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🖳 Reddish Room Escape

[REPLAY] Reddish Room Escape is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game from 10colordots. In this game you are trapped in a room and you try to escape there by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. First?
    I have seen a bunch of books with symbols and several colorful Mutsuboshi pencils.

  2. I have a red and green arrow heads?

  3. where is the green, I have red and purple. purple from box on shelves with hint on shelves

  4. red and purple I mean, People talking while typing is a mess!!

  5. I assume the symbols on books are a hint for the picture on wall, but the picture tilts different if you hit from the side of the symbol or below the symbol

  6. How, did you get sd???
    I don't understand the picture on wall, the symbols are combinations of the ones on the books!

  7. I don't understand the book symbols. Must have something to do with bottom painting but can't figure it out. Just pushing corners in order of books doesn't work for me. Would be topleft/topright, topright/bottomright, bottomleft/topleft, topright/topleft, topleft/bottomleft, bottomleft/bottomright, bottomleft/bottomright.

  8. on the desk, move the chair

  9. What drawer, @mugglrhead?

  10. The book symbols are combinations of the symbols on the frame. So if one symbol combines the cross and the dots, you click the side of frame that connects them.

    I can't find the green arrow head thing. Anyone?

  11. click the red shape afterwards

  12. got green , purple and red cone thingys....and nothing else! lol

  13. TY @vk!!! Now, I see it!

  14. I sure hope someone spoils the picture, I'm not getting the symbols on the books since they are not exactly the same as the picture symbols.

  15. where did you get the green one?

  16. well, I thought I got it...where do you click if the symbol is a combo of 3 shapes????

  17. paper in top of one of the books

  18. Gayle, write down numbers 1-7 on a piece of paper or in Word, then jot down what two picture frame symbols make up the book symbols. For example, on book 1, it looks like a cross/star overlapping a circle, so you click the top of the frame, between the circle (top left) and the cross/star (top right).

  19. nokra, only symbol 8 is a combo of all shapes, and that's the last one you click, center of the picture.

  20. One cone was under the ottoman? I think..the others, Oh heck I am still boggled trying to open the pic! lol

  21. TY vk, I guess I drew them wrong...looking again, with my magnifyer! lol

  22. Anyone found the green cone yet? That's all I need to get out of here, I think.

  23. Do you want the answers for the frame yet or do you still want to work it out?

  24. vkacademy, look near the floor on the right side in the door scene

  25. Marnie, not finding anything. Clicking like crazy, though. Do I have to knock it down from somewhere?

  26. Oh for heaven's sake. On the wall. LOL. Thanks, Marnie!

  27. You're welcome! Where's the yellow cone?

  28. Thanks VK. I did that and the picture is still hung up and now won't move at all! :o I think I broke it! LOL

  29. OUT. Good game. Anyone need any help still?

  30. Gayle, check under the ottoman.

  31. If it won't move, then you did it! Move the small red stool again.

  32. I think yellow was in the drawer that you open with the numbers, then click green button....
    How to get the hanging key please?

  33. Let me replay and I'll find it again if no one else beats me to it. :D

  34. nokra you need the screwdriver to get the hanging key.

  35. Silly me, I thought the SD was X'ed out!!! I didn't even try to use it again! LOL

  36. Yellow cone from the second time you open the right hand drawer. You need the complete paper code and then mentally flip it over.

  37. And...I am missing the blue one? I think it should be blue because I found a short blue pencil! Anyone remember where it is?

  38. Ah, thanks. This game is smarter than I am.

  39. Blue was inside the final book you get from the cabinet under the globe/books shelf.

  40. Yep, found a paper under the ottoman! Now for that pesky 3x3 box! Keep the help coming, Imma gonna need it! :D

  41. OH POP!!! Every time I clicked inside the doors, I got the cone holder, kept missing that red book! Got the blue one!

  42. Gayle look at the shelves with the 3x3 box

  43. Gayle, you'll need to use the battery in that yellow box.

  44. I don't understand the box on the shelves. How do you get the battery in there?

  45. click the back of the box to turn it around. You may have to use the screwdriver, I don't remember.

  46. Nevermind. Finally found the right spot to click.

  47. Thanks anyway, Vkacademy. :)

  48. OMG!!! What is the exit trick? Am I spelling OPEN again? And how?????

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Oh, you mean the FINAL box? Yes, you have to click the right buttons to spell OPEN. There are four of them.

  51. That was a toughie!!! I can't tell you how, but I did it! Great Game!!!!!

  52. Okay, POOP is NOT the password for the right hand drawer! LOL

  53. I can spell OPEN, but the door doesn't open. I must have missed something.

  54. ugh the last box is driving me crazy.

  55. TY so much for staying to help, @vkacademy!!!!

  56. Suzanne, try buttons 3,4,8,9.

  57. I'm having the same problem as Suzanne. I tried those buttons, but it won't open

  58. Those are the 4 buttons I'm hitting, and nothing. Is there something else I'm supposed to do? It's probably something obvious.

  59. That's odd. They should all turn red once you've spelled OPEN.

  60. not out, hmmm, is there something we do first?

  61. Make sure no other buttons are still pushed down, maybe? No idea. I've played through three times now without problem.

  62. My buttons stay green.

  63. Are all your inventory slots filled and crossed out?

  64. Weird, weird, weird. Just played it again and yeah, 3.4.8,9 spell OPEN, buttons go red, and door opens. All I can say is try replaying?

  65. I just played it over in Firefox and got out. But back in Opera my original game is still not working. Maybe it's a browser issue?

  66. Must be. Glad you escaped! I didn't want to abandon you in that room. ;)

  67. mugglehead, what browser are you using?

  68. Are you doing a WT, @vk???

  69. Thanks for your help, Vk.

  70. Nah, I hadn't planned on it. You gonna do it?

  71. foxfire, played again and got out. I think my computer was trying to update and blipped the game.

  72. Thaks Norka, your hint got the drawer open, still stuck with the box. Thank goodness the battery was not a problem!

  73. *thanks*

    Well, I'm stuck. I don't get the box and see no clue. :(

  74. no one ever spoiled the picture and I can't get it. Thanks guys!

  75. Evans, I'll see if I can do it again for ya.

  76. T,R,L,T,L,B,B and then it should not move. Check the ottoman below.

  77. Click the notepad on desk
    Find a red key
    Click top page to see a clue about the desk and door!
    View pencil, note color and size
    Click left drawer, view pencil, note color and size

    Click chair to move it
    Zoom drawer and see it has letters
    What can we spell to OPEN it?
    Push the red diamond and get a SD
    Use key on door in bookcase
    Get battery from red box
    View pencil, note color and size
    Notice the numbers and symbols on some books

    Go right
    Look at the other books with symbols
    Get a piece of paper from Blue book
    See a key hanging, use SD to get it
    Use key on cabinet below
    Get red book, notice the 8th symbol
    Open it for a Blue cone

    Go right
    Zoom right wall near floor
    Use SD to open it for a Green cone
    Zoom shelf and see a box that needs battery
    Insert battery and change colors according to the items on shelves, get purple cone
    Box left of door needs a key

    Go right
    Zoom ottoman for a red cone
    Zoom picture above and notice the symbols similar to the ones on the books
    Use clues on books to click the picture 8 times
    (Solution to follow)
    A paper falls out, get it from behind the ottoman

    Go right, Zoom desk drawer
    See combined papers has 4 numbers on it
    The Green diamond is on the left, but on the drawer it is on the right
    What will happen if we reverse the numbers? might we get letters we can use on the drawer?
    Open it for a Yellow cone
    We also have a Pencil box that you can view 2 more pencils, note size and color, notice a clue...L to S

    Go right and open cabinet
    Now we need to place all our cones
    Put the cones according to the pencils we viewed
    (solution to follow)
    Get Key

    yes, this key must be for the door panel
    Doesn't work.... :(
    View key and click it to reveal the real key
    Use on door panel to reveal yet another puzzle to solve!

    Remember the first thing we looked at?
    The note said OPEN for the drawer and the door
    Find the buttons that spell it
    And you are free!


    Desk drawer:
    Spell OPEN and push red diamond

    Box on shelf:

    Picture on wall:
    The book symbols are combinations of 2 symbols on the picture's corners
    A circle and cross, for example is the TL and TR of pic combined, so you click the top of the frame, which would connect the 2 corners!
    You can draw a square and using the clues, put your numbers on the 4 sides of it in the order you need to click it...

    The solution is: T R L T L B B M

    Desk drawer, again:

    Color cone placement:
    P R G Y B

    Exit panel:

    Play with it (it's fun!)

    Or just press 3,4,8,9 To spell OPEN

  78. I can't get the picture no matter what I do :(

  79. Bless your heart, Norka! Smooch! I don't remember hitting the middle o the picture, but who caresat this point! ;) TY for he walkie!

  80. pic puzl
    top -1,4
    right -3,5
    left - 2
    bottom -6,7
    on the pic -8
    press on the centre of the frame

  81. Wow, this is one good brain-twister, enjoyed it a lot. Slapped my forehead when I realized not every tied key needs to be cut, and not every picture needs to be clicked at the corners.

    Thanks to Shuchun for posting, and Nokra (and other contributors) for the WT + hints. =)

    Just posting a few visual clues/spoilers here:
    Why "OPEN"
    Combining symbols
    Opening drawer the second time

  82. I have no idea for the 3x3 box on the shelf?? I have read and reread the walkie, I must be too tired or blonde to get it!

  83. keeps saying page not found :(

  84. I can only find half the paper clue, and my desk drawer stays open no matter where I click. Guess I'm done. :(

  85. Good game.
    Thank's for the perfect WT Nokra.

  86. @Gayle: If the box's buttons are gray, then you need to put a battery behind the box. If they're green, then close the box and observe the shelfs with box. Notice that the items around the box are red and green?

    @mereilin: You get one by solving the symbols painting, move the stool(?) below to find it. The other one is above a blue book, in the scene with three red books. It's a bit hard to notice, but look for a white circle thingy.

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. That was a very good game. I had to have help as usual - thanks to everyone that got me out of that room!

  89. Thanks to Peke for suggesting this game

  90. Found a glitch.
    If you dont't take the
    screwdriver when you first
    "open" the drawer, it's gone.
    . = restart.

  91. Pixel hunts:
    1) Top of one of the blue books is a tiny note
    2) Back of yellow box reached by clicking its very top
    p.s. Loved the final puzzle by door!

  92. @Tiguer
    Pixel hunt is the case when you have to find a really small hotspot without any clue where to click and not a spot that one misses for some other reason even when the hotspot is quite large. The note on the top of the book is quite easily seen if one looks closely and back of the yellow box has a while pointer showing where to click. Those are hardly 'pixel hunts'. How about calling them 'easy to miss spots' instead of 'pixel hunts'?


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