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Hitonchi Escape Walkthrough

Hitonchi Escape


Detarou - Hitonchi Escape is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game developed by Detarou. Gather items, solve some puzzles to escape this room. There are 3 possible endings. Good luck and have fun!
Note: this game is suitable for adult players

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Detarou's Hitonchi Walkthrough



Hi! Got 3 dices and 9 dancing men. Cat has the key in his mouth but can´t get it. Waiting for someone´s help.

10 men now!

These always crack me up.

Wow! s live Detarou!

Got 1 bad end and 1 end. Trying to get perfect end!

I've only got 6 dancing men and two dice. Need help opening the door with the up/down switches, colored triangles and 4 letters door. I've seen the clue shapes numbered 82, 25 and 48 but not sure what to do with them.

Same place for me, gmm.

Ah! Got it. Perfect End!

@gmm - Compare numbers and positions to open triangles door.

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I still don't understand how to open the triangle door.

@ Jenn, use the colors from the original numbers on the triangle door.

I'm stuck too, need help with triangle door!

for triangle door SPOILER

look at place of number
48 is written on the left, 82 is on the right, 25 is down
and 8 is yellow,4 is red...

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When you see numbers, the symbol is center or left or right. From the first door code, you know that 4 is red 5 is green 2 is blue 8is yellow.
82 has symbol on left. So it's the first number. So the first 2 triangles are yellow then blue and so on ..
Don't know the order for the cubes... With the scale, i know that heart> club> diamond > spade but .....

What is the perfect end? I went out through the panda door and through the dark brown door. I still have one spot left in my inventory.

@Drisana look on the shelf on the left of the scale (hint here)

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I don't see the clues for either the number code or the letter code.

where is the clue for the 4 letter door?

So far I have club, spade, heart cube. and 5 blue men. stuck though

Hi EnJoy, where did you get the spade cube?

Video WT here:

Of course ! Thanks Seb ;)

you have a code on fridge in kitchen to open bathroom (Important look at place of red button)

and in bathroom open a door and return to see letters on Mirror (= code for cb kitchen)

Oh POP.. went back into the room and found the milk.. now have the four letter code

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I am sorry, I don't remember where I got the spade cube. Kinda been running around in circles

sorry, spade cube is in cb kitchen (code Mirror bathroom)

This is an "easy" detarou ! ;) these games are usually harder ! but nice game !

Out with Perfect End! Fairly easy for a detarou, but I spent 20 minutes finding the last dancing man - behind a pipe under sink, near red button (you'll want to push the red button)

Yay! I love Detarou. He's one sick freak. LOL

omg Detarou makes me grin from ear to ear - Thank you!

Does anyone know where the diamond cube is?

Its ok!Found it downstairs :)


Part One:

OK! Start the game. FIRST ROOM.
What the...??? Yep! This is a Detarou game.
Click on the man to see a closeup. OK!
Enough of that. Back out and click on the
closet doors. Open the right door and click
on the blue-blob man. You squish him down
and see a RED # 4. Back out and turn right.
Click on the, umm, CAT twice to zoom in
and see that it is sitting on a clue. Back out
and zoom in on the cabinet doors. Open the
cabinet to see a YELLOW # 8. Zoom out
and open the mddle drawer on the left.
Move the underwear to see BLUE # 2.
Open the bottom drawer and piuck up the
wig to find BLUE MAN # 1. You will need 10
of these. Back out and zoom in on the litter
box. Click on the "thing" in the litter box 5
times to move it. I know you don't want to,
but you need it for the game! You will see a
GREEN # 5. (Is that a fried shrimp in the
litter box???) Zoom out and turn right to
face an AILING MAN. Zoom in on him to
see some writing on the wall behind him.
Turn right to face the hanging coat. Move it
to see a hint.Turn to the door and enter the
code according to the color hint. Exit the
FIRST ROOM. Turn right and examine the
poster at the end of the hall to find a clue.
There is a NUMBER 25 BELOW a symbol.
Turn right and enter the room with GLASS
outside that you can make dance??? To
the right is a man holding something.
Click the tatami mat at his feet to, umm,
give him a surprise. Open the wooden-
trap door and grab the HEART CUBE.
Turn left twice and face the BLUE VASE.
Zoom in to find BLUE MAN # 2. Click
on the left side of the vase for a, WHOA!
WHAT THE??? Grab the pervey BLUE
MAN # 3.


Part Two:

Zoom in on the closet and open the
left door. Move the box and see a clue
NUMBER 82 RIGHT of the symbol.
Move the box again for
BLUE MAN # 4. Back out of the room
and turn left twice. Open the door to the
STORAGE ROOM. Enter the room and
click on the boxes to your right for
BLUE MEN # 5 and 6. Click on the
middle boxes to find a locked trap door.
Go to the RED DOOR. Open it to find a
TOILET. Click on the Loo/John to find
a NUMBER 48 LEFT of a symbol.
Click on the shelf at the top find a
CLUB CUBE. Exit the TOILET and turn
left to face the WHITE DOOR.
Enter the colors according to the clues
you have found. You can now enter
Hey! That guy is laughing at you!!! Turn
right to face the counter. Look at the
note on the fridge. Make a note of the
position of the red circle and the black
lines. Exit the room and go to the end
of the hall and the door with the
switrches. Use the fridge code to open
In the BATHROOM, look at the mirror for
some more Detarou fantasy. Turn around
and open the shower to release steam.
Click on the back wall of the shower to
zoom in on the Detarou thing lounging
in the tub. Go back to the mirror to see a
THREE-LETTER CODE on the fogged up
glass. Go back to THE KITCHEN and
enter the code.


Part Three:

When you enter the code in
CUBE and BLUE MAN # 7. Before you
leave, click on the left side of the
cabinet for a better look. Oh! There's a
RED BUTTON. Press it.
Ha! Ha! Take THAT smart guy! Press
the button a few more times just for
fun. Now click on the pipe on the right
Return to the FIRST ROOM. Now go
back to the KITCHEN and you will
find some MILK on the counter. Go
back to the FIRST ROOM again and
give the MILK to the AILING MAN. He
will stand up and allow you to see the
code on the wall behind him. Now exit
this room and go straight to the end of
the hall and turn right. You need a
four-letter code for this door. You just
found it! Input the code and enter the
SCALE ROOM. Turn left and grab
BLUE MAN # 9 from the shelf. make a
note of the sizes and locations of the
statues. Turn right and put milk in the
bowl. Go back to the FIRST ROOM
and find that the CAT is gone! Check
out the paper the CAT was sitting on.
Hmm.. Remember those JUMPING
MEN? Go back to the GLASS DOOR
room and click on those guys in the
order indicated on the clue.
Watch the cutscene...
Go back to the BATHROOM (the door
with the switches) and click on the
clothes basket for a DIRTY SOCK and
BLUE MAN # 10.
Go back to the FIRST ROOM and find
the CAT with the key.


Part Four:

Well, the CAT won't give you the key,
so let him have a whiff of the DIRTY
SOCK you have. Ha! Grab the key. Go
to the STORAGE ROOM and use that
key on the trap door to enter the


The door on the left has a sign with a
Panda on it. YOU HAVE BEEN
WARNED! Pandas have inflicted
much harm on me in the past!!!
I never knew that they were so
vicious! Thanks Detarou!

On the right is a cubicle with four slots
and the final DIAMOND CUBE. Grab
the last cube and go back to the
SCALE ROOM. You have to weigh each
cube to find the heaviest and the lightest.
Go back to the BASEMENT and place
the cubes in the correct order and press
the button. Now you can put all of
your BLUE MEN into the slot below.
They will give you a GOLD KEY.

Go to the last door (the BROWN ONE)
and use your key. Don't exit if you

Go back to the cubicle where you used
your BLUE MEN and watch his clue.
Go back to the SCALE ROOM and
press the left and right side of the
scale in that order. Get the STAMP
and leave for a PERFET WIN!.

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Can someone help me understand the clue under the cat? I only found 5 (FIVE) jumpers, so where is 6 and why does it not work when i use the code as is (31542)? The WTs did not explain it and i hate not knowing the correct reason for the solution.

       Anonymous  5/20/13, 1:27 AM  

@ Chris,

I'm stuck at the same place as you ! The clue under the "cat" doesn't work.

I can't stop laughing at that great WT from T White! It just adds to the game's quirkiness.

@Chris and larue: for the 31542 clue with a 6 under the 2...
Make the strange Jumping Men jump in the order specified; that is,
1st: the second from the left
2nd: the last on the right
3rd: the first on the left
4th: the fourth from the left
5th: the guy in the middle
6th: the last on the right (the same guy you clicked for 2nd)

These are so funny and weird... But think I will be having nightmares about that creepy laughing guy in the kitchen!! Lol great walkthrough @ T White, very funny :)

Aaaaah clicked on the panda and died without saving :((((
Warning future players: in Detarou games, you should NEVER click the panda!

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Ligeia: just for completeness, in THIS game you will also get the panda end if you only open the door!

Tried it out...opened door, didn't click anything else...Panda End.

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Number order behind the coat.
Y= 8
R= 4

WHITE DOOR (Triangles):



Note that the fridge clue is upside down)





Click In Order:
(From left to right)


Basement (STATUES):


Perfect End:


Thanks Detarou! I Love your quirkiness!!! Great stuff.


I was also surprised by the BASEMENT-DOOR-INSTANT DEATH. Detarou usually gives us "one-last chance" to
run away. I guess those evil-pandas are getting more cunning as time goes by....

looks like it, yeah

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       Random Game  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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