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Connections Puzzle

[REPLAY] Connections Puzzle is another free online puzzle game from Jonthewatch. This is a word puzzle where you have to make the correct connection between the pictures to advance to the next level. There are 20 levels to solve. Everything you need is on the page, you might also need your brain. Make the connection to advance to your reward at the end. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. i cant get the word on 18

  2. Ah Rambler, there you are.
    I never saw you finish the love riddle!?

  3. 18:

    words from 5 - KEY, stone, wall
    Words from 14 - wedding, RING, master

  4. im stuck on 18 ..cant get the word

  5. Great game, Jon! I did have some trouble with one word vs. two word answers, especially on 18, 19, and 20.
    @raasti, are you typing your answer as one word?

  6. oops sorry i did not realized 400 comments

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thx, jon,
    for another fun-to-play game!

  9. Thx again EnJoy got 18.

  10. also, for 18, make sure you're combining level 5 and level 14 (I kept trying 5 and 15)

  11. Hi @s-t, I got a bit stuck on level 31 and never had time to follow up. That was a tough one to be sure...

    I think I still have the mapping of the floors somewhere though...

  12. hmm on 19,dog star

    watch ,dog ,house ...but hot dog is not answer

  13. Thank you Jon !!! for the new game
    I ll start now and we ll see ....

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Level 19, another name for a Greenhouse..

  16. Another word for a place to grow flowers under glass.

  17. Oh thx i never heard this word !

  18. finaaly ..FINISHED ...with all your help .....

    & idk that there is word like ..h__ _ho---...for 19 ....

  19. @new, you should enjoy this.

    Speaking of which - Hello Joyce :o)

  20. Wow i finished, it is incredible !
    Thx Jon this was big fun with all the help aroung !!!

  21. Thx all for helping me through the game !

  22. Well...don't hold me on this....but I feel a sequel is needed.....

  23. Thanks for the hugs Joyce, I feel all warm and cuddly now :o)

    Catch you on another one soon I hope, although I'm very busy with other stuff.....

  24. still stuck on 12...(sorry,from the netherlands).some of the comments are difficult to read for me haha.i had no problems with the rest of the levels

  25. #12 is is under and the arrow points up.....

  26. 12:

    Picture 1 - under
    Picture 2 - up

    what does a spy do? He/She goes deep underc----

  27. @nonickname, this could be quite hard for a non-english speaker. Imagine someone from the CIA or FBI, they could work this way. Or, for the second part, think conspiracy....

  28. what a sweet child on 6 !!
    havent found it yet though LOL

  29. @new, most wines are between 10 and 12 %

  30. can someone post the answers for people that don't get the clues?

  31. @Robin Rob, the fun is trying to work out the answers for yourself. This site gives many good hints and clues, have a read through...

  32. @Robin, a walkthough will be posted soon, full answers given

  33. Which level are you stuck on by the way?

  34. I guess this isn't my kind of puzzle. I'm stuck on all of them even with the clues. Will enjoy seeing the answers. Thanks.

  35. can anyone please give another hint for lvl 14 ?

  36. @Robin - fair enough.

    @FuZzEL, what's the main item at a wedding?

  37. thanks rambler =) should have been obvious xD
    the first thing that came to my mind to be the main item was cake btw xD

  38. Thank you Rambler, couldnt have found it in a million years !!
    checked the words and havent heard them before LOL

  39. Dare I say that only girls would think that!

  40. YW @new, I'll be around for another 10 mins if you or anyone else needs help...

  41. maybe !! but im a girl LOL
    please ,whats the english word for the right pic on 7 ? maid?

  42. the description says rent-a-maid

  43. aaah,thanks for all your help,got it now!!

  44. I sense a lot of forward motion right now. Keep going, this thing is fun....

  45. Heh - I started out well on the first two, then had to leave. Thanks to all for your hints and tips - never would have made it without you.

    @jonthewatch. The interlude was FAR better than the congrats. Though it's comforting in a way - I think I finally found someone who could empty a room faster than me by just

  46. Hey Kathy K, gongtats. However, I take your bad singing voice and double it lol

  47. sorry cant stay any more tonight , ill continue tomorrow , anyway stuck on 8
    I hope there will be a friend here tomorrow to help me through !!
    thank you all for your great comments and help !!
    and thank you Jon , excellent idea !!
    but hard if you dont speak the language LOL

  48. @new, a little crumb for you before I retire to bed too.
    Level 8: If you are looking at this in the morning and have just made a cup of coffee, what is the term used for the bits of the coffee you have just put into your cup......

  49. Level 8:

    picture 1 = battle ------ => where is a battle fought?
    picture 2 = ------ work => a foundation or basis

  50. Walkthrough, anyone?

    I'm still stuck on level 3, with that house and the cake. I have read all those hints about a small cottage in the country, but English being not my first language, I really have a hard time to find out.

    Already on level one, the answer didn't make sense to me. Dog Star? What's that?

  51. As smokehalo explained to me it is a nickname for Sirius, i did not know this either.

    For lvl 3 the word is SPOIcheeseLER

  52. Just arrived, stuck on level 5. Key....Wall????
    Any more hints than what I've already read?

  53. Sheesh. Got it. Starts with s. I was hung up on the bricks

  54. more help for 5, please Soozn

  55. What were the pics on 5? I can't remember. Stuck on 10 now. I feel really dumb.

  56. @marijo, I found #5 to be deceiving. I've never heard anyone refer to bricks as rocks.

  57. Oh the wall thing. What can walls be made of. Think of a word that goes on the end of "key" and at the front of "wall". It starts with "s"

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. If you put the wrong answer in it takes you to this site. Just go back (using the back arrow) and try again. When you get the right answer you will go to the next puzzle.

    I'm finally out. Thanks for all the hints :-)

  60. I have spent a precious time trying to answer 1st puzzle until I realize the game does not work on IPhone. It does not recognize the answers even if they're correct. Pity :(

  61. Thank you Jon. That was excellent fun. I really enjoyed it. Please do another one.

    The congratulations video? Welll, the brother saying blahblahblah at the end was the best part.

  62. Really enjoyed the game.. Thank you Jon :)

  63. Thanks Jon, this was great fun!! Loved the wordsmithing approach. Good job!! You're forgiven for the congrats video :)

  64. nice riddle Jon thanks and thanks to all the hints

  65. Walk-through with spoilers at the end:

    1. Hot ??? star
    2. Bus ???? watch
    3. Cottage ?????? cake
    4. Left ???? cuff
    5. Key ????? wall
    6. Child ????? read
    7. Butter ???? maid
    8. Battle ?????? work
    9. Fly ????? weight
    10. Floor ????? walk
    11. Watch ??? house
    12. Under ????? up
    13. Mouth ???? board
    14. Wedding ???? master
    15 - 20 When you have solved the above, the answers are found by combining two words, as instructed.

    SPOILER's following:

    1. dog
    2. stop
    3. cheese
    4. hand
    5. stone
    6. proof
    7. milk
    8. ground
    9. paper
    10. board
    11. dog
    12. cover
    13. wash
    14. ring
    15. watchdog
    16. paperwork
    17. underdog
    18. keyring
    19. hothouse
    20. weddingcake

  66. cannot even get into the game, as it says the site has used its monthly bandwidth

  67. Sorry guys, I use a free website to make these games and the bandwidth is low. If I could afford to pay for the site I would but it is not viable at the minute. I will repost the game when the bandwidth is restored.

    Again, sorry.


  68. The very first puzzle was enough to convince that it's absolutely useless to go on. Even after reading the solution and the explanation I'm quite sure I would have never guessed the answer - in fact I'd be totally unable to connect ANY of the three images to the solution...
    I guess I better don't rate this game - and that way I give it the exact number of stars I think it deserves - if not only for the very first puzzle...


  69. sorry you didn't enjoy it bio.....

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. finally!! got it done and what do I find? The answers! How did I miss that? Great game Jon!The only game from you that I completed. Please, more!!

  72. Jonthewatch,
    maybe the fact that I'm not a native and everyday speaker of English prohibited me from seeing the connection between the images and the word - and that would not be the game's fault, of course. But, knowing what the conenction was, I have to say that I don't see the logic - and from then on it's a simple guessing game. Take the first imge of the first puzzle. Yes, you can put that word plus the solution together to make a well-known expression - but so can you with hundreds of other words. There's nothing that helps you narrow it down. It's simply unfair. Just take a look at how many of us couldn't even beat level #1. And if you start a game and the very first puzzle you see proves to be well beyond what you call fair, there's a good chance you don't give it another chance.

    I think it would have been a good idea to start the game with a couple of (much) easier - more straightforward that is - puzzles, rather than throwing in an almost unsolvable right off the bat.

    BTW, I still don't know what the connection between a question mark and the solution of the first puzzle. Surely it's explained somewhere in the comments - but I'm not going to read almost 500 comments to find it out - so, it's my loss, I guess.

  73. Hi bio, When i wrote the quickie walkthrough, I didn't actually explain how the answers come about, so will use the first two levels to give an example of how the game works. Level one, you see a pic of a thermometer, a question mark and then a pic of a star. The point is to find a word that attaches to the end of the first pic, and also attaches to the first part of the second word. Thus you have Hotdog, and dogstar. The question mark is replaced by the word dog. Level two is a pic of a bus, the question mark and then a pic of a watch. Once again, we need to find a word which attaches to the end of bus and to the front of watch. So, the answer is stop. Bus-stop and stop-watch. I hope this makes the playing of the game a bit easier for you. I admit i got stuck for quite a while on level one, but once i got the hang of what was required, i was able to progress.

  74. yes your back i have been looking for you little puzzle
    now i know your back i will tend to you later
    and try and complete you without peeking
    thanks Jon love your puzzles ....x

  75. jonthewatch

    first time I have tried one of your games and I loved it. You really made me think outside the box.
    don't change a thing..loved to see more!!

  76. Thx jon,
    a great puzzle. I am waiting for more.

    Also thx to all who posted comments - I wouldn't have found some of the words without you.

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