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Gate Escape 7

[REPLAY] Gatamari - Gate Escape 7 is another Japanese point and click room escape game developed by Gatamari. In this epic game, your goal is to escape the place by finding items and hints to solve puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

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  1. Doris make sure bottom door shut and press button on the floor grill... Can fill and empty as many times as you want LOL

  2. @Acumen: if you have the paper with heart and X hint. go in silver room, look to the wall with heart in upper left corner. remember the position of X in gold room (somewhere in the middle) and click to zoom in. then use knife

  3. any hint for the black/white button in blue room? I got that it has to do with the board and the directions and the book but I'm guessing that I'm missing something

  4. Where is the clue paper with pink heart on it?

  5. thank you Leroy, I'll try it

  6. Which paper with heart and X hint, please?

  7. Nvm LOL just got 20 weight up to hook

  8. what bottom door? I can't shut any door!

  9. OK progress I got the stone to rise...

  10. Another code LOL where doI use that?

  11. sorry can't remember anymore. in golden room after you used the 20 weight.

  12. help help help! I've been turning round and round and can't find any way to fill my damn backet! There's no way to shut any door, and no way to make water run

  13. What does placing the 4 statues do? Aside from the keys, all I've got in inventory is the mask and the paper with the moon symbols. I don't see how you "turn on/off the lights according to the symbols" according to peacockblue's comment earlier.

  14. LOL code for 6 button box...

  15. doris, you fill the bucket in the wall panel to the left of the tap. I couldn't figure that one out either.

  16. I'm totally lost in blue room.

  17. Doris on the left of the valve, in wall there is water

  18. Oh yes I forgot that one sorry Doris LOL Im trying to ponder the code shapes and pic next to door

  19. where is the fourth statue?? can't open the nail box. I have used the hammer on nails and see hint in other room with colored numbers, but can't get it.
    hint please

  20. Gmm thank you! It doesn't make any sense, but now I've got water! Many thanks!

  21. Please, how to get the 10 weight out of the window??

  22. The fourth statue is in the nail box. I BF'd that one. Spoiler below if you want it.

    nail/number box

  23. How do I do the button order? ghostladder?

  24. For black and white buttons in blue: you have to play the game (place black at red square and do the move) and then you just go nw->se (bottom left to top right)

  25. I getting headache LOL I now see I have to set shapes.....

  26. Leroy: pressing buttons delete the corresponding colour - delete colours so that the top tiles end in the right position and press play.

  27. I can't put red head from left to right :(
    someone remembers color ordre to click please? (PGYB...)

  28. Got it stupid me LOL now cut the rope...

  29. What black do I have to place on red square in blue room?
    I don't have any black stone.

  30. ok Sasbabe, I don't get it, are we suppose to have a black thing to play with? I've never played that game so I'm not sure how to do it

  31. can someone please explain to me , or better spoil, the puzzle with the three columns and the red square face????

  32. can someone please explain, or better spoil, the puzzle with the three columns and the red face??

  33. it's trial and error, you need to move the colors and manage to get the face on the column on the left, can't really spoil it as I can't play it anymore

  34. Hysterical laughter here... I finally got ghostladder

  35. thanks but i've been trying for hours and i can;t do it!!

  36. @sawa, aridza: you only place it in your mind ;-)
    The game is called reversi. If you put a black tile on the red square, every white tile between this new black tile and every other black tile in the 8 directions turns black as well.
    Maybe that's not a very good explanation - just google "Reversi".

  37. Im flying to a fullstop again LOL Into red room...

  38. first get yellow and blue on the silver platform and make red stay on green block, then move green and red on top of the yellow and blue and then make stairs towards the gold platform so the red dude drops on top of it. i hope that helps, hard to explain.

  39. Reversi SPOILER:

    w w b w b b b w b

  40. Thanks, I understand but still can't figure it out, how does it relate to the black/white puzzle? how do I know which ones to use? and what about the directions? NW and SE?

  41. Please, someone can tell me how to resolve the ghost game in the golden room?

  42. For red faces got IT !!!

    and RRR

  43. Trail and error sarita Sorry LOL run it and see which colours need to be cut to get shapes to correct spots

  44. NW->SE is the diagonal - bottom left to top right. I already spoiled the full answer...

  45. For ghost leg I only remember that red was definitely cut...

  46. Sarita, push all colored buttons and cut all barrs colored

  47. How do I move the color blocks in the game with the face? They keep falling, can't get them jump to the columns!

  48. Sorry Sasbabe, didn't refresh the page, now what to do with the tape I got, gonna try it everywhere

  49. @marijo, read my com 8.37

  50. @seb, ur a genius!! thanks!

  51. I'm still stuck with the mask and the paper with the moon symbols.

  52. Wow a secret room with a ladder LOL

  53. I have hammered the nails on the wall. The red face gave me a switch. Stuck!

  54. Thank you Sasbabe.

    Now I'm looking for a TV that I can hit twelve times.

  55. With tape you connect long stick and knife, so you can cut the rope on the screen. Then you put the screen down (button next to lightswitch).
    Then flashlight goes in container on opposite wall. Push the button there and turn lights off and you get sth. on the screen.

  56. TV is the thing left of number panel

  57. I don't understand the clue on the screen in blue room.

  58. Oh my God! Thank you, Seb!

  59. Need to push buttons on the remote to see more of the clue.

  60. No need to thank me - just get to where I am and reward me with your help ;-)

  61. Switch from red faces goes bottom wall pink room and ladder appears

  62. My fooprint code wont work for me.... Is there an extra trick to it or am I just tired LOL

  63. Leroy, you have to move the ladder in front of the footprints to get the correct code.

  64. Leroy: did you mover the ladder to the footprint wall? It will cover some footprints...

  65. Any help with the levers?

  66. Oh LOL didnt think of doing that TY ps I did see the ladder markings on the clue....

  67. Push buttons on remote so that blue squares are where they are on the pic - plus two of them on the black cells. The video then shows you the following 6 numbers:


  68. Where do I use the paper clue with the moon symbols?

  69. @Bobby: is it the left/right (+/-) stuff with the screwdrivers? That's where I am stuck. I thought it might be about the clock hands degrees or difference from real time but nope.
    I only found out that the times changed (and they keep changing since they are "on" now)...

  70. can you help me for bulbs? in basement.

  71. gmm: downstairs on the lightbulbs

  72. eatezel, it's the moon hint paper. two lamps on the left are the left half of the moon.. :)

  73. Finally got it! Thank you sasbabe!

  74. Getting there LOL mask with gem on statue but order to the statuettes?

  75. Where is that moon paper you talk about?

  76. LOL I get the sizes so put accordingly but did it do anything?

  77. I see largest statuette doesnt fit in smallest hole LOL

  78. @Leroy: biggest statue contains a smaller one - you've got to open it with the triangle tile from poster and hammer.

  79. Aaaah TY LOL so many things to think off in this gamme

  80. OMG have read every comment but still no idea what to do with moon paper!

  81. bobby I know. I press the buttons in order: 54252125. but nothing

  82. For the +/- clue, I think we look at the clocks in every room. In blue room the clock has 5 corners. The hour hand is left.

  83. LOL A jolly green giant statue in squarepants?

  84. HELP please... where are statues
    only have 2 from nailbox and obvious one from shelve

    stuck in yellow room

    where is blue key??

  85. eatezel, your combination worked for me. Now a room with lasers!

  86. Marijo start using lights from turned off positions... Then use each light switch according to the paper so it reflects the 4 quarters of the moon

  87. Reading comments wont help :(
    cant fins 2 statues
    no clue for 5 circles to push
    no blue key
    no ladder???
    footprints ?? what to do
    no hidden basement
    no moonpaper
    I am sooo lost!!!!

  88. Thanks, Leroy, done! What about the game with yellow lights?

  89. Clocks do not always turn clockwise.
    You must watch them very carefully.

  90. Sue clue for 5 buttons from using central blacklite on the plastic bag you got a key from (in the secret cellar room...)

  91. Sue we all are LOL been at this for hours....

  92. @marijo, the moon clue is confusing. It applies to the four light bulbs in the basement that can be turned on and off. Each moon symbol is divided into four parts, whichever part is yellow corresponds to which bulb should be lit. First moon is all black, that means all bulbs off. Second moon is 1/4 lit on the right, that means bulb #4 on. Third moon is 1/2 lit on the right, that means bulbs #3 and #4 on. Fourth moon is lit in the center portion, that means bulbs #2 and #3 on, and etc.
    Spoiler below if you need it.

    Start with all bulbs off
    4 on
    3, 4 on
    2, 3, 4 on
    2, 3 on
    3 on
    1, 3 on
    1, 2, 3 on
    1, 2, 3, 4 on

  93. Oh and Sue did you look again at the coloured numbers picture after hammering nails? The nail position according to buttons under 4 digit codebox should give you third statuette?

  94. @Sue, first in yellow room do the red faces puzzle(see comment 8.37) to have a switch

    put that swich on wall (bottom) in pink room and ladder appears

  95. Stuck in the red/pink room after activating the big statue. Found laser beams in basement but they don't seem to correspond to the sun and moon. Any hint?

  96. put jewel in mask, mask in green guy but does nothing?

  97. sun and moon paper? where is it? and there is a game with a yellow light that can't do! Help,please!

  98. marjio: push "up" button on green guy? and did you destroy the biggest statute to get the smallest one? use the yellow wedge on the backside of the biggest statue and hit it with the hammer.

  99. @Hans, already done everything you said. Is there a trick with the place for the statues?

  100. Now what? LOL how to get blue key?

  101. Hans, the lasers that are on are moon, the ones that are off are sun. I was doing it the other way around.

  102. @marijo, after you destroyed the biggest one to get the smallest statue, place them in the square alcoves according to their size. The biggest statue in the biggest alcove... everything else you've done is the same I did

  103. Finally made it into the blue room and am totally stuck again.

  104. in basement use flashlight under the X (bottom wall), got a sort of crank
    put it on wall on the left of tv and turn it to have paper moon

  105. @ seb TYTYTY had that switch long time!!! now I know why :)))

  106. @ gmm: I tried that, too, but in the wrong order, the order when you look into the direction of the stone with the gem... now it worked, tanks a lot!

  107. Lasers a clue for lights?

  108. Very difficult, now at gold room, I will wait the walkthrough :(

  109. I'm in the blue room, but I didn't solve the puzzle in the gold room with the four smiley faces. Where is the clue for that?

  110. Leroy, did you get into the laser room yet?

  111. The statuettes Gmm it is just a clue to size to alcove...

  112. Yeah I got gem placed in facemask put on giant green squarepants etc LOL I dont understand how to use the on\off lasers though

  113. I lost an statue. I have one from the nail box, one from the shelf, and dont remember when I found the other, but I need one.

  114. 9 lasers dont fit with 4\5 lightbulbs?

  115. Leroy
    to get the blue key, go to basement, where you got the gem for big statue. look which lasers are on or off from the wall to "door".
    moon is on, sun (orange dot) is off

  116. finally out!!!! thanks for all the help! great game!

  117. LOl Hotzenplotz just spoil me a solution 4am here and I just done see it

  118. Don't know how to go on. Placed statues, gem on mask, mask on green giant, pressed switch and then??

  119. I don' t understand what do with the game with 4 yellow lights
    I can see hint on a tombstone but stuck, help please?

  120. I have 3 statues, one of them is yellow. But I can't make it back. Where I must to click to make the statuette turn back?

  121. Same here Marijo, nothing happened

  122. LOST again

    where is gem downstairs??? placed statues but nothing happens

  123. where is moon paper??
    where is blue key???

  124. Sue, gem is at the end of the lasers, on a "tombstone".

  125. I'm stuck with the four statues and the mask. From the comments above, there seems to be a paper for the lightbulbs in the basement, but I can't find it anywhere. Does anyone know where to look?

  126. @ Sue for moon paper read my com 9.56 ;)

  127. @sue: you must to sove the puzzle with the lightbulbs, then a door open and you can go to the lasers room.

  128. lasers???

    have no lasers.... I am desperate...

    Have mask and lever - no paper no blue key?? what am I doing wrong??

  129. seb
    for the game with laser and mirrors: turn the mirrors by pressing the triangle-knobs, so the yellow light go through the N-shape. for yellow light press start. you need a bit timing for rotating mirror. (i think press start, if 3. light is on)

  130. Where is moon/sun paper????

  131. a help for puzzle game on wall with 4 yellow lights please ? always stuck

  132. LOL so somebody spoil the laser clue for me....

  133. Can someone tell how to hit the statue to obtain another? Scuse my english, please. I have a yellow statue, but it don't turn back.

  134. Ok. Got it. Didn't notice there were two pages of comments already. :-)

  135. @ Hotzenplotz, thanks, return to try

  136. Can't do the mirrors/lasers game, they move constantly!!!

  137. TY ppl finally got gem

    This is so confusing :)

  138. @ marijo and leroy: lasers in the basement, looking from stone with gem to the exit is

    off off on off on on on off on
    means in red/pink room push sun sun moon sun sun sun moon sun. off means sun, on means moon

  139. @ sarita in pink room - right poster of door
    you can take a triangle
    put this in back of biggest statue - then use hammer

  140. @ marijo. I think I started the laser / mirror game when the moving mirror in the middle was vertical.

  141. Ahhhhh! Trial and error for laser game, but what did it do after finished?

  142. Stuck in the blue room. Nothing left in inventory and can't find the tape. Haven't gotten any of the puzzles yet.

  143. seb - you access the basement through the pink room. The opening will be on the floor below the pink button. I can't remember what you had to do to get it to open though.

  144. @Hans, the fact is that I don't know which sun/moon you are talking about... I still have a TV without any clues...

  145. gmm:
    look in your green book: the signs on left page correspond to letter on right page. so you can tranlate some hints. the tape is in black-white-button safe. there is a solution at 8:31 AM

  146. And still nothing happens when I press the button under the green giant!

  147. LOL I look again after sleep... Do I require a remote control to start up the puzzle?

  148. Well, the green giant stood up eventually! Now let's see how to go on...

  149. if anyone is still here I am stuck in the gold room.

    I need to drain the water after picking up the 20lb weight/key box.

    Pushed hidden button in silver room as per clue paper, but nothing happened.


  150. @Hans, that combination doesn't work. Do I need sth else before pressing the buttons?

  151. well, figured out part of gold room. when in silver room find button on heart wall and use knife to activate buttons in gold room

  152. Help again pls

    Whre to input off / onn moon sun code

    in pink room theres a panel on wall
    but cant push buttons??

  153. no buttons in pink room ???

    do I have to activate them ?? how

    Have only tools in inventory ( and all keys)
    except the blue onw

  154. sue
    have you used your flashlight on standing green statue to activate the buttons?

  155. I must be missing something obvious. In gold room, after placing the weight on the key box and closing the door, I press the button on the floor but can't get the water to fill.

  156. Thank You Hotzenplotz Love you - lol

    always the little details

  157. This comment has been removed by the author.

  158. Wow, that was brutal yet satisfying. Just wish I could have understood all the text at the end.

  159. I have not a remote for tv in blue room. I must lose something.

  160. I'm in the blue room and I guess the thing to do next (after watching the TV movie for the numbers) is to play with the clocks. But I can't find a lever to turn the clocks on. Any hints?

  161. @sarita: you get the remote by following the directions on the projector screen after you lowered it, placed the flashlight and turned the lights off in the room.


  162. Stuck again on the blocks puzzle in yellow room.

  163. aridza:
    look at all clocks in all rooms, there are 7.
    some go clockwise (+) or counterclockwise (-). count sides of each clock for order (4->12) there are no 7 and 11

  164. man - I feel so stupid

    where is the zape pls? It must be obvious...
    but I cant find it

  165. Tape is in the black/white button safe, if I recall correctly. Use the Reversi game for button order.

  166. Please, how do you activate the water button on the floor of the gold room?

  167. I got it Hotzenplotz, I had the right code but I guess I played with the levers before and didn't reset, so it worked, I got the door to open, got the black guy, used him to open the big lock but now I'm stuck with e key and can't use it anywhere and can't get out of the big door (yet it's open with the green direction arrow) any idea?

  168. Ugh. Nevermind. I'll just come back later.

  169. aridza: I think you need to take the flashlight back to go through door...

  170. So close to the end! Place screwdrivers and rotated buttons clockwise and counterclockwise. I think I placed the keys correctly, because the screwdrivers automatically went back into my inventory. But I don't see that anything happened. I think I still need to do something with the box with the green symbols to the left of the blue doorway.

  171. thanks, I'm finally out after playing for hours

  172. OMG, this game is brilliant. Wish clue on bucket had down arrow between numbers instead of dash.

  173. Hint for black 20 lb weight and water column: Combine the key box with the weight in inventory, then place the combined item in the column. You can not put the items in the column individually, they must be combined first. Stuck for 1/2 an hour before breaking down and looked at comments.

  174. I can´t make sun/moon buttons work!!!

  175. Stuck at gold and pink rooms. I have 2 statutes and a mask, a wedge, a button with triangles, and a plastic bag with a symbol. Gold room - I've solved color blocks, nail/number, and the bars. Pink room more or less nothing. Not sure what to do next, can someone push me in the right direction?

  176. Oh, I think I've done something now... fell through a trapdoor

  177. What am I missing? I can't find a gem/jewel for the statue mask anywhere.

  178. Marijo: The right order for sun-moon puzzle is

    sun, sun , moon, sun,moon, moon,moon, sun, moon

  179. HAHA! That was funny.
    I just had enough and just cut all the colored ones just to see what happens and work my way thru that.

    And ... SOLVED by itself! ROFL...

    Great game!
    However, you should really take a day off for that....that's no 15-minute job...

  180. Ok, I am stuck again in gold/pink room. I need one more statue. I saw hint to use numbers from hammering nail.

    I see nail through:
    blue 7
    yellow 6
    red 9
    green 4

    I don't know where to put these numbers.

    (finally found the moon paper and gem though)

  181. I have also broken one statue open. Still missing one.

  182. I found the fourth statue.. thank you gmm!

  183. Note:

    We're about to reach to 400th comment.

    Find further comments in next page ("Newest" link)

  184. EnJoy, I need a paper and gem, where/how did you find them?
    I have all the statues and placed them but it doesn't seem to do anything. I have the mask but I think I need the gem to go further.

  185. Oh dear lord... finally got the blue key.

  186. Oh, POP, found a crank, now gotta remember where I saw a place to put it!

  187. What a great game!!!! I can't wait until I have time to continue it!!!1 400+ comments!

  188. OK, got the paper, seriously needing a gem now.

    @arbeit, I did exactly the same thing and only saw later the blocks/triange puzzle says "cut all"

  189. Got the gem and the green giant stood up...

  190. I have the remote. Not sure what to do after that. I see a comment that says to turn the the squares blue on the remote to match the picture, but they are already the same?

  191. and finally that friggin' blue key!

  192. Not quite there yet, Andrea.

    Still missing LARGEST statue, i. e. the one I need to pry open. Only got second largest, second smallest, and smallest.

    I bet mine is inside that wall safe with the 5 blue buttons in the pink room...but I haven't found a clue how to open it.

  193. I am finally out after many hours. never solved many things (smiley face puzzle in pink room, never saw video in blue room)

  194. well, I guess I am not out... have a black key and cant go through door that had the giant lock on it


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