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Mystery Sacrifice Temple Escape

Flash512 -  Mystery Sacrifice Temple Escape is another point and click room escape game from Flash 512. Try to escape the place by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. A more direct link

  2. Thin stick on right of star/moon thing, first scene.

  3. Need another three for holes in thingy in scene right of first scene.

  4. found a striped stick, used it in four holes to get a 4# code 1132 it looks like but it does not work. also found a metal rod with a hook at top.

  5. Been around the room a few times, Noted button puzzle on the Three Triangle Facing Unit, but no clue? Also noted one 4 digit code needed

  6. an object left of the right side flame - in thee floor, but I can't get it

  7. eh? How did you get a number from the one stripy stick, Evans?

  8. clio rose, take stick back each time count stripes visible in each hole.

  9. @evans tried / trying using it on four holes but isnt working !!

  10. use long hook to get thing beside flame. It is a handle for above left flame, moving on. Now have key but not for door and can't find another keyhole.

  11. Thanks evans. Im shutting up now, and just gonna follow all the hints you give. Make sure you give them! Please and thanks.

  12. E addict, the four holes are on the bottom part between the flames. You have to drag objects to use them.

  13. oh !! we need to drag objects .. Thanx !!

  14. Hint on striped stick ................ count total number of stripes on stick first, then deduct.

  15. YEA!!!! Just going in...are all these great players still here?????

  16. Very s l o w Loading.... LOL

  17. Well, I am stuck. got a key cant use, found panel at bottom of door I don't understand and can't figure out 4# code.

  18. Sue, red and yellow stripes? or just red or just yellow. If you have figured it out spoil the # please. I am stuck.

  19. Hi nokra. (btw..i have to say...not related to this game, but...i laughed very much when reading hints in other game that you too, looked around ceiling for ages when looking at diagram...SO DID I..hahha)

  20. evans, total number of stripes
    spolier below


  21. Stuck with key and flat block?????

  22. keyhole is on the left side of block on top where you place stick...

  23. got the # Thanks sue. what is brick/board for. Now have key and brick and still stuck. lol.

  24. OK, I got the stick, the pole and a L/R clue, time to figure things out...great hints so far! TY!

  25. Great now don't know what order to push buttons right side of door.

  26. Thanks ooggrr. 4645 not working for me, sueinspain.

  27. Nokra where did you get a L/R clue??

  28. Are the stripes on the stick different? I tried spoiler code and I tried my sticks total stripes and no go for any

  29. That number does not work, unfortunately.

    And when I put the stick in the holes, all I get is 3-3-3-3 or, if I count only the stripes hidden, 2-2-2-2, which does not work either.

  30. I'm sure the 'blcok' clue on the door is for something, but just cant work out what! Can't work out 5 button clue either. Doh!

  31. 7745 not working either...

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. L/R on the Thunderbird wall hanging?

  34. the order to push buttons next to door is found on the right side when zoomed in on those 5 greenish buttons below fish...

  35. Total number of stripes on stick is 10. Put stick into each hole and then count total number of stripes visible. Then take away.

  36. count stick stripes 10 (red and yellow) count stripes showing when stick in hole and subtract from 10 for each #

  37. Thanks again evans, but 7745 not working for me either. Oh dear, I wonder if each game is different. DRATS!

  38. I got a clue for the up down left right thing but can't remember where (let me know if you need a spoiler), so now I stoppe the red thing anf placed the first board we got and I get signs when I press them, I guess they relate to the hint on the door

  39. 7745 not working either...

  40. Ah, finally, it worked. The numbers change for everyone so you have to count your stripes.

  41. OOGGRR ............ don't understand your button clue, where on the right side?

  42. Yep..each game different. My number was 8578. Once again..and i hope i can keep saying it through the game. THANKS EVANS..yayy.

  43. @clio-rose try 7577 !!

  44. Well, I can't even find these famous holes to measure the striped stick! LOL
    yes,@PL, I see L/R clue on the T-Bird plaque....I can't DO anything yet! LOL

  45. any clear clue bout LRUD panel ??

  46. OOGGR You rock! I am out!

  47. Sue, just click there on the right... it'll zoom in in the right side then...

  48. Counted stripes and used the number of what NOT showing. My code was 6 5 4 7

  49. I brute forced the blue buttons for door key after stopping red falling thing with big. block and place flat block. never did anything with objects upper right side of door at all.

  50. POP...on the stand between the torches...I had only been able to zoom the disc! lol

  51. Ah, got it now, I was looking at the one with the grey/green buttons :)

  52. are hereby nominated to write a get cracking. I need help. I did the l/r/u/d buttons. Have a skinny tile and a fat brick..and..stuck.

  53. What is the thing we got from 4 digit code?

  54. the brick? from 4 dig code?

  55. clio rose but fat brick over hole where things are falling from above, put other flat brick above that in space. If you click each one after you get symbols. I think they are for the blue buttons. I could not figure it out so bruteforced it for key.

  56. ok stopped the bombs .. now able to push buttons according to the clue on door but nothing is happening !!

  57. Stuck with codes from 5 blocks, and cant work out 5 button puzzle ............... anyone got any further?

  58. E addict there are hints visible on buttons when pushed.

  59. oooo... i put the fat brick on the thingy to stop the red thing from falling. Then i could place the skinny tile on the bottom row of the tiles above it.

  60. I can't remember order for blue buttons but I think BL,TR,BR,TL then T on last.

  61. ok i can see hints @evans but cant figure out what they are !! :-)

  62. Thanks evans. I hate drawing astrological symbols...but here goes.

  63. The code on the door gives you the order in which to press the planks behind the falling object now stopped with the brick. From there on its easy

  64. I have a gem...don't know where to put it....

  65. I do not understand the Zodiac reference and the ampersand? use that on which puzzle?

  66. LOL..I love that we think alike, Clio...
    I also have the skinny brick, I suppose I need the fat one first! LOL

  67. it's the eagle's eye @nokra !!

  68. hahha nokra...i think we were the only ones who were looking on the ceiling in the other game..hahahha

  69. I've been trying that Orit, 14532, but not working. Def need a coffee...........

  70. this game began as interesting .. ends boring !! Good Luck guys !!

  71. me too SueInSpain, 14532 doesn't do anything for me either, I tried from top to bottom and bottom to top but definitly stuck here

  72. TY...I need more coffee....I slept in today! LOL

  73. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  74. Dont panic people. I just KNOW evans is writing us all a walkthrough...ARENT YOU evans ???!! hahhaa

  75. played again and can't get blue buttons this time. order from door does nothing on bricks for me either and no clue what the symbols on bricks are for.

  76. Nokra & all, let's all meet up for coffee somewhere central? Like Paris, Tokyo or Hawaii? I'm not fussed where, as long as they do hot, black, strong coffee LOL

  77. I have pressed the bricks in order of the door hint 1 4 5 3 2 from top and from bottom and nothing happens. I gotta be missing something! And I checked the ceilings and floors every game too LOL

  78. clio rose I would write walkthrough if I could get out again!


  80. Versailles France? I could get in the car now and be there in the morning .............. if only I could finish this game first LOL

  81. Dont panic evans.....we are patient. We are filled with coffee...well some are. Others are drinking beer, and having a laugh. Take your time. I have about 5 minutes before i pass no worries. hahhaha.

  82. try pressing buttons in this order from top to bottom: 1 5 4 2 3...

  83. LOL, @PL!!!!! It's a S.FL Thing!!!!!

  84. Why do we still have the red/white stripe stick active in the inventory? Where else can it be used?
    Where to use L/R hint? so many more puzzle and the zodiac bricks holding me up!!

  85. OOGGRR how on earth do I do top to bottom on a star shape?

  86. OGRRRRRR I need the blue buttons clue or spoiler, please!

  87. yeah ooggrr...what they said !

  88. oh those... those differ every game...

  89. oh..thanks oggrr. that worked.

  90. OOGGRR THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  91. DUH, you meant the bricks. I am out again. OOGGRR You should write a walkthrough. used all the spaces this time. I think I just lucked out the first time out on the buttons.

  92. no the 15423 clue is for the zodiac signs by the door, press the plates in that order and you'll move on and get out fast

  93. got my odd wrench. Got the other birdie...and now i have read back...cause..i cant remember what im supposed to do next. Oh that beer!, and being 1am will do it to my brain. Either that or Alzheimers.

  94. I don't want to skip to the exit door...does anyone have a clue, or can tell me where the clue is for the blue buttons....TY! :)

  95. Ahhhh...I put the bird! There is the L/R thing!!!!!!

  96. @Nokra clue for blue buttons is on the wall plaque with the little flower at the bottom. Once you get the order of the 5 bricks right it's fairly straight forward from there.

  97. Put flowerlike thing!!!!
    The clue!!!! Yea!!!! TY!!!!!

  98. Enjoyed the banter more than I did the game LOL
    Have a great weekend everyone

  99. TY again, @sueinspain!!! Now, let's drink coffee!!

  100. oh..the yellow buttons on the thingy with the blue gem are the l/r clue for bird us another thingy which goes on the thing above where we put the stripey stick.

  101. the clue for buttons is when you place the object found by doing the bird l/r puzzle

  102. Clio, PL, anyone....cbox????

  103. @sueinspain replaying it n couldnt see any clue for 5 buttons in the plaque u talking about .. can u explain it ?

    n @clio-rose is just one beer doing all this to you ?? lol

  104. Eaddict. if you are asking about the 5 bricks with zodiac symbols the hint is on the bottom panel of the door

  105. place flower like piece on wall and push it for 5 blue button hint.

  106. The L/R clue is in T-bird plaque...the blue buttons are from putting the flowerlike thing at bottom of plaque between the flashes where to push 5 button thing!

  107. well @evans i'm asking about the 5 blue buttons !! just out of curiosity i mean !! :-)

  108. CLIOOOOOOOO...where are you???????
    We are waiting for you in cbox!

  109. n wtf is the flowerlike symbol ??

  110. I think that came from the birds, L/R box....

  111. im still in the game nokra..and, e-addict - it is 1.20am(ish)...and, no..not one beer...but im hopeless at drinking, but never give up trying. Ive had two, which most ppl who know me, know is enough to tip me over the edge..haha. Now, what am i supposed to be doing in the game. I cant remember. EVANNNNSSSS..write the bloody walkthrough will you! oh, umm, i mean, please and thank you.

  112. E-Addict put symbol in large wheel on wall shows order of buttons

  113. n wth is the L/R panel ?? lol ( not drinking any beers though ) !!

  114. Clicked the zodiac bricks according to door clue, nothing

  115. what is the LURD clue?!!

  116. Clio...where are you? I think I can remember what to do
    ....I thought you were out! LOL

  117. i will continue tmrw. I think i either have to pass out, or vomit. I choose the first. Doesnt leave a bitter taste in the mouth. Evannnnnnnssss..keep typing and writing. Thanks mate.

  118. nm i can use the red X again !! :-) cheers @clio !!

  119. LURD is the clue to the wheel with arrows, the one on bottom is missing, when you get that, and I don't remember how, you put the bottom one in and do the UP, Down...etc!

  120. I will leave a WT for your tomorrow, @clio ....Goodnight!

  121. i have the arrow! i dont know what the clue is! i havent seen the clue for it

  122. Some hotspots are very hard to find...but the game IS easier than it seems....really! :)
    I am working on WT now.....

  123. The arrow is in? then the clue is R of the 5 blue buttons...tricky hotspot!

  124. that you abracadabra?..or is that not abracadabra but, notabracadabra? Either way...Hi. See you when i can see without seeing double. Night all. and thanks for the help and walkthrough which i just KNOW will be here for me tmrw.

  125. Eaddic. Sorry, was drinking coffee! The clue is the blocks on the door. Count the missing blocks from top to bottom. so 41023. Then apply that code to the 5 blocks, but in reverse order, from hgihest to lowest, so order is 43210...... phew. Gotta go now.

  126. also ich weiß nicht weiter,rechts von tür,da find ich kein hinweise bei den 4 taten udn für 5 tasten an wand auch nicht

  127. for zodiac bricks click first the row with one square from the hint, then the row with two squares a so on

  128. ich komme nicht weiter schade

  129. i cant open the 4 digit drawer ....even after entering spoiler ...

  130. raasti is different every time, count how many stripes fits inside the holes

  131. mein code müßte 4543 sein aber es pasiert nichts,mann muß doch alle streifen zählen oder also nciht nur rote

  132. I've entered the 4 digit code, got some kind of rectangular plate... and there is nothing else I can do. The hint on the door doesn't help for the 5 buttons puzzle and the long stick/hook doesn't fit anywhere.

  133. danke 88 hab nun hab die gezählt die reinpassen,nicht die mann sieht.aber ich kann platte nicht verwenden und recht an tür die 4 tasten udn die 5ertasten ,schaffe ich nicht

  134. hook goes on floor left of the flame in right corner, for door hint read my post from 8:51

  135. marita i cant help you when you speak deutsch, the translator is not so good

  136. I can not make the 5 keys and the up down left right not, no idea where indicative and not going to block wall

  137. zoom in 5 keys and see arrow on the right, click on it and see clue for up down left right, clue for 5 key comes later

  138. @88 Game,

    Thank you ! Now, I'm trying to understand the order for the 4 triangles/arrows.

  139. WT
    Click left pillar, grab striped stick at bottom right of screen, notice moon/star shape
    Notice plaque is missing something; click below the plaque to see 5 buttons, need clue; While zoomed on 5 buttons, click right of screen to see a clue, write it down(they are different in each game)
    Zoom the wheel in floor, need something

    Go right
    Zoom wall plaque, it needs something
    Zoom below and see 4 holes...this is where you put the striped has 10 stripes, so when you drag it to the first hole, count the stripes that are showing, subtract from 10 and there is your 1st digit for the 4 digit code you need for later. Do that 3 more spoiler because they change every game...
    Zoom right flame, then zoom bottom left..we need something to pull that thing out
    Zoom left flame, we need something above it...

    Go right
    Zoom the vase to the left and get the hooked pole at bottom of it

    Go left and use that pole to get the drive rod
    Use drive rod above left flame for a fishy thingy
    Go left and place that in wall for a gemstone

    Go left and place gemstone in wall for a key
    notice L/R clue

    Go to flames, click the holes, then left and use key for a stone arrow

    Go right, install arrow....remember the clue you wrote down...what? you didn't write it down??? LOL
    Go to the first screen, blue buttons, right...there is arrows clue, use it for a stone brick

    Go to left of door, place it to stop the falling thingy
    Look above and see we are missing a brick

    Go right and put the 4 digit code for a small brick
    Put it left of door....we need a clue

    Click bottom middle of door......see the order to click the bricks...but here are signs on the bricks, and I don't get the pattern, soooo...
    @Ogrrr has done a spoiler...maybe all the codes are not different in every game...the solution was....
    top to bottom....14523...get a moon/star thingy

    Go to start screen, put that in the column for an odd wrench
    use it at the wheel to the right for a bird
    Find the place for it right of door! Now you can use the L/R clue for a flowerlike thingy!

    Go to the Flames screen, place thingy at bottom of plaque for a stars clue...they light up and they ARE different for each game!

    Use this clue on the 5 buttons....get key...
    You are free!!!!!!

  140. but thank you got the symbols are the blocks on the 5 nciht understood are the keys for the 5? but no such instructions are

  141. @nokra,

    Thanks a lot !
    Is there some kind of explanation for the order of the bricks ?

  142. The order 1 4 5 2 3 for the bricks doesn't work for me ! /-:

  143. yeah cool @nokra .. except that couldnt find the only thing i been looking for !! :-) same as pdgph : the order clue !! n btw does one get paid for writing a walkthrough ?? lol coz i noticed many r trying lately !!

  144. try 15423 for brick order - that worked for me

  145. also egal wie 14532 geht nicht,egal ob von oben nach unten oder umgekehrt

  146. LMAO!!! @E-addict!!!
    No, we who do the WT's are usually just bored, have time to waste...or are in the mood because we really liked the game!
    Anyone can do it, and we have a saying here, or used to:
    EGDAWT!!!! or 2 or

  147. Oh, crud...I did recheck the WT...but...I am dyslexic...especially with numbers...TY, @annaby for the correction!!!!!!

  148. 1 4 5 3 2 was the hint from the door. It's the first one I tried for the bricks, and several times. Finally, after many tries, it worked...

  149. don't know if it'll help, but here goes:

    the clue for the zodiac bricks is the series of squares on the door:

    so you have to press: 1- top brick ; 2- bottom brick; 3- second from bottom brick; 4- second from top brick; 5- central brick

    the hint for the blue buttons in the shape of a pentagon is given by the flowery object; put it in its place on the plaque in the flames view, and stars will illuminate on the plaque; take note of the places - mine were TL TR BR BL T TR T - notice that some buttons must be pressed more than once

    I must say I love these games - thanks Flash512

  150. This comment has been removed by the author.

  151. and thanks Shuchun for posting them

    great WT nokra, ty as well

  152. If anyone comes back here, where do I enter the L/R clue? I can't find where to enter it.

  153. OH, NVM! I missed an important hotspot--place to use key on the left above the holes!

  154. From start zoom in on pedistal on left.
    Grab red/yellow stick where floor meets wall on right. Just a small amount sticking out.
    Back up once then either left or right twice so you are now facing door.
    Zoom in on vase to left of door.
    Pick up iron stick behaind vase on bottom left.
    back up once left once so you are facing torch wall.
    Zoom in on right torch.
    zoom in on crack in floor to left of torch.
    Drag iron stick into crack to get handle.
    Back up twice. Zoom into spot on wall above left torch.
    drag handle onto knob sticking out of wall.
    Turn to open brick and get "fishlike object."
    Back up once and go left once facing original start screen.
    Zoom in on "shield" shape thing on wall.
    Drag "fishlike object" into space.
    Click to get gemstone.
    Back up once and go left once facing eagle cirlce.
    Zoom in on eagle and place gemstone to get key.
    Note Left/Right pattern for later. LRRLLR
    Back up once and go left or right twice so you are facing torch wall.
    Zoom in on alter at lower center.
    Zoom in on lewft of top square part of alter for keyhole.
    Use key to get triangle button.
    Back up once. You are now going to place the red/yellow stick in each hole to get a 4 digit combination from left to right. The stick has 10 total stripes, 5 red, 5 yellow. Ignore the red tip of the stick, the furthest out stripe is yellow. You want to see how many total stripes go into the hole. If you see 4 sticking out then 6 went in so remember 6. If 7 are sticking out then 3 went in so remember 3 and so on. This is different for every game.
    Once you have 4 digit combination back up once and go left or right twice facing eagle circle wall.
    Zoom into triangle toped area below eagle circle.
    Enter 4 digit code to get a "stone flake."
    back up once and go right once facing start screen.
    Zoom on area below shield shape to see 5 blue/green buttons.
    Click on arrows to the right of buttons to see side with clue for up/down/left/right puzzle. ULDRD
    Back up once and go either left or right twice to face door.
    Zoom on diamond shape in cirle thing to right of door on floor.
    Place triangle button then enter UDLR clue to get stone brick.
    Back up once. Zoom in to area just left of vase where object is falling into.
    Place brick to block falling object.
    Back up once.
    Zoom into area where object was falling from with for blocks.
    Place the flat stone to make 5 buttons.
    to get button order zoom out once, zoom in on bottom of door and note order 1-5 that you will press buttons.
    Zoom out once and back into 5 button area up to left. Enter code to get symbol.
    Zoom out once, left or right twice facing shield wall.
    Zoom into pedistal on left of shield.
    Place moon star symbol and click to open and get wrench.
    Back up once. Zoom into wheel on right.
    Use wrench on wheel axle, spin wheel to get bird.
    Back up once, left or right twice to face door.
    Zoom into bird statue thing in wall to right of door.
    Place other bird on right.
    Enter Left/Right clue from eagle circle to get flower shaper object.
    Back up once and go left once to torch wall.
    Zoom into large object in center to place flower object.
    Press to get code for 5 blue/green buttons. Different for every game. Repeat until you remember pattern.
    Back up once go left once zoom into bottom center for 5 buttons. Enter pattern to get key.
    Back up once, left or right twice facing door.
    Use key on door. Congrats!!!

  155. Thanks for the walkthrough's Nokra and Bayars316. I was so close to getting out last night, but fell at the final hurdle. (tripped, stumbled and passed out is more like it).

    Thank you too everyone for helping me when playing, particularly evans. Thanks guys.

  156. Thanks for all the hints and the walkthroughs. Never understood the symbols on the stone flake things - did anyone get that? Had to use the spoiler, for which many thanks! After that it was all logical. Hate it when I don;t know why I have to do something!

  157. I really don't like when the biggest challenge of an escape games is not the puzzles, but finding the hotspots... that reduces a great game genre to mere pixel hunting. Flash512 used to make really great games - but for about a year now, all they seem to do is these go-round-and-round-in-a-stone-cellar-and-keep-clicking-everywhere-no-need-use-your-brain games where the real accomplishment is to find that 3-pixel detail on the stone wall that turns out to be a tiny crack where something-of-importance i s hidden... Pity. I wish they went back to their original ways of making those great games they used to produce.

  158. @bio In fact you've just repeated what I said some weeks ago. Yes, it's now only reduced to an artificially complicated put-A-into-B-get-C-attach-C-to-D-turn-D-get E... principle.

  159. Would've been a total breeze except for getting fixated on the 1-4-5-3-2 pattern from the door panel... d'uhh... had to cheat and peek here to realize the correct order for the zodiac bricks was, well, we all know now...


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