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The Adventures of Miss Libellule: The Queen of Snakes

[REPLAY] The Adventures of Miss Libellule: The Queen of Snakes is another point & click adventure type escape game developed by Jo99. In this game with a very special graphic atmosphere, your aim is to help our heroine locate a treasure and escape the temple of the Queen of Snakes by finding and using items and hints for solving puzzles. Though her expedition started out well prepared, Miss Liebellule's journey to the temple hits a snag when her entire crew is wiped out, and a rock slide traps her inside. Good luck and have fun! ☺

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

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  1. i'm here :) slow loading...

  2. yes,shaz,just loading now

  3. yeah,it IS slow loading,hartz

  4. Seems you have to find symbols and place them eg. turtle goes on diagram gives answer to symbols bottom of picture

  5. Jo99 is unique...five stars for a small piece of art..

  6. Dont forget to click in one of the 2 books to turn the page and find something hidden inside the book...
    Also take a careful look for the blue spot near snake on one of the pages,so you know where to click for opening one of the pictures on wall

  7. Can anyone help? have blue 'man' and snake not sure where to put them

  8. blue man goes in chest next to the door i think...snake goes in room with hanging snakes there is a hot spot on the right.

  9. Thank-you for help however my 'man' wont go in place do I need to do something to get it to go in place?? sorry if I seem stupid

  10. no shaz nana,just place it...i mean the chest next to the door in the with the 2 books dowstairs not upstairs..

  11. ** in the room with the books

  12. I love these games!
    If only it didn't take so long to load...LOL

  13. has any one figured out the diamond shape picture yet ?

  14. Have lots of rooms lit up...there is something that goes under the statute holding the glowing ball, I still have a cog like item and a staff with a snake and an oval shaped yellow disc with blue inside and a red center...


  15. kevaus start at top go down then across and up hope that makes sense

  16. where is the diamond picture?

  17. I think the two pcs I have go somewhere to encourage the snakes around the staff to release... but where?

  18. in the room where the hanging snakes were, you have to place a snake to open the room

  19. yes shaz nana,thats the triangle panel ? i mean picture on wall with diamond shapes at bottom,you can change them

  20. Put cog looking disk on staff... now what?

  21. kevaus sorry I am the same as you stuck!! LOL

  22. join the cog with the snake staff and attache to semi-circle at the river (upstairs)

  23. diamond pic is middle door from snake holding orb above head

  24. I have the beam of light bouncing off the mirrors to the crystal ball what does it do now , I'm stuck but love all this color :)

  25. from their you can place the last disk as per picture in book and start a new series of light via mirrors to statue downstairs

  26. Trying to follow the book but I do not know where the yellow red and blue disk goes... I know where the staff goes....

  27. have placed mirror from office (door behind keylock) in the room with the snake king - just need that final hand disk for the statue to direct the light into his room

  28. Ohhhh THANKS Mystris ! I could never explain what I've done so far

  29. out... loved the graphics and the game!
    Can't wait for the next adventure.

  30. Where is that snake-staff, please? have cog and yellow-blue-red disc...

  31. get gear,click on dead man open his bag get red man
    go inside room click on chest use red man to open it and get turtle
    put turlte on map on the table see hint for symbols on picture
    use symbols on picture to open it(click on it) get salamandra item
    before laeve this room click on bed and DRUG pillow to get eye item
    get out of the room place salandra item on the right to open stairs
    go downstairs
    click back arrow and take a look in books left and right for clues
    in left book turn page for green man,then focus on picture on the wall
    and click on one of the blue buttons according to the hint on book to get a door key
    click back arrow and you face the three rooms,go in the third room from left to right(eggs room)
    focus on the centre and place eye item so you can take a snake item
    go back and go inside the second room with the hanging snakes
    click on statue and place green man to get a blue man
    back up and then focus on the right to place your snake item so the hanging snakes will raise
    now go right and take a look on picture with symbols and colors
    back up and click on the machine ahead and what you saw from the picure(its 3 combinations:half circle,circle and diamond
    combined with colors) for two items and a clue for diamonds
    combine these two items that you get and leave this room
    after going out this room click on the picture and use the diamond clue to get a triangle item
    go all the way back in the books room and click on chest to open it with blue man and get sun item
    ,then open the door with your key and go inside room
    get mirror first and then click on painting to open it with hint from book
    get the snake lever and combine it with gear
    go upstairs and out in waterfall,place lever,water will stop and a cave will reveal,go inside
    place sun item on top of the statue for a light reflection
    then go in room with queen snake(first room from left to right when you the crystal ball lady) and
    place mirror on the guy to the right,also place the combined circle item on queen sceptre according to the book
    now get out of the room and go through second to the room with the giant snake,go left and open the cover in the triangle
    click each piece of the triangle one after the other(i think its trial and error?,never found a clue) and place
    the triangle item that you have still in your inventory
    go all the way back in crystal ball lady and click where she sits on,now the hand is sparkling,
    click on it to get the green diamond and watch the short movie

    i apologise if i made mistakes,poor english

  32. sorry - am at work and just had to serve a customer. I believe snake staff was behind one of the pictures that opened with a code (ie. semi circle in office, diamond in hall or colour buttons in end room)

  33. Coming in late, but I'm loving this...been at least a year since the last one

  34. 50% with you shortly

  35. Graphics are crazy detailed, kind of annoying, but by itself gorgeous artwork. I was about to ask for help but figured it out (I had all the pieces, had maybe 3 left but didn't know where they all went. Thanks Mystris for the hint about the cog, that was what I needed!)

  36. Porto Leone you are my hero!!! Well done!!

  37. thanks porto leone !!! great walkthrough

  38. clue for the shield order is the direction of the snakes of the hanging shields in same room

  39. I needed that end part Thanks Porto Leone!! that was awesome you could explain in so few words :) PERFECT <3

  40. LOL veery slow load and very aecape progress is equally slooow....

  41. Leroy it's all that this game does, well worth the load time

  42. still can't find diamond picture clue,what am i missing ??

  43. Kevaus I have it written down TL-BR-TR that is where to put red part sorry I don't remember where that clue was I feel like I ate acid ;)

  44. lol Clee I think that clue was in the colors & shapes machine

    with so many snakes, I think ayahuasca is the preferred drug here (apologies to Clio Rose! Really it's a great game! just because there's LOTS of snakes...)

  45. I don't get 2 items from the picture/mchine combination. I got the slide opening for the hint, but not the items. I even went back and tried every combination on the picture but even that didn't work......Help???

  46. POP! You have to change the centre top symbol to the one you want

  47. fascinating and fantastic - this was such a wonderful change from the norm. Jo99 is an imaginative artist along the lines of R. Crump. I thoroughly enjoyed this, but I have to say I would not have had a clue and would have given up in frustration but for the great WT by Porto Leone - thank you!

  48. What an annoying noise while it's loading.

  49. Good game and well worth the wait for it to load.

  50. I know there was probably a lot of work put into it... but still, the graphics just makes my eyes melt :( Literally had to abandon the game about 5 minutes into it :(


  51. Wow...what a great game. Hope it isn't too long to be continued! Excellent graphics (even I don't like snakes at all!)

  52. The best game on this site for a long time. New, fresh, graphics exelent.......

  53. I don't understand the hint for the 3 colours.

  54. @pdgph, you just have to match colors as they are shown on the wall picture, then pull the lever.
    Look at the color code for lower left symbol, then pull, then look for lower right, asl.

  55. Thanx for WT and thankx for great game :)

  56. Great game, my only criticisms (constructive I hope) are:
    1. There needs to be a way to turn the sound off
    2. It would be nice to have the cursor change when you hit a hot spot. There was a bit too much clicking around for me.

    Thanks a lot for the WT, it was very necessary LOL

  57. Good game, but incredibly creepy o.O And agree with some of the other criticisms (e.g. the sound while loading, the lack of a cursor change on hotspots).

    I am super-creeped out by all the snakes and weird sounds (and the heroine's face!). Going to go off and play the HoodaMath game to recover... lol!

  58. Best escape I have played yet! Beautiful scenery, logical puzzles and play patterns, doable but not too easy. Well done.

  59. A rare 5 star game. Fantastic graphics, animation, and sound. Worth waiting for load, I see what took so long!

  60. I am at the end, but still don't have one or two items in inventory (spaces). I don't have the hand to go beneath the crystal ball lady, so the mirror I placed in the left room is not reflecting light yet. Sorry I couldn't find instructions on where to find that last item in the w/t. Any help?

  61. Great game. A bit slow loading, and the snake sound while loading was a bit annoying, but the game itself was very well done! 4.5 outta 5...

  62. I'm Kronsilds, the one who made the sounds and music. Sorry for the snake's sound while loading, I didn't think the game would load so slowly! :)

  63. another piece of art from Jo99 absolutely worth a replay - enjoy!

    thx for all your creations, Jo ☺
    thx kronsilds for your contribution to this game
    & thx Porto for the WT

  64. again thanks for WT Porto great game ty for posting

  65. funny how everyone got back ok, recovered from rock fall, friendly tiger, well done getting away from crocodile etc. :)

  66. love the art! love the music! ty!


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