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Gate Escape 7

[REPLAY] Gatamari - Gate Escape 7 is another Japanese point and click room escape game developed by Gatamari. In this epic game, your goal is to escape the place by finding items and hints to solve puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

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  1. Is anyone here besides me?

  2. Im here Erika, but after opening the + - safe, and unscrewing the olympic ring stuck.

  3. solved the + - puzzle,trying to do the next one

  4. Geez, the only thing I've found so far is a green key

  5. These games always make me feel inadequate, look at big yellow lock for a green key ( blown up view)

  6. Erika..the green key opens the pale green door.

  7. anyone understand the black button puzzle ?

  8. i dont understand any of them, kev. I cant work out how to do the maths after getting + - safe.

  9. hi everyone! got the +- puzzle, opened the # one on the wall

  10. not sure about the black squares one on the wall (black, yellow, red, blue lines around the border)...

  11. Can you give me a hint please Erika? I dont understand how to get it. Thanks.

  12. Hello Clio :) figure out this math stuff for us all <3

  13. Erika already did, im waiting for her to tell us....hehee

  14. which one, the number one or the +- puzzle? i don't get the one with black squares

  15. i combined numbers in inventory with numbers in floor under the + - puzzle,also + - puzzle has colours and math signs on it

  16. the numbers one pls Erika. ...and...dont worry, im very happy for you to just spoil it. LOL

  17. I'm sure the black squares one has something to do with the color of the rings on the wall, but no clue!

  18. I'll try not to spoil too much! well the #'s one you need 2 clues -- the clue from the picture frame (turn it around) and the clue from the floor after solving the +- puzzle. The +- puzzle gives you the math symbols which are: multiply, subtract, add, multiply (in that order). Don't follow regular math rules

  19. all you need to do is sub in the numbers in their positions by combining the picture frame clue with the floor clue. starts with 58*

  20. I turned the frame around and put it on the floor and see 58 (zero) 46 (zero) 91 (zero) 72 is that what you see?

  21. ohhhh. i was starting with 5 and then trying to work out whether to multiply by 8 etc., but ran out of symbols. Thanks Erika.

  22. yes..i see those numbers when i join the two pics together mentally. But, only after you told me to. Thanks again.

  23. yep that's correct Clee, but don't forget 30 at the end after 72 -- just put the math symbols in the perfect circles...the very last number is actually zero and not meant for a math symbol

  24. Thanks Erika , I see now :-)

  25. i get 7947,but not working ? what am i doing wrong ?

  26. I get 79 947... Tried 7947 too. Are we supposed to follow the math rules?

  27. I mean 79 470.

    Anyway, it doesn't work.

  28. not sure Kev -- if you put the frame down on the ground to get your numbers, just plug in the math symbols in the order I listed above

  29. i'm really stuck on that black square thing -- no idea what to do!

  30. Follow math rules for number code. Multiply first, then subtract and add.

    Use resulting key to turn on water, and wet cloth. Use cloth to clean rings. Then use rings to decide which buttons to push according to which rings intersect.

  31. help with color rings, I think two hours)

  32. Turned water on , for what I can't see yet lol

  33. awesome Suzanne! i've been trying to stick that key everywhere else

  34. Thanks Angelika, and thanks Suzanne for the rings. Have to leave unfortunately. Good luck with the rest everyone. Thanks for all the help again.

  35. Wait 'til you get to the silver room! Very little makes sense to me in there.

  36. Ok it's too late here for that kind of game. Good night everyone, and good luck with that!

  37. suzanne, any hints on how you beat the squares in the green room?

  38. I already tried all options of crossing of rings.... it is possible in more detail the answer?

  39. Erika, if you mean the squares from the colored rings, then you have to light up the squares that coincide with the linked rings. For example, yellow intersects with all the colors, so light up all the buttons in the yellow row and in the yellow column. But red only intersects with yellow, so only light up the yellow button in both the red column and in the red row.

  40. If you need me to give you all the corresponding colors, I can do that, but I don't want to spoil if anyone objects. Be sure to clean off the picture of the rings first, because the intersections change when you do.

  41. thanks suzanne! that was a head-scratcher for me

  42. I've made a little headway in the silver room, but can't wait for someone to join me. I have three objects and don't know what to do with them.

  43. i give up.i'll wait for a w/t,lol

  44. Ring thing's so hard, please spoil, thanks.

  45. Yellow intersects with all colors (push all buttons)
    Blue: green, yellow
    Green: blue, yellow, black
    Black: yellow, green
    Red: yellow

    Sorry that I don't know how to post a screen capture.

  46. Make sure to push not only the buttons for intersecting colors in each row, but do the same for each column.

  47. thank you suzanne !! it worked

  48. Suzanne thank you very much!

  49. you're right about the silver room...must be too late for my brain to figure these things out

  50. The three puzzles on the spade wall aren't too bad. Just trial and error. Starting with the clue of 18 yellow circles, you can get the center puzzle open. Then that gives you the next clue for the next puzzle and so on. But after those three puzzles I'm stuck.

  51. hi suzanne, any more hints about any of the things in silver room? :-D

  52. i assume you're trying to make the picture like the one on the headstone? get it down to just a yellow circle in the middle?

  53. Then there's the puzzle by the door and the emerald book in inventory. The emerald book says "KNOCK R FOUR L ELEVEN R SIX L TWO," but when I try that nothing happens. I even tried it on the opposite sides in case the arrow was indicating upside down. Stumped.

  54. No, Erika. You just have to create 18 circles anywhere you can.

  55. oh, nevermind -- 18 circles

  56. Got bucket, filled it with water and hung it from handle, but don't know what to do next...

  57. How did you get the bucket?

  58. Four pink buttons on panel above bucket in silver room correspond to heart, spade, diamond and club. Combine with the clue from 19 triangle puzzle for bucket. Stuck after that.

  59. After you do the red triangles you get pink hearts, diamonds etc. in a circle which tells you how to push the pink buttons.

  60. Take bucket back to first room and fill with water.

  61. Still can't do anything with crack in first room either.

  62. stuck with you jillydoc

  63. Thanks Baldi and jillydoc. I can't believe I didn't figure that out.

  64. Thought I could turn bucket upside down to reach high places on walls, but no.

  65. hold the lever down with the bucket to open up the 1/100000 clue box

  66. and then I don't know what to do

  67. Well, probably a good time to save the game.

  68. i don't mean open the clue just tilts it out so instead of saying 1/100000 it says 1/1

  69. and this must mean something...6-III (from the bucket) and 1-I (from tilting out the thing + green ball)

  70. This creator of the game is way to intelligent for me lol I love puzzles but OMG on these games I can't think like that . Thanks for all the help :)

  71. I know Clee...way too tricky!

  72. I'm a little too stubborn to quit yet, but it's tempting.

  73. I wonder if you have to insert the green or orange ball back at the opposite wall where you can click R/L buttons only, and then it deposits into the other wall thing with the 1/100000 clue on it?

  74. brain hurts, clicky finger is sore. Grumpy

  75. tried that erika. Tried to place them all over the *%&* place with no luck.

  76. bah, i don't know :( gotta be someway to get a ball in there somehow! any thoughts on the puzzle way up high on the wall (one green dot and a million blue ones?)

  77. Nope. At this point, I've clicked, hammered, screwed, pointed, cut and poked every spot I can think of. I may call it a night and start fresh tomorrow.

  78. Yeah, nobody has the game yet, or if they do, no one's playing.

  79. ha! well that is starting to sound like a good idea.

  80. i'm all excited to be in a live game ;) can't quit yet!

  81. I wonder if the clocks are at all relevant. They have two different times.

  82. Good luck guys. I give!

  83. I wish I knew Japanese -- the R/L puzzle says a different message if you have a ball selected and try to put it in the upper right hole than if you tried to use something else out of inventory

  84. Hammer says Daedalus on it.

  85. this one is too hard...think I'm going to pack it in unless someone comes up with some kind of revelation

  86. we can take back the silver key out of the door, in case that's important to know

  87. I think the keys are going to spell something. The green one's teeth look like a "C", and the silver one's teeth look like an "E"

  88. I've been playing the Ainars and Self Defiant games to cleanse the palate of my brain, so to speak. I think I'm going to step away from this one and come back after i've slept. Considering how many rooms we still have left I doubt I would be able to finish it tonight.

  89. well thank you for all your help suzanne!

  90. couldn't have gotten this far without you!

  91. Thanks Erika and Suzanne for above help - I'm stuck with you - btw the clue in the book is from an earlier game, I think it's still there just to provide translation for those symbols, which we'll probably run across

  92. OMG having a terrible time trying to get 18 yellow circles... always get 16 or 19... a hint for the pattern, anyone?

  93. but maybe not tonight...

  94. hi andrea, i don't remember how i did it. i just kept clicking & unclicking the different things until i got the circles. the hardest one for me was the triangles FYI

  95. Andrea I turned on 10 of them first and then just screwed around until I had it - don't remember pattern and it's disappeared now

  96. i'm really frustrated at this game! i've been stuck for about half an hour -- no idea what to do

  97. just1, what do you have in your inventory? i just want to compare to make sure I didn't miss something or not combine something I should have :)

  98. Me too Erika - all I can contribute is the observation that there's a blue semicircle on the ball machine, and a red circle on the L-R machine. But it means nothing to me

  99. I have green ball, orange ball, '2' panel and 2 keys. You can take bucket back but can't empty it, or do anything else that I've found.

  100. Oh and the key mold, which I also tried putting everywhere.

  101. same here :( i have in my inventory: silver & green keys, box the silver key came in, bucket of water (says 6-III), green ball that says 1\I, orange ball (no writing), and a gray trapezoid with the #2 on it...oh yea, and the tools I started the game with. do you think the 1, 2, 3 have anything to do witht he order they're supposed to be used? not that it matters, i can't do anything!

  102. sounds like we're exactly in the same spot :(

  103. i found another group of folks playing in another forum...they're just about to where we are. i'm hoping one of them can break the gridlock here

  104. giving up for tonight... maybe it'll be easier over a hot cup of coffee... thanx

  105. I had the thought that maybe we need blue and red balls too, but like you I can't find anything to do - the previous games in this series have been notoriously frustrating too - I don't think it's buggy, we're just not seeing something

  106. lol gridlock - that's a pretty good term for this

  107. i wish the game creator hung around the forums to nudge us in the right direction :)

  108. The creators of this game live in a cave so deep under Antarctica that it's warm there - noone will ever find them, whether to interview them or strangle them

    (that's my theory)

  109. Okay, that's cocky for someone who clearly isn't as smart as they are

  110. ha! that could very well be :) i just wanna get this thing solved before I try and go to bed! not looking like that's going to happen

  111. just1, i haven't played any from this guy before. does it mean anything that when you open the book, this odd green light shines for a minute? or is that just my eyes going crazy?

  112. Yeh I'm hitting against the same brick walls again and again - think I'll come back in the morning to see if somebody managed it

    thanks for your companionship Erika - see you in a future trap!

  113. you bet, nice to have a friend here ;) talk to you later!

  114. Ha, well I'm not sure what that means but it's always done that. I can't remember exactly how we got that book - all these games have been complicated

  115. I just caught up with the stuckees!
    LOL I guess I should call it a night also...maybe someone will have cracked it by tomorrow! Thanks for the great clues that got me this far....I do love these games...very intense!

  116. Fill bucket with water.
    Water is in the previous room.

    Attach bucket to the lever.
    The lever comes down and stay.
    This will slightly open the device on the right.

    Notice 6-III is written on the side of the bucket.
    Also notice 1\I on green ball.
    The grid located high on the wall consists of buttons.
    The numbers indicate the coordinate of the button to be pressed.

    Extend the pointing device.
    With it, press the button 6-down 3-right from the top-left corner of the grid.

  117. peacockblue, I love you. :)

  118. This game deserves an Academy Award.... LOLLOL

    Holy Shit!!!!

  119. I'm into the gold room now. Stuck with 20 weight

  120. Use lights that appear on grid for the panel by the door.

  121. hi, trying to get the puzzle next to the clock in the gold room? can't get it using the hint next to the door ... any ideas?

  122. Hi, anyone out there?
    LLM did you get the 20 weight done? it goes into the column with water from bucket - but probably needs the other puzzle to be able to lift it ... and the lever is still up, too ;)

  123. put 20-weight on key box...

  124. get paper, use clue in silver room to push a button

  125. now the lever in gold room works and you get a new clue for the last puzzle on the clock wall, which is now active.

  126. Thanks, sasbabe, can't get the weight out of the column anymore ;( i'll probably have to re-start ...

  127. when panel is open, cut the string and you get a new panel on the left

  128. aaand... ghostleg gives you the next key - yeah!

  129. @Accumen: You can't open it as long as there's water in it...

  130. thanks, Sasbabe, yes i've got it, trying to catch up with u ;)

  131. how 20 weight please?
    got only 3 7 1 4 2 try to combine on wall but, I can't solve it

  132. seb, use hint from tombstone or whatever it is after you get the numbers (u r still missing the numbers for green and skyblue)

  133. Thanks but I have found 4 numbers
    but I can't combine weights as tomstone shows
    green is 8 no ?

  134. @seb: find out what numbers you get for the orange, blue, silver and yellow things - to do so combine them to the red, green and pink one's... Then input the numbers into the wall panel to receive the last tile which you need to solve the weights puzzle...

  135. my brain doesn't work anymore, going to have a break, maybe it'll work better later - lol

  136. Hi, I can't find the button to push shown on the paper, it should be on the wall with the heart but can't find it

  137. Once again, I'm way behind. I have the bucket, but I can't seem to turn the water on now. Had it on to wet the cloth, but now it won't go back on.

  138. gmm, you can fill the bucket in panel left of the tap...

  139. I can't seem to move the lever in gold room after I pressed the button? am I missing something?

  140. Some people speak about the "+- puzzle", but which one is it ? I can see inactive +- symbols on a tombstone, but that's all. I solved only the + - x on the wall, it gives something like x pink - yellow + cyan x that doesn't make any sense even with the 2 sets of numbers (5 space circle long pink line,... from the floor and 8 circle 46 circle 9,.. from inventory).

  141. I'm stuck in the yellow room, got the column with blocks puzzle, a little doll, I got the pink key (and now the room is locked), I nailed in 4 nails but don't know why and I got a kind of button but can't put it anywhere

  142. I think I got something, the bars are dirty and I thing it's the hint for the arrow puzzle next to the door

  143. it worked!! now I opened the door again

  144. Please, has someone figured out how to solve the L-R puzzle in the grey room? I tried to use the hint from the book, but it doesn't work, no matter what combination I try to use...

  145. Hans, the clue for the LR buttons comes from the blue button grid that's high up on the wall. After you push the correct button, some other buttons will light up for the clue.

  146. Thank you OOGGRR! Now I have the paper clue with the pink heart and X, and I'm stuck again.

  147. check previous post by peacockblue @ 12:49 and Allyssa @ 8:11

  148. gmm, thank you so much, I didn't even think about looking at the blue button grid once more....

  149. Hans, there's a bunch of help in the previous posts, check them out

  150. I have no idea what to do with the 6 button puzzle next to the clock in the gold room. I have it activated, but don't know how to use the clues from the tombstone.

  151. gmm, the hint for that puzzle is the iron bars at the door.

  152. for the 6 button puzzle you have to combine the positions on the painting and the symbols on the tombstone (first column, second symbol; second column, first symbol etc.)

  153. Oh I was in the wrong room :D Sorry.

    I'm stuck trying to make a statue to smile.

  154. I can't find the button to push shown on the paper.

    Hepl PLEASE!!!!!

  155. Bobby, flip over the largest statue and you'll see a slot.
    Get a wedge from the wall picture on the right and knock it in with a hammer.

  156. I'm totally stuck. where is the button under the heart???

  157. Peacockblue: I got the staatue open and placed them by size next to the greenish statue but what to do next??

  158. AHHH, the buttom in silver room is in the same place like the X in gold room. use knife

  159. Im stuck with 4 keys, 4 dolls, a mask and a clue paper for lightbulb in basement.

  160. Where is the largest statue?

  161. aridza, guess you have a piece of paper with a lot of moon like symbols printed.
    Go down to the basement and turn on/off the lights according to the symbols.
    Eventually you'll find a jewel to put onto the mask.
    After completing the mask you can fix it to the green man.

  162. An I didn't find the clue for the 5 button thing in purple room.

  163. Anyone at the clocks puzzle in blue room yet? (right/left or +/- with the screwdrivers)
    I thought about the hours going up/down or the degrees between the hands - nothing so far...

  164. I found out that they changed after activating the panel, but that didn't help yet...

  165. trying for the lights but so far I'm not getting it, do I have to place the statues first? if so, is it just the order with small hole in wall for small statue... or do I place them according to the picture on the wall biggest to smaller?

  166. LOL nasty game... Currently trying to figure the 6 buttons... Looks Like I also need some more weights.... I pity the person who tries to write a WT for this game...

  167. Sawa: use the plastic bag on the violet light in basement, you'll get the order

  168. a piece of paper with a lot of moon like symbols??

    Where can I find it?

  169. Do you have a room with statues?

  170. @aridza: just as the pic shows - small statue in small hole, ..., big statue in big hole.
    But the biggest statue isn't the biggest - someone already explained how to divide it with hammer and one of the triangles you can pick up in pink room...

  171. ok I got the grren giant to get up but what to do now??

  172. I've got a mask and one pyramid, there are two statues.

  173. For the basement lights perhaps you have to try it several times because mine didn't work the first time.
    Babolein : Oops I don't exactly remember where.

  174. ok just need to use the flash light on the statue

  175. please help for lightbulb in basement. I am trying 5 4 2 5 2 1 2 5 from left. but nothing.

  176. Where is this spot in the silver room to use knife on??? heart wall?? I just cant find it Grrrrr.... I did see X in gold room...

  177. There is also room in the purple button images in the footprints of the game play help.

  178. Once again I need help with the puzzle with the moon and the sun, where is the hint for it?

  179. leroy: somewhere towards the middle.

  180. Heart wall?? Is it very pixelly?

  181. In what room is basement please, I can't see lightbulb?

  182. leroy: heart with room there were Sinekli wall tile game.

  183. @aridza: hint is the laser beams in the basement

  184. Hmmm maybe I have to get the paper clue first?

  185. Hi all! I' ve just openned the box with bucket, but I don't have the switch for water anymore... Can someone tell me what to do? (I can't press down the switch in room with silver door)

  186. Hi everyone, i'm back - but still stuck in the gold room - can't find the button to trigger the lever ... help please

  187. I think this game is frying my brain, I've been playing for hours and now I'm totally stuck in the blue room, only put the flashlight in the machine and that's all I've been able to do

  188. Sorry, good morning, I have been following your valuable hints but I'm stuck in room with weights. I have opened the box with color numbers. have orange, blue, yellow, skyblue, grey weights. Don't know how to get the 10 weight, fill column with water, close, open, but nada. Any help??

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