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Daymare Cat

[REPLAY] Daymare Cat Escape is another puzzle & escape game developed by Mateusz Skutnik for PastelGames, who is also the creator of the Submachine escape game series. In this game, you are stuck in a town and you have to find a way to get out from there. Good luck and have fun! ☺

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

Play Daymare Cat Escape

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  1. Holy cow! A new Skutnik! So I have to postpone everything!

  2. A puzzle platformer! Surprise!

  3. I don´t have headphones. :(

  4. I went up up and have a to get down again?

  5. Roberto: as far as I can see, you don't really need them. It is just nicer with them (because the game plays music from time to time).

    Stuck with a pyramid, don't know where to use it. Found two record disks so far.

  6. I stuck, I cant find the last disk :(

  7. Just put sound effects!

  8. Oh, POP! The key goes in the round pillar thingy ...down arrow to use it! :)

  9. Gramophone is in first doorway in caves after door...

  10. Mlody padawan: which one do you need? I can't get the one you can see down on the balcony when you leave the caves. Have you found a place to use the pyramid?

  11. Ah! found the place to use pyramid. On a small pillar to the left after caves.

  12. Ah, POP! Use the pyramid to the very right (right of teh door with the horns) on the pedestal!

  13. I have all disks I've seen, from this balcony as well. Don't have any idea how to find the fifth. About piramid: you have to put it on pedestal, one screen right from screen with big doors and five speakers

  14. have used two records but can't get the third one down below the caves as you exit.

  15. Where is pyramid please?
    I see the discs but have no idea how to get to them...

  16. sneaky spaces in this game. keep checking left and right everywhere for new spaces. Still only 2 discs and can't find my way down to third.

  17. Got all disks (5) and a key.

    Sorry nokra, I've been running around so much, can't remember where I found the pyramid. :-(

  18. Nokra, at door with speakers over it jump up on little blocks to go into upper door, all the way right pyramid is on upper shelf

  19. There is another area when you used the pyramid. You have to jump into the mouth on the ground!

  20. Any tips on getting back through the bouncy balls? Can't seem to go left no how!

  21. Can't get through the 'bouncing balloon' minigame section...

  22. I have disk from this mouth. Do you remember where you found other discs?

  23. I'm out!

    Trig: You have to get to the upper left balloon, but don't try to get there from the one right and only a bit down, but from the one below.

  24. Mlody: as far as I remember, there have been two disks there: one in the cave (stomach) after mouth, the other one more to the right (??)

  25. TY @evans...I don't see that room...I must have missed it and can't go back!
    I'll try this later....

  26. Wheee! I double bounced! Thanks, escapism!

  27. I'm replaying it.

    Found the pyramid: Above the door with horns (jump on stones that stick out of wall to get there), then right, use stool to get it.

  28. Second disk in 'mouth area' is down into cave in the two bouncin balloons view (that leads you to the balcony)

  29. Found 3 record players so far, looks like we need 5 to open the door with 5 speakers.

    @Roberto -- not finding that pillar right of caves -- 1st scene or later?

  30. And another one after you made the bouncing hell, turn right.

  31. (Love the way the girl's hair flies when she's jumping!)

  32. Puzzled: the pillar to use the pyramid? right of door with horns..

  33. I agree, evans. Fantastic game, Skutnik confirms his outstanding game making skills. I love it if game makers try to leave their usual paths and make something new! Thanks, Mr. Skutnik!

  34. Sorry, gotta go, but there should be enough hints now, and evans is out too. Lots of fun for the ones still playing!

  35. Finally found it --right of door with speakers!

  36. Great game! Skutnik is awesome! Thanks for the help (for balloon and the fact that "there are always more rooms!)

  37. Lets try this way: 1st disk is in balcony in doors with speakers section, 2nd in pitch black mouth area, 3rd in balcony (after 2 bouncing balons section), 4th when you go right after "bouncing hell", and 5th...?

  38. Thats what I said twice, puzzled... ;-)

  39. found another record right of moving platforms (also another locked door)

  40. Oh, thanks @escapism, I didn't refresh before posting! Very behind ...

  41. There's another room when you climb in the window above the music horns and go to the left. a broken wall, was hard to notice.

  42. @Bobby, thank you very much :)

  43. Grr - got 2 more disks and key going through the mouth (thanks @escapism), but can't get past bouncy drums. Will come back latere

  44. does anyone know what to do in the room with big bell?

  45. I finally made it out! I got really good at bouncing all over the place!!! The balloons were the hardest to get thru.

    Great game as always!!!

  46. ah, finaly managed to jump higher

  47. Reg - go left, and then it's really tricky to get up where the dragon is. Jump to the left post, and then onto the ledge he's sitting on.

  48. Superb. The platform action isn't very difficult (and you just start over in that room). Be sure to watch all the animation at the end till it says "Thank You". Really artsy, 5 stars.

  49. thank you, hm can't reach the ledge

  50. got it, you can use the tail^^

  51. How do you get the disc that we see after the 1st cave? Got the other 4 but really can't get that one :S

  52. do you mean the disk you can see on the balcony below you? stuck with this too

  53. Fantastic Game!!!!! What wonderful, artistic graphics, but of course what else to expect from Mateusz Skutnik! Truly amazing!

  54. Yes Reg, I really dont see how to get there

  55. It was odd, but once I got the disc from the dragon, I went back through the door, and, if I remember correctly, there was a door to the right that led to the balcony disc. I'd have to replay to remember exactly how I got there.

  56. I mean I went back through the door below the bell...

  57. Oh, nevermind my comments above...once you get the pyramid, go through the first door (not the one you came out of) and that's the balcony. The pyramid is in the room that is above the exit door - the one with the horns...

  58. I'm searching around that area but I can't find any new door!

  59. Game was great and I also liked the song. Subscribed to the newsletter also.

  60. if you mean the door that lead to the balcony, where the 5 boxes are on the left, thats not the balcony i speake about.

    the balkony i have a problem with is the one after you left the cave. there you see a balcony below you

  61. how to get this disk:

  62. Before you go to the balloons, there's a room you can go in - that's the balcony that is below the exit from the caves...

  63. I don't get it, what balloons are you talking about? the ones in the mouth on the ground in which you can jump?

  64. Let's see how to describe:
    When you go to the first place you can jump really high you can go left and play a record. Then you jump on it again and go right to a place where there is a room down below where you land, and before you start jumping on the balloons in the air. That's the room that goes to the balcony below the cave exit.

  65. or the balloons on the 6 columns?

  66. Ok got it, wow I don't understand how I never crossed through that door xD

  67. No, you go past the 6 colums. Then you have to do some jumping to get to the other side. I don't think you are there yet...

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. supergame; ten out of five :-)

  70. Can't find record player #5. The four i've found
    - In the side room off the caves
    - The one just before the 5-speakers scene
    - The one through the window above the 5 speakers and left
    - The one through the tiny door after the bouncy game

    What am I missing?

  71. Yes, I would give 100 stars if I could!

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. beautiful and interesting...and the music!! WoW :D

  74. Jenna did you get the one from the dragon?? up from the bell??

  75. no...Jenna is looking for the fifth record player, not the record...I can't remember. Seems there was one way to the left in one of the scenes at the beginning...but I've already replayed it twice and can't remember. There are so many places in this game!

  76. oh man, i finaly found it, thanks zoe. i saw that door many times but i thought i came from there^^

  77. I cannot find the fifth record player either. It is the one that plays from the middle pipe at the doors with all five musical pipes. Anyone know?

  78. Jenna, you mentioned a tiny door after the bouncy game? I do not see that one.

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. records players: 1-in caves...2-room under the first balkony we see the record...3-room bellow the door with 5 speakers,left twice...4-room up when you jump the barrels( silly :D)....5-when coming out of the black mouth,jump once-left...well this is my best description :P

  81. There's a record player when you get to the place where you can jump really high, but you have to go to the left, not the right. There's a big drum-like platform in the air...

  82. Love the design but it runs so sluggggiiiiiissshhhhlyyy....

  83. Hmm, mine was not sluggish at all - in fact it played quite peppy - fast jumps etc. I used Chrome.

  84. And that's not an "escape game" at all. That's an adventure multi-screen platformer, as you would expect on a console like the Nintendo64.

  85. @Zoe might depend on the CPU as well. Mine is none to write home about (any more)

  86. Thank you Zoe!! I had tried jumping to that big drum, but didn't think it could be done.

    @Bill, after the bouncy game you land on a platform. One of the records is to the right. To the left, the little door is right in the middle of the screen. You need the key from the bouncy game to open it.

  87. Oh, what a pitty! I don't like to play platforms games. I was waiting an eternity for a new daymare, and I can't play it. It makes me nervous when my little guy have to jump in a cliff. Mateuz, I still love you, but don't make me more this, ok?

  88. Oh, what a pitty! I don't like to play platforms games. I was waiting an eternity for a new daymare, and I can't play it. It makes me nervous when my little guy have to jump in a cliff. Mateuz, I still love you, but don't make me more this, ok?

  89. Walktrough

    after you climbed up trough the hole:
    - go to the left, geh key
    -go right to the wooden door, insert key to little hole aside of it
    -enter the cave and see black hole
    -enter blach hole, there is disk player(1)
    -leave hole and go 2x left, see disk(1) at balcony below
    -go right, jump over the platformes,go right
    - enter room, go 2x right, use lever
    - go back to platformes and jump up to get wheel
    -use wheel on hole aside the door in screen left from lever
    - enter door and see disk(2) above you
    - go right, disk player(2)
    - go left, here you see the exit door
    - jump up and enter room
    - go 2x right, find pyramid on shelf (use chair to reach it)
    - go left,enter room, go left, find disk(2)
    - go back thougt door and turn 2x left, find disk player(3)
    -go back right one time, enter hole in wall
    -jump up the platformes, go right, enter dark room
    - jump up to bell, jump um on truss (from the left side to the right), go left
    - jump to the left pillar, than at the tail of the dragon and up to get disk(3)
    -go back to exit door and than right
    -use pyramid on the little pillar
    -jump up and go right to flying platforms
    - jump into the mouth-like hole
    -turn 2x right, find disk(4)
    -go 3x right to pillow-like jumpthing
    -jump to the left, find disk player(4)
    -go back right and jump to the right
    -go down to door, enter door, pick up disk(1) we saw before
    -go back and jump on balloon
    - first jump to the right side and get key
    -than jump up to the left side to the highest point
    -you land on a platform, go right, find disk(5)
    -go 2x left, in the middle there is a door, use key, enter and find disk player(5)
    -now you just have to insert all disks to all player and you can leave through exit door

    have fun and good luck

  90. When I think of platform games, I think of levels. There are usually 20 or so levels. This game doesn't have levels, just lots of "rooms" This is a platform in the sense that you have to jump on things, but after a while I got very good at jumping! Then it became very fun! And in the end, you do actually escape out of the game through an exit door...just my opinion.

  91. I would add to the walkthrough:
    Watch the whole ending. You can then download the song if you liked it. :)

  92. I don't know how to interact with the game. I just seem to be able to run left and right and hump up and down. Refreshed but can't see any instructions.

  93. Ha! Jump up and down - not hump!

  94. It's ok. Worked it out. Press the down arrow key to do other things.

  95. i'm stuck in the cave, can't go forward, backword, see myself jump if i go upwards, but no idea how to get out of here. Is it a bug?

  96. @Peke my point too :)

    A VERY sneaky new way of promoting somebody's music ;-)

  97. When I think of platform games, I think of levels. There are usually 20 or so levels.

    Well, remembering 'Lionheart' on my Amiga 500 in the early 1990s let me think otherwise :) One of these levels were as big as this whole game :) 'Turrican II' (second half) would be another example. Levels you cannot play between 2 coffee breaks ;)

  98. @Ikke: are you in the cave there the disk player is oder in the cave with the hole in the ceilling (the big dark room)

    if you are with the disk player, thy to press the down-button, you can leave though a hole in the wall.

    if you are in the big dark room, go right until you leave it

  99. Such a cool game!!!! Skutnik is the best!!!

  100. Not my favorite kind of game, but the music was great!

  101. Late as usual lol, but I'd like to comment. I thought this was a great game. The graphics were fantastic in a 'willowy' kind of way, and MS stamped his usual sense of fantasy on the game.

    Only 5 stars from me though ;o)

  102. @arbeitslooser: Wow! Going back to the dark ages!! I even remember "Pong" - how's THAT for hinting at my age!!!

  103. @arbeitslooser
    Speaking of big levels and ancient games. I remember vividly a C64 game 'Doriath'. 256 rooms total in a one big 'level' to explore and solve. No possibility to save either. :)

  104. The song sounded like that terrible song by Gotye

  105. The song sounded like that terrible song by Gotye

  106. YAY!! Very late now, but LOVE these! :)
    But shame I don't have head phones with me (and can't turn up sound as at work)... Going in!

  107. Well I am stuck jumping on these balloon things... I read that I have to get the the top left from the one below, but can't reach. Then I read that someone found how to jump higher, but not sure how to do that! Confused lol..

  108. POP! Got up there from the one to the right and below it lol... spent too long trying to get there from the one below. Moving on :)

  109. And out! Fantastic game (as always in my opinion, platform game or not)... :D

  110. Thank you Mateusz Skutnik, your games are always challenging (in a good way) and I appreciate the time you put into them.

  111. Way too late in playing this, but a fantastic game. MS you've been away too long.

  112. I got a key from a pedestal on the left (up the hole), it seemed to be in my inventory, but I couldn't do anything with it. I couldn't click on it and I couldn't open the door on the right.

  113. POP the key goes in the tree trunk thing to the left of the door!

  114. I have missed your games. Thank you for all your great games. I would love another Submachine game. Those are the greatest ever!!!!!!

  115. I still listen to the Cat Jahnke albums I bought after this game!

  116. never been good at platformers, but this is a Skutnik, so I played anyway, 'cause I missed this cool piece of art when it was posted the first time - thx for the possibility of a replay ☺

  117. This is the BEST game I have played since ages.


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