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Gate Escape 6

Gatamari - Gate Escape 6 is another Japanese point and click type room escape games by Gatamari. In this game, you try to escape the place by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Got overlay from letters in Hammer scene, used that to open colored button door.

  2. Opened green button door with up/down code from spears in hallway

  3. once you do the mazes, you input the letters, get the overlay, place that on the main maze and that gives order for color buttons which opens hallway

  4. map in hallway on left when you go in. I have 2 blue pins and 3 red pins now. need 3# code to get to last blue pin.

  5. I also have three red and two blue pins, but can't find a clue for the three digit code

  6. Hi I tried 359 (Roman numerals made by axes) on 3-digit box by hole in floor - doesn't work

    Trying to figure out LOVE, dontcha know, maybe a pattern based on the letters in the book? but nothing on that yet

  7. have 3 red and only 1 blue from behind boulder.

  8. numbers are correct just1, but not the order.

  9. Had to use 2 boxes piled on each other to reach 2nd blue pin at ceiling. Locations of pins marked on map. Grey pin is marked as in hole in wall. lit it up with flashlight but can't see pin.

  10. did you get the blue pin from the wall near axes? If so, how?

  11. anyone figure out how to use the ball and not get killed?

  12. open the ball door. turn and run to the number pad, turn left and press the down arrow,

  13. go bak fast and click down arrow on 3 digits code panel

  14. guess we have to find a way to release the other ball to break that wall and so we can get the grey pin.

  15. use the extended pointer to get the grey pin.

  16. the statues hands spell letters. tried to write love in order of note to get the green thing from one of them, but it´s not working.

  17. If I could find it I would!

  18. to get the magnet from the black/white puzzle: top left is black triangle over white, top right is all black, bottom right is diamonds, black on vertical, white horizontal, bottom left is a diagonal, black half on the inside.

  19. match those with the door outlines of the statue rooms with LOVE

  20. naaaaaaaa!!! my flash crashed!

  21. I can´t use the extended pointer to get the grey pin. As I do? thanks

  22. i unlocked the elevator, and now i'm stuck

  23. @ LLM: Thanks! But why?

    @Roberto: My sympathies! I think it autosaves though, don't lose heart...

  24. @LLM I get it now! (deep bow)

  25. got the hands right and got green/white ball with red thread inside. can't use pointer for grey pin, please tell me how?
    When you have the correct signs on the hands the love chart with black out and ball will drop on floor.

  26. @Helen, the pointer gets the last blue pin from behind the ball - I don't think we see the grey one till the end

  27. Thanks just1. Not autosave but I restarted it. Can´t get the grey pin.
    LLM - How did you know the order of symbols to get magnet?

  28. Roberto, the one with the ball is the letter E start from the right of that one and make LOV

  29. Evans can you help me with the hands?

  30. Oh you get the grey pin with the magnet on the thread

  31. how do we place the red and blue pins. I can make a pattern like on the right.

  32. Thanks evans! LLM confused me and I was trying to use extended pointer to get grey pin.

  33. Helen L is one finger up and thumb horizontal, O is circle with thumb and three fingers. V is 2 fingers up spread apart a bit. Does that help.

    Just1 how did you use thread and magnet? I am having no luck.

  34. can you help me with the hands? I can not find the thread

  35. POP got grey pin, I was trying to do it with flashlight on. Have to turn it off and click bottom to drop magnet down hole inside opening. Off to try pins now.

  36. EVANS thank you for de hands

  37. stuck on chart with pins still. No idea what to do there.

  38. Okay, there are only so many possible positions for the grey pin to get six grey squares. Easy then to make 11 with red or 8 with blue but both at once? My brain is turning to a pretzel

  39. Blue cancels red - grey cancels both blue and red

  40. Grey pin covers both red & blue pins, blue pin covers red pin...need to figure out pattern...lay down red first, then blue then grey...stuck

  41. Thanks for your patience, but I can´t with colored pins

  42. Got it! Not as hard as I thought it would be.

  43. GOT IT! Do you want me to tell?

  44. oh no, we are not finished!

  45. thanks Ev Games but this does not the end

  46. Weirdness, keep going back and forth between sword guy and pin puzzle

  47. Lol Helen. Never said it was, I just said I figured out the pin puzzle.

    I'm stuck in the next room. The obvious solution is not the right solution.

  48. I did reopen the door to the pin room again, but you can't go anywhere else but back out to the next puzzle room/sword guy.

  49. Ev games meant, it does not end here, lol. my English is very bad

  50. What does that clue on the floor just before the statues room means?

  51. I got the number clue right near the hole in the floor, but what did it do? The light turned blue but I still can't cross the hole. Do I do something with the arrows?

  52. Okay, the hole just mysteriously closed up--but I did the code 10 minutes ago! Not sure what else I did!

  53. @Gail press the up arrow to raise the loift - you'll need that down arrow in a minute

    @Roberto I haven't figured that one out yet, but it might have to do with this half-moon puzzle

  54. I have to go now to bed is too late here and I need sleep, lol. I will try to finish it tomorrow. Thank you all for the tracks.

  55. What about the clue on the book? knock...
    I still don´t know how did you solve the magnet puzzle. Could someone explain pls?!

  56. ok, You can get back to the main halls where we started, but I can figure out that last puzzle room. I can get the sword man to stand either left or right but not to move out of the way.

  57. @evans you can go back to the first floor with the 'unlock' button

  58. Roberto, which one was the magnet puzzle, I can't remember now.

  59. @Roberto look at the doorways to the rooms with the lady statues, then spell 'LOVE' using those patterns and the arrow on the paper

  60. Wow, it is midnight here. I have to get to sleep. I also will try and finish this tomorrow. Good luck and leave us good hints if anyone finishes.

  61. Ah! thanks just1.
    @evans. You can change warrior position? There are 2 of them.

  62. @evans - there's 2 swordmen. R of elevator there's a dark room, bright floor - guy has sword in right hand. Left side is opposite. Stumped what it means though

  63. Caramba, we've been at this game 3.5 hours now. Does it end?

  64. I guess for tonight the answer's no...

  65. Did anyone get the black/white mazes to work? It seems so straight-forward, yet it doesn't work!

  66. okay, I'm going to bed as well. Just stuck with the mazes and guards!

  67. LOL is nobody out yet? I only just started...

  68. LOL Leroy I took a break and was just now trying again - getting nowhere

    If you wanna get to nowhere too, there's hints enough above - we're all stuck at the moon mazes

  69. Also trying to figure a way to get that second rock to roll

    And what's that red cross in the corner mean?

    And is what's in the book just a leftover hint from the previous game, or is it relevant?

    So many questions - so small brain.

  70. So small the brain, in fact, that I forgot it's a blue cross...

    tried more things with the book, still getting nowhere. May have to wait for GuruOne to hack this one

  71. LOL Im stuck with ya now... Just wondering about that blue cross and star clue?

  72. Need help on the position of the pin. Can someone help please? Thanks.

  73. morning leroy ,just 1 and mel, i thought i might play a quick game before work, but it looks like you have been here for hours.lets hope someone has written a walkthrough by the time i get home,

  74. Hi,
    I'm stuck with the rest of you with the 2 warriors, hope a genius comes along soon to solve it because I hate to leave a game without finishing it

  75. no one has mention the green book knock R 4 L 11 R 6 L 2

  76. the 2 warriors are standing 1 left 1 right

  77. GuruOne are you on holidays?

  78. Where or what would I knock?

  79. I'm here but I'm no help at all

  80. The blue star and cross I think was the direction of the letter E

  81. Is there something to do with half moon l half and r half

  82. I tried knocking on the blue and red things by the red door but nothing, we get out of a hallway from that door but we haven't opened it from the main room yet

  83. anyone still here... having problems finding my last blue pin. the one in the room you start in. anyone here to help?

  84. @FuZzEL, which blue pin you're missing? The map have the locatio of the pin.

  85. the blue pin is on the right of the white pillow thing in the main room, you need to zoom in and then use the knife to get the pin

  86. thanks aridza. klicked on the pillow several times before but forgot the knife.

  87. For the final puzzle:
    Denote the triangular shape as "T"
    Denote the diamond shape as "D"
    White: XTDTXOODD

  88. how did you figure it out? white is working but black is not

  89. I am back. just read and tried codes above by Emma Chen. nothing happened.

  90. White is now working, but black is not for me either

  91. Sorry.

  92. Imagine that you were blindfolded and have to "feel" your way out of the mazes with one hand only. For the white one, use your right hand; for the black one, use your left hand.

  93. ok that worked and now I have bull guy with hammer standing on symbol but nothing else works.

  94. nothing happens after input those sequences?

  95. Arghh, nothing works cause game froze. I am not restarting all this. Hope you all get out.

  96. Yeap, go back to the first room, use the hammer guy to knock out the wall with a huge nail on it, and we are done.

  97. Although the game is encrypted, I could decompile parts of it, and there is a sequence where we have to play rock-paper-scissors. Maybe author skip this part?

  98. where can i find the magnet?

  99. I think magnet was under black/white corner puzzle

    When you have the hammer (in the end),look at the map again... there's the rock paper and scissor part... :))

  100. I can't see a black/white corner puzzle :s

  101. black white corner puzzle is in hallway behind door with up and down arrows... way in the back, same place where you can use your sd...

  102. Still can't find it and there is nothing behind the blue door except for a treasure chest with a pin it.

  103. Good morning! Cannot understand the mazes above hammer sign

  104. have you opened the arrow door already then? the hint for that is behind the blue doors on the walls when you walk forward (you have to press them and see what direction the spears go)

  105. @marijo, you have to lign them up correctly so when you press the button, you will see a letter

  106. Yes, but how do I know they are correctly aligned?

  107. for me it was trial and error...

  108. I mean, does the light stays fixed when the letter appears?

  109. i did open the arrow door i also put the ball in the hole and the statue signs and also got the red thread.

  110. no, the light does not stay fixed...

  111. Oh well I'll give it a try. Thanks!

  112. I give up. Too difficult for me.

  113. when do we see the magnet puzzle?

  114. @Feminin21: when you are at the 'crossroad' turn left

  115. which one? it would be helpfull if somebody could just say how i would get to the magnet puzzle.

  116. you can also look at your map...

  117. Amd where do you find all those pins? I only found 2 blue and 1 red.

  118. OOGGRR, i can't get to the crossroad because the elevator is still locked.

  119. I'm back after sleeping - thanks Emma Chen, I knew there was a logical solution but couldn't see it - all the clues are right there

    Now I'm wondering about rock-paper-scissors. I chose scissors and lost, and can't try again, it seems. Forgot to save first, of course. Is it possible to win?

  120. How to get grey pin, have magnet, but no string for whole. Help please

  121. Ok got thread, now off to get grey pin and do pin puzzle.

  122. I see people refer to an extended pointer, where is that found???

  123. The extendible pointer is one of the items in inventory you start with.

    Escaped with help from @Emma Chen's comment on how to solve the maze puzzles. Great game as always!

  124. LOL, ty Edgar....I spent that whole game thinking that was a tweezers.

  125. WT (thanks to all the contributors):
    Note: You begin with 5 escape tools, obtained from Gate Escape 1~5. The hint in notebook was mainly used in Gate Escape 4 (door knocking), now it has simpler use.

    - Turn left, you will see four panels and a summoning circle on floor. For each purple panel, press the left/right buttons until a path is made from top arrow to bottom. It might be easier if you try to work it out from bottom. Once done, press the pink button to reveal an alphabet for each panel. Input the clue on blue panel below to receive a sheet with colorful dots. Spoiler.

    - Turn left twice, you see a red gate and a cushion on floor (which you fell down upon from previous episode). If you press the cushion, you will notice a sparkle near the right end of it. Upon closer inspection, you see something poking out, use the cutter (from Escape 1) to take out a blue pin.

    - A maze panel is on the wall, the corners suggest that you use the sheet on it. Now it gives a clue on opening the white gate to your left (spoiler). Take note of the hint given by the stone slate.

    - Turn left, notice the panel beside gate saying that you need to press the color buttons nine times before opening the gate. Use the clue we have, then go in the corridor. Inside, turn left to find a hi-tech map which shows your current position and location on pins indicated by the dots. There are two paths, but for now you can access only one so turn right at the junction.

    - The blue gate closes after you pass through, making it a one-way path. Along the path, remember the relative position of the red switches on the wall (or the direction of the traps); it serves as a clue to open the yellow gate (spoiler). Don't forget the box with a red pin inside.

    - Along the corridor inside yellow gate, you will find another box containing another red pin and a note. Many things here, but for now we just pick up two pins: Red behind screwed panel using SD (from Escape 3), and blue by using the boxes as stools. There are three dark holes, using the (lit) torchlight to reveal what is inside. The axes form three Roman numbers (spoiler), which is used in the white gate corridor.

    - Input the code, then press the up button. A floor panel is lifted up, allowing you to cross the gap. Keep going until you find a floor switch, and a note beside you telling you what happens when the floor lift is up or down. Step on the switch, and the door opens (along with the boulder trap). Don't worry, you won't die in this game, so keep trying in case you failed or ran away. To stop the boulder trap, run back to the lift panel, and press the down button. The boulder rolls in, the trap is deactivated, and you can still cross the gap. Use the extended pointer (from Escape 2) to pick up a blue pin behind the bars.

    - The next room requires you to figure out the answer using clues from the mark before the room, the "LOVE" note, and the notebook. Long explanation cut short (and replaced by pictorial one below), the statue holding the green capsule is fixed as "E". Following the arrows from note, change the hand signs for the other three statues to resemble the letters "L"(thumb and index finger), "O"(bent fingers), and "V"(index and middle fingers). Done correctly, and the green capsule is yours (for the red thread inside).

    - Notice the odd patterns on the statue entrances, mark them down for they are clues to solve the puzzle in yellow gate corridor. The top right button is fixed, so using it to determine the position, press the remaining buttons to follow the patterns mentioned earlier and press "OK". The panel below will open, giving you a magnet. Combine it with red thread, then go to the big hole in main room, and "fish" out a gray pin from below.

  126. (Continued)
    - Now go to the yellow gate corridor, and enter the last room with pin-hole panel and a note. The note tells you the number of pins you need to insert, and the number of color boxes you need to make (6 gray, 8 blue, 11 red). When colors overlap, the priority is gray>blue>red. Refer to the post made by Ev Games at 12/27/12 8:26PM for solution. Press "OK", then turn around and press the unlocked switch.

    - You are now in a single room if you look at the map. There are two rooms beside you: A statue touching a black wall with left hand, and another touching a white wall with right hand. Behind you is a tunrable panel which gives you a white maze (black wall) and a black maze (white wall). Combine the clues, and press the symbols (repeatable) as you "walk" through the maze:
    Top panel spoiler
    Bottom panel spoiler.

    - Once both panel input are correct, the summoning circle is activated. Go back and meet "Hammer". Use it on the nailed rock, and the path is clear. Receive a hammer from it, then escape for good.

    Extra: Once the path is cleared, you can look at the map for some RPS. AFAIK it is just for fun, no related to the escape.

  127. Thanks to the "initial helpers" because I couldn't make head nor tail of the mazes either.

  128. Oh thanks Shunko Kuda for the excellent walkhru!

    For non-WT readers:

    YELLOW GATE: make sure you don't count the squares on the corners TWICE!
    That is if you're somewhat poking with your nose at a square that's right before you AND in a corner, AND you turn right/left, OMIT the square you see first!

  129. Pictorial spoilers/explanations:
    - Purple panels

    - Roman numbers and order from axes

    - LOVE (points: 1 to 5)

    - Entrance patterns

    - Symbols through labyrinths

    OOC: Mazes(labyrinths), Minotaur(Hammer), Daedalus(hammer), red thread...Greek mythology huh.

  130. This comment has been removed by the author.

  131. Out.
    As usual, you guys really amaze me! I would never have thought you had to "walk" into ALL DEAD-END PATHS of the maze as well!

    I was done with 5 symbols in the white side of the panel you could flip and wondered why nothing happened!
    (Since you CAN get out of the white maze by simply coming across no more than five symbols!)

    This---to me---was the most unintuitive and incomprehensible part of this game.
    Other than that - brilliant as usual.

  132. @arbeitslooser: Ah, point taken. I have heard that if you personally go into a maze, to avoid getting lost stick to one side of the wall as you move and turn. That way, you are sure to reach the exit, if there is a proper one.

    Well, just a trivia, and doesn't help much in real life unless you cme across similar stuff.

  133. caught this one from the random section

    Gatamari has always toughies - thx for all your premium quality creations ☺
    I struggled my way thru, so thx for the WT Shunko, happy I could rely on it (although never understand the particular order of the roman numeral axes...)


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