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Locked Room Walkthrough

Locked Room


Locked Room is another new point and click type room escape game by gontaro. In this escape game, you are locked inside a room. Try to escape from the room by finding items and by solving the puzzles. Use your best escape skills. Good luck and have fun!

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I got lots of stuff, entered the 4 colour code by door and ID card, but i need the key, and i ned green key for cb.

green key on top of bookcase where lamp is

Green key is on book shelf, fan is working now.

miss one memo-card and one id-card, red key as well

Have GR-P4 2 and 3

Wasn´t res key in green box ? SD was in the long grey cb


ID card is under green box.

GR-P4 #1 in blue box (cut with scissors)

where is SD for green box?

Where are scissors ?

try catch you people ...

Sd in long grey cb, there is a hidden button somewhere in the back.

bookshelf with cd, bottom left hand-side

Number 4 is under PC table.

botton in or outside grey cb? can't find it :-(

Thx Dorothea, have 4 papers now

outside and it is not visible, it just says that there is a button when you find the right spot and asks you if you wanna push it or not.

ok i cant catch you people ..just hav 2 memo ,book ,cd ...where is colour code ?

ohh break thru ..i found battery under the bed ...

haven't used color-code yet, still searching the botton (pixelhunting?)
which memo-cards do you already have?

I am out !

The colour code comes from the coloured 4 papers, when you look at them closely there is written a number in the text below.

zazle, can't you give another hint for the hidden botton? pleaaaaaase!

I will restart and look for the button on grey cb.

hav 3 memo ,2 grp ,..all other things used ..

       Anonymous  5/20/13, 3:48 AM  

Can't seem to find the hotspot for the green key

yeah i found SD in grey box ..by clicking i think its open door ...

How to enter letters into gr-p4 unit please? have tried every combination I can think of!!!

Got it, you have to read the memo from the book first...

The letters are entered GRER, you only can enter each letter when the light above is green, so wait until it is green and then push the letter quickly, then hit enter after the 4 letters.

i had use cable ,ID now ..but 2 grp paper is missing ..opened all cabinets ...

Did you find the paper under PC table ?

for green key switch mirror

paper number 3 is on lamp table after turning on the fan.

#1 in blue box (use scissors)
#2 upper-left box
#3 near lamp (use fan)
#4 under computer-desk

       Anonymous  5/20/13, 3:58 AM  

Meh... I give up. Can't find green key and I've clicked every pixel on the bookcase.

       Anonymous  5/20/13, 3:59 AM  

Thank you Dorothea.

Numbers and letters are different in each game.

where is scissor ?

Quickdraw change the mirror and then look on the bookcase, there is something blinking.

going crazy with the botton

Bottom left of bookcase (outside)

Zazie thank-you so much was over thinking it!!!

       Anonymous  5/20/13, 4:01 AM  

phew.. finally. I read the clue but it's early and the brain ain't awake yet..lol

       Anonymous  5/20/13, 4:01 AM  

thanks for your help

Dorothea did you find the memo about the button in a book of big bookcase ? The button works only after you have read it.

thanx zazzie ...

is this the memo about GR-P4? (read it a thousend times)

atlast im escaped ..:)

No it is another memo.

i think you hav to read that blue book first ..which you got from shelf ..

It is in the orange book in upper shelf.

Then click in the cb when door is open.

ah, that's why.. :-)
where can I find the memo, in another book? clicked everyone already

To get the green key btw you have to make the mirror big and turn the tablelamp on.

Read my comment from 4:08

And 4:07

should refresh. thank you zazle!

is anyone else having problem finding the screw driver? clicking all over grey box and nada......could someone please hint to where the pixel is to find button to find screw driver?

exept us two, nobody seems to have problems with this silly SD.
can't click any book for the info and giving up now.

can't find memo for button to push either....clicked on every book. have 4 memo's but none of them say really anything helpful. nothing about a button. just something like "is written with (k)" etc......what do your guys memos say?

tried clicking cabinet when door open to no avail....

have only yellow, blue and green colored memos and all 4 GR-P4 memos......

I cant find the button memo either

well i am giving up too.....will come back later and see if someone posts the pixel to click on

ok i played game again FOR BUTTON IN GREY BOX

first get orange book from the top shelf in a room where lamp is

read the book

now go to grey box open it & click dark area ..it will ask you abt secret ...click yes to get SD

I can't get any book from that shelh. I guess it's a bug. I tried reloadind

okay i am back.
had to, hooked on trying to finish it.
can't get an orange book either though.....i guess it doesn't like me. :(

okay restarted the game and now can't get green key

oops got it forgot to turn mirror!

raatsi, clicked the top orange book on shelf with light but can't get it, did you click on a certain spot to get it?

okay i am assuming there must be a trick to get the orange book that i am missing......hopefully someone will figure out what i am not doing right

oh well have to leave for work.
orange book just won't come off or open for me or any other book that is left on the shelves so i am leaving.....thanks anyway!

I restartet to look for the orange book and my first click was on the book and i got it, so nothing to do before.

Cute little game. Frustrating with all the mad clicking to find stuff. But made it out.

How to operate GRP4 machine? I connected the cable and have all cards and memos but it doesn´t work.

Anyone here?? I can't get the green key no matter what! I've even restarted the game and yet got got nothing..
Is there something we have to do 1st?

Hi Nini. Turn the mirrot first. So go to the other bookshelf and wait a little. Something will blink on top of it.

Roberto...you need the ID card from bottom of box with screws

Don´t understand lart code on GRP4.

Roberto....look at each memo, they have a letter on each you need to input in machine

I got the card Thrynn, just don´t know the code. I have input the four letters from memos, but nothing happens.

I think you need to put your letters in when green light is on

Ah! Forgot to press enter.

Thanks Thrynn


trying again. started game over. went right to the orange book, still can't get it to read it. it says "there seems to be particularly nothing"
is anyone else still having this problem. would love to move on. tried to get everything i could that i had before and did but still no luck with the orange book. is it because i am using firefox?

no orange book, no way, no how. The game wasn't great to begin with, but now it's a zero.

idk what is the problem @ brin3m i started game ..direct went to shelf click orange book & got SD

the ORANGE book you hav to click its in 3rd rite scence ....

Zazie 5/20/13, 3:53 AM
The letters are entered GRER, you only can enter each letter when the light above is green, so wait until it is green and then push the letter quickly, then hit enter after the 4 letters.

Pass codes are different :(

Zazie ... how did you get the code ?

Got it ... click the 4 papers and read the letter there, then put in when the light is green, push enter.

Out, thanks for the tips friends ;)

must be my computer, just came back again and still can't get that book....started fresh went right to book in scene with lamp (3rd scene) and nada. can still pick up CD, plant, get scissors and green key (after i turn the mirror)
Thanks rassti for asking but i really have no clue why i can't pick up that book. clicked every place now and still no book.....done. hope no one else has this problem

       Anonymous  5/21/13, 1:31 AM  

brin3m, I think the game doesn't let you do some things until you do some others.

"It will be what kind of thing".

Just went in, delving myself thru that oddly-phrased English ;-)

It hasn't been only once that my brow showed nothing but question marks...

Penetration of room must be succeeded now. Otherwise probability of starving of lack of nutrition in narrow room is granted.

OK, I'll stop...

Well, I must have been really lucky when I got the green key instantly the first time!
But without luck, this is a little tough!

- Mirror originally is turned to the SIDE.
- So turn mirror so that it faces directly to YOU.
- In other room, turn desk lamp ON.
- Now have a little patience, watching the upper right corner of the bookshelf (in the same room where the lamp is), and you can see a TINY yellowish spot. It's just an inch left hand side off said corner.

hope this helps

Dead link - parked site.

       Share Your Comment  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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