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Kotorinosu - Room Γ Escape

Kotorinosu - Room Γ  Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Kotorinosu. In this game, you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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 Kotorinosu - Room Γ Escape walkthrough

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  1. ok now im in another room ..hav car ,remote ,bucket wht to do ?

  2. TY - forgot that particular
    ther are so many...

  3. im losin it
    no place to put that box!!!
    besides red tulips wont work

  4. Turn off lights and put it in front of window upstairs.

  5. POP
    turn off lights again

  6. Finally! Clue on ch 3 on tv

  7. i putt off light ..saw 4 on planet & 3 on cushion where to use these num#

  8. Usu them on safe downstairs. Order is from channel 3 on TV

  9. sue ... thnk you so much. Going in again!! Youre great

  10. EPIC!!!!

    finally out

    awesome game

  11. there is nothing on channel 3 ....?someone get me out of here ..

  12. I got out with an extra moon in inventory. Wonder why.

  13. Sue, at same place you are! What to do next???

  14. I had to go for a while, that was a good good game !!!

  15. wht to do with car ..wht to do with num# 3 & 4...there is nothing on ch 3 ....;((

  16. Help, where to use crank upstairs dont find a place for it??????

  17. raasti, go to the doll on shelf downstairs and set switch nº3 to blue, so you can watch channel 3.

  18. Confused
    Need hammer to get moon
    Need moon to see number 6 for safe
    Need safe combo to get hammer?

  19. testsite, turn off lights and follow the light .

  20. POP, there is a alcove right of center downstairs

  21. ok i did that now where is moon num# ?:D(im being annoying student of class )

  22. put box in windo when light is off

    you get new handle

    use handle in safe downstairs

  23. pick the moon up and the number shows up on it.

  24. so confusing ..i dont hav any moon ...

  25. raasti. read PL Barfield post at 11:04.

  26. Someone please help. I've tried taking a picture of Channel 2 with the heart a million times and nothing happens. I can't figure out the dragonfly picture. Help please

  27. Maybe you need the battery for camera first.

  28. 5614920c-cf9d-11e2-9ec8-000bcdcb471e

    do you have

    a) a battery in camera
    b) the black thing (whats it called) the big thing in camera?

  29. ok now hav hande from the safe what ?

  30. use it on faucet. Fill bucket and pour water under pot plant.

  31. Still dont know where I get hammer..

  32. Hammer is inside safe after you get second (golden) handle.

  33. I put box in window when light is of... but it doesnt open and when I back out is goes back in inventory. What did I miss????

  34. Emily
    do you have wooden box?? from "window-safe" above sink??

  35. got key from using car where to use key ?

  36. When you put box under sunlight, the carved shapes turn white and box opens.

  37. testsite??

    did you take a picture with camera downstairs??
    in that strange poicture frame??

  38. raasti...

    try above sink...on the round window/safe

  39. Use this key on safe above sink.

  40. I placed the wooden box in front of the window (lights off) and nothing happened...

  41. @ Sue. I got a picture that shows the vase, the box and the moon.

  42. you have to do things in order - otherwise it wont work

  43. Make your questions faster. I have a short memory. Soon I wont remember how I escaped. lol.

  44. me too ..i hav pic ..placed box..nothing happened

  45. Sue, whats the correct order??? I first made picture then found box. Isn't that good.... do I have to start over... I hope not??!!!

  46. I got a handle, think i opened the "whatever" under the aircon with it, took pic with order (flower, box, moon), opened safe... but no hammer. Maybe I missed a comment?

  47. Have to leave now... hope somebody leaves good clues... nice game but really difficult... see you later.

  48. You have to zoom in front of window before place box.

  49. dont scare me testsite *lol*

  50. GOT it
    pic shows "closed tulips" !!!

    so if ur tulips are open because of heat

    turn down AC to cold (i took 7 again)
    the tulips close
    the box works

  51. I did. It stil doesnt work

  52. What safe did you open Emily? The handle you used under aircon is not a handle but a crank.

  53. aaaaah!!! sue! my hero! forgot the red book!

  54. try tulips testsite tulips (where you got red marble)

  55. short afk - be back for help if needed

  56. sorry roberto, my english isnt that well - yes, used crank under aircon.
    now i got the golden handle (thx sue) and forgot where to use it but i´ll search now

  57. But my box has disappeared

  58. Yes that was it.... now need one more battery... please have to leave now really... please leave good clue... thnks... so fun playing live game... thanks all for help so far and thnks for leaving good hints for when I come back... thnks......

  59. testside, after ye got hammer (safe, golden handle), ye can get the moon with the car. use it at yellow door, there is ahotspot at the right side with 4th batterie

  60. ok now hav hammer ..make a hole in wall how to get moon ?

  61. should be 5th battery lol

  62. How do you open drawer to get paper for green thing? I got a key from aircon manipulation which gave me hook-key from fish but it won't work on any lock. What am I missing? So frustrating!

  63. Strange! Tried to play the game again, and when I click the red striped doll on shelf I go straight to downstairs even without opening black door..

  64. raasti, place the car behind the moon and use it..

  65. place moon
    put car behind moon
    zoom out
    use remote on car it pushes moon

    <dont forget batteries in car and remote (happened to me...)

  66. FANTASTIC!!!The Best game in a LONG time!!

  67. Tania..
    try key on wooden box on green shelf?

  68. Sue. Could you try the game again and see if happens the same when you click red doll?

  69. ok now i placed moon on door ..but there is another puzzle ..wht to do now ?

  70. call me stupid - but what should i do with the 4 batteries now?

  71. same place as you raasti..

  72. Ill do Roberto

    Emily you should have 5 batteries

    then go in room upstairs - new puzzle behind green closet (where ladder was)

  73. no E mily u call me stupid cos i also dont kno wht to do with 4 battries ?LOL

  74. hapüüh...5 batteries?
    *scratch head*
    any hint where to find the 5th?

  75. Roberto...

    everythig normal here...

  76. @ sue wht to do with that puzzle ?ROFL

  77. Very strange. Can´t zoom in on red doll on shelf. Game takes mr downstairs. Thanks anyway!

  78. would never do that raasti! ;)

  79. okay having a problem...i got the screw driver, the remote, the camera, the green box, 3 marbles (yellow , black n green) ... and so far 2 batteries (one from AC, the other from Camera)

    i took pictures from the channels, (nothing happened) I opened the left drawer (empty) while the right drawer doesn't open.
    I'm stuck. where do i get the paper for the green box? I used the codes as mentioned above
    next to the blue door, (nothing)

    what am i missing ? what should i do?

  80. lool raasti... put 5 batteries in device under puzzle
    connect the colors...
    green to green
    red to red etc..
    the push button and go downstairs

    3 batteries from car remote
    1 batterie from car
    1 batterie after putting moon on big door downstairs

  81. wht to do in green cupboard puzzle ?

  82. ouch! o.k. - now i call myself stupid cause i CANT count! *slap forehead* had 5th batterie all the time *lol*

  83. Lottie posted earlier an image
    so I copy & paste

    last puzzle

    Thx Lottie

  84. tracey

    things only work in order

    it seems you need now

    use AC with 2 batteries? turn down to 7° to get fish

  85. ok i consider myself out cos i cant do that last puzzle ..someone post pic then i will do that ..

    thanx for all the help guys .idk in which words should i thank you people ..tears are falling from eyes during this thank seech ..LOL:D

  86. Yay! I´m out! thanks mates!

  87. The only thing I dislike on this game was the fact you only need 2 batteries to operate the aircon. I wasted a lot of time searching for 3rd battery, until someone post you didn´t need it. But it´s just a detail. The game is really great!

  88. pic shows "closed tulips" !!!
    so if ur tulips are open because of heat
    turn down AC to cold (i took 7 again)

    I guess there is another yet more logical explanation for the reason of doing this step...
    And that is the "flower calendar" which on its last (or penultimate) page shows a 'cold' sign

  89. @Roberto: even this is logical. There are two thin BRACKETS showing that the battery compartment can be operated with either two or three batteries according to the purpose it serves.

  90. arbeitslooser...i didnt find it illogical, guess the players didnt turn down heat after getting red marble

    so it makes sense because of the red book...

    it was a looong way from red marble to wooden box :))

  91. Cannot get the camera. Can't actually click on red doll. Help?

  92. now im finally out ..thank you again ..

  93. Drisana said :Use pencil with red book ...please where is pencil?? searched both rooms but cant find it

  94. Pete
    pencil in screwdriver head

    you need brown doll head to open screwdriver

  95. Wow, Wow, Wow! What an awesome game! Best I have played on here so far. Thank you to all the previous posters for the great hints!!!

  96. where is the wrench!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????

  97. Quite annoyed with camera bug because if you mess with camera when you need to take pic of it (like I forgot to put battery in camera) it freezes the game and your only option is to restart. Done it twice, can't be bothered to do it a third time. Lucky all of those who managed to get through the game without bugs.

  98. Jodi look at comments around 9 a.m. It's in marble box after you put disk in it and rearrange marbles. Hope that helps.

  99. Tania are using Chrome? I did not have this prob. But previous players did.

  100. Try in Chrome. Really good game

  101. stuck with the box from the safe, 5 batteries, the car and the remote. the large door opened with an electric symbol and a blue, green, pink and orange-ish wire connected. what now?

  102. I´m stuck with handle (blue), where to use it, please?

  103. ganga--- go to the first room. put all 3 batteries in the a/c thing. turn the light off. and on the wall where the light shines in, click the point of it.
    blue crank goes there. it opens up that picture of the gears in the basement

  104. thank´s leah for help !

  105. blue handle goes on spot (with lights out) under AC

  106. thanks everyone, i never would have made it out without your help.

  107. this was a good,big ,interestring,hard enough ,beautiful game! would like to play more like this :D

  108. need help. still stuck

  109. @ leah

    go back upstairs to green closet and solve last puzzle

  110. very nicely done game...thanks everyone for all the posts

  111. did anyone else still have the brown box when they escaped?

  112. There's a video walk through on YouTube

  113. Quite annoyed with camera bug because if you mess with camera when you need to take pic of it (like I forgot to put battery in camera) it freezes the game and your only option is to restart

    Trust me on my word, I'm known to almost never make things up to gain some attention. :)
    I rather want players' attention so that they be alerted on things that may happen.

  114. Hah, that may have been the "bug fix"!

    I've just played a bit with the battery, and tried to use the camera UNZOOMED with the battery removed.
    Then I used the camera again without the battery before the picture. Put battery in explicitly and then I could zoom out. Finally I can continue. (My, my...)

  115. @Sue thnks for the last battery and all the other help!!
    Came back and... yes out!!
    Great game.....

  116. Thanks everyone for the wonderful hints. I needed them EVERY step of the way! Great game. Great teamwork!

  117. My legs are tired from going up and down that ladder so many times!

  118. It's rather my fingers that hurt from changing back and forth the batteries 9874126 times!

    Out as well.

    HINT for final puzzle: There is NO REACTION if you set the wire connections correctly. You have to RELY upon your good eye and then "blindly" press the 'action' button with the flash symbol. That it's a flash symbol is plainly logical, since it's a Flash game. (muahahahaha)

    Seriously this game had the quality and complexity of Gatamari's ones.

  119. Cyberjar, There's a video walk through on YouTube

  120. I'm still puzzled because I didn't get to use the last picture hint--with the flowers, box and moon, and I had a key that hadn't been used. It makes me wonder if there's another end.

  121. At the introduction it says there are two endings.

  122. Hrmph...

    Looks to me that the second ending can only be reached if you DO NOT put the moon into the door slot first time (since you won't be able to take it out of there again later).

    But ... there must also be a way to get the flower off its position, and that as far as I could see does not seem possible.

  123. I only found the second end apparently... the one where you set the moon. I'll have to play again without setting the moon.

    Amazing game!!!

  124. very difficult. thanks for all the tips in here couldn't have solved it without them.

  125. What a great game!! Loved, loved, loved it.

  126. Can't get car to push moon. Just goes to zoom. And I have a key I haven't found a use for. Has anyone opened the blue door?

  127. key opens window above sink and gives you a brown box.

  128. stuck. Can't open brown box or find use for it.

  129. out with brown box and hammer ending.

  130. Hi, I'm working on a WT but it takes a long time - here's the 1st part

    Walk Around and Around and Finally Through

    (I'll try to be concise but I might start having too much fun)

    In first scene note:

    4 spinning faces on round box on triangular table: circle, square, star, triangle.
    Grid pattern on brown box on green shelf
    Red-striped doll with eyes akimbo
    BATTERY 1 in dead AC unit (take it!)
    Non-working light fixture seems to have something in it.
    You can move cushions on seats but there's nothing there.

    Turn left (why not?)!

    Note green-striped doll with eyes down.
    Go to clock-like wall hanging and take BLACK MARBLE (the shiny one).
    Get YELLOW MARBLE under the star cushion.
    Look at pictures; for one you need a wrench, for the other a clue.

    Left again:

    Look at trash-can-like cylinder. You'll need a screwdriver. What, you didn't bring one?
    Look at fish on wall. Turn it over to find a thermometer. Note the symbols for warm and cold temperatures. Also note the current temperature is 21 but there is a mark at 7.
    You need a # code for box left of door.

    Left again!

    Note blue-striped fella's screwy eyes. Btw you have to zoom on all clues in this game; spoilers don't work.
    Under him is the box you can open with the clue from the 3 dolls. Get a CAMERA. It seems to work but you need an SD to access the battery compartment!
    Here's a drawer you can open and one you can't, a TV that doesn't work, and a snail with a GREEN MARBLE (which you take) for an eye.
    Now look down at the strange carpet, reveal a hatchway and just inside it a REMOTE. No battery. Drat!
    But if you put the one battery you have into it, and turn on the TV, you get the clue for the spinning-heads box. (You have to imagine that you're looking out of the head with star eyes.) Get a SCREWDRIVER! Celebrate your triumph by noticing that you'll need another screwdriver to get into this one! But with this we can get started.

    Unscrew the lid of the brown-white cylinder, find WEIRD GREEN BOX. It makes no sense whatsoever. Go back to TV and notice there are 3 channels; 3 is black but on 2 there is a heart shape which is like the dragonflies' wings in the picture. Thanks to Drisana for figuring out that you need to TAKE A PICTURE of this screen. But first you need film.

    Notice on the AC unit there is a bracket which indicates that you can use 2 batteries on the left side to operate the thermostat. Take the batteries from REMOTE and CAMERA (using (SD), insert them, press power button. It's 21 degrees all right. Let's make it 7, like the fish indicated. Take the batteries back!

    If you go look at the FISH now, you'll find it comes off the wall and into your inventory, and the hook from which it hung is a KEY.

    Use KEY on brown box for FILM. Now insert batteries in camera and remote, and film in camera, and take a picture of Channel 2. Write down what you see – you only get one look at it, and if you click, it's gone. (You can take the picture again.) Use the clue, on the dragonfly pic, get SNOWMAN with missing arm. Your SD kinda looks right for him. Try it on for his other arm. His arm pops out, you have a KEY. Use this one on the drawer near the TV. Get THING FOR WEIRD GREEN BOX. Put the TFWGB into the WGB. Close the lid, zoom in, and find the place where the central spinning shape is all blue (it's on the right). The 4 squares will then reveal numbers that open the safe near the blue door.

    Open that and find SNOWMAN'S OTHER ARM. If now you about-item your SNOWMAN, put his KEY Arm in, take your SD, then add other arm, the grid on his belly forms a pattern that matches the brown box where you found the FILM. Go put SNOWMAN on box, open it, find another KEY!

    This KEY opens the black door: you are in Room 2.

  131. Part 2:

    Take red book from grey box; in pictures it tells you that flowers need warmth to bloom. The tulips are cold. Notice you'll need to use a wrench here too.

    'Punk Fashion' lady on cabinet on wall has a face shaped just like your fish. Put it there and you can open cabinet, get PINEAPPLE CAN.
    There's a doll w/o a head. Up to your left is a black box that needs a key and a BLUE MARBLE behind a plant. White box under tulips is place to put marbles. To get the red one, you need to go back to the thermostat and make it warm (21) again. Then find RED MARBLE on one of the tulips. (Don't forget to take your batteries back! You'll get used to this)

    Now put the 5 MARBLES in their respective colored slots, close lid, get KEY! Use it on the green closet door to the right. Get LADDER.

    Place LADDER under broken light, get DOLL's HEAD. Take LADDER back.

    Put HEAD on doll in 2nd room. One of its arms is an SD! Use it on your SD, get PENCIL.

    Use PENCIL on last (red) page of RED BOOK. Get clue for doll's arms. Reverse right and left, because the doll is facing you. Doll's head pops up; out comes a KEY. Use it on the black box, get CAN OPENER. Open PINEAPPLE CAN, eat pineapple, get DISK.

    Put DISK in lid of white box and click 3 times to make it line up. The arrows and lines tell you how to move the marbles; switch black and green, etc. Do this, close lid again, get WRENCH.

    Use WRENCH on gray box to reveal a tiny passageway into the wall; use it on the bird picture to find CAR; use on LADDER to extend it. Put extended LADDER down hatchway, go to basement!

  132. what do i do with the dragonfly pic i have the clue but i still cant figure it out! help me please!

  133. Zoom on doll w/ antenna head; turn around to see 3 switches. Click on 3 to turn Channel 3 on. Then look down at the plant; beneath it is a REMOTE CONTROL for the CAR. Below that, in the water, there's something else.

    Then return to TV and look at channel 3. Here you see Star, Moon, Planet, Star, reversed Moon. These will be numbers for the safe downstairs (sort of). While you're here, take the single battery out of the CAR CONTROLLER, put all 3 in the thermostat, and you can now operate the lights as well.

    Notice the light from the window makes an arrow which points to a hole in the wall. Look at star-shaped cushion, get #3. Look at planet on door, get #4. Go downstairs to look at the moon. (This once, you can leave the batteries there, but you have to turn on the light to leave)

    Click to the right of the yellow door, see moon on floor near sink. Pick it up, Oh No we're doomed. But you can see a place to knock a hole in the wall, if you had a hammer. Put the moon back for now. Get BUCKET. Go to safe and enter numbers, remembering to 'reverse' the second moon number. Get HANDLE. The safe doesn't open yet.

    Put HANDLE on sink and fill BUCKET. Use BUCKET in hole under plant, get JAR with CRANK. Return upstairs, turn off the lights again (can't find hole with them on), insert and turn CRANK. Get your batteries and go downstairs.

    The gear picture has opened to reveal a SPADE and a PAPER (on the floor). Use SPADE in plant to find another BATTERY. Go to the picture frame on middle shelf, turn it around and install the PAPER. Put a battery in your camera and take picture of it. Flower – box with cold symbol – moon. Looks like we need to change the temp again. Go upstairs again, to 2nd room.

    Load your 4 BATTERIES into CAR and CONTROLLER. Place CAR at entrance of tunnel, use CONTROLLER on it, return downstairs.

    Find KEY (and retrieve CAR) under the gear picture. This KEY baffled me for a while, but it's used on the safe above the sink that looks like a porthole. Get BOX WITH COLD SYMBOL. This box will only open if you turn off the lights again and place it in front of the window. It gives you GOLD HANDLE. Before you leave, change the temperature to 7 again, then get your batteries.

    Go put the GOLD HANDLE on the safe downstairs and open it; get HAMMER. Now go get the moon. First pick it up, turn around, and break out a hole with your HAMMER. (Only works if it's cold I think.) Put BATTERIES in CAR and CONTROLLER again. Then replace moon and put CAR behind it. Back out once, use CONTROLLER, get MOON. Notice that the wall that came down is the closet wall from upstairs. A new room has been revealed!

    Save your game at this point if you want to try for the 2nd ending. Put the MOON in the slot in the moon door, it opens to reveal a wiring terminal. Also there is a 5th BATTERY in a small hole on the right side. Go upstairs to the closet, install 5 BATTERIES, press button, arrange the connections so that the colors match, return downstairs to press button at connection and get final DOOR KEY.

    My save didn't work, so I might replay to find the 2nd ending – but tomorrow. I think you have to keep the moon (not put it n the door) but I'm not sure what you do with it.

  134. omg! is anyone else having trouble getting car to move moon? i place car behind the moon, zoom out get controller and try to get car to move and all that happens is i zoom back onto car and moon.

  135. I think the game author updated the game and fixed it to one ending, the bottom says there is only 1 end now. Darn, I wanted to replay for the other end.

  136. That was the best game ever. Thank you to the makers and all the players who have helped me through it. Spent 31/2 hours yesterday and came back for another 30 mins this morning. Great way to spend time, Please can we have some more?

  137. One of the easiest 5-star raings I've ever given. This game goes to show how careful planning, meticulous developing and good ideas team up to make an excellent game.

    Gamershood is doing good service by providing games every day - but developers like Neutral, Tesshi-e or TomaTea - and Kotorinosu, of course - are the perfect exhibits that making real good escape games takes a lot of time.

    As for me, I'm perfectly OK with having to wait a lot if the result is games like this.


  138. Something interesting: I got out without ever opening the wooden box I got from behind the mirror in the bottom room. After I got out, I read through the comments and only then did I realize the box can be open. so, I wanted to reload my last saved game, but all i could do was restarting it completely. Upon doing so, I already had the photograph (showing where to put the box) and the wooden box itself in the inventory - but neither of them were clickable (and now that I obtained the box, i have two of them in the inventory - one clickable, the other one still isn't). I played through the game until the point I was about to open the wooden box, and I did so - but I'm unable to take that golden faucet tap out of it. I suppose I could use it on the safe in the bottom room to open it?

    Also, I placed the RC car behind the moon figure, stepped out of the room and tried to move the car with the controller - but can't.

    So it seems that once I beat the game I can't do it again, unless I use the "clear data" option in the option menu. Doing so and then reloading the page does, indeed bring back the initial state of the game.


  139. Yep: now i see I got a hammer from the safe and I was supposed to break that crumbled corner of the sliding door to be able to take the moon out with the RC car. I never did that the first time, just drove the car right out without using the hammer (which i never got from the safe in the first place). Might be a minor bug?


  140. I think the game author updated the game and fixed it to one ending, the bottom says there is only 1 end now. Darn, I wanted to replay for the other end.

    Well, I can't complain if the horrid freezing bug with the camera and the photographs was fixed on the way, too!

  141. Just1, Thank you so much for the brilliant w/t. I picked up where i left off last night, and when i got stuck, used your w/t as and when needed. What a mammoth task you undertook!! Congratulations and once again, Thank you so very much. I have a suspicion that Cryin Peachest from EEEEE!News Live may be talking about your Oscar in chatbox within the next couple of days.

  142. off-topic: if anyone is feeling a little bored, you may want to look on Kotorinosu's blog, . A bit further below, there's an excellent interactive Sudoku diagram for you to solve.
    (Difficulty: medium easy, been through in 5 minutes, but I think that was too long ;))

  143. Wow - this game was amazing! Thanks for leaving all the clues and finally a walkthrough!

  144. This is one of the best escape the room games I've ever played!

  145. Horrible game. Very hard to see anything with horrible graphics (too white). Got TV on but clue for turning heads on box doesn't work. After reading other clues it's obvious game has glitches and clues confusing or non-existent. One star.

  146. OUUHH! This one was the hardest I've done; could'nt do it without walkthough!

  147. A MONSTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    A MONSTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    A MONSTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    thank you :)


    OOps sorry bout caps...I type watching the keyboard and didn't notice until I'd typed it all...and I wasn't going to retype lol

  149. best game!!!!! more than tesshi-e

  150. Absolutely StuPENdous game! And @just1, thank you so much for the first rate WT. The ONLY thing I didn't care for about this game was the writing on things - I thought I was going to go blind! But, as it turns out, we didn't really need to read the writing, anyway.
    Thank you so very much, @Kotorinosu!

  151. It would be really helpful if those of you who have finished the game could please tell me how to make the car move the moon - like in the WT. I only get it to zoom.

    PLEASE HELP!!!!!

  152. Well it would help if the video WT was correct!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you so much to Just1 for the written walkthrough.

    And a pity there weren't more helpful people like Just1 playing this game.

  153. Dear everyone,

    this game is sure to have a bug on
    "place the moon then use the car"
    my video WT perfectly demonstrate this
    (after I took the photo of heart)

    The older version is like what i recorded in the 13~mins WT, you can OUT!!! without getting the hammer,golden handle, spade key and the wooden box

    While, in the latest version(I don't know whether mini-san has fixed that bug or not, no description for that) you must let the car to arrive at the exit in downstair, otherwise no moon item for you even you put the car behind the starting mark

    That all I want to say, here I apologize for people who watched my WT(older version), the method "to get out after the 'wooden box'", please refer to the video WT at 10:45
    I am really sorry for that...m(_)m

  154. And a pity there weren't more helpful people like Just1 playing this game.

    Seems I do have to comment to this, in behalf of all the other helpful people!! For instance, I just thought it was a good idea to point out how to insert the TWO (not yet three) batteries to get the display working.
    And I also read lots of helpful posts of Lottie and Drisana (tons of...)

    So if you really think that just1 was the only helpful person here, I must say that you just couldn't be bothered to read the first page of comments!!!

    Reminds me of my uncle who always insists that something was not written in his manual.
    Sure, because he's a lazy git and just knows he can save lots of time when asking me, getting his answers on the silver tray. Way to go, mankind!

  155. @ Lottie No problem, thanks a lot for all your help :)

    and thanks Just1 for Wt and alls for your useful comments

  156. This game was great ! But I would have given up without just1's excellent walkthrough !

  157. yep true @ arbeitslooser ..i think Lottie & Drisana are the one who finished the game gav all hints, afterward Robberto & sue helped me alot ....there are other players also who helped .....

    & just 1 ...thanx for walkthru ..:)

  158. This is the best game in years... !!!! 5 stars forever

  159. sue too! Indeed ... TY raasti, we shouldn't forget about her :)

  160. ok.. found my way out, so never mind :)

  161. Easily one of the best escape games I've ever played. Kotorinosu is a sign of quality!

  162. Finally I'm out! Kotorinosu is one of the best games I have ever played. Thanks to everyone who posted comments here, the ones who could go out and the ones who couldn't. All your questions and answers were precious hints for me. Greetings to all of you from the Dominican Republic. Thanks again!!!

  163. Just1, congratulations for your hard job and your dedication to help others. I'm sorry I didn't see your WT before. It took me a really long time to solve it. Ufff!!! I have to get some sleep, it's 1:36 AM here.

  164. Amazing game. Seemed so difficult while trying to figure things out, but when the answer presented itself (Or I peeked for clues) the answer was so logical and simple.

    5 stars easy, would give more if I could.

    Thank you for this game!

  165. Wow! Simply fabulous game! Needed lots of help, but loved it!

  166. Note: slight bug with the box with red green blue sliders. I think you have to enter the combinations without switching screens, otherwise it won't open.

  167. These games are maddening but SOOOOO good. 10 stars

  168. Excellent game. Maybe it was my pc but my game lagged a bit.

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