  86. Congrats at hairbone :) !!!

  87. I know green=5 from the stars, what about the rest???

  88. those berries in M are hard to find Sil - look for a 'hand' right ish

  89. Out, finally! Thanks for the help people! Was awesome, my first live game :)

  90. Red is 8 (from over the red door) and blue is 7 (from the clock)

  91. @Gina there was a blue clock that said 7 and a red 8 above the door to the house

  92. Ooo, I had forgotten about the numbers we got at the start! Thx!!

  93. never been so pleased to poison a raven! ty all - great game!

  94. Now i am hungry !!

    Thx SD for this cute game, the change was pretty fun, not always gems etc...Really cute.
    And thanx to the EG24 group for the hints !

  95. gina - remember the clock and the window numbers?

  96. Thank you to Self Defiant, that was one of the best ones! Loved it!

    Thanks to all who leave hints, otherwise I would be forever stuck in these games!

  97. I fill the tubes with R-80,B-70,G-50 but it won't work... Can't find where to use the wand either.

  98. @Gina, try adding one more to one of the vials, a message about magic should pop up

  99. I can't enter room U, I have no idea of the 4 digit code !

  100. ohh 314 comments just starting game ..:)it must be a big game ...

  101. can anyone please help us locate the all 7 cards ?? i have only 5 n just exhausted !!!

  102. @pdgph 4 digit code. In room I click on the window. Then click again to get a dialogue. Count the letters in the 4 words that start with caps

  103. @E-addict I can't remember without replaying

  104. @Jo-Ann,

    Thank you ! I couldn't have guessed this by myself, it's too tricky for me.

  105. oh thanx jo-ann that was so nice from u but please dont :D i'll continue it later since it has an autosave function !!

  106. i just started game stuck Read the comments but cant find purple key & no wand for me ...where are they exactly ..can someone tell me ?

  107. Tarot cards are from R,B,V, AE, Book from AI and last one while in I click the lower window of turret then click the upper left of new window card is on lower left window

  108. @ Raasti,

    I didn't find any wand, but I can tell you that the purple key is in S, under a floor tile (use the knife).

  109. Raasti at the front door go right behind the bench is a loose tile. use knife for purple key. Click on the wall right side with raven. wand is in a crack above the left corner of sign'

  110. I have some belladona, some mandrake, a spoon, some water, some mistletoe, some ivy, some poisonous berries, a pearl, some mercury, a recipe... but I can't cook anything in the cauldron !

  111. thanx pdgph .....for key

    from comments wand is in ravan scene C behind that board jumping wall ..but i cant get it off

  112. @hairbone,

    What raven, please ? I don't see any raven !

  113. Its not behind the sign but diagonal from the left corner of sign tucked into the crack between two stones. really hard to see

  114. ok thanx hairborne for wand im in home have use red key ...let see when i need help now ...

    @ pgdph its in C

  115. Room C is the raven, click the wall on the right

  116. @hairbone,

    Thank you, hairbone, but I don't see what you mean. What raven, what sign ???

  117. I will stick around for a while

  118. @Raasti, not behind the sign but nw of the sign

  119. Thank you for the raven, Hairbone, it was really hard to see !

  120. One last tarot card in K for the seventh one

  121. pdgph - see Ella's post 9.56 for 4 digit code

  122. @LNS,

    Thank you, I've got it.

    Now I'm trying to dissolve the pearl into mercury, but I can't do that.

  123. back to it n out !! 5 stars as usual for SD !!!

  124. Just drag the pearl to the mercury in your inventory

  125. Thank you again, Hairbone ! I'm sure I've already tried this, but now it works...
    But I can't cook anything in the cauldron... I can't even light the fire under it !

  126. I still can't find the last Tarot card in I. Its the same window as the hint right?

  127. You have to combine the three berries with mistletoe, combine ivy with mandrake. Then the mistletoe cna be put in then the mandrake then water then light fire and stir

  128. mel click the lower window in I. It should open a new scene, click the top left corner of this scene to open another scene the card is in the lower right window of this scene

  129. @Hairbone,

    3 berries ?... But I have only one belladona berry. I gave the poisonous berries to the raven !

    I wouldn't have found this one without help : when you are in I, zoom in on the window, then click on the upper left corner of this view. Here, you'll get a new view... with a tarot card.

  130. pdghph when you are at the scene with the pillar with the 5 green star(don't remember what room it is) there are two more belladona in the trees one is to the top right of that pedestal the other is in the middle of the screen if I remember correctly

  131. You saved me once again, Hairbone ! Thank you !

  132. I don't understand why cooking the potion is so difficult : we aren't supposed to follow the recipe, but to use the ivy on the mandrake, then each berry on the mistletoe. It was a frustrating and pointless difficulty, IMHO (same thing for the tarot card in I).

    However, it is a great game and a nice change !

  133. can't find the journal for the white key

  134. Where's the key for the tiny door? please help!!!

  135. Long time player, infrequent poster here. I found the mistletoe in L. I need another belladonna berry as well as the tarot card order. I saw a post earlier that said the tarot card order was in a wallet, but I can't find that

  136. This comment has been removed by the author.

  137. Hi @ektaylor - the 2nd and 3rd belladonna are in the same screen, when you zoom on the post with green stars.
    That 'wallet' is a notebook actually - it's somewhere in the house but I don't remember where - maybe in triangles box?

  138. going again inn spooky castle ....i hav white key ..try to finding place where to use it ...

  139. Thanks, got the 3rd belladonna berry, but stuck with finding the tarot card order. I looked at the box with the triangles, but there isn't anything left in there. I have the book with the leaves and berry pictures, but nothing else in there either.

  140. Aha I found it in T in the locked drawer where you use the black key

  141. i hav 6 cards ,white key unused ,shell ,knife ,mandrake
    berry, bottle filled with water ,spoon ,skull with liting candle ,wand ,book

    wht to do next ?plz can anyone tell me

  142. ok found bottle of mercury after using white key on locked cabinet in T

  143. How do I poison the raven? I have already made the potion, no berries left. Need the red bottle.

  144. im shot of 1 berry ..cant find it ...

  145. @ abannmatt the poisnous berries are in M ..there is hotspot in back bushes & then they are behind the leaves in that zoom view

  146. finally out ..but the game is soo long anyway nice time pass ...

  147. Thanks, raasti. Literally been beating around the bush. )))

  148. Best SSSG Ever – Through
    I never seem to get in on these games to help, so I will try doing a WT instead.

    Forget all the other SSSG games; this one is quite different!

    Go up, then up again.
    Click on lowest 8-pane WINDOW
    Click DECORATIVE KNOB on right side of window. Make a note of the capitalized words: Worthy, Heritage, Key, Riches.
    Now click near top of screen (window frame kind of points upward)
    Take TAROT CARD (King of Cups) from lower right window.
    Back up twice and continue upward to scene with red door. For now, go left and take the KNIFE and the BELLADONNA.
    To the left is a locked GATE, so from the scene where the knife and belladonna were, go down.
    Take the MANDRAKE
    Go down and click on the wall on the right. At The Jumping Wall, take the MAGIC WAND that is on the upper left side of wall.
    Back up and go left and see you’ll need a key for a tiny door. Take the TAROT CARD (Knight of Pentacles) from the ground.
    Go right, then up, then left, and left again.
    Take note of the BLUE CLOCK. It is 7 o’clock.
    Go left and see the SCARY PUMPKIN.
    Go right three times, then up, then right.
    Click on the RED DOOR.
    Move the doormat and take the MAP.
    Note the RED EIGHT above the door.
    Take the TAROT CARD (Five of Swords) from the window.
    Click on the door, then on the doorbell and a panel slides up to reveal a KEYPAD.
    Back up and go right.
    Take the SHELL.
    Click on the NOTE in the flower pot and read the message.
    Click on the lower left floor tile and use the KNIFE to remove it.
    Take the PURPLE KEY.
    Go left to the door and enter the CODE on the keypad (it’s an anagram of the word GARDEN).
    Click on the doorknob and enter the House.


    To be continued…

  149. Part II

    You are now in room W in the house.
    Go right twice, then click on the window. It’s raining. Oh, well.
    Go left and then up.
    Take the MATCHES from the stair railing.
    Go up and see a LOCKED DOOR.
    Go down twice, then left to room W.
    Use the MATCHES to light the CANDLE, and take the SILVER KEY.
    Go left.
    Take the TAROT CARD (Queen of Wands) from the painting.
    Go left to the DOOR with the four-digit lock.
    Remember the words you saw on the window outside? Take the number of letters in each word that is capitalized and enter the code.


    Take the SKULL from the window sill.
    Take a closer look and light the skull’s candle using the MATCHES.
    Take the ROLLED NOTE and look at it to see a RECIPE.
    Go left to room T.
    Look at the NOTE in the mirror for a clue: Fire = Red, Air = Yellow, and Water = Blue.
    The TOP DRAWER is locked. Use the SILVER KEY to open it.
    Take the JOURNAL. In it, you’ll find a clue for placing the TAROT CARDS.
    Keep going and you’ll find a WHITE KEY.
    Use the WHITE KEY to unlock the CABINET and take the BOTTLE OF MERCURY. Also, look at the NOTE IN THE SPIDER WEB on the lower left of the cabinet. This gives a clue for making a BLUE POTION.
    Go right three times, and then go up to room Z. Go up again to a locked door.
    Use the PURPLE KEY on the door.
    Read the NOTE ON THE TABLE: “1st spark the fire, 2nd purify with water, 3rd finish with air”. This clue goes with the one from room T with the colored triangles.
    Go up to room AH and click on the BOX on the table to the right. Enter the TRIANGLE CODE and take the GREEN KEY.


    Go left to AG and use the MATCHES to light a fire.
    Take the RED KEY.
    Return to room AA where you saw the door with the HEART SHAPED LOCK and use the RED KEY to unlock it.

    To be continued!

  150. Part III

    Now you’re in room AD.
    Take the SD that is in the radiator/heater on the right wall.
    Go up and take the BOOK from the nightstand between the 2 beds on the right.
    Inside are pictures of BELLADONNA, MISTLETOE, and MANDRAKE and also another TAROT CARD (Three of Pentacles).
    Go up to AK and see that the water is too cold to deal with right now.
    Go back to AD and go right.
    Use the GREEN KEY on the locked door to get to AE.
    Take the TAROT CARD (Ace of Swords) from the small picture on the wall.
    Take the SPOON from the nightstand on the left.
    Go up to AJ and take the EMPTY BOTTLE. You can fill the bottle with WATER in AK.
    Go right to AF and use the SD on the windowsill to open a SECRET PASSAGE!
    Go down the ladder to AB and you’ll see a purple mat on the table where the TAROT CARDS will be placed, but you need 7 and you only have 6.
    After filling the water bottle with cold water from AK, go back outside through room W.

    Go to E where the scary PUMPKIN is, and use the SKULL with the LIT CANDLE on the PUMPKIN.
    Take the GOLD KEY and return to the locked GATE at O. Unlock the GATE and enter the garden at N.
    Click on the concrete column on the right and you’ll see FIVE GREEN STARS. Also in this scene, there is BELLADONNA in the bush on the left, and another in the bush above the column, to the right. You now have 3 BELLADONNAs.
    Go left to M and click on the tree left of center screen. Click on the light green leaves until you find and take the POISONOUS BERRIES.
    Go left to L and take the MISTLETOE from the tree on the right.
    Go to Q and place the SEA SHELL on the pedestal and take the PEARL.
    Go to K and take the last TAROT CARD (Knight of Swords) off the bench. Also, take the IVY from the tree.
    Go left to J and click on the alcove in the wall on the right to see where you will mix a potion.
    According to the ROLLED NOTE you must mix 1 TWIG OF MISTLETOE with 3 BELLADONNA BERRIES, so do that by dragging these items together in inventory. Also in the inventory, mix the IVY with the MANDRAKE. Once these items are combined, add them to the cauldron in the same order as on the recipe (mistletoe + berries first, etc). Add the WATER, light the fire with the MATCHES, and use the SPOON to stir.
    Now you’ll get the GREEN POTION.

    Last bit coming up next…

  151. Part IV

    Take all seven TAROT CARDS and return to the secret room (AB).
    Place the TAROT CARDS in the order according to the clue in the JOURNAL.
    Hint: “my Queen in majesty sitting in the West with her magic Wand” means the Queen of Wands goes all the way to the left. (SPOILER will follow).

    Now you have to fill some bottles using Red Potion, Blue Potion, and Green Potion, but you only have Green.
    Think back to the clue in the spider web in the Cabinet in room T: “You need to dissolve a pearl with a strong solvent”. The note is signed “HG” with the astrological sign for Mercury (Hg is the atomic symbol for Mercury).

    Once you’ve made the Blue Potion, you still need a Red Potion.
    Go back outside to the Raven in room C and feed him the POISON BERRIES. He leaves a SILVER KEY behind. Go left to B and use the key on the Tiny Door and take the RED POTION.

    Now back to AB for the last challenge. You must “fill in these bottles even parts of the blue, red, and green elixir”. Remember the numbers found outside? A Red Eight over the front door, a Blue Clock set at Seven, and Five Green Stars on the concrete pillar. Add Red Potion to 80, Blue Potion to 70, and Green Potion to 50.
    And nothing happens.
    But click on the test tubes and the caption reads “Now you need to do something magical”.
    So use the MAGIC WAND!
    Take the GOLDEN STONE and get outta there!

    Q of Wands
    Knight of Swords
    Three of Pentacles
    Ace of Swords
    Five of Swords
    Knight of Pentacles
    King of Cups

  152. Bravo zoz!

    And a deep bow to selfdefiant, who has surpassed himself again.

  153. Great game Selfdefiant!!!!!!! Loved the riddle and the potion.

  154. Great game as always SelfDefiant. :)

  155. you never get ur addiction satisfied except when u play an SD game !! only then u'd say : enough for now i'll check back for more games later !!

  156. Fantastic game, Self Defiant. Could have used one of those crystal balls though :)

  157. Ok didn't like this one as much as usual SD, but I can't complain, he probably gets tired of making us the same type games and wanted to change it a little. Still love you SD!

  158. thanks and thanks for game

  159. Wow - have to agree with zoz
    This is the best SD game ever. Too bad my puter crashed when I was playing live!

    Great WT @zoz!!

  160. Fabulous game! Best SD ever! Hope you are feeling better, Sneaky! Crystal ball and orbs would have been nice, but orbs without crystal ball would have been a monster of a game. This one was sooo much fun! It was still a monster of a game. I loved it! :D <3

  161. Zoz, thank you so much for your awesome w/t. I had no chance of escaping without it. Thanks SD for the wild ride with that one. Absolutely super !!

  162. WOW!! SD - you've outdone yourself - thank you!
    And @zoz - thank you for that most excellent WT - I desperately needed it.

  163. não entendi a senha da porta até agora....

  164. Gente,não consegui entrar até agora...Qual a senha da porta?

  165. this one was really hard, and melting minds!!! it was good and super fun! thx for all your help everybody!

  166. zoz, sorry, clicking at the test tubes doesn't give any result- I just filled them correctly and NOTHING

    but thanks for W/T anyway!!!!

  167. GOT IT!!! Clicked WITH THE MATCHES on the tubes and then the inscription appeared " to do smth magical" and so on....

  168. This was a very ambitious escape game and that was cool although the number puzzle for the door, and having to click on the upper part of the window to get the tarot card were a bit of a stretch. Too much guesswork on those. Everything else fell in place nicely. Nice and logical once you found the clues. Lots of objects to gather and lots of places to use them. Not bad Sneaky, although there was no logical reason to click on the upper part of that window especially when the hand icon stayed the same throughout the scene.

  169. very lovely game! I needed lots of help to get out ^__^

  170. I omitted some important information from my WT!

    The four digit code was solved by EllaCanning, without whom we would probably all still be stuck!

    The clue about combining recipe ingredients in inventory came from SIL and the correct order from hairbone.

    There were many other comments that helped me through the game, but these seemed to be the biggest breakthroughs! Thanks to everyone for getting me through a GREAT selfdefiant game!
    And, of course, thanks to selfdefiant for surprising us all with something new and challenging!

  171. The anagram of the word GARDEN does not work on key pad. I have entered the anagram GARDEN several times and each time I click on the door knob I cannot enter inside the house. I can only see that there's no key hole. Can someone please, tell me and others having difficulties in entering the house, what else is there to do?

  172. @Lee, the correct anagram of GARDEN to use is DANGER

  173. @ZOZ, thank you:) I'm in the house.

  174. Cheers zoz, for a minute there I thought
    I was going to have to do the WT.
    Great to see annaby and kitkatfox posting again.

  175. SD, Thank you for this new twist on your always enjoyable SSSG games. I found it very challenging yet compelling to chase down and claim that Irish heritage! :-) The tarot puzzle was a nice twist instead of placing colored gems in a particular order as were the formula concoctions. The pumpkin, raven, and wandering shadows in the windows were nice touches. Thanks also to your colleague Sabine for an entertaining tale. Out of curiosity, why was it raining through the tower window? I can see it added a bit more eeriness to the atmosphere but I wonder was it a clue I didn't catch on to? As I said, just curious.

    I hope you have some more tricks up your sleeve for future games like this. Overall a 5 star experience for me!

  176. Very nice game but... where is that bloody raven? I am clicking the jumping wall right of note but nothing?


  177. @Trish:
    the rain was just for me and the atmosphere, because I loved looking moodily out of the window, watching the heavy rain, in another Abandoned-game. ;)
    Thanks for that, SD!

    I'm very happy, too, that you all liked the game. :)


  178. Great game!! Finally made it out lol, had a bit of trouble at the end with the test tubes so if anyone else has the problem (not being able to get the 'magical' message up) just re-fill the test tubes up :D

    Thanks a lot for a fantastic game!

  179. Grrrrr :-), finally found the raven on the tomb, so not on or in the wall.

    Next messages will be on next page, click on 'newest' for those.



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