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Gate Escape 7

[REPLAY] Gatamari - Gate Escape 7 is another Japanese point and click room escape game developed by Gatamari. In this epic game, your goal is to escape the place by finding items and hints to solve puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

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  1. Nope, can't get out. I guess the puzzle I never solved was in the yellow room??? Can't go through the big unlocked door

  2. Ok, making progress. Still not out, but in order to get through the big door you have to collect all of your "items" SD, Flashlight, knife etc... new room

  3. I'm where you are EnJoy, I can't get the order of the items right.

  4. @gmm since you're still around...

    can you please help me either how to get the largest statue or how to get that 5-button safe open in pink room?
    Running around in circles for minutes, not knowing what to do next...

  5. gmm... I am where you are . Can't get the order correct either and can't leave the room to look for hints in the rooms

  6. arbeitslooser - for the 5-button safe, you need to go downstairs, and put the plastic bag over the middle light bulb. Then turn off all the other bulbs and you'll see the pattern for the safe. I can't remember where the large statue was or I would be happy to tell you.

  7. arbeitslooser, I can't go into the rooms anymore. Describe the safe in the pink room. My last statue came from entering a code into a safe after looking at colored numbers w/ nails

  8. Yes, gmm is correct. follow the patter of the star shape that you get from the lightbulbs in the basement. turn all lights off first then put the plastic bag over the middle bulb.

  9. The hint for the last room looks like:

    Left side - Book, flashlight, SD, Key
    Right side - pointer, hammer, knife.

    just need to put them in the right spots

  10. gmm THE PLASTIC BAG! I would never got that idea. Thanks you very much. Now I'm a huge step further...

    (Well, I was wondering why were these bulbs still accessible, and not, as usual, frozen? :)

  11. Got it..

    From Hint - Turn Left then place the items I think from Right to left in the order:
    Book, Flashlight, Screwdriver.

    Turn Left; place key on single pedestal

    Turn Left and place items from Right to left
    knife, hammer, pointer

  12. I think you use the bulbs again with the moon paper hint. If you haven't done that already

  13. OK, after spending ALL DAY on this game, I have to say that it's BRILLIANT!!! And yes, I was yelling, but this game deserves it!

    Just one thing - I spent forever on the Moon Phases/Light Bulbs with no success whatsoever. Then I had the idea to press the big round light on the wall under the lights after each "Moon Phase". For example, bulb #4, press light, bulb #3, press light, bulb #2, press light, turn off bulb #4 (leaving just bulbs #2 and #3 on), press light, etc.

    I hope this helps someone!

  14. Finally OUT! That is the better part of a day that I will never get back!

    Did anyone solve the puzzle with all the smiley faces on it?

  15. Don´t know what to do after see the symbols on screen in blue room. Someone said to follow the order. How!?. Nothing else works in this room.

  16. Roberto, look at the book for the symbols

  17. Roberto,

    I think you look at the book, then go to the panel with all the colored squares and take your hammer and hit the squares that coordinate with the symbols on screen and book.

  18. Where do I have to use those symbols? I`looking at the book, but can´t get it. That hammer confuses me. Do I have to ebter numbers in keypad? It clicks but no numbers are shown.

  19. @arbeit, sorry I don't remember where the large statue was. Wish I'd refreshed sooner so I could tell you how to get the 5 buttons but someone gave you that clue before I could :)

  20. Ah! Thanks! 6 hours playing this game. Head spinning.

  21. No Roberto, use the panel on the wall that has colored squares. I think its 5x5. Find the symbols from the screen in the book. (also 5x5) and hammer the colored squares

  22. Helpful hint - take pictures of clues w/ mobile phone camera, then you can flip back through the hints when you need them. it is a lot easier than writing everything down

  23. Finally out after playing all day! I can't decide whether I loved or hated this game. I definitely couldn't have managed it without all the help here.

  24. Well. I got the remote but don´t know what to do with it. I´ll have a rest now. Saved the game and go waiting for a nice soul post a WT. About the pics, I copy and paste the screens in paint.

  25. @ Roberto...

    You point the remote at the number pad on the wall. Someone said that you have to make the blue squares on the remote the same as the blue squares on the wall (where you got the remote) plus add the black squares.. not sure. Also, you are suppose to be able to use it to see a film on the screen. I never was able to make it work.

    Good idea about using paint.. that is a bit beyond my computer skills (Most of the time)

  26. Anyone still there? Where is the book??

  27. I can't remember where the book is... it might be in your inventory already. it is green

  28. Good hint, EnJoy! It's the neon-green thing above 'about item'!

    And yes, it is possible that there are two endings. None of us has ever solved the puzzle with the 4 faces.

    However, chances are it's not a puzzle, but just an information! And it's simply saying: put in statues ordered by size.
    (since they've got all the '<' sign between them)

  29. Help with screwdrivers, please??

  30. Anyways...OUT!

    And I really only did this insanity because I feared losing my saved game due to an error and then having to replay up to this point again!


    BTW, I *CHEATED* a little bit with the clocks/screwdrivers puzzle!

    I just tried out the well-concealed clock (9 corners) in the basement, once with CCW, once with CW. (One version had to work! ;))

    However, I would like to know how you guys legitimately managed to activate it (if possible). Flashlight did not work, nor did ladder (can't move there, only within floor gaps).

  31. Please someone spoil the clocks.. I can not seem to get it

  32. @marijo
    You have to watch the clocks in ALL the rooms (there is one in the basement, but I wasn't able to activate it and had to guess counterclockwise/clockwise)

    Yes, I said watch. Some have no second hand, and you will have to be a little PATIENT to watch the minute hand move in normal, or in "abnormal" direction.

    This will tell you the arrow to click. (left = CCW, right = CW)

    If you can't get it, I can spoil away the sequence, but I'll wait with that.

  33. @gorfback, me neither! Don't understand how to press screwdrivers!

  34. @gorfback

    OK, you asked for it.
    (the 7 clocks have 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 (basement!), 10 and 12 corners)


  35. @arbeitslooser
    Thanks for the clocks.. I forgot about the one in the basement!

  36. Oh yes, that's a very sneaky one. And will never let you find the solution without, since the sequence would be 1 step shorter.
    Very mean! :P

  37. @arbeit, have watched them, but how to apply that to screwdrivers?

  38. Not at all!

    Just INSERT the screwdrivers, to get the thing activated, and press the fiery red down arrows for counterclockwise/clockwise. :)

  39. @arbeitslooser, many many thanks! what about the symbols now? how to move or push them?

  40. If you mean the sun/moon stuff, please refer to the previous page, there is a very good explanation already, and also for the following puzzles.

  41. No, I mean the symbols that appear on the left of where we used the screwdrivers, where now there is place for the keys. Do I have to place the keys there ina ny order?

  42. Okay, I really need someone to point out the apparently obvious part of this that I'm not seeing. In the gold room, I combined the 20 lb weight with the key box and put them in the little glass door. I close the door. I push the blue button on the floor and nothing happens. I should also mention the little button above the blue square button is black, like it's inactive. Oh, for goodness sake! I was supposed to dump the bucket of water through the grill! Mystery solved. Well, I'll leave my silly wonderings here in case anyone else has the same problem.

  43. Yes! Let me give away as much as that :)

    - Have ALL 6 keys (this is a MUST)
    - Put them in so that they give readable letters
    - Use your (after all that jazz hopefully still functioning) brain to think of a logical English word
    - Order the letters so that the word is sensible, and memorize the color sequence used for that...

    Then, how to put the keys in, should be self-explanatory :)

  44. Thanks, done! Let's try to go out now!

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. I'm finally out too. All I can say is WOW that was what you call an escape game! Took me all day WITH hints!

    Some stuff was (to me) easy and obvious, but a lot of headscratchers... so many rooms and so many puzzles, hard to keep track of everything like that crank which took me forever to find. Thank you everyone for the hints!

  47. hoping someone does a serious walkthrough! everyones posts have been a great help but i am so stuck now. going to come back later to see if a walkthrough is done. this one is fun but hard at times.....

  48. Very good game and excellent cooperation from all the players! Thank you very much!!!!

  49. i do have to say i don't know what anyone was talking about with lasers in the basement. there are light bulbs but no lasers. so please, please do a walkthrough

  50. brin3m, you need to open the yellow portal underneath the lightbulbs to get to the laser room. If I remember correctly, you need the clue paper with the moon symbols on it to use on the lightbulbs to open it.

  51. thanks gmm but i have the paper and keep trying the lights but it doesn't make sense.....dying for a video i have to click on the switch underneath each time i click on a light? or only after i do what i think is the pattern....which i can't tell since i didn't understand the previous posts.....thanks for trying to help.....still trying...

  52. I've been playing this game on and off all day. Amazing!! Thanks for all the help, EG24 community. I couldn't have done it without you!!

  53. well finally got the portal to open and can see lasers.
    now where is that gem? plus how do i turn off the lasers? i am assuming it has something to do with the right left buttons that don't do anything....
    and someone said something about a tombstone for the gem but is that for the mask? because that is the one i am trying to find and checked all the other tombstones, nada......still searching....

  54. wow, that was weird! got throught the lasers but don't know how! oh well! have gem and am happy!

  55. Q brin3m

    I started to write a walkthrough about four hours ago and my head exploded when I got to the third room...

  56. T White. sorry about your head :(
    thanks for trying. got giant to stand but don't understand how to get blue key.....still wandering around trying to figure out what i am not doing right....

  57. @ brin3m

    Shine the flashlight at the giant's head.

  58. Thanks again T white i just did! so now on with the game! must save now. got so far! finally. What a game!

  59. @ brin3m

    There's more to do...LOL!

  60. Good gracious! Finally out 25 hours later. I almost blew it at the end because I forgot to take back my screwdrivers. I'm guessing this would've been at least slightly easier without the language barrier. Strange that all the game elements were in English, but the text was in Japanese. And boy there's nothing like ending an excrutiatingly long puzzle with an excrutiatingly long animation featuring text I can't understand. I'm not sure how I would rate this. For degree of difficulty it certainly deserves 5 stars. For enjoyability, I don't know.

    Big thanks to all who left a trail of bread crumbs for those like me who got lost so often.

  61. oh no! got through the blue room (thanks to the post on the clocks!) but now have to figure out where to put i go!

  62. :( can't get the pedestals.

  63. @brin3m, starting on the wall with the hint poster, go left to the 3 pedestals. If I remember correctly: Reading counterclockwise on the hint poster, you see symbols (Emerald book), a black circle (flashlight), and a +/- sign (screwdriver). Then you keep going counterclockwise around the room, matching each pedestal to a clue (also CCW on the hint poster). The keyhole = the key, the ----- line = the knife, and the other (don't remember) = pointer.
    Enjoy posted SPOILER above at 4:38 p.m.

  64. @T White, seems I forgot the hammer! Thanks for posting the correct answer.

    You must have used that wet towel from way early in the game to wipe your brains off the wall after your head exploded ;o) Does this mean you'll do a WT? You would be a true EG24 hero!

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. @ zoz

    Got it! Finally!
    I forgot to include the FlashLight!

    As for the walkthrough, I have so many characters in the text document that it would have to be split into multiple posts. And that is only as I enter the third room!!!
    I have no idea how I would split such a large text document into multiple posts.

  67. Place your items in inventory on the podiums as follows:

    From right to left (clockwise)

    FL (torch)

  68. @T White, have you ever played the first Dream House game? There were almost 1600 comments! KitKatFox wrote an epic WT, split into 10 or more posts.
    Maybe you could do one post for each room? Or maybe a video WT, although those require scrolling and/or waiting for the spot where you're stuck.
    This is a game that deserves a WT!

  69. hey zoz, I remember starting Dream House and getting about halfway through before giving it up as too huge. I'd like to work on a WT (or a part of it) but it will have to be tomorrow....

  70. I'm still stuck in the silver room - anyone doing a 'room by room walkthrough' ? (none of the comments or hints have helped me - that's why I'm asking)

  71. OK, I'll try to help you. So at what point are you stuck in the silvery one exactly?

  72. Hello - I've got a green ball with I/1 on it, a gold ball, and a tile with 2 on it - I can't do the 4 pink buttons in the heart room, or the tiny blue balls puzzle, or the one near the door - I've seen the hint on the wall with the heart/club/spade/diamonds going round what was the triangle puzzle but don't get any of it - Gee I hope that makes sense! Going slightly nuts I think !

  73. At least to me it does make sense. :)

    - The "tiny blue balls puzzle" is not a puzzle at all. It's a display with one hidden button you can press there with ... well with an "auxiliary tool" ;)

    Next thing to do for you is INDEED the heart/diamond/spade/clubs thing.

    -- Where are the card symbols placed in the room?
    (bottom left? top right? etc.)

    -- Starting point to "translate" the card symbols to directions is where the arrow on the panel with 4 pink buttons starts, too. Then go clockwise, as the arrow shows you.

    Hope this helps :)

  74. Thank you @arbeitslooser - I think my brain is fried from trying everything - still can't get out of this silver room - Thank you for attempting to help this feeble blonde but I give up

  75. I'm still stuck since yesterday at the clock thing. How do you turn the clocks on. There is a switch with on/off written in the alphabet from the Emerald book, but I can't move it to the on position. Do I need a lever and where can I find it? Or is there something else that needs to be done first?

  76. I'm still stucked at the statues, in what order do you place them. I tried big in big, small in small and so on, but nothing happened.

  77. Still stuck at the blue room after getting remote. Can´t change the screen, cause I can´t place my flashlight inside pedestal anymore. It´s deactivated and don´t know how to set my blue saquares remote buttons up.

  78. When I use my control on colored squares at the wall, it plays a cutscene, and I can see there´s something behind those squares, but can´t get anything from. Is that suposed to happen?

  79. Epic game indeed..... however I can't make anything work in the Blue room - have translated everything.... and hate to be so stuck so close to the end... can anyone get me started please?

  80. Hi chris. Have you got the tape from white and black buttons yet? You have to combine tape, extended pointer and knife to cut the rope and release the screen down.

  81. I guees I have a glitch in my game? Any help pls?

  82. Thanks Roberto but I can't get the black/white buttons to work - using BBBWBWB is not working for me unfortunately...... got the torch in and guess without tape can go no further.....

  83. Thanks Roberto - now I have knock 12 tv?????? ARRRRGGHHH!

  84. Finally out!

    One of the best escape games ever! I wish I could give it more than five stars!

  85. Code I get from colored squares doesn´t work on numberpad?

  86. Roberto, trying to come to your rescue!

    Have you ever ABOUT ITEM'd the remote?
    There is a puzzle directly ON the remote.

    Once you solve it correctly, AND "fire" the remote on the 5x5 grid with colored squares, it goes "abracadabra :)

  87. Many thanks arbeitslooser. I`m finally out too.
    Congrats to the author. It was an incredible game.

  88. Still stuck in the blue room... I think I got the code for the tv saw part of a film and a #6 and that's it! What have I missed? Congrats Roberto!

  89. Stuck in blue room after opening the panel with the screwdrivers. I see 6 keys which partly hide letters and left from this panel there are 6 keyholes and figures from the emerald book above them. How do I get the keys out of the panel or do I have to do something else?

  90. @ Chris, watch the video again, it gives you a 6 digit code!

  91. @Hans - can't see much lots of red squares in the way the only clear number is 6.... do I have to hit it again? Remote squares won't come up again so I presume it's done...

  92. the numbers are not always writen, for example, the first number comes from the bookshelf after some of the books fell out, the rest of the books form a number.


  93. Any1 still around??

    I dont know what to do with remote?ß the blue squares?
    Any help pls

  94. @ unknown: press buttons on remote control so they turn blue according to the blue AND black buttons you see in the square button picture on the wall

  95. Now, this game is something special. Seldom do you see so much thought and work put into a game, and equally seldom so you see a game that's this long, still this good. That's tough, but only tough enough to keep on pushing, not too tough to give up. Where logic is such a key part of solving the puzzles.

    Close to immaculate. The easiest 5-star rating I've given here.


  96. Thank you Hans

    finally made it out. Awsome game!! loved it

    So who writes a wt :))

  97. Roberto, this was serious?
    You were indeed stuck because you missed to inspect the remote closely?

    If so, I am honored to have helped a lost soul out of their misery. :)

  98. Anyone Up for a Walkthrough?

    OK, how about this: If we get enough volunteers, everyone can take one room (maybe 2) for a WT. That way it's not so overwhelming.
    What do you say @T White, Andrea, arbeitslooser, Roberto, anyone else? I'll do my share! I will start at the beginning with the first room a bit later today, unless someone else wants that room (@T White, I know you've already written a few rooms)

  99. Hi @zoz!! :) I loved this game and would love to make a WT. It would take me forever though! I started writing, but I'm not done with the first room, and that's after more than 1 hour! lol! I get interrupted all the time, and it would probably take a couple of days to finish. Do you want to write? Or just "i will if i have to? We could write a few rooms each if you want to hop in. I'll go on writing in a couple of hours from now. Maybe I should start from a room later in the game?

  100. Ellie!!! I can't imagine why/how you get interrupted, lol (tell Miss Tessie to behave!).
    I'll try starting with the third room (don't remember the color - I'll have to start again). Meanwhile, maybe someone else will join us?
    I'm so glad you're going to write - you write the best WT's! (OK, maybe tied with kkf!)

  101. Could someone give me a hint on how to get started? Feeling incredibly dumb! But I haven't figured out how to get through a single door.

  102. @chelle, to start, zoom on the large gold lock and take the green key from inside the keyhole. That key will open the green door.

  103. Haha @zoz, make that "you write the longest walkthroughs"! Tessie is playing with Edgar, so I have to tell them both to behave ;) It's her bedtime soon though, and I'll go on with the writing. I'm glad you are helping! Your WT's are not so bad either...! :D

  104. OK, here's a walkthrough for the 1st room:

    Gatamari 12 Green Room
    Start: You have several tools in inventory and a book to translate symbols to words. You start out facing the giant lock. Look inside the lock for a green key. Turn around (left or right 3 times) and open the green room. Note, there's no harm in taking back each key after you unlock a room, just so you have it when you need it.

    Green room:
    First clue on the tombstone is +-+-... This for the puzzle to your right. You need to traverse it (any start or finish) so that you are clicking + and - alternately. This is very easy and the puzzle will conveniently show you which ones you can and can't click. This opens the safe below the puzzle with numbers, and gives you a cloth. Note the colors on the puzzle match the colors on the floor.

    Turn left to the picture of the olympic rings. use your handy ninja screwdriver set (for some reason, Gatamari's animation of slashing and sending things flying never fails to amuse me) and take the frame. Go back to the floor safe and put the frame on to get a series of numbers with colors and circles. The circles represent the operations + - x on the puzzle above.

    Keep in mind this is a DIAGONAL line and you have to look at it as if it was horizontal. Do your math. Remember multiply comes first. (58 * 46) - 91 + (72 * 30). Put this number into the safe to the left and get a valve.

    Turn left, use the valve on the faucet, wet your cloth. Go back to the mucky olympic rings picture and clean it off. Take a good look at it and note which rings actually INTERLOCK with each other - not just sitting on top, but connected.

    Take a U turn to the puzzle by the door and turn on the lights for each intersection. Do it in both directions, i.e. mirror down the diagonal. Get a wheel. Place it on the pipe to the right and give it a turn to get a box.

    Take the box, use your ninja drivers and get a key for the silver room. You're pretty much done here although you will be returning later for some water, and to look at the clock.

  105. Great Green Room WT @ Andrea! I will start on the Gold Room now (although it will take me a while!)

  106. Thanks, I'm working on the silver room, but having trouble getting past its first puzzle! :)

  107. I see you are writing as well @Andrea! Great (since your wt is way easier to read than mine). I just finished the first (green) room as well, and since I spent quite some time there, I'd like to post it even if you already put a wt here. I hope you don't mind! Different WT's for different tastes. The more the better... :)
    I'll go on to write a couple of more rooms as well, since I really enjoyed this game.

  108. Stuck in gold room with 6 button panel (after weight problem and heart room wall slash) since yesterday. See raised stone 6x6 matrix, certainly looks like the clue. 8 arrows point to 8 symbols, which doesn't help. One row of 6 has no arrows, but using that doesn't work. Rows don't have duplicates, so it isn't that. Stuck..

  109. Gold Room WT

    First, open the door and take back the Gold Key for later.

    Check out the tombstone, then go right. You're goal is to get the balances on the wall to look like those on the tombstone ( \,\,-- ).
    You only have a grey 2 weight, so look in the cubbyhole to the right of the balances and take the blue ? weight. (You will have to figure out the weights for each ? in order to solve the four digit code by the tombstone).

    Go left twice and take the orange ? weight from the wall cubbyhole, then go left again and take the yellow ? weight.

    Back to the balances: Starting with the middle balance with the pink 5 weight, add the 2 to the left and the blue ? to the right. It's balanced! So 5 + 2 = blue ? = 7.

    On the first balance, trial and error will show that red ? = orange ? + yellow ?.
    Also, red ? + yellow ? = 2 + orange ?. Both orange ? and yellow ? are less than red ? Plugging in red ? = 4, yellow ? = 1, and orange ? = 3 satisfies all the criteria so far.

    On the third balance, yellow ? + blue ? = green ? So, green ? must be greater than blue 7. If yellow ? = 1, then green ? = 8.

    Now, go left and enter the four digit code for the Orange, Yellow, Blue, and Red numbers and take the cyan 6 weight.


    So, to get the correct pattern on the balances as seen on the tombstone, place the weights as follows:
    red ? < orange ? + grey 2, pink 5 < cyan 6, and blue ? + yellow ? = green ?

    Press the Open button on the orange trap door below the balances and take the 20 weight. Open the glass door on the lower right and place the 20 weight on top of the Key box (still in your inventory) and then place the assembly in the lower right and close the door.

    Take the 6-III bucket filled with water that you used to hold down the lever in the Silver Room and pour the water into the floor grate to fill it. Then press the blue button and the water will flow into the area behind the glass column, lifting the 20 weight. Press the upper green button beside the glass column to move the hook over to lift the 20 weight, then empty the water by pressing the blue button on the floor grate, causing the 10 weight to lift and the little cart will go down the ramp and end up in the cubbyhole where you can take it. Whew!

    Take the paper Heart X clue from the cart. Go back to the Silver Room to the wall with the Heart, select the paper Heart X clue and hold it over the lower center wall until you get a pulsing grey area. Now use the Cutter from inventory to cut the wall over the pulsing area and press the Green Button.

    Now the Lever in the Gold Room is activated. Lower the lever and the tombstone rises to reveal some hieroglyphics. Look at the clue on the wall beside the door. From left to right, you want the tombstone symbol from the first column, second row; then the second column, first row; then the third column, sixth row, etc.
    Go right to the puzzle on the clock wall and use the buttons to change the symbols so they match the clue.


    it will look something like CUTALL, but the A is a triangle.


    Press the Open button and use the Cutter on the rope. Now you've opened the Ghost Ladder beside the door. You should really solve this yourself, by pressing colored buttons to cut colored rungs on the ladder so that all the symbols end up in the correct spot when you press Start.

    When you get it right, the picture to the left of the door raises to reveal a plastic bag with a Yellow Key. Use the Cutter to open the bag and take the key.

    Now you're ready for the next room!


    just cut all of the colored rungs, lol.

  110. Ah, the picture of the weights next to the door relate to the tombstone, now I'll see if I can figure out how on my own. Thanks @zoz for the wt

  111. Silver room:
    Lots of mysterious things here. But what starts it off is the usual tombstone clue, which is a yellow circle in a green box, and that you'll need 18 of them. This puzzle is on the right wall, in the middle.

    Click the arrows to send a beam either halfway or all the way across the board. Where you get 4 in a tight square you will get a yellow circle. You have to figure out how to get 18 circles. I found this one really hard and the other two puzzles seemed easier, but maybe that was because the first one gave me a feel for how to get the desired number.

    Solve this and you get a green ball (I/1) and instructions for the next puzzle -- 13 blue squares. Solve this one, get a plain orange ball and instructions for the next puzzle -- 19 red triangles. The 3rd puzzle gives you an oblong chip with "2" on it.

    And because I'm such a wonderful person, I've got solutions for all of them:

    That last puzzle will send you off with a series of card symbols which conveniently match symbols on the wall.

    U-turn for the next stop: you know you're going to need that bucket. Rule 14: Any escape game with a bucket will require that bucket to be filled. But sadly, that glass is ninja-hammer-proof. The wall symbols are:
    Heart - top left
    Club - bottom left
    Spade - top right
    Diamond - bottom right
    Start with the club on the right edge and proceed clockwise to click the corresponding positions, and you have a bucket. Go back to the green room and fill it up!

    So you've come back to the silver room and undoubtedly you've played with the lever and seen how it pops open that weird contraption on the wall that tells you the chances of getting it in the hole are 1 in 1,000,000. Hang your bucket there and your chances increase to 1/1. But now you need a ball, and orange and green aren't doing it for you.

    Notice your green ball with the 1/I. The bucket has 6-III. Now this is a bit of a stretch but it does relate to the grid of blue dots high up on the wall. The green dot is at coordinates 1, 1. Take your handy ninja not-a-laser pointer and poke the blue dot on the 6th row, 3rd column and voila!

    Turn in your orange and green balls for a blue ball. Drop that puppy in and get yet *another* ball. Red in colour. Turn to the last puzzle, by the door, and insert to activate the panel. But you don't have a clue for it! In frustration, you turn to the right, and notice the panel high up on the wall has changed.

    Starting from the green dot, click left and right as indicated for ... a door that needs some oil, really. But the ninja not-a-laser-pointer overcomes all difficulties and gets you ... the olive room key.

    You will be coming back here to look at the clock, and for something... hidden...

  112. I'm going to take a break before trying another room. I look forward to your Green Room WT @Ellie, and your Silver Room WT @Andrea.

    Anyone who wants to do another room, please post your intention here so we'll all know what's taken and what's left.

    @Tiquer, I hope my WT answered your question...

  113. Hi everyone! I' ve started the game since yesterday... Now, I'm at gold room. I've done everything with the weights and now I'm trying to put the symbols on the 6 button puzzle. I thought the painting on the wall was a hint, but whatever I try doesn't work... PLEASE! Someone give a hint about the symbols from that column...

  114. Nice job on the gold room, zoz! You're much kinder than I am -- you give spoilers :)

  115. I think I'll leave it at the two, zoz... hopefully others will step up to the plate?

  116. Elle, please do post your green room, I think I'm done so if you want to do one of the others too, that'd be great!

  117. ok, i just saw the walkthrough and it' s really helpfull! Thanks Zoz! Now I'm at pink room trying to solve that puzzle with the dolls's head.

  118. and we all owe great thanks to Gatamari, the game is perfect! It made lots of brains spin and spin like crazy!

  119. Can someone help me? I have the three statues and the triangle piece and the hammer. I cannot get any of the statues to turn around and using both the triangle and the hammer on them does nothing. Do I have to set the statue down somewhere or what?

  120. Ok I needed four statues apparently. So that's solved, except I can't figure out statue order. ARGH.

  121. @sarah, the clue to the statue order is the "smiley picture". It tells you to place the biggest statue in the biggest hole, the smallest in the smallest hole etc.

  122. I finished writing for the green room and the silver room (the same ones as posted by Andrea above). Read her WT's for a quicker guide to these rooms :)
    I played the gold room, following your WT @zoz, and it's perfect! :D
    I have to take a break from writing now (bedtime here). I'll go on tomorrow if there are any rooms left!

    I post spoilers/answers to puzzles after each room. Many of the puzzles have several possible solutions.

    Click to zoom on the key hole of the huge padlock and take the GREEN KEY from inside the hole.
    Move right 3 times and use the key to unlock the green room.
    Take the key back.

    Use your screwdrivers (they are in the inventory from start) to remove the brown FRAME of the picture.
    Note the “+” and “-“ clue on the stone.
    The green jewel on the stone tells this clue goes to the puzzle with a similar green jewel.

    Turn right.
    Note the time and shape of the clock.
    Solve the +/- puzzle.
    Hint from stone in 1st view.
    You will see a new color clue on the +/- board.
    The lid on the floor opens and from inside you can take a CLOTH.
    You will also see numbers, like the ones on the frame you got from 1st view.
    Open your frame from inventory with “about item”.
    Click the red arrow to turn it around.
    Place it on the floor, on top of the new numbers to combine them.
    You will see 58 O 46 O 91 O 72 O 30, and colors on 46, 91, and 72.
    Like this: Numbers.

    Move left, to the first view in this room.
    Solve the 4-digit safe.
    Hint: +/- colorclue, frame and floor numbers.
    Get a TAP KEY.

    Turn left (to the pipes).
    Use the tap key to turn the water tap on (lower right part of the pipe).
    Put water on your cloth.

    Go right (back to first view).
    Use the wet cloth on the pic with Olympic rings.
    Note the way the rings are twisted into each other.

    Turn left or right twice (exit door).
    Solve the square puzzle on the wall (make the “important” tiles white).
    Hint: Olympic rings.
    Get a WHEEL.

    Turn right (pipes).
    Place the wheel in the middle of the pipe, and click to turn.
    Get a BOX.
    Use your screwdrivers on the box to open and get a SILVER KEY.
    Leave this room, turn right twice and use the key to open the silver door.
    Take the key back.


    +/- wall puzzle
    The hint tells to start with a +, and click alternating + and -.
    Find a way to click all the 16 buttons.
    One way is to click the buttons from 1 to 16 as shown below.
    7, 9, 10, 11
    6, 8, 13, 12
    5, 4, 1, 14
    3, 2, 16, 15

    4 digit safe
    Use the numbers you get from combining the pic frame with the floor clue: 58 O 46 O 91 O 72 O 30.
    Look at the diagonal colors on the solved +/- puzzle. Turn the diagonal 45 degrees to make it horizontal, and note which mathematical symbols are on each side of the colors.
    It will be like this: x pink – yellow + blue x
    Insert these signs in your number equation according to the colors you see on numbers 46, 91, and 72.
    Do the maths: 58 x 46 – 91 + 72 x 30 = 4737
    Answer: 4737
    Picture of the solution.

    Clickable squares next to the door
    The colors for the rows and columns are the same as the colors of the Olympic rings on the wall. Make sure you used the wet cloth on the ring picture.
    Look carefully at which rings are attached to each other, and mark those squares on the wall puzzle.

    For example; the red ring is only attached to the yellow ring.
    Click the squares marked by red/yellow coordinates in both directions (first row, 3rd column and third row, 1st column).
    Do the same with all intersections from the rings.
    yellow ring is attached to: green, blue, black, red
    blue is attached to: yellow, green
    green is attached to: yellow, black, blue
    black is: green, yellow
    The solution will be (w=white square, b=black):
    Picture of the solution.


    Nothing to do yet in the first view.
    Note the position of the pink clubs on the wall.
    Note the yellow circle times 18 clue on the stone.

    Turn right
    Note the position of the spade on the wall.
    There are three puzzles on this wall; square, diamond and hexagon.
    If you click the arrows on the edges of the puzzles, you will see different shapes and colors.
    The middle puzzle will give you yellow circles.
    Solve this puzzle.
    Get a GREEN 1/I BALL.
    See a new clue: blue square times 13.
    Since you solved the green puzzle, you know what’s next.
    Solve the left puzzle with blue squares.
    Get an ORANGE BALL, and a new clue: red triangle times 19.
    Solve the right puzzle.
    Get a NUMBER 2 TILE.
    Note the new clue on the puzzle – card symbols.

    Turn right and note the position of the diamond on the wall.
    Also, note the time and shape of the clock.

    Turn right.
    Note the position of the heart shape on the wall.
    See the clue; 6-III written on the bucket.
    Zoom on the panel with lots of blue marbles, and only one green marble.
    Select the pointer (above the hammer) from your inventory and view it.
    Click the pointer to extend it.
    Use this long pointer to press one of the blue marbles on the wall puzzle.
    When you click the correct one, you will open the panel below the puzzle.
    (No, you don’t have to brute force and try them all, even if that is possible. There are enough clues to know which one to press.)
    Place your orange and green balls in the holes in the panel.
    Get a BLUE BALL.
    Look at the puzzle with 4 pink squares, above the bucket.
    Click them in correct order to solve them.
    Hint – card symbols on “solved red triangle puzzle, and on the walls.
    Take the BUCKET.

    Go back to the green room and turn left.
    Fill the bucket with WATER from the open safe in the wall, left of the pipes.

    Go back to the silver room.
    Place the bucket with water on the lever in the first wall, to keep it down.
    Zoom on the “machine” in the wall, right of the lever.
    Instead of the red 1/100000 the numbers turned to green 1/1.
    Place the blue ball in the hole in upper right corner.
    Zoom out and get a RED BALL from below the “machine”.

    Turn left or right twice (door view).
    Zoom on the panel left of the door.
    Place the red ball inside the red circle to activate the panel.
    Now, you need a left/right button clue.
    Turn right and look at the blue/green marble puzzle in top right corner again.
    Now, there is an arrow and some red marbles.
    Use this to solve the left/right button puzzle left of the exit door.
    The panel below the puzzle is stuck.
    Zoom to see a key inside.
    Use the enlarged pointer from inventory to get the GOLD KEY.
    Take the BUCKET WITH WATER back from the wall and leave this room.
    Go right three times and use the key to open the gold room.
    Take the key back.


    Yellow circle puzzle
    Use the clue from the stone; 18 yellow circles.
    Click the arrows around the corners of the puzzle to make the middle of the puzzle contain 18 circles, no more, no less.
    When done, click “ok”.
    There are many possible solutions to this, here is one:
    Picture of the solution.
    If you can’t open pictures, here is another description:
    Number the arrows 1-12 (like in a clock).
    -Click arrow 7 and 12 once (short lines).
    -Click all other arrows twice each (long green lines).

    Blue square puzzle
    Do the same as before, but this time you need 13 blue squares, told from the clue you get when you solve the yellow circle puzzle.
    Picture of the solution.
    Solution in words:
    -Click the three arrows on right side of the puzzle twice each (long lines).
    -Click the three arrows on bottom side of the puzzle twice each (long lines).
    -Click the left and right arrows on top side twice each (long lines), but don’t click the middle arrow at all.
    -Click the top and middle arrow on left side twice each (long lines) and the bottom arrow only once (short line).
    Press “ok”.

    Red triangle puzzle
    Picture of the solution.
    -Click all arrows twice (long lines).
    -Click one more time on the arrow closest to the “ok-button” – to remove the line.
    -Press “ok”.

    Blue and green marble panel.
    The 1/I on the green ball in your inventory tell you there is a green marble in row 1, column I (roman number 1) on the puzzle.
    The clue 6 – III tell you to click the blue marble in row 6, column III (count from upper left corner).
    Picture of the solution.

    4 pink square buttons
    The circular arrow on the panel shows where to start (middle right side).
    Look at the card symbols on the solved red triangle puzzle.
    Start from middle right side and move clockwise.
    The order will be (c=club, s=spade, h=heart, d=diamond):
    Now, use the positions of these symbols on the walls in the room to relate them to one of the four buttons each.
    Club = lower left corner
    Spade = top right corner
    Diamond = lower right corner
    Heart = top left corner
    The order to click the buttons (c,s,h,d,h,c,s,s,d,h) will be:
    lower left, top right, top left, lower right, top left, lower left, top right, top right, lower right, top left, ok

    Left and right button puzzle
    The clue is the red marbles on left and right side of the black arrow (starting from the green marble in top left corner). This clue appears on the heart wall, after placing the red ball.
    Follow the arrow and see the marbles as:
    right, right, left, left, left, left, right, left
    Press the buttons and then “ok”.

  127. GOLD ROOM WT posted above (3/21/13, 12:31 PM), by zoz!

  128. LOL! I just got to the BLUE ROOM while writing
    a walkthrough and see that y'all are almost done.
    Oh well. Here's some more...


    34. Look at the monument for a clue to the
    puzzle on the left wall. The Happy Face is
    sitting on a gold square. Zoom in on the
    puzzle and see the Sad Face all the way on
    the TR. The gold square is on the BL. I
    guess we have to move the colored squares
    to get the little face to the BL. Before we do
    that though, grab the little STATUE that is
    nailed to the wall. While zoomed in on the
    NAILS, use your HAMMER to pound them
    in. You will hear metallic "clinking" sounds.

    35. Turn to the door view and zoom in on the
    PINK KEY behind some cracked glass. Use
    your HAMMER to finish the job. Oops! An
    alarm went off and bars came down to block
    the door. Oh well! Grab the PINK KEY.
    Notice that there are 7 bars on the door. To
    the left of the door is a panel with 7 buttons.
    Hmmm... A grey arrow at the top goes from
    large to small and left to right. Notice the
    gray colors on the 7 bars. You need to press
    the 7 buttons in the order longest to shortest
    representing the grey marks on the bars. The
    order is 6,3,4,2,7,1,5. Press the buttons in
    that order and then press OK. There! The door
    is open again. But there are still puzzles to
    solve in here.

    36. Go back to the Sad Face puzzle. Pressing
    the colored buttons at the bottom moves the
    colored blocks. The red buttom moves the Sad
    Face guy. There is a RESET button at TL.

    Thanks to seb the order to press is:
    and RRR

    37. When you're done an ARROW BUTTON
    will fall from a hole near the ceiling. Grab it.
    Turn to the monument view. On the left is a
    strange entry pad that needs a 4-digit code.
    When you press the buttons they make that
    same "clinking" noise that the nails made.
    Somehow, each nail has a number value.

    38. Leave the YELLOW ROOM and open the
    PINK DOOR then take back the key. Enter the
    PINK ROOM and turn right. Look at the picture
    of the colored circles on the wall. You can see
    nails on the BLUE 7, YELLOW 6, RED 9, and
    GREEN 4. Go back to the YELLOW ROOM
    and zoom in on the NAIL/NUMBER keypad.
    I'm not certain how the color order was to be
    firured out but luckily gmm DFed it. The
    code is 9476. Press OK and grab your second
    STATUE. Look to the right of the monument
    and see a clue about 4 STATUES from large
    to small.

    39. Turn to the right and see a big GREEN
    STATUE with 4 cubby holes around him.
    This is where the statues will go. Leave this
    room for now and go back to the PINK ROOM.

  129. PINK ROOM

    40, The is a monument with a clue for a
    puzzle with reflecting mirrors. To the left is
    a MASK on a shelf. Grab it. The only puzzle we can
    solve in here right now is the mirror puzzle on
    the right.


    You have to press the buttons to rotate
    the mirrors so a beam of light goes from
    TR to BL in a reverse "N" path. You can't control
    the center mirror so trial and error is required.

    Make the 8 mirrors you control look like this:

    / \ /
    | |
    | \ /

    Press the START button. Try to time it so the
    rotating mirror is goin straight up. There are 4
    yellow lights on the right. It seems to work best
    to press START about when the 3dr light is lit.

    When you get it right, a hole will open near the

    41. Turn to the door view. On the left is a
    picture of a GREEN GIANT with a mask. There
    is light coming from a hole and reflecting off
    the mask. We have seen a GREEN STATUE
    and we have a MASK. We also just opened
    a hole in the wall. So...

    42. To the right of the door Is a picture of a
    green man holding a BLUE KEY. There are
    some yellow triangles as well. Click on the
    largest one and get a WEDGE.

    43. Turn to the left and notice a little square
    hole in the middle of the wall near the floor.
    Looks like a goor spot for that ARROW
    BUTTON. Put it in and press it.

    44. Uh Oh! Now you've fallen into a GREY


    45. Theres a ladder here. There are arrow
    button on three of the walls. There is a
    LIGHTBULB PUZZLE and a clue for the

    46. The LADDER is in the wrong spot to
    be able to climb out so you have to click
    the arrow buttons to move it around. The
    buttons will only work if it if lit. Press the
    buttons to move the ladder. When the
    ladder covers the FOOTPRINTS STOP!
    This is the clue for the puzzle from the
    bottom to the top:


    47. Continue press the arrow buttons
    until the ladder is in the middle of the trap
    door. Before you leave, remember the
    little picture of the lightbulb on that BAG
    you have? Well this is the place to use it.
    Put the BAG on the middle bulb. Now
    turn off the other 4 lights. A clue appears.
    This is for the five purple buttons

    Climb up.


    48. Back in the PINK ROOM so turn to the
    monument view. Zoom in on the FOOTPRINT
    PUZZLE and enter the code. Press OK
    when you're done. Aha! There is your 3rd
    STATUE! Turn left ans zoom in of the 5
    purple buttons. Using the positions as a clock
    they would be at 12, 3, 5, 7 and 9. Press the
    buttons in the order and direction of the clue:

    9, 3, 7, 12, 5, 7, 9, 12

    Then press OK.
    Aha! The 4th STATUE!

  130. 49. Go back to the YELLOW ROOM and
    the GREEN GIANT. Place the statues in the
    cubbies and press the button at the bottom
    of the statue. Ugh! Nothing happens. "About
    item" the largest STATUE and click ob the
    side of it to turn it around. There is a slot
    there on the back. Inster the WEDGE and
    then hit it with the HAMMER. Ah! Sneaky!
    The largest STATUE is actually the
    smallest. Place the STATUES again.
    Now go back to the PINK ROOM and go
    to the GREY BASEMENT. Turn to face the
    clock view. Below the RED X is a square
    hole. There is something in there. Use the
    FLASHLIGHT to get a CRANK.

    50. Go back up stairs and turn to face the
    wall with purple buttons. Zoom in on the left
    panel and put the CRANK in the hole. Click
    on the CRANK to turn it for a PAPER
    MOON CLUE. Go back to the BASEMENT
    and zoom in on the LIGHTBULB PUZZLE.
    Use the MOON CLUE to switch on the lights
    in the correct order from L to R.

    Thanks to gmm, the sequence is:

    Start with all bulbs off
    4 on
    3, 4 on
    2, 3, 4 on
    2, 3 on
    3 on
    1, 3 on
    1, 2, 3 on
    1, 2, 3, 4 on

    51. A hole opens below the puzzle. Climb in.
    You will see a room with lasers. Click the
    arrow to proceed, you will dodge the lasers
    somehow. Zoom in on the monument and grab
    the GEM. Zoom out and turn around. Note the
    positions of the lasers:

    OOXOXXXOX (O=Off, X=On)

    52. Go back to the YELLOW ROOM and face
    the GREEN GIANT. "About item" the MASK
    and insert the GEM. Three spikes will appear
    on the back of the mask. Zoom out and zoom
    in on the GIANt. Put the MASK on his face.
    Now press the button at the base. The GIANT
    will rise up. Zoom in on his face and use
    your FLASHLIGHT.

    53. Go to the PINK ROOM and see that a
    new puzzle is active. There is a Moon button
    on the left and a Sun button on the right.
    Enter the order from the lasers using the Moon
    as the ON button. SSMSMMMSM.
    Aha! Gimme that BLUE KEY!

    54. Go to the BLUE DOOR. Open it and
    take back the key. Enter the room.

  131. Nice work, T White!

    For the 9xxx "nails code", there is no BF'ing necessary at all!

    It's just a matter of patience until you get there. The clue is in the pink room, on the wall right of the trapdoor leading down to the basement.
    There are four circles marked with nails, and that's your code! :)

  132. High five @T White for excellent guides to the Yellow Room and Pink Room, and to both Ellie and Andrea for great (and complementary) guides to the Green Room and the Silver Room!
    As we've said many times before, EGDAWT (Every Game Deserves A Walk Through) and EGGDMWT'S (Every Great Game Deserves Multiple Walk Throughs).

    Since T White really did three rooms (if you include the basement of the Pink Room) who's going to finish us off with the Blue Room and the final Black Key Room??? (hint: not me! lol).

    Once more, I want to say this is a great game, the kind you wait months for. Thanks @Gatamari!!!

  133. Oh, I forgot one very important thing: EXCELLENT Team Work on the WT's everyone! EG24 Rocks!!!

  134. Playing through the Yellow/Pink WT now, I want to add to the comment by arbeitlooser: look at the position of the nails on the Pink Room clue and match them to the positions on the Yellow Room keypad. From top to bottom, the numbers are 7,6,9,4. So left to right is 9476.

  135. @ zoz

    OK! I see it now. As I was playing along with everyone else gmm posted the code and said that he BFed it and I just followed along. I found the clue later but I just never bothered stop to make sense of it. I assumed I missed a color-clue somewhere. Thanks!

  136. Someone there? I'm so near at the end and stuck now! I finished blue room, open new room, got black man und used black man on big yellow padlock ouside. Got black key, but can't use it. Tryed in new room, there is a black keyhole. Doesn't work. HELP PLEASE!!!

  137. Yipeee, I got it! Forget take back SD.... ;-)

  138. WAIT!

    Yet another finding! The reason why gmm brute-forced the "nail code" was probably because he didn't remember to hammer them in from inside the yellow room!

    I only did that right by accident. The nails that you hammer in from the yellow room will then APPEAR in the pink room (just as if your apartment has thin walls and your neighbor manages to drill thru your wall with his Hilti ;P)

  139. Thanks for a fantastic game took me the better half of 6 hrs but only achieved this with the help of every ones helpful posts. This is a 5 star game and well deserved. Look forward to the next one. But not too soon I need to recover some brain cells first. :)

  140. well, I 've been "working" on this one since the day before yesterday! Of course, I had to go to work, eat, sleep e.t.c. But there 's not any other time that it took me sooooo long for one game! It's worth it though, it' s really an excellent game. Now I'm stuck in blue room, trying to figure out what to do...

  141. what remote control are you talking about? I'm so terribly stuck in blue room. I can't make anything happen

  142. Also stuck in blue room. Have "Knock 12 TV" and that is it.

  143. Moon paper clue with lights isn't working for me. I actually figured out the order without help, and then confirmed it in the walkthrough. Is there something that I have to do after establishing each phase? If you designate the buttons starting on the left as 1 through 4 I am pressing 4, 3, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 4. Nothing. Please help. Thanks.

  144. @arbeitslooser, I can't help you with the Reversi - I just copied Roberto's spoiler. Even then, it took me a while to figure out bw meant the black and white buttons on the other wall, not on the Reversi game itself!

    I say, write up the Blue Room and hope someone comes forward to explain the Reversi (Roberto? Ellie?)

    @doris, I wish I could help you, but I can't remember where the remote came from. I only know that you have to "adjust" the blue squares on the remote itself.

    @Gypsy, Knock 12 means hit the tv 12 times with the hammer. The tv is a screen on the wall.

  145. @Unknown, I think the moon phases/light bulbs puzzle might be the only glitch in an otherwise almost perfect game. I tried at least ten times, using the correct sequence, and it never worked until I pressed the large light underneath on the wall after each "phase".
    But when I played through using T White's WT, it worked the first time without pressing the big round light at all. Maybe something else has to be done first???

  146. @zoz I tried pressing the light after each phase as well and it didn't work. This game is wonderful and it is killing me that I am stuck, especially when I understand the puzzle and the solution.

    p.s. it says I'm unknown but I'm actually "Diepud" an occasional poster here. Google was giving me issues with login.

  147. @Diepud, I share your pain! All I can say is go do something else and try again. Maybe the ladder has to be in a certain position? I really have no idea. Sorry I can't help.

  148. ok, I got the remote after hitting with hammer the colored puzzle. I think it was 1,2,3,4,5 on the 1st row and 3, 4 on 5th row. I can't tell if I hit anything else on screen, because I kept hitting like crazy and then a remote came out!

  149. now, I made the same grid with blue as on wall, on the remote control, but the video that plays can't show me anything special. I guess it's going to be marathonian for me. Perhaps I'll turn it of, after saving and continue tomorrow (for 4th day!), waiting for a walkthrough.
    And THANK YOU Ellie, Zoz, Arbeitslooser, and whoever that gave all those hints.

  150. @zoz I got it to work! I had placed the four statutes when I tried before. I put them back in my inventory and it worked the first time.

  151. got it! Hint for remote control: you have to make blue the following sqares on remote:
    1st row 2 and 5
    2nd row 2 and 4
    4th row 1 and 5
    5th row 1st
    Then you press the remote on the colored puzzle on wall and gives a video with number hints, which now I can't figure out cause I have 2 people over my head babbling...

  152. There we go!!


    Alright, there we are, in the blue room! As you might have presumed, puzzles are not supposed to become less sneaky with further advance.

    You notice a LIGHT SWITCH (which will come in handy for creating some dark room feel later) as well as another inaccesible switch left of it. Also, take a mental note of the TIED-UP PROJECTOR SCREEN which is too high for you to reach. Even an attempt with your trusty extensible stick badly fails.
    For now, we will ignore both the SCREEN and the D.I.Y. PROJECTOR (the device on the opposite wall). Since at first, there is some Reversi (aka Othello) to be played (mentally!) below this screen.
    Turn right and note a 5 x 5 GRID WITH COLORED SQUARES and a CODE PANEL.
    Turn right again, and note a 2-BUTTON-PANEL where you will later input your (hopefully correct) solution to the Othello problem.
    Examine the TOMBSTONE: it contains valuable hints.
    The upper line denotes: Place black (dark) stone on red square.
    The line below is encoded. Take your EMERALD BOOK (above 'About Item') and decode the "alien charset". To cut a long story short: it says: SW -> NE.
    OK, back to the opposite wall. Zoom on the Othello board.
    Since you instantly note that NORTH IS ON THE LEFT hand side, the 'NW->SE' clue will have to be reinterpreted as bottom left to top right.

    Ever played Othello? Explaining all rules and strategies would probably double the length of this walkthrough by itself, so we're going to focus on what's important here.
    The Othello board is inanimate, like a chess problem in a newspaper. Nothing to interact, just think what will happen, if....

    W is white and B is black. Have a pen and a sheet of paper handy. Yes, do that.

    The board is filled up, shortly before the end, looking like this:

    w w w b b w w w b
    w w b b b b b w b
    w w X w w w w b w
    w b w w w b w b w
    w w w w w w b w w
    w b w w b b b w w
    b w w w w b w b w
    w w w w w w b w w
    w b b b b b w w w

  153. Awww! I wish there was a way to create a "programming code block" (with fixed-width font). Anyways...


    Placing the black stone on the location where the 'X' is will now effect in the following thing:
    Any white stone that is "limited" by a black stone (e. g. b-w-w-w-w-b-w in a vertical, horizontal or diagonal line) will now be turned to a black one (b-b-b-b-b-b-w). And since the board is filled up with stones, there is a LOT happening there! The final situation will look like this: (in bold the "new" black stones that were formerly white)

    w w w b b w w w b
    w w b b b b b w b
    w w b B B B B b w
    w b B B w b w b w
    w w B w B w b w w
    w b B w b b b w w
    b w B w w b w b w
    w w B w w w b w w
    w b b b b b w w w

    Now, if you're into chess basics, you will get what it means to "go the path of A8, B7, C6, D5, E4, F3, G2, H1". That is the BL-TR diagonal we'll need -- we're almost there!
    Solution is w-w-B-w-B-b-B-w-b or, in all lowercase, " w w b w b b b w b ". VOILA!!
    Hacking this into the 2-BUTTON PANEL in the other part of the room rewards you with a ROLL OF DUCT TAPE.

    Phew, what a toughie! 'Bout time to check out the "screen problem" now. It's high up, and it's tied. Care for playing a little MacGyver!? Well, combine the KNIFE with the EXTENSIBLE STICK and use the DUCT TAPE on it. Now, armed with our TELESCOPIC KNIFE, it's no more a problem to get the screen down. Zzzzip ... done! But wait ... must press the BUTTON left of the light switch first. Now it's time for a little slide presentation feel...go right twice. Insert your trusty FLASHLIGHT (if you haven't yet, switch it ON first) into the large slot of the DO-IT-YOURSELF-PROJECTOR and press the red button, then move again towards the projector screen and TURN LIGHTS OFF. Coolish! The light from the flashlight, emitting on a lens inside the device has made it a full-blown slide projector!
    Watch the slide. There is a hammer symbol on top, which means that the next puzzle will be solved by using the hammer. The symbols below should look familiar---right, the book is needed again.

    Decoded result:

    In plain English "Knock 12 times on the TV" (if you love me; twice on the speakers, if you deem my WT shite!) (OK, you young'uns out there won't get my allusion. Nevermind. :))) Turn lights back on, and turn right to the "5 x 5 grid with colored squares". Yes, *THAT* is what was meant with 'TV'! Knock 12 times with the hammer on it and the REMOTE CONTROL falls out! Wow!
    Before you use it, turn right, press red button on the "projector" and take back your flashlight, as you might need it later again.
    Now turn left, select the remote and inspect it more closely ("About Item"). Wow, there's a puzzle *INSIDE* the remote! Some (well, not all) blue squares can be clicked, and there's also an ACTION BUTTON on the bottom of the remote.
    Set the blue squares exactly as shown on the screen, and give it a try! No, that was a failure. You can see a video, but obscured by dozens of squares ("poor man's Nagravision!?":)) You also have to activate the BLACK squares from the TV on the remote with BLUE squares. That is: enable the square on ROW 2, COLUMN 2 as well as on ROW 4, COLUMN 5 and ... try again! Now it worked. (Once you got it right, the remote can no longer be zoomed (= altered) in About Item.) You will see a video that may remind you a bit of Sesame Street when you were a kid, when they explained you numbers in a funny way (a wreath was a '0' and such). HINT: the bookshelf shows a '7'! :)
    Typing in this number into the panel rewards you with a SMALL BLUE HANDLE.


    Now that we have this hard-won gadget, what are we supposed to do with it? Ah, turn left from where the Othello board is! The alien writing says 'CLOCK ON/OFF'. Insert the HANDLE into the RECEPTACLE and jam it down! Another puzzle opens. Before you check this out further, exit and go back into pink room and down to basement. See what happened? The previously non-functioning clock (9 corners shape, note that!) has come back to life! it goes CLOCKWISE (note that too!).

    Now head back to blue room and zoom at the new puzzle that just opened.
    There is a large door in the middle, and two receptacles on the left and right hand side. Japanese people might know easier what to do, since in their language the flat-head screwdriver is called "minus driver" and the Philips head one is the "plus driver".
    So yes, insert both your SCREWDRIVERS in there! Two red arrows appear. Now the next one may get a bit cumbersome. See the '4->12' clue on the lower right? Yes, it means CLOCKS. Each of the clocks scattered around the many rooms has an unique shape (n number of corners, pentagonal, hexagonal etc.) and a direction they move. Some go clockwise, some go counterclockwise. Some have a second hand; with some others, you will have to be patient until the minute hand comes to life to determine their direction.
    Purposely I told you to go to basement BEFORE that, since it's very easy to forget this clock down there! It's 7 clocks in total, and a 6-step sequence will get you NOWHERE!!
    If you can't be arsed to "collect clock directions" around the whole building, here's the solution: "spoilerspoirrrlrlrlerspoiler". Press LEFT ARROW for COUNTERCLOCKWISE, AND RIGHT ARROW for CLOCKWISE.

    Your "reward" is another puzzle!!

    Take back your two screwdrivers.
    Speaking of "taking back": hopefully you took back all the 6 keys you have used now! If you didn't, collect'em up first.
    Watch the shapes on the ends of key "molds." Arrange all 6 keys so that they make readable (!) capital letters.
    If you got it that far, CHECK the letters. They form a simple, logical English word I won't give away (alas! :P). Note down the color sequence determined by the word you found. Take back all keys and zoom out.
    Now insert the keys on the panel LEFT of the clocks one using the color sequence you found out (spoilerspoiblgoyegnpisilerspoiler) and press the triangular button.

    A secret door opens, and THE FINAL PART OF THE GAME AWAITS YOU SOON!

  155. OMG @arbeitslooser, that's how a WT should be done! I bow to you on the Reversi/Othello. I would never, never, never have solved that in a million years, yet your explanation was very clear. All you young gamers out there (and, yes @arbeitslooser, I did get your "knock three times on the window" reference, lol): read it and learn!

  156. great WT, arbeitslooser - and yeah, I'm old enough to remember that song, though I think at that point it was being offered on afternoon TV as an 8-track oldie but goodie :)

  157. Sweet, Andrea :)))

    In the song it was the CEILING :))

    BTW I was just a bit cross that sasbabe had just fired away the solution without telling how she got there. Well, so I read the Wikipedia article and finally understood what is transformed and what is not.
    In hindsight, the rules actually are simple.

  158. With the moon phases/light bulbs puzzle, it only worked for me after I made sure that I didn't have anything selected in the inventory. I didn't have to click the big yellow button between each "phase", only at the end.

  159. @arbeitslooser, it was, indeed, the Ceiling, lol. And "twice on the pipes, if the answer is no"? See, I'm so old I can't even remember these things!

  160. NICE! arbeitslooser

    I was not looking forward to this part mainly because of the Othello bit. You handled it masterfully! I also kinda bumbled my way through the part with the remote as well.

    Nicely done!

  161. This comment has been removed by the author.

  162. Did anyone LOSE the ladder in the grey basement by pressing the yellow arrows??? if so, please tell me how to get it back...Apparently, it was not an issue when the yellow room WT was written!

  163. Great job @T White and @arbeitslooser! I second zoz; EXCELLENT Team Work!!

    Sorry @T White for writing the parts you already finished. We weren't sure if you left the game or were still writing.
    @arbeitslooser, I'm glad I wasn't around to teach you how to play Otello/Reversi ;) This way, you seem to have enjoyed the learning process much more!

    I might be blind, but I don't see the final part of the WT anywhere, so here goes (double posted, or not):


    After using the 6 keys in the blue room, a secret door opens.
    Enter trough the new door opening.
    Click the green ”unlocker” on the floor and wait until you have the ”UNLOCKER-KING” in the inventory.
    Leave the blue room.
    Use the unlocker-king on the huge key hole, in the red door, in front of you.
    Wait until he gives you a BLACK KEY.
    Next step is to exit through the red doors, BUT, you can only do this with a full inventory.
    Make sure you bring the knife, pointer, screwdrivers, flashlight, hammer and black key.

    The door disappears and you are stuck in a room with 7 pedestals and a “map” on the wall.
    Your task is to place your 7 items in the inventory (knife, pointer, screwdrivers, book, flashlight, hammer and key) on the 7 pedestals, the way shown by the map.

    Turn around to have a look at the map:
    “Up” on this map is in front of you.
    On left side of you are 3 pedestals, (from right to left in the room – up to down on the map) marked as:
    -“secret signs”
    -black circle
    On the right side of you are another 3 pedestals, (from left to right in the room – up to down on the map) marked as:
    -“far away”
    -dashed line
    The single pedestal in the room is marked as a key hole on the map.

    When all items are on the correct pedestals, you will see a blue circle of light on top of each pedestal.
    Move to the map-view, and click the goblet in the pillar of light.
    You are out!

    Pair the symbols from the map with your items:
    “secret signs” = book
    black circle = flashlight
    plus/minus = screwdriver
    “far away” = pointer
    crack = hammer
    dashed line = knife
    key hole = key

    And place them:
    -Move right from the map, and place pointer, hammer and knife from left to right.
    -Move right again and place the key.
    -Move right one more time and place screwdrivers, flashlight and book from left to right.
    Picture of how to place the items.

  165. Hello @Ellie!!!! So nice to see you...and as you can tell I am lost, as usual! LOL

  166. NVM I found another lit arrow in the room....LOL I'm OK now!

  167. LOL @nokra!! Nice to see you too :D I'm glad you found that sneaky ladder again! Good luck in there!

    Spread out on this page, you find the whole WT like this:

    Andrea: 3/21/13, 11:01 AM
    Ellie: 3/21/13, 2:31 PM

    Andrea: 3/21/13, 12:35 PM
    Ellie: 3/21/13, 2:31 PM

    zoz: 3/21/13, 12:31 PM

    T White: 3/21/13, 2:42 PM

    arbeitslooser: 3/22/13, 1:25 PM

    Ellie: 3/23/13, 12:58 PM

  169. TY TY TY @unknown/ Diepud!!!!
    I was having the same issue with the moon phase lights ....and taking the statues out of the holes was the solution...!!!!

  170. OMG, @zoz....LMAO...and yes, I too can remember the chorus of that song! I wish It weren't so imprinted ...I actually hated it! :)))))

  171. Thanks again to all the WT writers!!!!
    What an amazing game this was!

  172. "nokra 3/23/13, 2:40 PM

    TY TY TY @unknown/ Diepud!!!!
    I was having the same issue with the moon phase lights ....and taking the statues out of the holes was the solution...!!!!"

    Maybe not a glitch at all. When I played it through, I placed the statues (from large to small, according to the hint on the wall (L>S)). I figured that since I had four STATUES and that they all seemed to fit I thought that I was good to go. I plugged them in, but nothing happened when I placed them! I took them all back and then replaced them only AFTER I discovered that I had to use the WEDGE and HAMMER to find the SMALLEST STATUE hiding inside the LARGEST STATUE. This was BEFORE going back to the GREY BASEMENT. Again, I replaced them from largest to smallest.
    Maybe the maker intends for you to fail at placing the STATUES BEFORE you discover the smallest STATUE and THEN wants you to replace them in their correct positions BEFORE you do the LIGHTBULB PUZZLE.

  173. @ Ellie

    Thanks for the last bit and the "WALKTHROUGH TO THE WALKTHROUGHS." For new players that are lost in GATAMARI GATE ESCAPE 7, START HERE!!!

  174. Infinite thanks Ellie for the great WT with the FINAL part! :)
    A pleasure to (re-)read.

    BTW, yes it was purpose that I omitted the final part. I liked this team work concept, and so I thought someone else might have volunteered in taking over from where I ended mine.

  175. Is there some way that EG24 can provide links on the front page to games like these that are really epic?
    Maybe like a "Best Of?"

  176. Out with help for Othello!So thank you @arbeitslooser for the wonderfull explanation,i've never played Othello before!Of course took me at least 5 hours straight game but it worth the effort!

  177. This comment has been removed by the author.

  178. caught this one while searching for games worth a replay
    Gatamari is always worth a replay

    prepare for a huge challenge that will last the whole day...! ☻

    thx for all your creations, Gatamari ☺
    & thx Andrea, Ellie, zoz, T White & arby for the WTs

  179. @AlphaOmega

    I just replayed this today.
    It took hours!
    I even had to use walkthrough parts that I had written myself LOL

  180. This comment has been removed by the author.

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