Nifty: Grow Sun Day 2 is another new Japanese point and click type puzzle game from Nifty, sequel of
Grow Sun Day. In this game, you try to grow the creatures by using four of the different items every passing day. There are up to 30 different results to achieve. Good luck and have fun!
Play Nifty: Grow Sun Day 2
Good luck and have fun...
ReplyDeleteGoing in...
ReplyDeleteAh, ok, 'grow'-kind of game, but with language barrier... Not my type of game at the moment, I quit.
ReplyDeleteI have no idea what I was doing but ended up with a big red smiling mushroom and smaller yellow one.
ReplyDeleteSo like, a green organism appeared, and you have three days to grow it.
ReplyDeleteEach day you have 4 growing sessions, so a total of 12 sessions for each organism. Depending on the combination of the items, you might get a different creature each time.
Once fully grown, the creature gives you a momento so that you can add to the collection list, remembering which ones you've grown.
Seems like once you get all 30 creatures, you will see the ending.
Looks you could end up with 30 different critters? That's cool, but I'm not going to replay that many times. Got the big red mushroom and a big moon.
ReplyDeleteCurrently stuck, and can't find the needed info on the internet. Might as well try getting feedback here if there's any.
ReplyDeleteManaged to grow 27 types while observing the growth pattern (not 100% confirmed):
1. Harmy(ハーミィ) - Pure music.
2. Kaisoh(カイソー) - Alternately using music and water.
3. Lalan(ララン) - 1-time critter, might grow with lots of light.
4. Mareemo(マリーモ) - Alternately using light and water.
5. Couple(カップル) - Unknown.
6. Kunaby(クナビィ) - Use all items evenly, avoid using one item repeatedly.
7. Tenshe(テンシィ) - Pure light.
8. Ghos(ゴース) - Use wind every morning.
9. Pamolo(パモロ) - Use water every morning and wind every night.
10. Psyva(サイヴァ) - Good mix of light, water and wind.
11. Damaru(ダマル) - Good mix of light, music and wind.
12. Nehko(ネーコ) - Use music every night.
13. Omipun(オミプン) - Use music every morning.
14. Chopero(チョペロ) - Use wind every night.
15. Boribori(ボリボリ) - Use water every night.
16. Sunchue(サンチュー) - Use light every morning.
17. Moonmoon(ムンムン) - Use light every night.
18. Bocho(ポチョ) - Pure water.
19. Mogmog(モグモグ) - Pure wind.
20. Ice(アイス) - Alternately using wind first then water.
21. Daller(ダラー) - If you don't get any of the other type, you will get this.
22. Jellyja(ゼリージャ) - 1-time critter, might grow with lots of water.
23. Esomon(イソモン) - 1-time critter, might grow with lots of wind.
24. Poccha(ポッチャ) - Good mix of light, music and water.
25. Awawa(アワワ) - Use water every morning.
26. Behda(ベーダ) - Good mix of music, water and wind.
27. Tsunodon(ツノドン) - Unknown.
28. Ketaketa(ケタケタ) - 1-time critter, might grow with lots of music.
29. Flafla(フラフラ) - Use music every morning and light every night.
30. Gray(グレイ) - Unknown.
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